4 ! Personal Items. Short Local Items. $ T H E HOUSE FOR GOOD GROCERIES i -I Tea Drinks, We have jnst received a bi shipment of CHSE & SANBORN'S FAMOUS EMPRESS BLENDED TEA. If you are a lover of good tea and you are not drink ing this brand, you are missing something good. J. VV. ALLSBROOK. t j!can, Up-To-Date, Progressive. Telephones 81 and 18 To feel strong, have good appetite Constipation cause3 headache, in and digestion, sleep soundly and en- I digestion, dizziness, drowsiness. For iov life, use Burdock Blood Bitters, j a mild, opening medicine, use Doan's :he family system tonic. Price $1.00. Regulets. 25c. a box at all stores. FOR Quality and Reasonable Prices 1 in men's, women's and children's wear you should call on L. WAXMAN The Store That Undersells The Baltimore Store 'A If I i Come in and our new neck- Miss Esther Allsbrook, of Weldon, is here visiting relatives. Mrs. Z. B. Knight, of Speed, is visiting Mrs. R. JMadry, Mr. T. W. Fenner, of Raleigh, was here Monday on business. Mr. Marvin W. Hardy is at home from Trinity College to spend the vacation. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Proctor spent bunday in Farmville with relatives and friends. . Mr. and Mrs. Peyton Keel visited relatives near Farmville Saturday and Sunday. .Mrs. C. B. Ekklick and children, of Danville, Va., is visiting Mrs. A. M. Riddick. After an absence of several weeks J. T. Phillips is back with The Com monwealth force again. Mr. and Mrs. Wells D. Tillery, of Roanoke Rapids, spent Tuesday night here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Albion Dunn, of Greenville, are visiting Mr. Dunn's mother, Mrs. Kate Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Bullard, of Winston-Salem, are visiting the family of Mr. R. J. Madry. Mr. Willie H. Allsbrook has re turned from Raleigh where he has been for a few days on business. Mr. L. Mills Kilchin of The Com monwealth has returned from Lynch burg where he has been since Wed nesday last. iiv. Herman Bryan has gone to Norfolk where he has accepted a position with the Old Dominion Steamship Co. Messrs'. B. F. Tillery and Clee Vaghan and. Misses Josephine and Ka'hiee-n Tillery went to Roanoke Rapids Tuesday. Mrs. J. A. McLaughlin, of Fort Dade, Fla., has been here the past several days on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Madry. Rev. M. L. Kesler, who preached at the Baptist church Sunday morn ing and Sunday evening, returned to his home in Thomasville Monday. Misses Gertrude Kitchin, Lydia Josey, and Kate Boyette left Wed nesday for Washington, where they will spend a few days as the guests of Hon. Claude Kitchin. Lest we forget Whom did Salis bury? ' County politics has about boiled down. All aboard for water works we mustJiave 'em. We can hardly wait for the agita tion of a new hotel here. What about the service at the Southern Express Company's local office? And still they come another one here this week separating the filthy lucre from our show -goers. With paved streets and water works Scotland Neck will still retain the prestige of being the metropolis of historic old Halifax. The Commonwealth hereby chal lenges Bre'r Staihback, of the Roar ing Noke Her-all for a swimming rsco at Wrightsville Beach June 2Gth. Rev. R. A. McFarland will preach at BraswelPs Cross Roads Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The young people of the community are especi ally invited to be present. Scotland Neck is fortunate in having a man like Mr. Ben Weaver in charge of the local telephone ex change. Mr. Weaver's long exper ience in the telephone business en ables the local office to give big cir cuit service. The operators in this office are always polite, prompt and accomodating. New Jeweler Here. wear, fancy hose, new patterns in shirts and other things we have for you. There's distinctiveness about our goods. Prices R-I-G-H-T. We are headquarters for Palm Beach Suits and other summer i goods in the gents' furnishing line. ALLSBROOK & BOYETTE Men and Bos' Outfitters ifvirtfKt; v-4uuiity is i iignei man pnee. I: P WHAT Would eecome or YOUR CHILDREN IT YOU DIED T ? 'Xi iipi WA j . jmfa vinwfo E-'l i Who Gts tHe; money 0U EARN ? OaK City Items. . , There's a question for you to answer for yourself. If V you are putting money in the bank you know they vill I be PROVIDED FOR. If you are spending and wasting 1 every dollar you get, you don't know what will become ij ' them. Who gets the money you earn ? If you put jj to the bank what you spend or lend foolishly it will protect those children dependent on you. Make OUR Bank YOUR Bank i lay 4 per cent interest Comnonnded Ounrterlv. L. -w , . THE SCOTLAND NECK BANK Scotland Neck, N. C. J- ilolTman. President. J. Harper Alexander, Jr., Cashier. A. McDowell, Chairman of the Board. Oak City, N. C, June 10. H. K. Harrell and son, Ernest, and Misses Lizzie and Annie Mae, motored to Robersonville last Tuesday. Henry Cherry, of Bethel, Robert Salsbury and the Misses Robinson motored from Hassell Sunday. Mackie Savage returned Saturday and will relieve S. E. Hines at the A. C. L. depot for a few weeks. H. K. Harrell, Misses Lizzie, An nie Mae and Ernest Harrell motored to Mount Zion Sunday. Ed. Council and Miss Fannie Ma thews drove to Hamilton Sunday morning. Rev. T. J. Crisp, of the Missionary Baptist church, was too ill to attend services Sunday evening, and was taken to his home in Mildred Mon day morning by J. W. Hines and T. W. Davenport. E. L. Burnett, of Palmyra, with Tommy and Marion Burnett spent Sunday at the home of their sister Mrs. Ralph House. B. M. Worsley spent Sunday in Robinsonville. Messrs. Roy House and Marion Burnett motored to Hassell Sunday.- Johnnie Ewbanks and Billie Hais lip were in town Saturday. Miss Laura Salisbury and Billie Haislip were in town Sunday. Messrs. Wilmer and Roy, House with Misses Pearl House and Lillie Mae Burnett attended the dance at Leggetts Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Loomis Chesson spent the week end at Pine Top. Robt. Everett motored to Green vil'e Monday evening to attend the commencement exercises. Spencer E. Hines left monday for Cincinnati and other cities to re main two or three weeks. J. L. Hines spent several days on Roanoke River last week fishing. We are pleased to announce that Mr. B. W. Martin, of Harriman, Tenn., has taken charge of the opti cal and watch repairing departments of E. T. Whitehead Co. Mr. Martin comes to Scotland Neck with the highest references as a watch maker and optician of ability. He js now ready for business and will be pleased to meet you. Low prices and good service guaranteed. The Governments Express Business. Deafness Cannot lie lured ly local applications, as they cannot reacfc the diseased portion or the ear There is only one way to cure deafness and that is by constitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be de stroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is noth ing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We w ill give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. Cheney &.Co., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists., 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. ' The parcel post has not only cheap ened the transportation of packages within the limit of weight to ship pers along the established rail and water routes, but it has extended facilities to a fifth of the population of the United States living outside of the cities and towns beyond the zones to which the express compa nies would contract to deliyer ship ments. The express service was naturally confined topoints on or immediately contiguous" to the main lines of railway communication. Up to last year there were twenty mil lions of our people who lived in sec tions not reached by any railroad and these, points out a writer in The World's Work fur June, had no way of enjoying even the expensive service rendered by the express companies. So far as this element was concerned, they were isolated from civilization. They lived in lit tle towns and ranches, in lumber and mining camps, on inaccessible farms. They represented a valuable and worthy element in the popula tion; preciselv the type of pioneer and agriculturist that the govern ment is attempting to encourage. They were found, not only in far Western and middle Mississippi Valley States, but largely in the longest-settled communities. There were hundreds of thousands of then in New York, in Pennsylvania, and in New England. The express com panies ignored these people simply because it did not seem profitable to serve them. The Government, however, has organized its mail services on differ ent principles. It established the rural carrier and star route systems to put these isolated people in com munication with the rest of the country at a cost of some fifty mil lions a year. But with the inaugu ration of the parcel post not only did this immense and costly organi zation become a source of profit to the Department, but it gave to these hitherto isolated sections practically the same facilitie theretofore solely enjoyed by urban communities. That is to say, the Government is doing for a large percentage of its citizens that which the express com panies utterly failed to do and is making money though the charges are less than the express rates were for city deliveries. The Home of Quality Groceries When for a meal you have a guest You will want to serve the very best ! The Kind We Sell ! Just received a shipment of Best Coffee and Tea, also a shipment of nice Hams; fresh Bread and Butter every day. Phone your order to 124 for what you want to eat and save money. Mr. Farmer, when you are in town and have buying to do drop in our store and get a square deal and save money. N. HERRING. Telephone 124. It JEE 4E I In the progressive movement of out- town and coun ty all should take a par t. A BAMKIM& ACCOUNT will be a valuable help to you., ('omnience to-day. Deposit your money with us. FOUR per cent interest (compounded quarterly) paid in our SAVINGS DEIVinMi;XT. Planters e Commercial Scotland Neck, N. I. SANK. When the eastern kings became more civilized they had p?.kces; and in time they held audience indoors. SojLhey had as a symbol of the trees which had shaded their royal forefathers a tree of gold or sdver over the chair in which they sat when matters of stato were under consideration. Later still, when the civilization of these kings was further advanced, they had trees of gold and silver ar d silk, which servants carried over them when they walked. And that the direct ancestor of the present umbrella and narasol Xenophon says that the Persians were so effeminate that in the sum mer they carried small portable i trees made of fs.br: c-4 to nrotect L Have you seen our soda grill? It is a delightful place fr most triiif (-iAr.4 . L-I f 1 I. ."k i" v-- "iniua ui iu uimg a inena. n is our ex pression of our appreciation for your patronage. We have tried to furnish our soda grill in a way that will be Have a Drink At Our Soda Grill in keeping with cur high quality drinks. Step in and refresh yourself with one of our delicious phosphates, sundaes, a plate of ice cream, or cool glass of grape juice. tum Store, TELEPHONE NUMflER NINETY-SIX Our Motto: "Nothing Too Much T 11 n reuo!e." v they first carried this prerogative of j ? royalty. Selected. Special Asmowncemersts. LOST: TAN CARD CASE CON- : , -1 . i . LSiiiiut; in ijuis, Hit a. id an A. F. of y.v-r: several calling cards order receipts. I-'umh show car and receive W. Eagle cax'd , : . - V'&LU, r.'.nd money v return to i ard. R. Bean. REGISTERED BSRKSHIRES OF choicest breeding with long deep tci t tri badies readv faction guaranteed. Price $7.50 to $10,00 each. Geo. V. Buyan. BICYCLE FOR SALE MEAD Cycle Co.'s "Man gar Coaster-Brake Special." Almost new. Owner leav ing town, and vill sell at sacrifice price of $20 cash. See E. F. Taylor at Commonwealth Office. A' P X M 1 42.1 t V.. in lull assurance that no matter what the amount of your purchase, lar,i' or .--.mail, yon will receive a, eorre ponding valuta in yosir selection. We seek to win and are determined to merit your confident e and ptronatrc. PURITY ICE CREAM, The VelveS Kind Week-CnO imfs Summer EXCURSION RATES to the Seashore via the ATLANTIC COAST LINE, the Standard Railroad of the South Round Trip Rates from Scot. Neck $10.40 9.90 lt).4'i day until orfolk and To Washington, D. C, To Baltimore, Md., To New York City, Tickets on sale every So'?tember 30th, via N Steamer, with final return limit Oc tober 31, 1914. To Wrightsville Beach, $7.45 Tickets on Kale every day until September 30th, with final return limit October 31, 1914. To Wilmington, N. C, $.C0 To Norfolk, Va., 3.15 Tickets on sale for all trains each Srturday and for all forenoon trains er'h Sunday until September 13, 1914, limited returning to midnight of Tuesday next following date of sale. For summer excursion rates to many mountain, lake and pleasure resorts and for any other informa tion, reservations, etc., call on EPP L. BROWN, Ticket Agent, or ad dress W. J. Craig, Passenger Traffic Manager,- or T. C. White, General Passenger Agent, Wilmington, N. C. REXALL Gomp'y, -Scotland Neck, 6? ir 'Cr "r ''t ' North Carolina 0$ tuffy c wjTV ,Js .sy .f V V. vTi; S if, U I THIS MEANS YOU! Ts YOUR residence and furniture FULLY protected against FJ l ) ? It not, see T'S and talk it over. It costs Oil very little. Alexander & Smith. INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE. Pedigree of Umbrellas. When we look at the wonderful umbrellas 'shown in' the shops at those of silk in leather or velvet sheaths to carry when we travel or parasols of chiffon gathered and puffed and ruffled and trimmed with flowers and ribbons we don't, re member that they are all descend ants of trees. But they are. The umbrella and parasol come from the east. In the east m early times the king when he held audi ences held them out of doors, and, of course, he sought the shade of a Hcomioriauie iree, iui u cooicm peciailMMceoiett Order Your Clothes NOW!! A Pair, of Trousers or Fancy Vestv , Forahort time only, we are offering with every Suit, Coat and Trousers or Overcoat pur chased FROM THE SPRING AND SUMMER LINE a FANCY VEST or a PAIR OF TROUSERS FREE. ! Clothes made to your measure by THE GLOBE TAILORING CO., Inc. CINCINNATI Every garment is backed by the rigid guarantee of the makers. Take advantage of this NOW 500 Patterns to Select From. Let Us Take Your Measure NOW BurrouoSis-Pittman-Wheeler Company. r;") it i- - fa A I c .1 r J sun was hot.

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