The LARGEST CIRCULATION of any Halifax County Newspaper Established 1882. COMMONWEALTH Tim BIST ADVERTISING MEDIUM m EASTERN CAROLINA i L. MILLS KIT CHIN, Editor and "EXCELSIOR" IS OUR MOTTO SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $1.00 PER YEAR. VOL. XXX. SCOTLAND NECK, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1914. NUMBER 25. THE V ft RUN-DOWN WOMEN Find Health in a Simple Tonic. Hot' many women do you know vho are perfectly -well, strong and lieal thy as a woman should be? They may not be sick enough to lie in bed . hut they are run-down, thin, nerv ous, tired and devitalized. Yomen are so active nowadays, imd so much is expected of them, that they constantly overdo and suf fer from headache, backache, nervous ness and kindred ills. Such women need Vinol, cur deli cious cod liver and iron tonic -without oil which will create an appetite, tone up the digestive organs, make pure blood and create strength. Mrs. "Walter Price, Biloxi, Miss., pays: "I was in a run-down condition; far months, I had taken several medi cines but they seemed to do me no ood. Finally Vinol was recommend ed, and from the first bottle I began to improve until I am strong and well as ever." Try a bottle of Vinol with the un derstanding that your money will be returned if it does not help you. F. S. For pimples and blotches try our Saxo Salve. We guarantee it. E. T. Whitehead Company Scotland Neck, N. C. We have just installed an up-to-date sanitary refrigerator and are now prepared to serve you off of ice anything in the grocery line y? B" ?'! CI? or wit Company . Telephone Two-Nine Never can tell when you'll mash a finger or suffer a cut, bruise, burn or scald. Be prepared. Thousands rely on Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil-. Your druggist sel Is it. 25c. and 50c, Clee V aughaxi, DEALER IN onuments Tombstones Italian, Vermont and Georgia Marble of highest grade, and the best grades of granitt. Will save you money and guarantee quality. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the State for the Wo men of North Carolina. Five regu lar Courses leading to degrees. Spe cial Courses for teachers. Free tui tion to those who agree to become teachers in the State. Fall Session begins September 16, 1914. For catalogue and other information, address JULIUS I. FOUST, President, Greeoslionp, N. I". .- 1 - ! ftiH M VI at S3 a - . "XA H H m St B m W I Saxon Features Not a Cyclecar. 4 - Cylinder Continental Motor, water cooled. Stc tandard l read. 1 1 rT-1 1 96- -in. W heeiDase. TV71 11 Left Driee Center Control enter from either side. 1 5 Horsepower. Buy a CAMPING GROUNDS FOR THE ROY SCOUTS Cake Creswell, Washington Coun ty, Has Been Selected. AN IDEAL PLACE FOR THE BOYS Lake CresweU, seven miles from Creswell, Washington county, N. C, has been selected as a camping place for the Boy Scouts this summer. Rev. Jno. T. Johnson, a prominent minister of Creswell, has written the local Scout Masters and answer ed questions asked by them and given further information as fol lows: 1. Who owns the camping ground ana irom wnom would permission have to be obtained to use it? A stock company, Mr. C. C. Adams in charge, Somerset Farm, Creswell, N. C. , 2. Are there buildings of any nature near that might be used as a camp-house? Plenty of vacant buildings. 3. How are the mosquitoes? Could we sleep there without pro tection from them? Some mosqui toes but not malarial. Yes. 4. How is the bathing? Is there sandy bottom and good beach? Fine. Shallow water a good distance out. Sandy bottom. 5. How is the water supply? Wells near. Good water. 6. How far is the nearest physi cian? -His name? Dr. W. Hardi son, Creswell. Seven miles. Somerset, one of the most beauti ful old "before the war" places, seems such an ideal place for your purpose that I cannot help adding just a few wTords more. Would it excite your curiosity to know that the lake is on a hill and that the water flows from and not to the lake. It has no natural outlet and inflow, vet the water is pure and sweet, and in olden times the people had big cisterns which .they filled with lake 'water, ever v winter for j summer use." 6n the lake shore I there is an old water mill that used ! the lake water as amotive power, j and here the boys may have a de ! licious shower bath every day. j There are "fishes" in the lake, ! many different kinds, large and ! small. The bovs may catch all the I small pan fish they want. They can jee the large bass and may catch j them if they know how, but it is a hard job. They may be shot with small bore rifles. I could tell you of the most beau tiful scenery in Eastern JNorth Caro lina, but bring a camera. The A. & M. College. If a person desires to know what the Agricultural and Mechanical College is doing for the State, a trip through any section will reveal its work. On our farms, in our dairies, in our orchards in our chemical plants and dye-houses in our cotton mills, and mechine shops, in our light plants, in the surveying parties of our railways, everywhere that progressive industrial operations are under way, you will find men who were fitted at this busy, common-sense College. More and more each year ambitious young men are turning their steps to West Raleigh for life training. The fall announcement appears elsewhere in this paper. Sliding Gear Transmission More leg room than high priced cars. Streamline Body. Honeycomb Radiator. Dry Plate Clutch. Light WeightGood Looks Wire wheels.Low Upkeep Saxon WHITAKERS STORM-SWEPT. Several Houses Demolished and Much Damage Done. - Information was resieved here Tuesday morning of a terrific wind storm that visited Whitakers and surrounding section Monday evening about dark that did considerable damage to buildings and crops. Several houses were blown down in Whitakers, among them being the wholesale house of O. J. Moore & Company. Mr. O. J. Moore, of this place, one of the members of the firm, was notified and he went to Whitakers Tuesday morning. At the time Mr. Moore went away it was impossible to ascertain the dam ages, but he told us from what in formation he had it was consider able. Reports say that Mr. A. W. Out terbridge, formerly of Scotland Neck and a member of the firm of O. J. Moore & Company, had his leg broken during the storm. He had left the store- building and was try ing to make his way to safety. The wind was blowing at such a terrific rate that he sumbled and fell against a log, thus receiving the injury. Among the other houses damaged were the residences of Elder A. J. Moore and Mr. J. R. Bradley, and a saw mill belonging to a Mr. Bulluck. An effort was made to get fuller particulars by telephone but the lines were out of commission this could not be done. and The First Cotton Bloom The first cotton we gave heard of bloom that j so far this i season was sent in to the News & DViQpirvpr riflf!ff fmm .Tnhnstnn rmintv ! near Clayton. The cotton blossom was from the farm of Mr. Charle; W. Home, and was grown bv Mr N. L. Horton. Johnston county was also the first to produce cotton blossoms last year, and the same gentleman sent them in both times. Box Party at Roseneath' There will be a box party at Roseneath on Friday evening, July 3rd. Ice cream will be served on the lawn. The ladies are especially invited to come and bring a box, which will be very much appreciated. The public is cordially invited. Come and enjoy the evening with us. Don't Use a Stick! Most people use an ordinary stick when carpets and rugs have to be beaten at spring cleaning time. But a proper carpet beater is far more effective and not so likely to injure the carpet. The really correct meth od is to beat well on the wrong side, then brush on the right. HAPPY MOTHERHOOD Thehappinessof motherhood istoooften checked because the mother's strength is not equal to her cares, while her unselfish devotion neglects her own health. It is a duty of husband or friend to see that she gets the pure medicinal nourish ment in Scott's Emulsion, which is not a drug- or stimulant but nature's con centrated oil-food tonic to enrich and en liven the blood, strengthem the nervesand aid the appetite. Plrysicians everywhere prescribe Scott's Emulsion for" over worked, nervous, tired women; it builds up and holds up their strength. "Get Scott's at your nearest drug store. Saxon Records Saxon the first car of these specifications to sell at Saxon price. Saxon is the only car in the world giving Saxon value at less than $500. . Saxon Company began shipping demon strators to dealers eight days ahead of prom ised date of shipment. . Saxon Company shipped more cars m the first month after starting production than any 'other manufacturer in the history of the automobile industry. Twelve thousand Saxon Cars were con tracted dealers six weeks after first an nouncement was made. Saxon Company already has strong na tional dealers' organization. Saxon Company the first at present time the only one of the new companies making deliveries, in quantities. - This car which the world has so long been waiting for can be seen at our garage. Arrange for an early demonstration. THE BAN PLACED UPON ALL TENTED SHOWS The Town Commissioners Places High Tax Upon Them. FIFTY DOLLARS FOR EACH DAY Following the rumor that several fmore shows of the class "Z" variety were coming here to tote away some more of the sweat-earned money of the laboring people, the city fathers at a called meeting Thursday morn-; ing amenaea tne city ordinance by passing the following law in re gard to circuses, side shows and other cheap forms of amusement: "That article viii of the ordinances of the town of Scotland Neck inso far as it applies to circuses, side shows or performances given under tent or tents shall be amended to read as follows: "Circuses or any side shows or performance given under tent or tents, within the town, or within one mile thereof, the sum of fifty dollars for each day's performance as license fee. "That it shall be unlawful for any carnival or street show to give any exhibition within the corporate limits of Scotland Neck. "Any person violating this ordi nance shall be fined one hundred dollars." Huerta,sTwo Mistakes. j Huerta is the flower of Mexican ; j Indian. Such Indians have appear ed, i on occasions, in the United States, j Huerta is brave. Huerta is masterful. But even Huerta has never betrayed I,ssion of high ideals nor wide social vision And Huerta has made mistakes. Two of these mistakes, to be mentioned in passing, but which are not opposite to the contention of this article, are: (1) his not killing Zapata when he had the chance; (2) his very grievous error in not killing Villa the time he had him backed up against a wall facing a fireing squad. It was on this later occasion that he compelled Villa, on his knees; arms clasped about Huerta'slegs, to beg Huerta for his life. Villa has not forgotten that little episode. And it is fair to assume that sometimes the memory of these two mistakes flits regretfully though Huerta.s mind as he sips a drink at tha country club and contemplates Villa moveing irresistibly down on him from the north; both his coast blocaded by American warships and all arms and war munition embargoed; Zapata at his back to the south and west like a hungry tiger; his credit exausted, but a small portion of his own country left in his hands, and his own people in his capital city ripe to turn on him the instant he totters. I should not like to be Villa or Zapata if only for five minutes Huerta should get hold of me, Nor should Hike to be Huerta if only for five minutes Zapata or Villa should get hold of me. Jack London in Collier's Weekly. When baby suffers with eczema or some itching skin trouble, use Doan's Ointment. A little of it goes a long way and it is safe for children. 50c. a box at all stores. 'lWAh, I 7e are now in position to take I lAIC -DT TYSWC ' B PERSONAL MENTION. Items Concerning OurPeople Other Folks. and "Mr. O. J. Moore! went to Whita kers Tuesday. Mr. Paul Saulsbury, of Hamilton, was here some days last week. Miss Beth Moore, of Rocky Mount, is visiting Miss Charlotte Moore. Miss Ellowee Webb, of Morehead City, is visiting Miss Lillian Harrell. Mr. L. Mills Kitchin. of The Com- monwealth, was in Greenville Fri day. Mr. H. McLarty, of the Crescent Pharmacy, is visiting relatives in Monroe. Miss Louise Curry, of Richmond, Va., spent Sunday afternoon Scotland Neck. m Miss Kate Boyette has returned from an extended tour in the Middle Atlantic States. Mrs. W. M. Johnson, of Winston Salem, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Futrell. Miss Bessie Cherry went to Bethel some days ago to be with her moth er, who is quite ill there. Mr. and Mrs. John W. House, of Roanoke Rapids, were in Scotland Neck Thursday and Friday. Mrs. J. L. Gay and children, of Suffolk, Va., have been here the j past few days visiting friends. Messrs. J. E. Condrey, Jr., and I Gavin Hyman attended the June german at Enfield Thursday evening. Mr. O. F. Smith has returned from Lumberton where she has visited relatives for the past two weeks. Editor L. Mills Kitchin of The Commonwealth left Tuesday for j Wnghtsville to attend the Press ; Convention j Ex-Mayor J. A. Perry, formerly I of Scotland Neck but now of Green J ville, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. R. C. Josev. l Mr. Koy U. Hardy, has returned from Charleston where he has attended the Citadel Academy the past session. Mrs. J. R. Bradley returned to her home in Whitakers Tuesday morn ing after visiting friends here for several days. Messrs. A. W. Futrell, of Wood land, Harry Boyce, of Rich Square, and J. W. Britt, of Roxobel, spent Sunday here. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Thigpen and daughter, Miss Virginia, of Wash-' South, we earnestly urge every Pro ington, D. C, were here last week gressive Farmer reader to see his the guests of Mrs. Thigpen's moth-1 physician at once and take the anti er, Mrs. W. R. Cherry. j typhoid vaccination. We urge this Children.s Day exercises will be!asan individual duty, and we also held at the Methodist church j insist that U 1S the duty of States Sunday evening at the regular preaching hour. Every body is cordially invited to come. Miss Gertrude Jackson, en route to her home in Dunn from her year's work at the Boston Conservatory, spent several days here the past week with Miss Annie Cherry. Mr. Cecil Hassell, formerly of Scotland Neck, who successfully passed the medical board last week at Raleigh, was here Wednesday and Thursday, returning to his home in Greenville Friday morning. We are now in position to take care of your wants. We are doing All Kinds of Repair Work And have a full supply of Tyrian Tires, both plain and anti-skid. These tires we give you our per sonal guarantee that they will run 3500 miles; if they don't we make our own adjustments. And you don't have to wait and see what the manufacturers say about it. Our stock of Oils and Greases is complete. We are handling the Standard Oil Co.'s Gas Tank and can supply you with Gasoline at 18c per gal. VACCINATE AGAINST THE TYPHOID FEVER Free Dispensaries Established in Forsyth County. SUCCESS OF TYPHOID YACCINE. Just as we open the papers in the morning mail our eyes light on the following announcement in big type across two columns of a North Caro lina county paper: (Announcement by E. F. Stryck land, M. D., of anti-typhoid dispen saries in Forsyth county.) Let us hope that this announce ment is prophetic. Let us hope that just as we have had a South-wide crusade against hookworm disease, we shall now have a South-wide crusade against typhoid fever. Of course we must keep up the fight for better sanitation, for screening houses and killing flies, for proper safeguarding of the water supply, and for proper disposal of sewage. But no matter how vigilant may be our efforts in these particulars. everybody should take the anti-ty phoid vaccine. And if there are any who doubt the efficacy of the treat ment, let them read the following extracts from last year's official re port of the Surgeon General of the United States Army. We quote: The army got through the year 1913 with only two cases of typhoid tever in the enlisted strength of more than 80,000 officers and men. One was that of a man who had not been immunized with the typhoid vaccine, and was believed to have contracted the fever before, he en listed; the other case was among the troops in China, and though the man was immunized in 1911, the history of the "case is in doubt. "The Navy, which adopted the vaccine later than the Army, and did not make its use at once com pulsory, had among its 50,000 jack ies only seven authentic cases of ty phoid in the year ending last June. Four of those were treated at a re mote tropical station, where the vaccine had deteriorated. "Such is the wonderful record of the prophylactic treatment. "Before the resort to immuniza tion, typhoid cases in the Army av eraged about three to a thousand enlisted strength, or in the neigh borhood of 250 cases a year." As typhoid fever every summer takes such fearful toll of human life and happiness all over the rural and counties to inaugurate system atic campaigns against typhoid fever just as Dr. Stryckland is doing in Forsyth county. We should have a South-wide campaign against ty phoid fever carried on as vigorously and scientifically as has the campaign against hookworm disease. And now that the Rockefeller Sanitary Commission is finding less to do in combatting hookworm, why should it not join with the State in just such a South-wide crusade? The Progressive Farmer. i i Will Be Announced July 1 So if you have any idea of purchasing this class car, we advise you to wait;see what the ''Old Reliable" announcement will be, for "when better automobiles are built Buick will build them." Until we can build our Garage and Store Room on Main Street we are using Biggs & Johnson's sales stables as our garage and show room. If you want an automobile or any thing in accessories or repairs, if we haven't got it, we'll get it. Thorough Work. How Scotland Neck Citizens tan Find Freedom From Kidney Troubles. If you suffer from backache From urinary disorders Any curable disease of the kidneys, Use a tested kidney remedy. Doan's Kidney Pills have been tested by thousands. Grateful people testify. Can you ask more convincing proof of merit? G. W. Tye. Cedar St.. Weldon. N. C, says: "My kidneys gave me a great deal of trouble and I had pains through my loins. After taking Doan's Kidney Pills, all these aches and pains left and the trouble with my kidneys became a .thing of the past." " Price 50c. at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Tye had. Foster- Milburn Co., Props.. Buffalo. N. Y. In addition to our stock of Groceries we carry a complete line of FRUITS AND VEGETABLES and will be pleased to serve you any time. . Fresh Bread and Rolls ALWAYS ON HAND Our line of Canned Goods is complete and consists of the very best brands. W.B.Strickland, Jr. Phone 88. Polite Service Kodakers! Every day the best amateur picture devel oped and printed in our finishing department, draws a prize. The competition is open to all and is with out cost. Write for particulars. G. L. Hall Optical Co. Saccesiore to TUCKER, HALL & CO. Opticians of The Best Sort 146 Granby Street, Norfolk. Richmond. Lyockborj. n -jj ii uu . J v-.. Scotland Neck, North Carolina MdDlldDir Car C