u K HOUSE P O It G J OBELISK FLOUR I i W have j u s fc received a shipment of OBELISK f jXOrii, and we want .you to try a bag of it. The f pviee is a little higher, but the quality is there. And ..nilter that nice Pound Cake if you haven't tried it. J. VV. ALLSBROOK. Clean, Up-To-Date, Progressive. 2, We are in your vicinity for your benefit and it is our sole purpose to olease everyone. If you have or iave not visited our store we desire that you do so at your next opportuni ty. We do not ask you to spend money, but wish for you to come in and spend those spare moments. Our line is complete, consisting of everything of a modern pharmacy. Eastman's Kodaks and supplies, Conklin Fountain Pens and Guth's Candies a specialty. Your doctor's prescriptions can be accurately compounded. The Crescent Pharmacy Inc, Telephone Number Forty-Six. i -mTS '-.Vy"? ?i LI "1 A j! FOR MEN. We l;ave recently received a shipment or WHITE ( HOI'S B SHOES FOR MEN. r-vv erst : oiioes i a tho country It will pay you to use L. WAXMAN, The Store 7 bat Undersells, The Baltimore Store. 6 h vs. rasr n $ is upon us anc t heating stove. 001 iet ine Wilson heater It will cut your wood use coal for fuel, you should buy the I It Will Cllt VOUr COai l sret these heaters at our Wl . 1 i. v CI " ff & ir J Pioneer Hardware Dealers I Scotland Neck, vj I'M 3 1 i u Prices from $ Allsbroo v? Men' s and Boys' Outfitters. O O D 11 O C E R I E 0 Telephone Eighty-One. . U P 3 ! 3 f . f They are positively the 'J 11 e t I i I &4 mm e i ! it is time to see about that If you use wood for fuel bill half. If you $ Dill halt. YOU Can Vested in her place. Mrs. Claude I . . . . 1 . "11 XI store. See them. T3 0 I :7i m j 0 ) 0 North Carolina Mew Fall Clothes For fOys. New Suits for the boys made from the best wearing fabric we could find and made with extreme care by expe rienced tailors. Every suit has tape bound pockets and extra good stiffening in the eoat front insuring its shape retention until worn out. They are suits both parents and the boy will be proud cf. Better come in today while sizes are all here and make your selection. 50 to $10.00. k SOYETTE, Items Gathered Prom the Town and Country. The good roads commission meets Monday. The county commissioners meet at Halifax Monday. ' '.. Mr. P. E. Shields is with the Scot land Neck Furniture Co. The news comes from Philadelphia that Mr. G. Hoffman is getting along very nicely. Capt. T. W. Tillery has been ap pointed cotton weigher for the town of Sot!and Neck. Mr. Chas. Steptoo is uow with J. L. Josey and will handle dry goods as well as groceries. Sea the advertisement of M. Hoff man & Brother in this issue. They are talking about fall goods. Coal bills are a large .part of your living expenses reduced both by using Cole's Hot Blast Heaters. There will be a special train from here to , Rocky Mount to-morrow (Friday) on account of the circus. Rev. Glenn Snitzee will preach at Nahala Presbyterian church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and evening at 7;30 o'clock. Mr. J. A. Harrison lost a nice horse one day last week. The horse is supposed to have died from the disease called "blind staggers." We hear there will be another big horse race here on Thanksgiving f j Day and home people will be re H i sponsible for the purses. Mr. J. B. Jones has recently bonght cf Mr. Wilson Allsbrook his residence on Main street, Mr. Alls brook expects so a smaller house in the near future. Fed Dawson, a very worthy old colored man, living near Dawson X Roads, died Saturday, Sent. 20th. as- - 1 rjn TT 1 T7 It ' p icu lueais. uncierea leavesawiie ! rn:t several children. Uncle Fed ; wp.s liked and respected by the white ! people of Ilis community. He was ; what is called an "old time Colored man" and it is sad to realize that this class of colored people is fat growing les3. FulreH-Moore. An invitation reading as follows , has been received at this office: Mr. and Mrs. John P. Futrell invite you to be prt-sent at the marriage of their daughter Katherine Tillery to Rev. Arthur Oliver Moore on Tuesday Morning, October fourteenth nineteen hundred and thirteen, at nine thirty o'clock Baptist Church Scotland Nerk, North Carolina At home Warsaw, N. C. Tfce Round Table C!i?D. The first meeting of the year was with Mrs. C. W. Albertson at her home near Scotland Neck. In the absence of Mrs. E. T. White head Mrs. Alberts jn gave a very in teresting synopsis of Hamlet the first play to be read by the Club this year Mrs. Ckrk could not act as Sec. and Tress, so Mrs. R. C. Josey was Kitchin was elected to fill the vacan cy caused by the resignation of Miss Mary Herbert Smith. The first Acts of Hamlet was read the ladies in the Club taking the dif- I ferent characters, A dainty salad course was served by Mrs. J. H. Durham, Mrs. Albertson, and Miss. Bertha Albertson. Mrs. Clark asked the Club to meet ! with her Oct. 4th and her invitation j was accepted with pleasure. SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. m The Coming, Going and Whereabouts of Our People and Other folks." Mrs. E. B. Allsbrook, of Green ville, is here on a visit to relatives. Mrs. H. C. Dickens is in Norfolk this week visiting relatives. Mrs. Robert Council, of Oak City, is a pleasant visitor to her friends in town this week. Mr. Jas. B. Hall is at home again after a stay of several weeks in a hospital in Norfolk, Va. Mrs. Carrie Ward spent a few days this veek on a visit to her sis ter, Mrs. Charlie Walston. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Perry, of Norfolk Va. are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Butterworth. Mis3 Huldah Elizabeth Staton went to Norfolk Friday to visit rel atives and friends for several days. Miss Dahlia Lee Staton returned home Monday from iTarboro where she has been visiting relatives for several weeks. Rev. A. 0. Moore, of Warsaw, was here Monday, enroute Roanoke Rap ids, where he is this week conducting a revival meeting. Miss Jewel Etheridge returned to her home in Whitakers Sunday, after visiting relatives and friends here for several days. Misses Kate and Annie White re turned to their home Thursday af ternoon from a visit to relatives and friends near Whitakers. Mr. James Paull Fenner, of Ral eigh, has been here with friends the past week. We understand our young friend contemplates farming in this section another year. Misses Lottie and Fannie John ston, accompanied by Miss Minnie Barfield, attended the marriage of Miss Pearl Johnston to Mr. Russell Whitehead, in Enfield, last week. Mr. J. K. Brown, who ha3 been manager of the Cresent Pharmacy Inc., since Jan. 1st., left Tuesday for Greenville, where he will enter buisness for himself. Mr. Joseph House takes the place of Mr. Brown at the Cresent. Mrs. George A. PHtnnn. The subject of this sketch was born near Halifax, January 9, 1842, and so was nearing her seventy-second year when she died Sunday night, September 28, 1913, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. L. Allsbrook. Before her marriage to Mr. Geo. A -Pittman nearly fifty years ago, she was Miss Annie Priscilla Bur gess, daughter of Wm. and Mary Burgess. She had one sister and one brother, Mr. T. C. Burgess of Rocky Mount. The sister, a twin sister, preceded her to the better land. In her girlhood days she heard the call of God and gave herself to Him, and in a quiet and unassuming way she . tried to serve Him. For more than fifty years she was a member of the Methodist church. Mrs. Pittman was the true and de voted mother of nine children, seven of whom lived to manhood nd wo manhood. Six of these are now liv ing viz. R. W. Pittman, G. A. Pitt man and Mrs. C. M. Pemberton of Rocky Mount, Mrs. C. L. Allsbrook of Scotland Neck, and Mrs. J. R. Burt and Horace M. Pittman, who live near Halifax. Mrs. W. E. Bishop another daughter died a few years ago. Since her husband's death, sev eral years ago in Scotland Neck, she has made her home with her young est son, Mr. Horace M. Pittman, at her old home place near Halifax. For many years she has been in declining health but was a patient sufferer through all her illness. She realized that the end was near and told her loved ones that all was well and that she did not fear to go and so Sunday night she fell asleep to wake on the other sidf, free from weakness and suffering. Her remains were carried to Whitakers Chapel, her old home church, and there in the presence of her brother, all her children, other loved ones and friends she was buried by. the side of her husband. May God's rich and comforting grace sustain and strengthen all the sorrowing ones and keep them to the end. Cheap Paint. TJiere are 1000 "cheap" paints and a dozen really cheap ones. That double word "cheap" is the cause of wasting more than good paint costs, two or three times over. Cheap paint is good paint; there is no other; no other is cheap. The two words sound alike but there meanings are opposite. "Cheap" costs double. Chcjap is Devoe. E. T. Whitehead Company sell it Cores Old Sons. Otter BeaedHs WWf Cura The worst cases, no ma(Jfcf f bow long tend "B. " j k ., worfdirful. old reliable r- !.J. .I Halinf Oil. It relies Pain "nd Heals at the syne time. 36c, 60c, $1.01 I OYSTERS! From now on I will handle Oysters every Saturday and fresh Sausage and Pork through the week. Fresh Cor by's Bread every day. I also handle j Cold Metal Butter I and nice Mullets, Telephone me your orders foi groceries N. HERRING. Telephone 124. Hon. Walter Murphy, of Rowan count, was chosen speaker of the House to succeed Hon. G. W. Con nor, who resigned to accept the ap pointment of Judge of the Superior Court. Mr. Murphy is a legislator of experience and is well fitted for the position. TIIK HOME OF PCHE DRTTGS" WEDDING Why worry what to give? Just telephone, us and cay what you want it to cost, and we will select something that will be appreciated and ad mired for its beauty and qual ity, also pack it free of cost. We .carry a full line of the famous L. E. Waterman Fountain Pens. Also a full line of his new styles. E.T. Whitehead Comp'y, DRUGGISTS, WE DO IT RIGHT AND QUICK Telephone Seventy-Five. 0 0 re ! V e J $ m P A fresh shipment $ $ of Corby's Bread J I received every day. Give Us Your Order. 4 Prompt delivery to S any part of town, $ $ and wc thank you 2 for your patronage. Jere Bunch Grocery Co. $ Telephone No. 29. J - X I SHOES! o We have all sizes to fit the the baby and the grown-ups. t Deiore Duymg youi wimu SHOES ! drop in and see the bargains t we have to show you. We .a t have the Wear-Well Stock- ings to go with them also. Hats and Caps. Yp wp have them. too. T " ' Sheeting. Shirting, Overalls, and Clothing. Don t forget these different lines, all new this fall, and the prices so t low, that is the main thing, o ! Wiison Allsbrook. GIFTS It is' The Ambition of Every father to set? his boy some day securely fixed ici a nice busi ness. If you save 11101103 no other purpose, why not bein now putting money in the bank for YOUR BOY'S FUTURE? Perhaps that same money that will set your boy up in business will make a eomfort- able old age. Do YOUR four per cent interest oh Planters & Commercial Bank. Scotland Neck, N. C. fffmMsyll:s air v tne metnoa house. Stove heat is conceded by au thorities generally to be the most healthy, but if you haven't a almost willing to risk the health part of it, and adopt some other means. THE STOVES WE SELL are scientifically made to consume less fuel and throw out more heat than any others on the market. They are smoke consuming base burners of the latest pat tern and sell at prices to please all. 3 P Just received a cer of Mtiftresses ancl Sprites. See our Blankets, Comforts and Pillows before buying. Scotland Neck Furniture Company, TI-JE HOME It would be hard to find nnyvvhere in this section a better selection of Fall and Winter' Goods than our purchased while in New York Phil adelphia and Baltimore. He took time and made purchases with a view to Quality, Style and Prices. We will tell you more about these goods next week. Drop in and take a look, for we can pleass everybody. Burroughs -Pittman Wheeler Company Everybody's Store. Scotland Neck Burroughs-Pittman-Vvlieeler Co. (Successors to N. U. Josey Company's Unrlertking Business.) 0 0 c o 0 0 Coffins Caskets. A Complete Line of Undertaker's Supplies. HEARSC SERVICE AT ANY TINE. Burroughs-Pittman-Wheeicr Co., Scotland Neck, N. C banking with US. We pay SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. used in heatino- the good stove, you'll be OUTFITTERS. 1 Burial Robes. ft m II I .v it j: i'i I La l 1 ii i t IS B B 4 tt: KM IV. .." . 4 Mr.1! it fig it- in m I. Ti ,f 4 it 1 M ft'- till ';. -9 0 0 p p p p t p p p p I' it. '' t?; ' '! 0 i.1 ' 4r?