e THE COMMONWEALTH. PUBISHED EVERY THURSDAY. CHAS. F. CARROLL, Editor and Proprietor. Entered at the postoffice at Scotland N. C, aa Second-Class Matter. Thursday, November 4. 1915. Statement of the Gwnership, Manage ment, Circulation, Etc., Required "lyThe Act of "August 24; 1913. Of The Commonwealth, published weekly at Scotland Neck, N. C, for October 1, 1915: nEditor. Chas. F. Carroll, Scotland Neck, N, C. 1 Managing Editor, same. Business Manager, same. Publisher, same. Owner, same. Known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders holding 1 ner cent, or more of total amount r of stock: None. CHAS. F. CARROLL. Sworn to and sudscribed before me this 27th. dav of October, 1915. (Seal) L. L. CHERRY, Notary Public. November, we salute thee! May days. you give us 30 prosperous Along about the 25th turkey wil be divided. And perhaps a little Greece be needed by way of operation. wil Yes, Still Published Our contemporary, the Scotland Neck Times is carrying in this week's issue an editorial Telatifce to a re port that the newspapers here had consolidated, or that the Times was the successor to The Commonwealth, or something like this. It states that this is a mistake, if such an opinion prevailed. Forx the 'good it will do both of us, we thank our friend for straightening out the matter with his readers," and we hereby inform ours that The Com ith will most Dositivelv be published weekly as heretofore un til further notice, and semi-weekly Hiprpsfter. if the sicrns are not de- ceiving. we sun soncu me pauuu age of the people of Halifax and adjoining counties on the same sti pulations which has always been fol lowed with The Commonwealth. Be lieving in a square deal to all, we give value received and expect the same. We wish our friend, The Times, a successful career, but at the same time, are looking out for Number One. We wish our readers tn understand that newspapers as well as people ought to be good friends, and we d j not want the pub lie to think we are an exception t to the rule. We like to see our friend make a success at the business ana trust the brother looks at us with t.hp same benevolent eye. Here's to both of us. A Pleasant Thought A stranger in our city a few days ago remarked that Main street would make a most beautiful boulevard, if the pumps, pole3 and trees were removed and the street paved with bithulitic. We second the motiiri to the remprk. Not considering the boulevard proposition at; all Main street would present a most hand some as well as per manent appear ance if the same were treated with coat of paving. Merchants and pedestrians would be spared the aw ful dust on windy days and the ter rible mud on rainy days. One thing can be said in favor of Main street as it is, however; that is the widih of the place. But before ne discard the subject, what will be done about laying the water and sewer mams before we do the paving? While thinking, we never though of that What A Boy Cost Persimmons and muscadines have arrived with the proper blush. This is the season for subscrip tions. Paid yours yet? Referring to Villa-, wouldn't it well to recognize him too. be But personally speaking, we be lieve in preparedness in all things. Cotton shows a slight decline. Pes simists have already begun to knock Wilson for the drop. Outside of being in sympathy with those interested, we don't care a kitty who wins this war. Now you have put us to advise you to not till 1st only for poses. em on, permit remove them bathing pur- Set-hack For Suffrage The East is not taking so kindly to I "Votes for Women" as did the West. No longer than last Tuesday, three additional states denied a change in the Constitution, thereby smashing the hopes of the fair sex that they would soon receive the ballot. While we aie not going to lose any sleep over ? he question, it doe3 make us wonder what the women would do with the ballot if they bad it. Seems to us that the best women of the land are taking no interest in the proceedings, else they would have long ago expressed themselves pub licly on the subject. The rank and class of females who are doing so much harping about equal suifrage are those that have wealth and can find no where else to spend it, where they will get half the excitement. But mark our prediction: All these women- who have money to spend on equal suffrage campaigns are go ing to wake up some of these days after elections and be lorced to en ter into a voluntary bankruptcy, and it will be a bitter dose to lose both social position and suffrage too It's just a new-fangled idea we have in herited from England anyway. You good women-folks of North Carolina The daily papers say that German had 3ust as wel1 forget all this stuff. troops have occupied Vhjuiklf . Next thing we kuow they will take Pf tuy-klq. An exchange remarks that slander is murner magnified a thousand times. In other words it's butchery to the extent of 500 degrees. We have progressed wonderfully without women suffrage since the foundation of the republic, and we can continue to move along at the same rate. You have a more sacred duty than mixing up with all 'kinds of humanity at the polls. A Word to The Wise. JNext to the liar, we had just as soon be locked up with the burglar. we would at least De able to see what he does. An exchange says that Wilson prayed at a Cabinet meeting. We always thought of him as a God fearing man. Prayer with Wilson has always been a custom. Referring to Miss Cavell, the Eng lish lady who was executed by the Germans for spying; we admire her arrit. She died a martyr to the cause, if there be one for this war. Kinston will have the honor of hearing Bryan next week. Ai good A good opportunity to hear a rea peerles peace advocate. The cash merchant who does not advertise his business does not re alize how much loser he is. Credit doesn't have to be advertised. It will be found out soon enough. Today we are carrying a what depleted advertising layout. A glance will show that we have to carry over half the space ourselves. Two of our previously steadv ad vertisers have dropped out with var ious explanation That is their bus iness and maybe hard-luck. One gen tlemen who did an extensive bus iness here cancelled his advertising with explanation that his business was promised elsewhere, that he either heard that The Common wealth was going to suspend publi cation or that he thought it would, etc., etc. While we are naturally hurt over the decision and informs tion or impression that the gentle men was laboring under, we are inaneiui to say tnat we are not wholly dependant upon his business Realizing that it takes hard work and plenty of persuasion to keep one s advertisers intact all durinsr the year, we shall utter no cry of despondency over the removal of one or $wo ads. We still hope to So youre twenty one. And you stand up clear-eyed. clear-minded to look all the world squarely m the lace. You are a man. Did you ever think, son, how wuch it has coat to make a man out of you? bome one has tigured the cost in money oi reamg a child. He says to bring up a young man to legal age, care for him and educate him, costs $25,000, which is a lot of mon ey to put into flesh and blood. But that isn't all. You have cost your father many hard knocks, and short dinners, and gray streakes in his hair; and your mother oh, my boy, you will never know! You have cost her days, and nights of anxiety, and wrinkles in her dear face, and heartaches and sacrifices It has been expensive to grow you; but If you are what we think you are you are worth all cost and much more. Be sure of this: While father does not say much but "Hello, son," way down deep in his tough, staunch heart he thinks you are the finest ever; and as for the little mother, she can not keep her love and pride for you out of her eyes. Yon are a man now. And some timz you must step into your lather s shoes. He would not like for you to call him old but just the same he isn't as yung as he used to be. You see, young man, he has been working for more than twenty years to help you up, and already your mother is beginning to lean on you. Doesn t that sober you, twenty- one? You father has done fairly well, 1 i 11.. -w V dui you can ao Detxer. i ou may not think so, but he does. He has given you a better chance than he had. In many ways you can begin where he left off. He expects a good oeai oi you and tnat is tne reason he he has tried to make a man of you. Don't flinch, boy! The world will try you out. It put to test every fiber in you, but you are made of good stuff. Once some- the load is fairly strrapped on your shoulders, you will carry it and scarcely feel it it is only there by the willing and cheerful mind. All hail you on the threshold. T 1 . . it s nign time you are beginning to pay the freight and you back debts to your father and mother. TT . Ml . xouwui pay tnem ud. won't vou boy? How should you pay them? By being always and everywhere a man. Unidentified. True Purpose of Press it grieves us sorely to announce the fact that winter approaches with lots of cold blasts. The weather man is not sure but thinks the old fellow has some snow and ice for this section, when he gets here and establishes his residence. The good old state Idaho has such a drastic prohibition law on its hands that it asks the Supreme Court to lhe newspaper that is merely the snapper-up of inconsiderate trifles J? 1 -r . lias nu excuse ior Demg. it is a waste of the community's energy, ana .tnat or tne editor. The newspaper that stirs ud dis sension between individuals or class es, that causes disrespect for author ity or religion, that wounds with vui, yuiju&e, mat, never plants a seed without desire of bruisine i , . " " ruuuExo uciBuual lire. ciHeBcui- juaice, political preierment. or fin- eu in our columns ana oner tne larg- anciai gain, not only has no excuse est bona-flde circulation of any -na- for. Demg, Dut its editor stands ever per in the county to get same. Our society to you i j ii 1 1 t r rmtft tnrpicrn nrlvorriainir la rilrni I i- . . . o" v.xw& io un,niuS uu, i linr r no nonrsrtai-vai. 4-: j . i , , , , . , ..vvuopti i.uoi oiiives auu ngm nere let us say tnat without wearying to unify the corn without exception all are of munity's interests, to promote true plate and brine from one to cture by broadening the horizon five cents per inch more monev thin 01 ts readers to stimulate the good nve cencs per men more money than and repress the bad so closely lie in numc uicitimuis.. e tne so!3 oi men, to arou3e a whole still stand Dy all the home merchants, some pride in those things which however, and ure-e our readers tn maKe men and women and children patronize them in preference to' send- teP-ier' innshort: to make ech line v,o;. r-: .wollDc.ireuBiure anomer J-l -i I." 1 j.: i a m pooa uu me uuuovibuuuuoiiijf uj. me '"6 muucj- um ui cuwii. uive purpose Ah, herein lies the begin- ineasurc. luauu, you snouia not in- muse wnu uu uui auveruse witn us ning out not tne end nf tho trno t7?o I I . i v V iO criminate thyself if thou desireth to be wet. Latest reports from all the war of fices state that each of the bellig erent armies have advanced, at the same time repulsing the attack of a liberal portion of your business. i hey want it, but do not care to spend a little money with the home paper to ask you for it. ion of the newsraner! Vrnm the ivansas nxlitor. uen v-.arranza is recognizi iiusuKi-iiuiiisaiy. rvest oi votna- the enemy. Maybe by this time they tions step up quickly please, and re have , completely swallowed each cognize this fellow before it is too other up, as tne lrisnman s two late, ine invitation is liable to be snakes did. with-drawn in a short while. Silk Quilt to be Sold lhere will be a silk auil d at Nov. rm i J muuens on xnursaay nig. 11th., in the school building for the benefit of Roseneath church. There will also be such eatables a3 barbe cue, bread, salads and hot coffee fo 1 sale, from 8:30 to 12. The Perfection Completes Your Shaving Outfit TOUCH a match the Perfection glows in response. In five min utes the bathroom is as warm as toast Why endure cold, damp and chilly weather when this inexpensive little portable fireplace is always ready to make things eozy and warm in bedroom, bathroom all over the house. The Perfection is clean, convenient, eas ily carried wherever you want it. Ten hours of comfort from a gallon of oil. It is smokeless and odorless. Costs noth ing when not in use but is always ready to make your house the home of cheer. Use Aladdin Security Oil or Diamond White Oil to obtain best results in Oil Stoves, Lamps and Heaters. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jerey) BALTIMORE Wuhinttoo, D. C. Norfolk. V. Richmond. Va. Charlotte. N. C. Charleston. W. Va. Charleston S. C Look for the Triangle Trademark. Sold in many styles and sizes at all hardware and general stores, and wherever you see the Perfec tion Cozy Cat Poster. Highest award Panama -Paciic Exposition 00000000H OOOOOO OOOO-O-Q-o-ooo WE ARE f HEADQUARTERS fOR Hackney Wagons and Ftaaga IBoggie, Hardy Hardware Company "The Hardware Hustlers Scotland Neck, N. C. 6-000000 OOOOOOOOO O00000000) PR-PUR -PER PERFECTION ft Lft. I3J '"Tjafnj i ' " I I ' '1 I I I II II I It I I Mil I 1 1 1 , t , , , ,'17,j' ALCOHOL 3 PER cunt AfcgetaWePreparalionforAs similating tlieFoorfanilRcgula ling (lie Storaariis andBowclsof I ll Promotes Diistion!ieerfd ness andR2st.Contaiiis ueiitor Opiuai.Morphine norMaraL NOT NARCOTIC. Fumpkb Seed-jlbcSeana-f s MMfeSdfs JtweSetd Bmermint- Bicarbonate Soda WmnSted- 'aaftedi lllff For Infants and Children. WTfaMaaniLMIIMlaWTWaMrTlTW7WTTafli;Taril n u Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Of AnsrfectRemsdv forCtmsRna- tion , Sour Stomch.Dittea Worras.CoiTvalsioiisJf'cvcrish- ness andLQSS OF SLEEP. n EacSinule Signature of i The Centaur Compass; NEW 1 0.KK.. tRB NOTICE TO FARMERS Dont thrash your Peanuts before they are thoroughly dry and run the risk of not being able to sell them. Be sure and get out the dirt, vines and as many of the pops as pou can. WE WILL BE READY TO BUY AS SQ0N AS PEANUTS ARE . READY National Spanish Peanut , Company. V Scotland Neck, N. C. A Madras .Opera . House One INightOnly Tuesday Night, Nov. 9th The Will E. Cuihane Amusement Company Offers Henrietta Valli in BEYARD VEILLER'S Greatest Play ' The Most Satisfying Melo-Drama Ever Written. All Special Senery. mm 2 b wpr St .v - Exact Copy of Wrapper. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. ADVANCE WINTER STYLES for street, informal afternoon affairs or church, easily reproduced at home with little expanse from the New December McCALL PATTERNS The new farhions for Winter beautifully il lustrated. One hun dred pages or authentic fashion information c7.f?7 aavance tasnion news-- f what is correct for all occasions in the new Winter McCall Book of Fashions (Winter Quarterly) Now On Sale is authority on advance styles. Profusely illustrated. Edwards & Co,, Scotland Neck, N MM fiJm t m 1 ' I mm 1 1 J s N . oetvveen the Florida Cub A passenger service unexcelled for 'luxury ; and comfort, equipped with the latest Pullman I Dining:, Sleeping: and Thoroughfare Cars. I For rates, Schedule, Haps or any informa- tion, write to WM J. CRAIG, s I general Passenger Agent, Wilmington, N. C. f ',1 n V 0 n n

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