, () XT S i: FOU GOOD GROCERIES BUCKVHEAT! l.avc.i'.jst received our first shipment of White i ,vi,. r.t. This is fresh stock and the mmlitv 4 I H '.tin. L' v. - x We have it in three sizes 10, 15 and 25c. J J. W. ALLSBROOK. lONT YOU WANT A CAN OF MAPLE SYRUP, TOO n v am n ia i s 11 ania m m. i un uumwua- -wwww- r LOCAL NEWS. Items Gathered From the Town and Country. ii Announcements, iiis' Aid Society of the Wch will give a Supper L j :,- c aid tnr thi k. evening from 5 to 10 Casters, ieiaas, cream u'li be served. Uvent Blood Poisoning L. wonderful old reliable DR. fcNTISEI'TIC HEALING OJL.asur- P , - . J T ,j tn" renews ram "" y.ot a huicieiit. 2jc. 5'Jc. i.uu. t HOME JOURNAL PAT- . .loscy s. MY FARM FOR LEASE or exchange. lerms Lowis, Scotland Neck, PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. The Coming, Going and Whereabouts of Our People and Oilier folks. ). No. r;i.A FLOCK OF 12 v on., brooa sow. ppiy to ebb. Gotland JNecK in. . tess and Loss of Appetite -t- r.) ppneral strengthening tome, T; KLiCSS chili TOXIC, drives out b: . '' ' ; -v Uic svstern. -' iruc iuuk ' ".;r ". For suuits ana couuicu. v. OLE AT A BARGAIN. &:,n for selling owners her town. For futher rnv to Bernard Alls- ilX THE VACANT LOT the residence of Mrs. W. Will sell the whole lot or v l -t- Terms satisfacto 'l! wards. 9-25-4t ;T.K.--mY HOUSE AND i om now liviner. Terms IV. J." Battle, or see J. B. Ed- I will be a moving picture il Mnurv's Opera House to (Wednesday.) Over 3,000 t-xeclient moving pictures shown. Prices 5 and 10 S;?.rts at 7 o'clock, ends at VAUCHAN, DEALERS' th" !ararest and best Tomb- prris in America. Quality n-x-s lowest. Siovlsa Ficlure SSow. Paint or Not horse worth more or less af I? ard cats are high today; shal t-.la;.- and feed him tomor ? how men do about paht eir houses and barns and Vvnt has been high for ,1 vc-ars: and so tney nave I'aht is high yet; they are kiting; thousands of 'em are r f-r naint to fall. : property drops a trifle a mi the next job ot paint up creeps-up creeps-up; it'll 'ro paint by a -gallon a year; mi save a cent, and the prop jts on suffering. DEVOE . Whitehead Co. sells it. Mr. Albion Dunn, of Greenville, was here on buisness Thursday. Rev. William J. Gordon, of Spray was here several days this week. Miss Estelle House is visiting her brother, Mr. Jno. House, at Roanoke Rapids. Mr. Leland Kitch'm went to Ral eigh Sunday to see the State fair this week. Mrs. J. R. Bradley, of Whitakers is here on a visit to Mrs. R, J. Madrj and other ralatives. Miss Emma Vaughan of Whitakers spent Tuesday night with her moth er, Mrs. Pattie Vaughan. Elder A. J. Moore of Whitakers was here Saturday and Sunday fill ing his appointments at Kehukee. Rev. N. C. Yearby is spending this week at Creedmore, Durham and takiner in the State fair at Raleigh. Mr. Herman Bryan come from Oxford Saturday and spent Sunday with his Darents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Bryan. Cant. Billie Whitemore was a visitor at Spring Hill Sunday. These visits are getting rather frequent Wonder why? Mrs. Cora Dixon and daughter, Mrs. Russell Uzzell, of Raleigh, are hsre on a visit to relatives the guest of Mrs. L. R. Cheery. Mrs. W. O. Bullock and son Ear- nast. and Mr. and Mrs. Worsley of Rocky Mt. were here last week to see their brother, Mr. D. A, Madry. Mr. Allen Lee, of Dunn, has ac cepted a position as prescription clerk with the E. T. Whitehead Co.. Mr. Lee comes highly recommended as a druggist. ' Mrs. Mary E, Gray aud daughter Miss Fannie, accompanied by Mrs Fountain have returned from Reeky It. where they have been visiting Get ready to work the roads. The wedding bells will ring again. There was a killing frost Wednes day morning. New peanuts have been selling for $1.40 per bushel. The price of cotton is standing around 13J cents. Get in the contest this week if you want the automobile. Read the advertisement about the Edgecomb county fair in this issue. The great negro State Fair will be held in Raleigh Oct. 27th to Novem ber 2nd. The Edgecombe county fair will be on at Tarboro the first week in November. A revival service will begin at the Baptist church the first Sunday in November. Annual Session Held With the Baptist Church Last Week-Goes to Rocky Mount Next Year. for several weeks Messrs. Jos. and Paul Joyner, of Norfolk, Va., were here several days last week at the bedside of their sister, Mrs. Ruf us Cherry, who was quite ill but we are glad to report a? better this week. We cannot and will not publish communications unless we know the nam? of the writer. The "town dog law is now being enforced in earnest as several "of our citizens can testify. Your coal goes a long ways when burned in Cole's Hot Blast Heaters. They are fuel savers. The State fair at Raleigh is on this week. The railroads are giving special reduced rates. Quite a list of new names have been added to our subscription list This should be a pointer to adver. tisers. We understand that keys will be used, instead of the combination locks, at the new postoffice. We prefer the key locks. There were 661 ba!es of cotton ginned in Halifax county up to Sep tember 25th, against 2,361 for the same period last year. Capt. T. W. Tillery is holding the job down as cotton weigher for Scotland Neck. All cotton is now weighed on the platform at the depot. The election in Enfield township Monday resulted in favor of the bond issue of $60,000 for good roads. The vote was 227 for good roads and 150 against good roads. Mr. I. N. Minshaw killed two deer while hunting one day last week. He was "driving" and saw the deer when they got up and he shot one and then turned and shot the other. The postoffice building is about completed and the fixtures will be nut in position thii week and the building complete will be ready for the government on the first day of November. The sixth annual session of the Roanoke Association convened with the Baptist church here Tuesday night of last week and continued through Thursday afternoon. The annual sermon was preached by Rev. T. W. Chambliss, of Wilson, and it was a sermon of deep thought and power, and was very appropri ate for the occasion. After the ser mon Mr. T. M. Arrington called the Association to order and an organi zation was effected by the re-election of Mr. Arrington moderator and Rev. T. L. Vernon, of Hobgood, secretary and treasurer, and Dr. R. M. Johnson, of Scotland Neck, his torian. The organization being per- feeted. bv Rev. R. A. McFarland made a few timely remarks in wel coming the Association to his church and the town. The moderater re sponded to the address of welcome in a very happy style The Association convened prompt ly Wednesday morning at 9:30 o'clock. After devotional exercises, conducted by Rev. Sydney Cobb, COFFEE ! . i Ol I have uist received a u - i shipment of Luck Seller High Gsade Pure Coffee; would like to have every coffee drinker try a can of this high grade coffee. Also a shipment of Pos- tum, 1 5 and 25 c size. ClFresh Pork and Sausage daily. QEvery order shall have my best and promptest at tention. fJWeuld appreciate a trial ir - i order rrom new cusiomeis. My prices are right. N. HERRING. Telephone 124. It is The Ambition of Every Father to see his boy some day securely fixed in a nice busi ness. If you save money tor no other purpose, why not begin now putting money in the bank for YOUR BOY'S FUTURE? Perhaps that same money that will set your boy up in business will make a comfort able old age. Do YOUR banking with US. We pay four per cent interest on SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. PLANTERS 8c COMMERCIAL BANK. Scotland Neck, N. C. Scotland Neck SATURDAY but TIME TO SMILE. Lots of time to grumble in Let's take more to smile! the regular program was taken up Lots of time to frown and grouch- as follows: m'SUUMmorewue The object of the Association and Thankful unto uod tor an State missions was discussed by Rev G. J. Dowell, Dr. Livingston John son and Pastor McFarland, after which a collection was taken for As sociational missions which amounted to $3,300. Strong addresses were made on Christian Education by President W. L. Poteat of Wake Forest, and Pres ident R. T. Vann, of Meredith Col lege. General Manager M. K. Kes ler, of the Thomasville Baptist Or nhanage. delivered a masterly ad- H rpss on omhanage work. There Our laughter and our glee! Lots of time for finding fault Let's take more to praise! Lots of time for picking flaws Let's try better ways! Lots of time for scoff and jeer- Let's take more to find A way to be more helpful, and More comradely and kind! Lots of time to mope and weep Let's take more to laugh! Lots of time to crawl and creep- Let's cut that in half! Ul tOO Vli w f"-0 " I . are now between four and five hun- Lots of time to make complaints at the Thomasville New Ksrcins. The novelists of the day are taking "now" women for their Heroines, Ufa has struck blow . uiuvi " , pt,. wnw rmti! they have learned tfce ww ' , art "of laughter; women who know how oct in the face of disappointment; women who have a comforting sense of humor. iVhite House Shoes The colored Primitive Baptist As sociation met with the church here Saturday and continued through Monday. There were several hun dred delegates present and the crowd in attendance Sunday was lm- I mense. The senior class of the graded school will give a tacky party at the school auditorium Friday night, be ginning at half past eight o'clock. Admission 10 cents. You are invited. Forest Notes. FOR MEN. Pd n. fthmment of WHITE JOrsi; SHOES FOR MEN. They are positively the I . i i ' iy best Shoes in the country, it will pay you to P0K them over."' L. WAXMAN, he Store That Undersells, The Baltimore Store. Atten We are in your vicinity for your benefit and it is our sole purpose to please everyone. If you have or lave not visited our store we desire that you do so at your next opportuni ty. We do not ask you to spend money, but wish for you to come in and spend those spare moments. Our line is complete, consisting of everything of a modern pharmacy. Eastmans Kodaks and supplies, Conklin Fountain Pens and Guth's Candies a specialty. Your doctor's prescriptions can be accurately compounded. Souirrels collect much of the seed used for planting by the forest ser vice. a crowing scarcity of willow, gen erally used for wooden shoes in Europe, is leading to an adoption of poplar. Torrey pine, a distinct baiirornia species, has been found in only two isolated localities in the southern part of the state. One hundred acres on tne norma national forest will be sown to mari time pine seed this fall. Maritime pine is the source of tne rrencn turpentine industry. San Francisco recently received its first carero of lumber from the Tongass national forest, Alaska. The shipment consisted ot l,tuu,uuv feet of Sitka spruce. Three native species of lurcn lur- nish timber in the United States. One grows in New England and the lake states, another in rne ra cific northwest, and the third in the high mountains of the northern Rnrkies. European larcn 5ias Deen planted extensively in the prairie states. dred children Orphanage. On Wednesday night a great mass meeting was held for the discussion of Home and Foreign missions, and addresses were made by Rev. W. B. Dauehtry, Dr. I. M. Mercer, Rev. Mr. Spencer and Pastor R. A. Mc Farland. This was perhaps the most effective service of the asso ciation. Other addresses of power were delivered on the minor objects of the Baptist Sate Convention. Every speaker seemed to do his best. NOTES ON THE ASSOCIATION. The reports from the churches re vealed splendid gains in member shin and in collections, both for be nevolences and for home purposes. i i j The Association is composed oi sixty-two churches, situated in Mar tin, Beaufort, Wilson, Washington, Pitt, Edgecombe and Halifax coun ties and is the youngest in the State, having been formed out of the Tar River Association six years ago. There were more than two hun dred in attendance as representa tives of the various churches. The attendance of our town people at all the sessions of the Association was exceptionally large. The committee on hospitality, of which Mr. C. F. Burroughs was chairman, did their work with such facility, ease and efficiency as to I give satisfaction and delight. The older members of the Associ ation and the moderator declared this to be the most successful ses sion in the history of the body, and the various delegates declared Scotland Neck to be one of the most delightful communities they ever visited. The next session of the Associa- -.t il a -1 : tion will beheld witn uie muu& ton Street church, Rocky Mount. Let's take more to show The world's all right, no matter how Our luck may sometimes go! The Bentztown Bard. Sbrains,Briiises Stiff Muscles n mitolrlv relieved bv SloanV Liniment. Lay it on no rub bing. Try it. A1cl Snnin and Dislocated Hip. v.: w oiiiTTi nut nf a third story MtinHnW V PT1T fill ITUIL1ICO 1UI vm months. Then I started to use your Liniment, according to directions. must say it is helping me wonderfully. we -win never ire " l T, r ment anvmore ." Chat. Johtuon, Lawum Station, N. X. SLOAM'S iffllMEHT Kills Pain SnlMJiJ far S Drains a week ago and was in terrible pain. I could not use my nana ur r.i m u...... "---.-- your Liniment. I shall never be with out a bottle of Sloan's Liniment. B. B. Springer, Ctucaoein, it. J- Fine for Stiffness. food, than anything I .ta erertarf for stiff joints. iJvv the busiest time of the year. I thought t ,ia h.v. tn have mv .a ..von off hut I srot a bottle of Sloan's Liniment anacureu iu -Wilton wneeier, inarm, At all Dealers. 25c, 60c and $1.00 c.n3 nr slran'a free, instructive I booK on uurBca. cattle, hogs and poultry, auoress H H mi -worlds bestY l REYNARDE TROUPE siiW ORtona" fam.lyT Tmiiiwjr VVY I DOWNIE & WHEELER'S iVSy II A I FAMOUS MUSICAL ELEPHANTS JCTvV Ajfk A L THE BONNIERS. Aerial Marvels JEWELS NJC DOWNIC 4 WHEELER'S iVV. ZX. Vy FAMOUS DANCING ANDfVV'r-v3- -J&r MILITARY H0 uWmm DESERT WifywW f Am i .Mill 2 PERFORMANi--'.-..,i,lwjJ ThP estimated daily average con- aw t CM! TY1 ntinn nf cigars in the United j States is 21,718,488. and . of cigar ettes 23,736,190. Dr.EARLS.SLOAN,hc. 80ST0H, MASS. pKHX)OKH0HK 0CKKOOH? THE DAY OF OPPORTUNITY Clark-Gordon. 1 he Crescent Pharmacy, Inc. Telephone Number Forty-Six. We have received an invitation which reads as follows: Dr. and Mrs. Henry Irwin Clark request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Anna Barrow to T? ATT willinm .Tones Oordon on Wednesday afternoon, the fifth of Novemoer at one o ciock. Trinity Chujch Scotland Neck, North Carolina GOD UVER OIL AMD IROII . Two Most World-Famed Tomes Combined in Vinol. Cod Liver oil and Iron have proved to be the two most successful tonics the world has ever known iron for the blood and the medicinal curatlTe elements of cod liver oil as a strength and tissue builder tor Doay uu nerves, and for the successful treat ment of throat and lung troubles. Two eminent French chemists dis covered a method of separating the curative medicinal elements or tne cods' livers from the oil or grease which is thrown away , but to these medicinal elements tonic Iron is now added, thus combining In Vinol tho mat Tonrirl famed tonics. As a body-builder and etrength cre ator for weak, run-down peopie, iur feeble old people, delicate cnuareu, fttreneth after sickness; and for chronic coughs, colds, bron- troubles we ask emtio ui i'"11""" ----- you to try Vinol with the understand ing that your money win oe wvmuc if it does not help you. P. S. For pimples and blotches try our Saxo Salre. Wo guarantee w. E T. Whitehead Company Scotland Neck, N. C. A A. A. A. A AAA A mWrvvfvtv"""I Your Watch Cleaned OP reDaired by experts. Your Watch should be cleaned and oiled yearly, it may need it now. At Whitehead's it will re ceive the very closest attention from ex perienced men. whose Watch knowledge and years of training peculiarly qua" ?hem for absolutely reliable and sot.sfac torv serv'ce. Our work is equally as &Son iine French Clocks. English SStSSS about the store is our Repair Department. Our expert workman can restore your broken Jewelry to its original shape or r"1 ry into attractive ana muu .... : 4 4 1 L.S.GRIMM, J! X WitliE.T. Whitehead Co., Scatland Neck 80c to Tarboro and return Edgecombe County Fair County Fair the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad otters ine auuvc . rate-children 5 to 12 years half f are-f or all trains Novembtrjth to 7th, inclusive, umiueu w . original starting point not later than midnight of November 8, 1913 t c. White. W. j.uraig, Gen Pals Agt. Pass. Traf. Mgr. Wilmington, N. C. November 5-7, 1913. nr-count of the Edgecombe We Wish to Call Your Special Attention TO THE FOLLOWING LINES OF Goods We Hasidle Ladies Tailor-Made Suits and Cloaks. Misses Suits and Cloaks. Dress Goods of the Prettiest Kinds. A Big Line of Silks and Messalines. Underwear for Men, Women and Children. Clothing for Men and Boys, FitGuarant ed. Shoes for Everybody. Furniture and Stoves for Every Ho:n All at THE RIGHT PRICES, We Inii2 You to Visit Our Store. mhDittman-Viieeler CoitidV. uuiiwji,,u (y v's Store. Q -I