I The ! LARGEST CLECULATION i of any j Halifax County Newspaper Established 1882. E a tt ht'tt iri I fS I ADVERTISING iun V mmmmr m ii -Li Li. L. MILLS KXTCHTN, Editor and Proprietor. "EXCELSIOU," IS OUR MOTTO SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $1.00 PER YEAR. VOL. XXX. SCOTLAND NECK, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1914. NUMBER 22. COMMONWE BRONCHITIS CONQUERED Royersford, Pa., Man Tells How. At this season of year with such Budden changes, it is so easy to take rdd and almost before one is aware there is inflammation in the bronchial tubes a hard cough ana unless checked in time chronic pulmonary trollies may result. Townsend Young of Royersford, Ta., eays: "A severe bronchial trou ble' contracted caused me much dlffl nlty about breathing. My chest felt rioted up and there was consider- ; able sorer.ess. I tried different rem edies without help; but I am glad to my that Vinol cured my bronchial trouble which had lasted for three months. My breathing is all right and the soreness entirely gone from my chest." Vinol contains the curative, healing princioles of fresh cods' livers (with out oil) and tonic iron. We guaran tee it to be delicious in. taste ard to satisfy you with its medicinal effects. P. S. If you have any skin trouble try Saxo Salve. We guarantee it. E. T. Whitehead Company Scotland Neck, N. C. Attractive Vacation Tour, Niagara Falls, Canada the Beautiful New England Country, and NEW YORK JULY 1 to 19, 1914 VIA THE beard Air Line Ry. COS. AND CONNECTIONS Mount Pisgah Niagara Falls Niagara Gorge Toronto Thousand Islands Rapids of the St. Lawrence Montreal Quebec Montmorency Falls St. Anne de Beaupre White Mountains Summit Mt., Washington Boston ard Three Days in Boston and Three Dajs in New York A complete Itinerary at Mini mum Cost for eighteen days of Rest, Recreation, Interesting and Instructive travel. Personally Conducted by Mr. C. 11. Gattis and chaperoned by Mrs. Gattis. juattis i ounst Agency mm Raleigh, N. C. Toir.ist Agents Seaboard Air Line Railway. V.- . . A. M. DUBOIS Consulting Analytical Industrial nnrl Sanitary Chemist. Office and Laboratory 308 No. 9th St. Wilmington, N. C. Analysis of anything, particular atiention to Fertilizers and Fertili zer Materials. Cottonseed and Cot tonseed products. Tanning materi als for Tanners. Iron Ore and Steel. Chemicals and Dye Colors for Tex tile Mills, Dairy products, canned Koods, Earth, Water and Wine. T Mr. Farmer, please read the fol lowing carefully: Whenever you buy Fertilizers and Fertilizers ma terials for you to do your own min mg are yousureyou are gettingyour money's worth. Of course you th;nk you do, but you are not sure about that, ONLY AN ANALYSIS V ILL TELL. The cost of an anlay S3 is insignificant.considering the in side knowledge you will gain by, and may siye you hundreds of dollars. When you sell your Cottonseed uu snouid sell it according to its intents of oil, and not by the bush- c measure as you now do. If your 2eeu are rich with oil, nitrogen and Protwrj, you ought to be paid for it. An analysis will tell you so, and will you only $3.50 for a complete udivvsis oi your cottonseed. You insist to be paid according to tne real value of your seed . Your ocat cottonseed buyer will not very y object to that, as it is as fair fo r h He wants s money's worth, so you want eed money s worth. For Sale. One Hundred (160) and Sixty glares of H. VV. Johns Manvilie - ashphalt roofing at wholesale LSw This is the best asphalt roofing the market and any one needing rochng will do well to secure same at the price. Weldon Sheet Metal Works, Weldon, N. C. EXTRACTS FROM CENTRAL AMERICAN NEWSPAPERS. What They Think of Uncle Sam , and His Mexican Policies. THEY ARE BITTER AGAINST US. The following extracts from Costa Rica papers were translated for The Commonwealth by Mr. Ashley Bry an, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Bryan, who is stationed at San Jose, Costa Rica, in the wireless depart ment of the United Fruit Company. These extracts show the sentiment of the press there in regard to the attitude of the United States to ward Mexico. The extracts are as follows: The savage transgression which is now being committed by the barba rians from the North upon the ex hausted Mexican nation, is the alarm call for Central America. Mexico is the dike which prevents the hordes of Uncle Sam from their destructive advance to Panama, and once this dike has been broken, the sovereignty of Central America will disappear. For this reason it is a crime for us to stand with our arms folded facing the danger which threatens our sis ter Republic, who with her heroism protects our independence. The cause of Mexico is that of Central America. War has not been declared against this heroic people, but against the "Spanish Greasers", as we, the Spanish Americans and descendants of European adventurers are disre spectfully called. The United States will unfold their absorbing policy slowly but firmly until their pretentions are fulfilled; this policy consists in for menting troubles that discredit and exhaust us and to that end their rulers have made the bandits and traitors who have risen under the name of politicians, their uncondi tional friends and disgraceful allies, who, to our great misfortune, have come forth in our own land. ;Due to this deceitful and branding policy, Adolfo Diaz, the "Satrop" maintains himself, dishonoring Nic aragua in the seat of power and if we do not let out our niggardly in ternal passion and sum up what we are and amount to against such criminal intentions, we are nothing but cowardly go-betweens who re ceived dignity and independence from'our brave forefathers to give our sons slavery and dishonor for inheritance. The Notrciero calls for all Central Americans who can and should give their helping hand to a good cause. We should like to see Dr. Coello, Dr. Irias, Dr. Dieguez, Dr. Cas'cro Ram irez, Dr. Skiner Klee, Molina Larios, Viedo, Merios and many other gifted writers capable of raising the fallen patriotic spirit, dip i their pens to save it at this critical moment. To stop the abuse of lyricisms in our protest and to start something more practical, tne JNouciero pro poses to form enthusiastic patriotic circles f or.the preaching of boycott ing Yankee merchandise and will un furl and demonstrate through towns end farms the necessity of not buy ing anything made by our enemies; men will infuse as they go along, a sentiment of dignity to our people, to whom it should be made known that to the Yankees, human ma chines without spirit, the only sensi tive part will be in the falling off of t heir business and that for them the only God is "Money" and the losing of a dollar their only defeat. We on our side must understand that every dollar we give them can be converted into ounets or some thing worse into a Judas penny to buy traitors with. Compatriots, to buy goods from tne united states is to maKe our worst enemy richer and at the pres ent moment common sense prohibits and patriotism scorns it indignantly therefore, our reprisal should be to keep our pockets closed for the sup port of their industries while Blue Jackets tramp on Spanish American soil. If they want our money, let them withdraw their soldiers from Cen- MAIiSMARRESTEO Many people suffer the tortures of lame muscles and stiffened joints because of impurities in the blood, and each suc ceeding attack seems more acute until rheumatism has invaded the whole system. To arrest rheumatism it is quite as im portant to improve your general health as to purify j-our blood, and the cod liver 91 1 in Scott ''s Emulsion is nature'sgreat blood maker, while its medicinal nourishment strengthens the organs to expel the impurities and upbuild your strength. Scott's Emulsion is helping thousands every day who could not find other relief. Refuse the alcoholic substitutes. j tral American soil. This is the atti- I tude the Latin-Tnrlinn enntinesnf shoud assume --Gerardo Matamo- res, in El Noticiero, San Jose, Costa Rica, April 28, 1914. For three days the arms of the conquerer have been firing against Latin America. Mexico is the van guard of our America; Mexico is geographically the first people of our race in the struggle against yan kee imperialism. He deceives him self who thinks Mexico is only Mex ico, as much as Mr. Wilson deceives himself when he says that Victoriano Huerta in this moment is only Vic toriano Huerta. No, Mexico is the fibre of the soul of America as Vic toriano Huerta is the fibre and soul of his country. It is our blood, the Mexican blood, that the invaders are spilling. It is our history, the Mex ican history, that Mr. Wilson mocks. It is our liberty, the Mexican liber ty, that' the gringo soldier pretends to sacrifice. Hidalgo is a brother of Bolivar and San Martin; Morelos is a brother of Paez and Sucre; Jaurez is a brother of Morazan and of Sar miento; Zaragoza is a brother of Jurn Rafael Mora and of General Canas. Mr. Wilson has lied or erred when he says that the war is against Huerta; that the United States has a profound affection for the Mexican people. The war, we repeat, is against Latin America, of which Mexico is the vanguard. Let the North Americans take off their masks and dispense with euphem isms; let them say that they clearly believe that this is the opportune time to despoil us. This much is certain. To kill a man, it is unheard of, it is imbecile, to trample and bleed a people. Mexico does not like Huerta, but Mexico has a con science of her dignity and her force and will never tolerate, will never consent that North American arms, or those of any other nation do the work that she alone can and should do in a brief or prolonged time. And what is the rest of the Latin American nations doing? What is our-gd"vernriient doing? the govern ment that is obliged by all mca m and in all moments to defend our sovereignty? Let the timid hold their peace; let them maintain a neutrality that is not respect for in- 1 ternational laws, but fear of aggres-. sion 01 what has been called the 'Colossus of the North." We do not think that Mexico will be conquered. Mexico is strong and one of her sons is the equal of ten North American soldiers. To bom bard the port of a nation that has no squadron is not noble, neither is it difficult. From the sea the invaders have fired on the four-times heroic port of Vera Cruz and soon after wards embarked troops to occupy the buildings along the water front; but the defenders of the country are in another part of the city fight- ng as only they know how to fight. In naval maneuvers the North Amer icans are powerful. We shall soon see if they have the same power to combat on the land. We await the outcome which will be serious. Mr. Wilson has gone for Huerta, who knows but what Huerta may go for Mr. Wilson? From La Republica, San Jose, C. R., April 25, 1914. Numerous young men of San Jose have visited us in our offices in order to manifest to us that they are dis posed to go to Mexico to fight in the defense of the sovereignty of that noble country. The enthusiasm is general and sincere. Our young men are convinced that the only as sistance that they ought to give to Mexico at this moment is that of blood. ' These men that have spoken to us feel the patriotism and the strength" necessary to be soldiers in this contention of races. They do not believe that weakness will be sufficient justification that they will not be able to repel the attacks of the powerful. We, naturally, applaud them. To go into Mexico to defend the race is exactly the same thing as taking up a rifle in Costa Rica to defend the sovereignty of Costa Rica. An orator in the pro-Mexican meeting that was held Saturday night in the Factory Square (Plaza de la Fabrica) said: "If through misfortune for the human race (estirpe) in this war the United States triumphs, hours after in Central America we would have Yankee governors in the place of Presidents of the Republic." And it is a truth that only the accom plices can deny and the blind of sou! can depreciate. From La Republica San Jose, C. R., April 29, 1914. Never can tell when you'll mash a finger or suffer a cut, bruise, burn or scald. Be prepared. Thousands rely on Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil. Your druggist sells it. 25c. and 50c. THE BLUE LAW AS SEEN FROM A DISTANCE. What a Wilmington Man Thinks of Our Sunday Law. ECONOMIC RECIPE TO KILL GERMS. To the Editor. Dear Sir: I have read with much interest the new Sunday blue law intended to take away from the residents of the town the comfort of buying soft drinks, ice, and ice cream on Sunday. Such stringent regulations against the people simply show the "dictator" disposition of the representatives of the town, which all sensible people will disap prove, and it simply shows that we need a law that will permit the voters of a town so abused by its representatives to vote their im peachment promptly, as was done last year for the governor of New York State for abuse of power. I noticed also that the said repre sentatives have made not the slight est effort to give the people of Scotland Neck a free disinfecting formula to kill the "malaria and typhoid germs", so badly needed in this time of the year. As 1 have been many times in Scotland Neck, and have many friends there, I will give for the benefit of my friends, and the public at large, a simple formula that will kill very quickly the "typhoid, cholera and malaria germs", on green slime on the water of stagnant pools of water, and also on the green spots around the house, in fact anywhere having stagnant waters. Dissolve one pound of sulphate of copper (blue stone) in 100 pints of water, cold or warr.t. This is, as you can see, a one per cent solution. Sprinkle the green slime with that solution and it will kill all the germs above named as well as prevent the incubation of mosquito's eggs. This sulphate of copper solution is very cheap. It 5s odorless, and can be made by any one in an old barrel or tub, and although it is not a very bad poison in such weak solution, it is, however, highly important that it be kept away from the children. Copper sulphnte can be bought at any druggist's for about 10 cents per pound. I believe that if you will put this formula in your paper a fewT times that it will do lots of good for the individual party that will do it, as well as the town at large, if the town authorities will take the matter up, and have this solution sprinkled liberally where needed. Thanking you in advance for my friends in town, and the people it wili help, I am, Yours very truly, A. N. Dubois. The Skewarkey Union. I he bkewarkey union was m ses sion with Kehukee Primitive Bap tist church here from Friday through Sunday. It' is said by those who have been attending these meetings that the attendance was larger at this session than it has been in sev eral years. Various topics of interest to the denomination were discussed by the ministers present and much interest was manifested in the meeting. there being , a number of able ad dresses at each session. The next meeting will be held with the church at Little Creek, near Conetoe, in Edgecombe county, beginning Friday before the fifth Sunday in August. Among the most prominent min isters present wTere Elder r. D Gold, of Wilson, editor of Zion's Landmark; Elder Sylvester Hassell, of Williamston, editor of the Go3pe Messenger, and author of the Church History, and Elder A. J. Moore, of Whitakers. the pastor of kehukee church for nearly forty years. The people of this community were glad to have the visitors with them during the union, and their homes were thrown open to them, and the genuine Southern hospitality prevailed. The visitors were pleased with their stay here, and declared their visit here was one of much pleasure and benefit. Announcement. Subject to the action of the Dem ocratic Primary, I hereby announce mvself as a candidate to become one of the Representatives from Halifax county in the next session 01 the General Assembly of North Carolina; and I respectfully solicit the support of all good Democrats. J. H. DARDEN. May 2nd, 1914. A FARMER'S OPINION OF THE SUNDAY BLUE LAW. Draper's X Roads, June 1. I have noticed with some interest the dis cussion of the recent drastic Sunday law of Scotland Neck. Now, I wish to say that I am not a citizen of the town and certainly have nothing t o do with the rules and regulations, but I wish to say a few words in re gard to the measure as I see it from a general standpoint. Now, does any one think it quite right to run public business on Sun day? Let us consider the Ten Com mandments. There is no law in re gard to the first nor the second nor the third except using profanity on the public streets; but the fourth is the one in question. Is it right or wrong to work on Sunday? The Bible teaches us that works of chaY ity may be done on that day, but is the keeping of stores open to sell food supplies or cigars or ice cold drinks or anything else, except med icine, right or wrong? Why, they are selling only for the money, while the multitudes are taking advantage of Sunday sale. They do not sacrifice as much as one hour for the sake of keeping Sun day holy. Now, it is a very busy time of the year for the farmers, and would any one think it right for the farmer to hitch his horse to the plow or take his hoe and go to the field on Sun day and work even six hours to fin ish that piece of work he left on Saturday afternoon, or work all day if the grass is growing rapidly, or take his dog and gun and hunt, or take his fishing tackle and go fishing on Sunday? Why, no! We (the farmers) would be prosecuted by some one, and probably by those in favor of Sunday business. There are thousands of just as good citizens as North Carolina holds residing anywhere from ten to twenty-five miles of any town that don't see a piece of ice from the last freeze in the spring until the first in the fall, and they are just as healthy as those who hang around the soda fountains. I agree that the drinks are good to the taste and are sweet and refreshing and healthy, but I don't think it any more right to sell them on Sunday than to do any oth er work. Now, I will tell what we farmers do when we get thirsty. We go to the well and from that "eld oaken bucket, the moss covered bucket," we drink pure water, or we go down the old hillside to the babbling spring and in the cool shade of the beautiful foliage we drink the water flowing as clear as crystal, then go back to work, and when Sunday comes we rest from our labors. 'And now, in conclusion, Mr. Edi tor, we are all wonting for the money; every calling in the country is for the money, and no one is so poor as to have to work on Sunday for bread, and as sure as the sun rises and sets the more we work on Sunday the poorer we will get; and if we all get the habit of working on Sunday (there is too much being done already) our State will drift into heathenism, our country will lose its pride, and it will take a fall such as we have not read in all the world, and great will be the fall. W. D. Knight. Pleasant Way to Stop Constipation Dodton'f Liver Tone Takes tie Place of Dis agreeable Calomel and its Often Dan gerous After Effects. You probably know that calomel is a poison, a form of mercury, very dangerous to a great many people and sometimes causing disagreeable after-eftects tor nearly everyone who tries it. Dodson s L.iver lone is recom mended as a perfectly safe and re liable remedy to to take the place of calomel. This is exactly what it is made for and has been made for ever since the first bottle was put up and sold. Dodson's Laver rone is pretty widely imitated. But be careful to iudee between the loud boasts of the imitators ana tne plain crutn 01 the original. Dodson s Liver lone is sold and cruaranteed by E. T. Whitehead Co who will reruna purchase price (ovc.) instantly with a smile it you are in anv way dissatisfied. Dodson's Liver Tone is a palatable yegetable liquid. Its action is easy and natural, with no gripe, no pain and the after-effects are pleasant instead of disagreeable. Dodson's Liver Tone does not interfere with your regular duties, habits and diet, but builds and strengthens instead of weakening you or "knocking you all out' ' for days. Try Dodson's and feel better and brighter, as thou sands have. WATERWORKS MAKE CHEAPER INSURANCE. How The Property Owners Would be;D.eaf"es8 is caused by n iniiamed con- Benefitted by The System. GREAT; LESSON FOR US TO LEARN. "By their works ye shall know them." How will Scotland Neck measure up when measured in the balance of public opinion with the many pro gressive towns in the State? If we want the town to grow and keep pace with its neighbors, we must make it attractive and worth while or they will not come here to live. What improvemonts can we make to add most to the attractiveness of our town? I venture the assertion, from opinion formed from talking to many people on the subject, that ninety (90) per cent of our people will say with one voice WATER WORKS and STREETS. How can these improvements, or rather we should term them neces sities, be obtained? By a liberal bond issue. What effect will the issuance of these bonds have on taxation? This point would better be answered- by someone more familiar with tax-. ation and the taxable values of the 1 town than the writer, but when the ' amount of bonds to be issued have been determined upon we should say that this point can easily be covered. ' Speaking from an insurance stand-' point there will be a material re- j duction on the rate charged for fire insurance. I believe the saving1 will average, on business property, about twenty (20) per cent. 1 I will give you ah illustration of , the operation of these rates. Scot-! land Neck is now rated from an in surance standpoint, as a fourth class' town. The basis rate used in mak-! ing up a premium of fire insurance . on brick mercantile buildings now is 1 $1.50 on each $100.00 insured. The ' rate for the-same rlzzs of . baildir.a on a third class rating, as this town would be rated with waterworks and a volunteer fire department, would be 90c. per $100.00 insured. Understand, however, that the actual saving would not be as great on most classes of buildings as thes e figures would indicate, for the rea son that additional charges would bo made for deficiencies in the cor -1 struction of buildings and for specif 1 hazard peculiar to certain business f. ' The basis rate now pertaining on dwellings under a fourth class rat ing is 75c. on the $1.00 insured, whereas on a third class rating the basis rate would be 65c. on the S100.00 at risk, or a saving of 10c, provided the residence in question ! within 500 feet of a hydrant Consider the above material re duction in insurance rates, the ad ded protection to your property, the great pleasure and comfort to be derived from a modern waterworks system, the thorough drainage and sanitation of the town that would obtain, the material benefits to health, the great, great relief from the awful clouds of dust which we have been compelled to endure, and lastly the great advertising value of such improvements to the town, and I do not believe that there is a man in Scotland Neck but who will go out and work and then vote that Scotland Neck shall have these im provements. Norfleet Smith. Will Speak at Hobgood. Mr. J. Z. Green. State Organizer of the Farmers' Union, will speak at Hobgood, N. C, on Friday, June the 5th, at 11 o'clock a. m., and.will have dinner, a basket picnic, and the public is cordially invited to at tend and bring a nice basket. Constipation causes headache, in digestion, dizziness, drowsiness. For a mud, opening medicine, use Doan s Regulets. 25c. a box at all stores. METAL Are Stomiproof They interlock and overlap in such a way that the hardest driv ing rain or sifting snow cannot possibly get under them. Besides this they last indefinitely, and never need repairs. Another point They're very reasonable in first cost. You can learn all about them from T. W. RUSSELL Deafness Cannot be lured by local applications, as they cann t reaJJh the diseased Krtion of the ear. There is onlv one way to cure deafness. land that is bv fOiistitntional remedies. : union 01 tne mucous lining 01 tnft ! Eustachian Tube. When this tube inflamed you have a rumbling ounl or impenect hearing, and when it it entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inllanimation can be taken out and this tube restored to it normal condition, hearing will be de stroyed forever; nine eases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is noth ing but an iniiamed condition of the j mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollr for any case of Deafness (caused r catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hal!' Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, f- . F. J. Ciikney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Tills for consti pation . Libby's High Grade Goods ! . A complete line of theso well known' goods now in stock, consisting of Pickles, Soups, Catsups, and all the various ar ticles. When you buy LTIi BY?S you get the gen uine. RING ON NUMBER One -Four-Six when you want your nxt order for groceries filled E. W. STAT0N (Next toxoid postoffice) Q 1 Ld Kodakers! Every day the best amateur picture devel oped nnd printed in our finishing department, draws a prize. The competition i.i open to all and is with out cost. Write for particulars. G. L. Hal! Optical Co. Saccessore to TUCKER, HALL A CO. Opticians of The Best Sort 146 Granby Street, Norfolk. Richsioad. Ljacbborf. for Sale. Good red land farm of 279 acres situated 3 miles east of Hillsbore. N. C. School on place, church near, well watered, well timbered, la$K fine, and is practically free from rocks. New six-room house, gotxl barn, well of water in yard, good meadows, and is great location for stock or grain farm. 75 to 100 acres open and being farmed on public road. Reason for selling: have two farms and cannon give place prr-pet-attention. Come look it over or write me for particulars. Will m-ct you at Hillsboro on noiice. The price is $22 50 per acre, and it is cheap at that. I am the owner, not real estate dealer. John W. Bell, Hillsboro, N. C. 31 NGLES