STOMACH IE1MOKS WILL BEL? KITCPaS. HELPFUL VORDS Majority of Friends Thought Iff. Hughes Would Die, But One Helped Him to Recovery. Pomeroyton, Ky. In interesting ad vices from this place, Mr. A. J. Hughes writes as follows : "I was down with stomach trouble for five (5) years, and would have sick headache so bad, at times, that I thought surely I would die. I tried different treatments, but they did not seem to do me any good. 1 got so bad, I could not eat or sleep, and all my friends, except one, thought I would die. He advised me to try Thedford's Black-Draught, and quit taking other medicines. I decided to take his advice, although I did net have any confidence in it. I have now been taking Black-Draught for three months, and it has cured me haven't had those awful sick headaches since I began using it. I am so thankful for what Black Draught has done for me." Thedford's Black-Draught has been found a very valuable medicine for de rangements of the stomach and liver. It is composed of pure, vegetable herbs, contains no dangerous ingredients, and acts gently, yet surely. It can be freely used by young and old, and should be kept in every family chest. Get a package today. Only a quarter. jg TS3 Entire Stale D Limit Stale Delegallpn Will go The i F Citi - of Scotland it far lisads Klic&Ia. . isecK. The Habit of Saving. Habit is the deepest law of human nature. It is cither our supreme strength or our most miserable weakness. It will make or break us. Our whole scheme of civilization arose from our habits. A baby born today, in one or two score years will be the victim or triumph of his habits. And you, also, through your habits, are moulded from a pulpy baby into a successful man or a noble woman. Now, of all habits, the habit of wasting' is the most ruinous, and the habit of saving is the most precious. You can waste your tal ents, your time, your strength your whole life if you do not form the habit of saving the profits of your labor. This habit of saving is not an easy habit to form. But once formed it replaces the old fear of the future with confi dence. It creates ambition and provides the mind with the elation of independence. To spend all we earn seems to be as natural as breathing until we grow so wise as to reflect that we will stop earning long before we stop breathing. The habit of saving is real pleasure when it is once acquir ed. Indeed, there is a real fascination in it, just as there is in watching crops grow in the field. But it is not in holding the habit that there is difficulty, for if it is once formed it is likely to have a permanent and beneficial effect on the character. The difficulty is in creating the habit. It has been said that "an early and provident fear is the mother of safety," and this fear will cause the wise to protect themselves with an armor of defense and no armor is more secure than the saving habit. Out of the saving habit will grow other habits that are cal culated to add elements of strength to your character. You will learn the habit of self-denial, of self-reliance, of prudence and of making- your own life-plan. This is the essence of free dom. No security is felt by the expenditure of every dollar of income by the wage-earner. But greater earning power is created by the saving habit, and thus there will he more power of enjoyment, a wider sphere of mental and physical consump tion, and, what is most important of all, there will be more to save. WE WILL HELP YOU TO SAVE. CALL TO SEE US EVERY COURTESY EXTENDED CONSISTENT WITH GOOD BANKING. FOUR PER CENT ALLOWED ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. TIME CERTIFICATES ISSUED, PAYABLE THREE, SIX, NINE OR TWELVE MONTHS ALTER DATE. THE SCOTLAND NECK BANK, Scotland Neck, N. C. Capital, $25,000.00. Surplus, $13,500.00. A. McDowell. President. J. Harper Alexander, Jr., Cashier P. C. Gregory, Vice-Pres. Hugh Johnson, Assistant Cashier. 1 II 1 .,. .., ' III IB CI I II -nrZ. 1111 W-W. M. 3! imiiii i n r i - 1 j Washington. Oct. 11. An effort is to be made to smooth out all the tang-led factions in North Carolina incident to the senatorial campaign last year. Since Senator Simmons has accomplished everything his friends said he would and has done none of those thinsrs which his enemies declared he would do, both the Kitchin and Simmons factions are going to forget the past and re unite for a solid Democratic party. This became evident here this week when it was found that Senator Simmons is willing- to do any thing in his power to help Claude Kitchin in his efforts to be chairman of the powerful ways and means committee to succeed Oscar Underwood, of Al abama. Not only Senator Simmons, Represenatives Page, Godwin, Webb and in fact every member from the delegation are willing to go the lim it for the second district congress man. There will not be mnch of a fight against Kitchin. The fight being made against Mr. Kitchin, for the most part is such an effort as was directed against Senator Simmmons when the senate was recognized. Such men as Luke Lea, Owens of Oklahoma and and a few inexperienc ed and self-styled "progressives" tried to oppose Mr. Simmons. They were not seriously cousidered. In the case of Represenative Kitchin, A. Mitchell, Palmer and Robert Henry, who are candidates for every job that turns up from a small com mittee assignment to membershio in the President's cabinet, want to chairman of the ways and means committee. Neither will be serious ly considered by house leaders when the time comes to select a successor to Oscar Underwood. Claude Kitchin has two things in his favor: First, ability and second, he ranks for the place. Probably a number of congressmen (those at the bottom of the ladder) would like to break down the seniority rule, which allows the man next to the chairman to succeed the chairman when a vacancy occurs. But the the trouble with these fellows is some time they hope to be just where the man now is whom they want to distroy. Hence, the senior ty rule will prevail for many years to come. And, unless all signs fail, Mr. Kitchin will be made chairman just as easy as Mr. Sirnmoi.s fell air to the finance committee. As a matter of fact there is not another man on the ways and means com mittee near so competent to hold Underwood's place a-; Kitchin; this is recognized by all who have watch ed the proceedings in the Ho ass since the tariff bill got under way with a Democratic majority. The fact that Senator Simmons is chairman of the finance committee in the opinion of house leaders, will not bear upon the subject one way or the other. The same argument will apply should Representative Webb be made chairman of the judiciary and latter on Senator Over man, by reason of his rank, should stand for the same assignment in the Senate. Both Webb and Over- Is your back lame and painful? Does it ache especially after ex ertion? Is there a soreness in the kidney region? These svmptoms suggest weak kidnej-s. If so there is daneer in delay. Weak kidneys get fast weak. Give your trouble prompt atten tion. Doan's Kidney Pills are for weak kidneys. Yous neighbors use and recom mend them. Read this Scotland Neck testi mony: Mrs. T. F. Gray, S. Main Street, Scotland Neck, N. C, says: "My experience with Doan's Kid ney Pills has convinced me that they are a remedv of merit. Mv back tnd head ached severely and I had dizzy spells and other symstoms of kidney complaint. Finally I pro cured a supply of Doan's Kidnev Pills at E. T. Whitehead Company's drug store and it did not take them long to remove my trouble." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents, i oster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. man are li vely t be chairman of the judiciary in the house and senate before amthsr year rolls around. Broad thinking men will not attempt to take away the rights of senators anu represenatives come from the s'.ate. because they Isaid RightlOver Woo'd ,Shingles No Dirt, No Bother In a very short time any building can have its fire trap covenng turned into a modern fire-proof, storm-proof, lightning-proof roof at a very moderate cost a roof that will last as long as the buildinn and never need repairs. 4 For Sale by T. W. RUSSELL" Scotland Neck. N. C. Monuments & Gravestones Largest Stock in The South. When in Norfolk call on us. You can see what you are buying and get it quickly. Satisfaction Guaranteed on Orders by Mail. We pay the freight and guarantee delivery We have no canvassers, agents or branches anyl wnere and no commissions must be added to our prices. This means a saving to you of from 15 to Z5 per cent on your purchase. The Couper Marble Works, (Established 65 Years ) 264-268 Bank Street. Nof oik , Virginia. PLANT SCUPPERNONGS (NORTH CAROLINA'S GREATEST FRUIT ) A SURE CROP FOR A SURE MARKET We will mail you a booklet on Arboring and Care of Scuppernon-a nro vided you own or consider planting a vineyard. ' SOUTHERN PINES GRAPE NURSERICS, Southern Pines, N. C. (Largest Produces of Scuppernong Vines. The day of harsh phy.-ics is gone. People want miid, easy laxatiw. Doan's regulets have satisfied thous ands. 25.1 at all dru:r ftores Live Australian Freaks. A calf, somewhat of a freak of na ture, was born on T. O. Ware's farm at Little Akaroa. Australia, recently. It has five legs, the extra one work ing In a socket In the breastbone. The calf is thriving:, and Is strong and healthy. Another freak, a lamb, is re ported to have been born at Rat Point Station. It has three earg and eight legs. . It did not live. Avoid Sedative Coagb Medicines. If you went to contribute direct! v to the occurrence of canillarv bron chitis and pneumonia use cough medicines that contain codine, mor phine, heroin and other sedatives when you have a cough or cold. An expectorant like Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is what is needed. That cleans out the culture beds or breeding places for the germs of pneumonia and other germ diseases. That is why pneumonia never re sults from a cold when Chamber lain's Cough Remedy is used. It has a world wide reputation for its cures. It contains no morphine or other sedative. For sale by all dealers. A Rising Mac. He's willing and prompt, a de pendable chap, The busiest man in the store. He does what the boss requires of him, And always a little bit more. He doesn't spend time looking up at the clock, To see how soon he can quit, He's full of ambition, and willing to work, And some day he's going to be It. He's bound to go up, for if he should leave The whole shop would notice the loss. He makes himself useful from morn ing till night, And so he stands high with the boss. He works just as if it were all for himself, Not waiting in sloth to be led. The business to him seems already his own. And some day he'll stand at the head. Sumerville Journal. ....... . . The KLid "Sou Have Always Bought, end wLWoIj ls V ia uso for over SO years, lias homo fho hiu-Cr and htt-s been jnao.o (! . l Tbe Appropriation Mad 8. Dest Form of Prayer. V7hen the hearts cf raca and -omen are filled with heaven.'y love, a power -which makes for righteousness constantly emanates from them. Those v.'ho pray withe their livos of- J i r .a ier me mon effective prayer M:ougfe they do not utter Chauneey Giles. n A GeaUe and Effective Laxative. A mild, gentle and effective laxa tive is what people demand when suffering from constipation. Thous ands swear by Dr. King's New Life Pills. Hugh Tallman. of San An tonio. Tex., writes: "They are, be yond question, the best pills my wife and I have ever taken." They never cause pain. Price 25c at druggists or by mail. IT. E. Bucklen & Co., Philadelphia or St. Louis. .3 rv . i r to bo Stork Pa-tlr.! There seems Inity between t Iy of Frank Jiclison City, in ten years the ird has brought 1.? babies, including hrea pairs of tv!.-:s, and one set of sr'o Dc-rr.IcHe. an especial af Ic aad the fam- ofcfci, a miner at rlplets. as. Ten of the children ara Hv- CLron'c Dyspepsia. ine ToLowing unsolicited testi monial should certainly be sufficient to give hope and courage to persons afflicted wii.h chronic dyspepsia: "I have been a chronic dyspeptic for years, and of all the medicine I have taken. Chamberlain's Tablets have me more good than anvthing else," sajs W. G. Mattifcn, No. 7 Sher man St., IiornellsviMe, N. Y. For sale by all dealers. Eczema spreads rapidly; itching almost drives you mad. For quick relief, Doan's Ointment is well re commended. 50c at all stores. There Aro Othsrs. In our adolescent Inexperience w Cherished the notion that hotel ckrka and book etore attaches were the most conspicuous of the unintelligfmts. Yesterday, however, u talegraph oper ator objected to our using "juxtapose" In a night letter. "We don't allow code words." said he. And-for th life of us v.-e couldn't thini of a snappy Domeback. Eczema and Itching Cored. The soothing, healing medication in Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment penetrates every tiny pore of the skin, clears it of all impurities stops itching instantly. Dr. Hob son's Eczema Ointment is guaran teed to speedily heal eczema, rashes, ringworm, tetter and other unsight ly eruptions. Eczema Ointment is a doctor's prescription, not an ex periment. All druggists or by mail 50c. Pfeiffer Bhemical Co., Phila delphia and St. Louis. Beauty Hint. Red elbows, says the Evening News, are happily a thorn which mar be re moved. Saw off the red elbow3, soak them in a bleaching mixturo of un slaked lime, steep them in carbolic acid, and they will never trouble yea again. Cold faet may be treated sim ilarly. A Marveloii Escape. "My little boy had a marvelous escape," writes P. F. Bastiams, of Prince Albert, Cape of Good Hope. "It occurred in the middle of the night. He got a very sever attack of croup. As luck would have it, I haTl a large bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the house. After following the directions for an hour and twenty minutes he was through all danger." Sold by all dealers. Saturday night just before mid night the state concurred in the house measure to make an appro priation of approximately $70,000 for feeble-minded school situated just without this city. It was a long, hard fight and was won only through the persistancy of friends of the propos ed institution. Notablv among these were Dr. Hardy the superin- tendent'of the institution and Hon. N. J. Rouse, who devoted practically the whole of last week to pressing the passage of the measure carrying an adequate appropriation. Besides there were several other Kinstonians who showed an active interest. For the fidelity to the cause these gen tlemen deserve the thanks of the community in which the new institu tion is to be located. And not only are they due the thanks of the com munity but of the whole state of North Carolina. The state needs the institution and needs it now; and the appropriation makes it pos sible to proceed to a speedy opening of the same. There is considerable work to be done out there yet before the equipment will be adequate. But with no undue delay and a great work for the social uplift of the state will begin. Kinston Free Press. - a mm wiiti ,;:'..-.- ... All Counterfeits, Imitations sutd ' JKst-n.-:-s--M!" Experiments that trifle vHIi fi!idcii(bi!;;. r;!;; Infants and Cliildren Experience :;ai:v i:V . .L What is CA Casloria in a liarmlws jsulstitirie for Cr:v o:r. jrorie, Drops and Soothing Syrupe. It i ; 5l!-p. -t, contains neither 3pi-j:m, Morphine ioi' ci:;.-r X.iy. substance. Its iyo is its g;iar:??tf o. 2t Ic;--rovs V, and allays lv-isIuK;ss. It outers l"i:iv!,;a. Colic. It relieve Teething1 Tvr.vMz?,, nrrc;; C-- .1 and Flatulency', It assimilate:; tho Fo;:;I, iviruiate.-; Tho Cbildro Panacea Th 3lolherr.-i i'v-c;.:! af?'" M ?, t!. ; m II:-! e r r. n si Bears tb.e 3ignatu?o of Need c! Speed. Dr: "Mrs. Brown has sent for me to go to see her boy, and I must go at once." His wife: "What is the matter with the boy?" Dr: "I don't know, but Mrs. Brown has abook on 'What to Do Before the Doctor Comes,' and I must hurry up before she does it," Puck. Woman loves a clear, rosy com plexton. Burdock Blood Bitters is splendid for purifying the blood, clearing the skin, restoring sound digestion. All druggists sell it. Price, $1.00. Banana SWn Law In Brazil. During Soutbwark inquest, ia "Which it was suggested that an old man bad slipped on a banana Bkln, a Juror said ha had been In Brazil, and thare If a policeman saw a person throw a banana or orange skin on the roadway that person wa3 at once ar rested and fined cr sent to prison. London Daily Graphic. Eye Water Before cr After. "I thought that in the flfteen years of my practice of medicine," said a physician, "I bad answered almost every possible 'fool question; but a new one was sprung on me recently. A young man came in with en in flamed eye, for which I prescribed medicine to be dropped into the eye three times a day. He left the office, but returned in a few minutes, poked his head in the doorway, and asked 'Shall I drop thia in the eye before mals or after?' "Everybody's Mag- Th KM You to Always Boiii . Years, in Use For Over 30 THE CCNTAUH COMPAKV, TT MUBHAV STRICT. NEW VO.". CITY. ft'ho is Tills Mbl Last year I did not want to em- j harass my best girl to make her pro- pose to me. ro asked her to be my wife, and she said: "I would rather , be excused." And I, like an idiot, excused her. But I got even with j the girl. I married her mother. : Then my father married the girl, j Now I don't know who I am. When ; I married the girl's mother, the' girl became my daughter, and when ! my father married my daughter he ' became roy son, when my father married my daughter she was my mother. It my father is my son and my daughter is my mother, who in thunder am I? My mother's mother, who is my wife, must be my grandmother, and I being my grandmother's husband, I am my own grandfather. Ex. No, Wood's High-Grafr: Secc Crimson Clover Tho K"ng cf cf! Improver, ' also mak-s splendid fs!!, winter and oprlng grazing, the earliest green teed, cr a good fcsy crop. CRIMSON CLOVER will j the productiveness of (he J.tnd rnort ; than twenty times as much .le Vir .. amount spent ia comrr.tru.i! tci',::nt. Can be aown by itelf or at tV.o lft 1 working of ccrn, cotton or o da cui'i'. ted crops. Vc are headquarters for Crimson Clover, Alfalfa, j Winter Vetch, and all Farm Seeds, ! Write for tsrices and De;crip!VC j ebout all sccdo for fall sowing. j T. W. WOOD 0 SONS, SeeSsmen, - RIcl.iror.d, Va. Thi3 is a prescription prepared especially , for MALARIA or CHILLS & FEVER, i Five or six doaes will break any case, and j if taken then as a tonic the Fever wiil not I return. it acts on the liver better than Calomel and does not gripe or sicken. 25c For croup or sore throat use Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil. Two sizes, 25 and COc. All drug stores. otice. North Carolina "( In Superior Court, Halifax County J Nov. Term, 1913. Lizzie Davis, Plaintiff vs. Ben Davis, Defendant. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in tb.e Superior Court of Halifax county for the. purpose of obtaining a d vorce; and the said defendant will further take notice that the is re quired to appear at the term of the Superior Court of said county to be held on the twelfth Mondav after the first Monday in ember, at the court house of said county, in Halifax, North Carolina, ar.d answer or demur to the in said action, or the plaintiff will anplv to uie court lor tne re hef rtpmnnflwi in said complaint. This 23rd day of September, 1913. S. M. GARY, . Clerk Superior Court. A. Paul Kitchin, Attorney for Plaintiff. Having qtuMi d ; ; upon t i c ff.';:tv el T. j'. son. di-ct-sui, .'.'tie li'-' ty, North Y-iv, 1 ) ;t. ill persons l.-.viii'.' c!; .:: Said estate i iiV Si.-I"lt i. verified, to the ur! ! :' mcrt within one v:ir fr.: of thi notice, i r .-:;! !.. ; I I' r j, tiiv.l 1 lu : i c VI . .1 pleaded in b;;" " All persor s I: l--- plos'-fo inak'i iir.:)!-.-o'.i'- i.--"-11 This September '.h, A-!...;..'..-'t-":r;;- Kitchin & Smith, M'.'y The Great jlntissptk 'Pain Rtk- ' for MAN and BEAST. MEXICAN gCKX00K00 V Ilk I r -k. i . b - . 0 g nsrKMATION BLANK. Contest Manager, The Commonwealth, Scotland Ne-k N C Please send me detailed information concerning tIie Common wealth Great Auto Puize Contest and the method to be pursued to win one of tbe many valuable prizes. Li usuan d Name Address ... Telephone , 8 CUT OUT AND SEND TO THE COMMONWEALTH. ""WWOOOOOOOOOOO ooc ooocoooooooooooooooooooooooc Z To Cure a Cold in One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine. It itops th Cough and Headache and worka off the Cold. DrtitpLita refund money if it fail to cure. . W. GROVE'S sigaatuxe on each box, 25c, Women Who Get Dizzy. Every woman who is troubled with fainting and dizzy spells, backache, headache, weakness, debility, con stipation or kidney troubles should use Electric Bitters. They give re lief when nothing else will, improve me neaitn, adding strength and vig or from the first dose. Mrs. Laura Gaines, of Avoca, La., says: "Four doctors had given me up and my children and all my friends were looking for me to die. when my son insisted that I use Electric. Bitters. I did so, and they have done me a world of good." Just try them. 50c and $1.00 at all druggists or by mail. H. E. Bucklen & Co., Phila- ueiyuia or oc. JjOUIS. WHENEVER YOU HEED A GEIIEByirjM GROVE'S The Old Standard Grove's Ta5tfoe utt r , . Valuable as a Gene, al TTLluil fl"" Drives Out Malaria, Enrich, tt. a j ?n'h Liver- You know what you are takinr who ' w r as the formula is printed on everAaSl Tovfa Tasteles3 chill Tonic tonic properties of QUININE and IRON tTJ? U contains e well known tonic and is in Tasteless Form. It h ' " " str..n? as Wrongest bitter Weakness, general debility 'a " " no elaal Malaria. ChUls &nA Mother, and Pale. Sickly Children SET' Te9 life or to Nursing Relieves nervous 1-.ei,l "M,.en- Removes Biliousness withn 'Che &cst Emerscw fawfy Farmers, Stock-rahers end n'n'f ' use. Speedily relieves Sp ici ' ney, Harness Sores and (jd,:f, - Boils, Slrains and Lameners in tit ' Caked Udder and Son Tcuti in C ; and Ailments of Poultry. SAFE AND SURE- Bemg made of oh it soaks do1 straight to the bone, fcani and saves suiTering. Ci'y i:' j ments can soak througH nusc.e tissue. Alcohol liniments evnpo before they can be absorbed by t.. flesh besides they are dangf ' when used near a fire r ;?f Mexican Mustang Linirr.c .i-; ' burn even though a lighted rr. be applied. Mexican MutlangU-; iment is THE SAFE aa wchas SURE-TO-CURE remedy. COMMENDED KY A FAKMFB. GKnES-.jn .?. fi As lonpr no as I can ror.icti.lx r I t- waj-skctpitin my house :tu i il '" family get injurvd in ar.v C.y, sprains, cuts, bruises, and. in ia-l. accidents that hanen I alv.-aysi:sf tanr Liuimcat. Oa my horses a :":, I never think of using: any t hi nil far cheaper than tloctots' il' 'j mend it to all farmers ; it will -families and also their horses ami in condition. Verv trulv yoiii , FREE ra,J 7x9. Hv V : hanJndM of thouManJt of thi fmu ll - - Even lover of hona vanti one. LYON MFG. CO., . ... m rk I X 21 South Fifth St, BROOKL 1 1, i we mean it. 50c. 1 "v'

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