0000000000000!0f : molecules are invisible. HELPFUL WORDS irfs Life I Yet Their Tracks Through Space Can r. o o o o o o "I want to tell you what wonderful benefit I have re ceived from the use of Thedford's Black-Draught," writes Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky. "It certainly has no equal for la grippe, bad colds, liver and stomach troubles. I firmly believe Black-Draught saved my little girl's life. When she had the measles, they went in on her, but one good dose of Thedford's Black-Draught made them break out, and she has had no more trouble. I shall never be without THEDFO in my home." For constipation, indigestion, headache, dizzi ness, malaria, chills and fever, biliousness, and all simila ailments, Thedford's Black-Draught has proved itself a safe, reliable, gentle and valuable remedy. If you suffer from any of these complaints, try Black Draught It is a medicine of known merit Seventy-five years of splendid success proves its value. Good for young and old. For sale everywhere. Price 25 cents. J J-63 Low Round-Trip Rates OPEN TO THE PUBLIC will be made for the following Special Occasions via the ATLANTIC COAST LINE Standard Railroad of The South New Orleans, La. Grain Dealers National Associa tion, October 14-16. Dates of sale, October 11, 13. 13. Final limit. Oc tober 18, 1913, except that by de posit of ticket and payment of $1.00 an extension until November 8 may be obtained. Fares apply from all stations. Tulsa, Okia. International Dry-Farming Con gress and International Soil Pro ducts Exposition, October 22-No-vember 1. Dates of sale October 18, 19, 20, 21. Final limit, Novem ber 6, 1913. Fares apply from all staJons. Nashville, Tenn. Sauthern Educational Convention, October 30-November 1. Dates of saie, Gctober 28, 29. Final limit, November 5, 1913. Fares apply from all stations. Knoxville, Tenn. National Conservation Exposition September 1-November 1 . Dates of sale, August 30 to November 1, in clusive. Final limit, to reach origi nal starting point ten days after date of sale, except that by deposit of ticket and payment of $1 00 a 30 day extension may be obtained, but in no case beyond Lovember 3, 1913. Fares apply from all stations. New Orleans, La. United Daughters of the Confed eracy, November 11-15. Dates of sale, November 8, 9, 10, 11. Final limit, November 19, 1913, except that by deposit of ticket and pay ment of $1.00 an extension until December 6 may be obtained. Fares apply from all stations. For rates, schedules, reservations and any further information apply to Ticket Agents or the A T I. A N T I C COAST LINE Standard Railroad of The South or write the undersigned, T. C. White, W. J. Craig, Gen. Pass, Agt. Pas. Traf . Mgr. Wilmington, N. C. RUB-R3Y-TII Will cure "your Rheumatism Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts and Burns, Old Sores, Stings of Insects Etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used in ternally and externally. Price 25c. Notice. North Carolina In Superior Court, Halifax County ( Nov. Term, 1913. Lizzie Davis, Plaintiff vs. Ben Davis, Defendant. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Halifax county for the purpose of obtairin?- a di vorce; and the said defendant- will further take notice that the is re quired to appear at the term i.z the Superior Court of said county to be held on the twelfth Monday after the first Monday in September, at the court house of said county, in Halifax, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for tho relief demand ;J in said complaint. This 23rd day of September, 1915. S. M. GARY. Clerk Superior Court. A. Paul Kitchin, Attorney for Plaintiff. The Great Jlntisepiic 'Pain Reliever for MAN and BEAST. MEXICAN . Notice. Having qualified as administratrix upon the estate of T. H. Edmond son, deceased, late of Halifax coun ty, North Carolina, I hereby notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them, duly verified, to the undersigned for pay ment within one year from the date of this notice, or said notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate please make immediate settlement. This September 25th, 1913. Elizabeth Edmondson, Administratrix. Kitchin & Smith, Att'y. 'Cfte 2Jes Emergency Remedy for Farmers, Stock-raisers and Household use. Speedily relieves Spavins, Swin ney. Harness Sores and Qalls, Shoe Boils, Strains and Lameness in Horses; Caked Udder and Sore Teats in Cattle and Ailments of Poultry. SAFE AND SURE. Being made of oils it soaks down straight to the bone, banishes pain and saves suffering. Only oil lini ments can soak through muscle and tissue. Alcohol liniments evaporate before they can be absorbed by the flesh besides they are dangerous when used near a fire or lamp. Mexican MusTang Liniment will not bum even though a lighted match be applied. Mexican MusTsng Lin iment is THE SAFE as well as the SURE-TO-CURE remedy. COMMENDED BY A PARMER. Greensboro, Ga As long ago as I can remember I have known of Mustang Liniment. I al ways keep it in my house and if anv of my family get injured in any way, such a3 sprains, cuts, bruises, and, in fact, in many accidents that happen I always use Mus tang Liniment. On my horses and stock T f!T71- Vl 1 TT Ir tC 1 1 " ... - , .Uu! uamy aujinra else it is far cheaper than doctors' bills. I com- Bc Discerned. ! It came to be evident about the mid i die of the last century that, In order ; to explain certain facts connected with i the relative weights of gases, matter ' must not merely consist of atoms, hut that these atoma must have the power of uniting iu small groups. In form ing a compound, indeed, this must be so. For instance, carbonic acid gas must consist of one atom of carbon, which, along -with two atoms of oxy gen, forms a small group of three atoms. The novelty of the conception was In the notion that oxygen itself, in the state of gas, as it exists, for example, in the air, consists of small groups of atoms; in this case, two. To such small groups of atoms was given the name molecules. A molecuie is that portion of a substance which can exist in the free state, as oxygen does in air. An atom generally exists in combination, but atoms may and sometimes do ex ist separately, in which caso they also are termed molecules. Now, can molecules be seen? Is their existence a mere assumption? The an swer to that question is. No, they can not be seen, but artificial molecules can bo made which correspond so closely In their behavior to real mole cules that the existence of real mole cules is piactically certain. Moreover, although no one has ever seen a mole cule, still the track of a molecule mov ing through space has been seen, and. Just as Robinson Crusoe was right in inferring the existence of man Friday from his footstep imprinted In the sand, so the real existence of a mole cule may just as certainly be inferred from the track it leaves. Sir William Ramsay in Harper's. COLD COMFORT. it Had Came After the Little Faker Got His Punishment. The east end small boy had sadly misbehaved and was locked in his room. Pretty soon his "mother heard him calling. "Mnvver," said the shrill voice, "I'm goin' to bust the window and fall out!" The mother made no reply. Again the shrill voice arose: "Muvver, I'vo found somo matches, an' I'm goin' to set fire to the cur tains." The mother remained indifferent. Once more the voice hailed her: "Muvver, don't you smell sumflq,' burnin'?" Even this drew no re sponse. "If you don't Smell nothla'," tfia voice -went on, "if 'cause I pulled oft all th' match heads an swallowed 'em, an' I'm goin to die. Do you hear that, muvver; I'm goin' to die." By this time the mother-was thor oughly incensed, and, hastily preparing a cup of mustard and hot water, she hurried upstairs. "If you've swallowed match heads," she announced, "you'll have to swal low this to keep them company." And then she poured the nauseating stuff down his throat. A little later the aggravating young ster, sadder, wiser and much humbled, concluded to take the balance of his punishment in silence. 'I didn't really swallow the matches, muvver," ho contritely explained. "I knew you didn't, sonny," replied the mother.-Cleveland Plain Dealer. From a Citizen of Scotland Neck. Is your back lame and painful? ! Does it ache especially after ex- ' - . i i 1-v ? la there a soreness in the kidney region? These symptoms suggest weak kidneys. If so there is dancer in delay. Weak kidneys get fast weak. Give your trouble prompt atten tion. Dean's Kidney Pills are for weak kidneys. Yohs neighbors use and recom mend them. Read this Scotland Neck testi mony: Mrs. T. F. Gray, S. Main Stree', Scotland Neck, N. C, says: "My experience with Doari's Kid ney Pills has convinced mc that they are a remedy of merit. My back and head ached severely and I had dizzy spells and other symstoms cf kidney complaint. Finally I pro cured a supply of Doan's Kidney Pills at E. T. Whitehead Company's drug store and it did not take them long to remove my trouble." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United states. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Avoid Sedative Ccagb Medicines. If you want to contribute directly to the occurrence of capillary bron chitis and pneumonia use cough medicines that contain codine, mor phine, heroin and other sedatives when you have a cough or cold. An expectorant like Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is' what is needed. That cleans out the culture beds or breeding places for the germs of pneumonia and other germ diseases. Thnt is why pneumonia never re suits from a cold when Chamber bin's Cough Remedy is used. It has a world wide reputation for its our??,. It contains no morphine or other sedative. For sale by all dealers. Best Form of Prayer. "Ti tit hMrU of man jual vow in are filled, with heavenly love, a power which raakes for righteousness constantly emanates frora thoia. Those who pray withe their lives o.' ?er the most effective prayor rn though they do not utter Chauneey Gilea. toother's Tonoue. "Don't yon realize the power of the mother tongue?"" asked the yonntt man who professed interest in literature. "Yes, and so does father." replied the young woman. Buffalo Express. Mostly All Talk. "I don't feel quite well, doctor. Do you think I could o to a coffee party this afternoon?" "Certainly, miss. Your tongue is all right." Flieeonde Blatter. For croup or soie throat vjs Thomas' Eclectic Oil. Two t 25 and 50c. All drug stores. Dr. izes Thcrs Are Others. In our adolescent inexperience wo cherished the notion that hotel clf.rka and book store attaches wcro th most conspicuous of the u:;infcellinnts. Yesterday, however, a telegraph oper ator objected to cur using: "Juxtapose" In a night letter. "We dc-n't MIow code words," said ho. And for tb,- life of us we couldn't of a snappy comeback. The day of harsh physics is gone. People want miid, easy laxative Doan's regulets have satisfied thous ands. 25 at all drug stores. Live Australian Freaks. A calf, somewhat of a freak of na ture, was born on T. O. Ware's farm at Little Akaroa. Australia, recently. mend it to all farmers ; it will keen their . . liVe lega' -tne extra one work- d stock I families and also their horses an m conaiuon. v ery truly yours, J.D.ANDREWS, farmer. FREE Send for '"Prayer of a Horse. " Large tut SUA 7&At2Z: .HorPrr. LYON MFG. CO., 21 South Fifth St., BROOKLYN, N. Y. n L JT.V 1 1 1 It is not only lishtnina proof but fire-proof and storm-proof, too. CORTRIGHT METAL sit rirci rc last as long as the building and never need reoairs. Inst th tk; ( . .. . . u repairs. . ....8, luwnor country buildings, be .1 Or ccodMon of conic US 1 cS- Ing in a socket In the breastbone. The calf is thriving, and is strong and healthy. Another freak, a lamb, la re ported to have been born at Plat Point Station. It has three ears and eight legs, it did not live Eczema spreads rapidly; itching almost drives you mad. For quick relief, Doan's Ointment is well re commended. 50c at all stores Inspired Famous Hymn. j-uvct mX iiy soul," Is 9 many tradition byn.'n arcund which and sacroi n:oc:r.!!ons cling. The story conr.erifed with its origin may bo keenar.-. b;it it u nr Icijj ,ofi. , ful. Its ;.i:;!;r.r, Charles Wesley, wal j Bitting v.t Ua desk by an coon win. a b;:rl pmsucii l,v n ,r.Tvii s save-1. fnr th. it. Thft InM. uent inspired WcBiey to writs famous lii; 4. dew when flew in. The. bird ! hawk feared to fo'.lo .K. -,L For Sale by w T. W. RUSSELL, Scotland Neck, N. C. Woman loves a clear, rbsv com plexton. Eurdock Blood Bitters is splendid for purifying t the blood, clearing- the skin, restoring pound diction. Ail dru'lot,; ' Wi it Pnce. $1.00. A Gentle and Effective L?satie. A mild, gentle and effective laxa tive is what people demand when suffering from constipation. Thous ands swear by Dr. King's New Life Pills. Hugh Tallman. of San An tonio, Tex., writes: "They are, be yond question, the best pills my wife and I have ever taken." Thev never cause pain. Price 25c at druggist--or by mail. H. E. Bucklen & Qo., Philadelphia or St. Louis. Stork Partial to Klner'3 Domlclls. There seems to be an especial af Inlty between the stork anl the fam ly of Frar.li Bartofchi, a miner at Dickson City, Pa. In ten years the ilrd has brous'tf 12 fcr.bie-3, Including hreo pcirn of tw!;is, p.r.i one set of riplets. Tea cf the children are II r- Chrcnic Dyspepsia. The following unsolicited testi monial should certainly be sufficient to give hope and ccursge to persons afflicted with chronic dyspepsia: "I have been a chronic dvspepUc for yearj, and of all the medicine I hve taken, Chamberlain's Tablets have me more pood than anything else " sa;.s W. G. Mattison, No.' 7 Sher man St.. Korneur-vilie, N. Y. For sale by a!! dealers. Beauty Hint. Red elbows, Eaya the Evening News, are happily a thorn which may he re moved. Saw off the red elbows, eo&k them in a bleaching mixture of un slaked lime, steep them In carbolic acid, and they will never trouble vou again. Cold feefc may be treated similarly. A Marve'oTif F$capc. "My little boy had a marvelous escape," writes P. p. Bastiams, of Prince Albert, Cap- of Good Hope It occur; cd in the middle of the night. He got a very fever attack of croup. As luck would have it, 1 had a large bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the house. After iUl uwlIs me mrections for an hour and twenty minutes he was through all danger." Said by all dealers Banana Skin Law In BrasM whnJ U Soutfawa inques't, in Will CO H -UJ-H rums v.. inan had slipped on a banana skin a Juror said he had been in .Brazil. ani mere if a iwiicn,. K , mw a person throw a banana or orange skin on tho roadway that person was at once ar! rested and nned or gent to prisons London Daily Graphic. i To Prevent Bicod Pof son inr- "DP1??- ones the vronderiuloU reliable DP R,S.ANISPTIC nSAUKG ClS f eical dressinz that relievos Ti., .'," . the same time. Not a liniment. 25c. 50c. Ji.0Jt I Wonsen Who Get Dizzy. Every woman who is troubled with !filnf and dzzy pel,s- backache, headache, weakness, debility, con stipation or kidney troubles should use electric Bitters. Thev give re- h. nln0tfil e,se wil1' improve the health adding strength and vig or from the first dose. Mrs. LauFa It!1IT1PC Af A rsvn T - .va, ua., Bays: hour d..?.on had Kiven me up and mv children and all my friends were ;.. xui me 10 me. when ray son insisted that I use Electric Bitters A i and th3rhave done me a world of good." "Just try them. 50c and $1.00 at all druggists or by mail H. E. Bucklen & Co., Phila delphia or St. Louis. Tips For Tennis Players. One of the f:ult:; oiL.tbe i.'oxpcfi enced doubles player whi.-h is most persistent is fitniidiua; still. This is one of those nwessitios in doubles that are often overlooked. But no partner can do justice to his team unless he moves? after every shot to the cen ter of the sngle of the return, in other words, both.., men must const.inily ch;.:iKe their positions, moving back nnd forth toward one side or the other, r.c ording to where they have sent the bail. If the net man has volleyed deep into the right hand corner both play ers move across to the right. The right hand player thereby protects the shot dov u his own side line, and the lift hand player protects the cross court shot down the central diagonal of the court- Outing. Lubricant Fcr Aluminium. Many machinists, especially those employed in the motor engineering hi dustry, arc frequently called upon to work' in nlur.dnimn. To palisfactoii'v do this work various lubricants have been tried, which, however, owing to their volatility, are of little use. A suitable lubricant is tallow or cob bler's wax. This latter does not dis solve quickly and consequently doe? not How as freely as the volatile oils. American Machinist. Going On. A terrible noise 6f thumping and stamping came from Bob's room early one morning. "Bobby, Bobby." called his mother from downstairs, "what Is going on up there?" "My shoes," replied Bob. Lcve's Paradox. "Love results in many paradoxical fituatiens," remarked the professor. 'VThat Is oneV" "To keep the love of another one must return It." Buffalo Express. The Other Woman. "I don't see how that woman can gad about the way she does and neg lect her little children." "How do you know that she gads about?" "We get the same girl to take care of our babies when we're away from home, and she's kept busy over there fully half of the time, it provokes me so to have to be put off so often when I want to got away." Chicago Record-. Herald. Eczema as3 lichirg CuraJ. Thev soothing, healing medication in Dr, Hobson's Eczema Ointment penetrates every tiny pore of the skin, clears it of all impurities stops itchir.fr instantly. Dr. Hob son's Eczema Ointment is guaran teed to speedily heal eczema, rashes, ringworm, tetter and other unsight ly eruptions. Eczema Ointment is a doctor's prescription, not an ex periment. All druggists or by mail 50c. Pfoiffer Bhemical Co., Phila delphia and St. Louis. (Continued from first page.) Special votes will be given as fol lows; The first subscription turned in for or by any candidate gets 100, C00 extra votes if turned in before Oct. 8th. and for every yearly sub scription turned in before Oct. 21st. at 9:00 p. m. a bonus ballot good for 30,000 extra votes. This will be known as "booster period." "Op portunity offer," from Oct. 22nd. to Oct. 28th., COO.00O extra "votes will be given for every club of $24.00 worth of subscriptions. Tiiple votes from Oct. 29th. to Nov. 4th. Double votes from Nov. 5th. to Nov. 11 !h. Regular votes from Nov. 12th. to Nov. 25th. the close of contest. From Nov. 12th. to Nov. 22nd., 1.000,000 votes will be given to the candidate turning in the largest amount of money on subscription and 750,000 for the second largest. In each district 500,000 extra ballot for the largest amount of business after the 1,000,000 and 760,000 are awarded. Then 300,000 ballot in each of the two districts, then 200, 000 and then 100,000 ballot. Candidates winning prizes must turn in subscriptions equal to the value of the prizes the win. Wood's High-Grade Seeds. Crimson Clover The King off Soil I m pro vera, also makes splendid fall, winter and spring grazing, the earliest green feed, or a good hay crop. CRIMSON CLOVER will increase the productiveness of the land more than twenty times as much as the same amount spent in commercial fertilizers. Can be sown by itself or tit the last working of corn, cotton or other cultiva ted crops. We are headquarters for Crimson Clover, Alfalfa, Winter Vetch, and all Farm Seeds, Write for prices and Descriptive Fall Catalog, giving information about all seeds for fall sowing. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. SNESTER SPILLS DIAMOND BRAND Wf Ribbon" tSS& KG yean regarded na Best SfV. f wentT-ne aai n r T. - Always Reliable. tried EVERYWHERE wMwMass II 1.1 LA U bum i izm mmm ii&aa THW,Tf.w.k4.I!I- I IEW I1IH M.WI1I1VII M fills ; K !;!!!! BO 8: .tnVlili: : BBSS; t-Lf fa !: if. rt. V.! &- 'I W K P ti ! ' u n ? 1 ; The M Yen fe. ALCOHOL 3 PER OEivr AgclablcPrcparationforAs similaliiig tteFootfanaRcguli ting die Sioinachs andBowcls of a i Promotes Diges(icnIiceifii! ncss and Rcst-ContaLisncl&r 0piuiii.Mcrphia2 r.or!incral Not Narcotic. jeofoidDcSuanjffinEii hiatal Srrd" jUicSimtr li'smSetd Cmled Satirr Aperfect Remedy for Consfipa- tion , sour MOiuacn.uiarnKjra or Sleep. . Facsimile Signature of NEW YOHK. l. : -M site S fei L;iW?Z& Exact Copy of Wrapper. m m Bears the , Signature IsF ' S It ' J ( -M1 III jf For iter Thin? Year m i mm THt CtHTAUIt CO-Hir, ft: K l.'Pfl e.Tf teo HEEH si wc the mi WHENEVER UEiER The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic b Equally Valuable as a General Tonic because it Acts or, the Liver, Drives Out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and D'-lMs up the "Whole System. For Grown People sad Cl :l,lren, You kaow what you are taking rhca you take Grove's Vutttx s t'aiil Tonic as the formula is printed on every label showing that it cort-.'rr. t::c r.cii'inova tonic properties of QUININE and IS.ON. It is cs zizr-vy- c r- ;.-.. V5t bitter tonic and is in Tasteless Form. It has no equal for Mcla,, ':V.'s an! I'ertt, Weakness, general debility and loss of appetite. Gm-s lii!vj ,!, )! 'oNurfisg Mothers and Pale, Sickly Children. Removes Bilious K-sf v .:.;. ": purgirg. Relieves nervous depression and low spirits. Arouse- i'vi 5 r la tctioa ssd purifies the blood. A True Tonic end Sura Appetizer. AVniv t:; .-trfn.f.tieret. No family should be without it. Guaranteed by your Dxuggibt. Wewcajit. 1UUUU111CU Largest Stock in TLe HoiuL When in Norfolk cii.l on - ycu are buying and ; 1: Satisfaction Guarasecl z?. Or vat fY !:Iau. r h- -:.ny- iMtlif We pay the freight nn'l . i;:! We have no caiivassors. a7t rir.' r where arid no commission-; nr-.-' - prices. This means a sa i rr ic- y u v"i a to 25 per cent on your j-ui :!.; The Couper MArtbi-c. vo.!;ks. (EstablLhed ('.: Y.ars 264-268 Bank Street ,:;. Mr 'inn A Saving of rriSMP 3.0 With Soft yi h i i i) L i Coal, Slack -m You get back the original cost of your rovt in the iel money saved each winter. Conlcl yovi 2 A fcr r:.re. met monev Here, is the Guarantee on Col 9 O -s oie s riot Blast Heater Backed Up in Every Particular by the i.i "1A saying of one-third in fuel over anv lower u."",1 "ove oi tne same size, with soit coal, That Cole's Hot Blast will use less hard cord tor heating a given space than any base burner Tim ?. w,th the same size fire Pot- 0 inat the rooms can be heated from jnc to Iwj hours each morning with the soft coal or hsrd M-rif Jut ,n the stove the evening before. 1 that the stove will hold fire with soft coal from c a bat"rday n'Sht until Monday morning. A uniform heat day and night, with soft coal, " TiTard coal or lignite. o That every stove will remain absolutely air-tfcht - as lonff as used. 7 That the feed-door is and will remain smcke sd dust-proof. An Mr, i -Tffinff Draft will prevent puffin?, ! 3 f ' rv'-T;:' i .' . 5 "All , Vi 1. i-rait wjii prevent pui.i"?. t ' All we ask is that the stove shall be operated ac- f".'. SodI!ffue directions and connected with a r '(Signed) COI.R A mttt? a rntDiMfi rn " ' Vft '(Signed) COLE MANUFACTURING CO. nr i , . Not Inc. inis Lruarantee can not be made on any ormr hciyo stove. If you want economy and real home comfort. co:ne m and let us sell vou one of thes: sto c Hardy Hardware os?7 "The HardWcirc ' the name "Cole," on feti of each ttove. None gtnuin without