TOSTLTS SALE GF LAND By virtue of power vested in mo! iT7Tf I si j., by that deed of trusted exectHed 10 j 1 1 ' l ' tne on the 4th day of .Tulv," 1914, tv ;l ' fl i' t ,1- 31. T. Hancock and wife Bettie Han- ! IT j -I coo which said cteea ol.tru?t is oi i t ? . record la tno oJtiee oi tne nesrister s ! of Deeds for Halifax County in Book I at- "r-o fVC T c'oa'l run Thnralav .January 6th, 191--5, sell to the highest 'bidder for cash ?tt nubile miction ! in the town oi Scotland Neck, the loliovvine; described real and person al prone: ty lriiirr, bring and situate C-.-cntr ct ILdifax and State ci No oh OiyoUnc, to--it: Thnt tract oi i:ncl fcnov.-n as the "Rivor t a -m , oo am; en &v the lands or , . A ib . ;--T!. T. IV. Fe:uv-r, S. A. Dt in, v- d iV-ih Eiders, and contain. im; Vru i.ueart-d ana nmfv s;x more or 1 -;?; k)$o that hous.? and let in che of Scotland Neck, . C. on r.he East side cf Main Stree t of said town, fronting 23 feet. n Ma-n Street and rur-nnimr back 418 feet. and behig 200 feet on the Lao!'. bounded bv t he lands of S. V Dun.-), Wr iter Hancock, Mr. W T Vaughn, lot beionyinsr to A. McD ''.veil and G. Fluff ir-an, ino being the hle-vicc' pr pnrjv pim-hast'd front EhaD a; J. U lui-.onb; '.si so aii the crop. of ev. ry k :;d end scrip; ion rtdsod du ing- 'he ear 1914 oy the said H. T. Han cock and if- on fhai; knewn as-the Wood Place'1', boundvd by ; ho ipnds of T. W. Fanner and V: R. Bund, and 3. A. Dunn; also all of tlr:- crow on that place known rvt j-j it i 21 i i 1 'TvSnam&x 1 if i.C.3 iwS.f-rf'A i Light I it 3 k I the full, gathered scarf-end may be popularity of walking, skating, and brought over the head and face, veil general out-of-door winter sports is fashion, protecting - the complexion ( the walking -stick with a soft silken and eyes very efficiently. I or velvet bag attached for handker- Leather is being used for these sets 1 chiefs, powder puffs and other arti quile extensively too; a fur-trimmed I cles necessary to Milady's beauty and set of dull Russian leather, trimmed j comfort. Although somewhat ex vith sable and combined with a short, treme these sticks are nevertheless tab-ended scarf, also trimmed with sable, is unusually smart and becom ing. These leather sets made be made at home of suede, or a soft kid. They are practical for many purposes as they are not injured by dust, rain or snow . as toe i! p whiea iscoif-ar a hale soutneast of the t vvn of Scot land Neci and bonn1ed ty the la-d of Andrew Savage, Lavrc-ntre Fioa.-e ant-' by the public road le&dh;-j t' C ,:: Set tland Neck to Palmy a and f:oh-STOv-d and Greenwood to Deep Crook; . ail of the crops on tl;e unown 5 1 he 'Lawrence Far: .. j.b-.'Ut tuo miles rcr hv: - :. oi' t. " 'ov n of Scotland Nock, r-nd b -aad.-o IfTS qlov is so so 3 I a n d b ri c; at tnat you can read all evening without tiring your eyes. Th.3 War: bt e:.-. G. V1 Br van. nru nv the Janaa oi A. vVbeeier and 8. A. Bun; niso ti-e l'ol:-"yiiJK de-scribed pei-sonal pi opor ty, one little G inn t Peanut Thrashei--ono enci-se, alio all farminsr imp;c xne ;ts cT every kind and description incSud-iit- wa'jo tiv'tor:?, etc . ana also thirteen ix ?. of .'aam ::s follo'-vs: t'uee b;v niri'f uiri fi u;', - -yLtand ten j-c.-.r-i, d 'ra.: h-. : ;e, 1 ve yer.ys ck". .ev bro vn irate rm-de. ares sevrn. eirr1 n". thirteen, one dr.rV: brv rev.vre c five mrevvhs old, all cf vvn:h are c that pbi;-e as tee ,!L.awrer.';e Farm" one? ear!; tnare nuiie. a?e eig: t ytHis, and cr.e bay mare ne;'o six year-; c-'J. which are worked oo the "Wui-d Place''; iwo black perco--rc.i whk'S purchased from .Jones Bo .-ers. wl ich are worked on "F- rrel; Place5': one 5 rowii n:a!-o rne e lev.-' years eld purchased fror:! Wi:-.alov." Bros., cntt which h also wo: i;ed on the "Ferreli Place". i ;:ne : ha'e: o clc jarv 6th, 1916. 1 f i I I ! ! r i v I r 3 is the most popular kerosene lamp ever made. because it gives a clear, powerful, mellow liht because it is ea?y to clean and light because it durable, good looking and economical Use Aladdin Security oi or Lsicmiond wnitc Gil to obtain L-est results in Oil Stoves , Lamps and Heaters, The llavo is onlv one of our many products 1 Viac-rs vf s-i Nf -k Bonk, i T.-rms or Sr. ": CASH n Front Scotlana I that hrino- comfort and I economy to the farm. Matchless Liquid Gloss Standard Hand Separator Chi Parcwax Eureka Harness Oil Mica Axle Grease d y of Df-cemr-er. 1015 I ! V, y 1 ( , w 'I In quite practical, especially for moun tain climbs and hilly roads. Oak City Items. Mr. James Wads worth and his sister Mi3S Marcella of Leisten spent the holidays, at the home of J. A. Bennett. Rev. T. J. Crisp preached at the Baptist church last Sunday. Mr. Early f r-m near Palmyra was the guest of H. S. Everett Sunday. The little Miss Weeks of Scotland Neck spent a few days last week with thier grandparents Mr. and Mrs. . u..., r,, , ,.i , N. M. Worsley. PIT A. liTTT T TftvT JL . ? Miss Malissa Worsley returnedi We 3X2 HOC Ollly VVlllilU LU SerVC, SJUI r from Stokes last week when she was the guest of Miss Alma House. Mrs. B. M. Worsley returned from Stokes last week. Mr. Mrs I S. Bowen returned to Va. last week after spending a few Julius Bennett of Rocky Mount days with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Long. spent the holidays at the home of Miss Pauline Johnson spent a few msiamer. I days last week in Robersonville. Miss Bessie Bennett of Williamston A R House returned to ZebuIon was the guest of her uncle J. A. af ler suendinr a f eW day3 with hig Bennett la.t V , broth.;rs and sister8 Mm M L. Bellamy of Hamilton Mfg R j HoU8e returned from spent Chmtmas with her father. Rocky whh her lkUe SQn wh(J A gathering of boy.s and girls en- was in the hospital for several days, juyed Chi eve at tbe home of : writ for Last Week J. w Ben -ett. House is spending the Tn- Misses Hincs and Clarice Car- holidays with his sisters, twr ght entertained few guests New . T TT ,. . ,. v..., h,,0u Mr. Joe Hardison is spending a and the New Year in. are thoroughly equipped to do so. Ad Mnsii-f .Collier 4 uie !V6t .Ccu.pouida- OuarlerlijPdid on SaOin Accounts 5 -r' -"lore,-- 11 Misses Jennie Rtid acid Kate 'Mc Lean h-tve r- uined fiom their re spective homes in the western part of N. C. vvr er e f iey spent ihe holi davs .o Cetiin ei.Cf dr ties' at the sche"i. few days here. Dallas Hurst is in town. Brantley Tew of Port Norfo'k was here Christmas. Miss Mary Hines is spending a few days this week in the country. J ! iA ra T 1 Hinnc an4 A4iaa TTmiltr Mr. and Mrs. Pat Iavenprt, Miss1 , TT T .,, , . ,, , : spt-nt Thursday m Hamilton. Ltiht-Fluvd v f Hamilton and Miss i Ta l.r from r er Sp ing Green were Mr Joe L ng Jr is spending the Barrel Muff ami Throw-Scarf of Seal ; here S mday, Mr. Claude Roebuck of Greenville spent Sunday in town. holidays with his parents. Mr. Mitt Long was here a few days ! last week. I Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Bowen from! Va. are here visiting Mrs. J. J Long. Mpssis Turn Pavpnnort. Rov There are some attractive velveteen Willie E Allsbrook . ; HeU-e, 11, Everett ann Rilpn House n n n n n n n n n n n n u n n Rheumatism ! How is rheumatism recognized? Some have said Rheumatism is a dull pain. Rheumatism is a sharp pain. Rheumatism is sore muscles. Rheumatism is stiff joints. Rheumatism is a shifting pain. All have declared Rheumatism is Pain. Sloan's Liniment; applied : The blood begins to flow freely the body's warmth is renewed the congestion disap pears the pain is gone. velvet sets, also trimmei with a vividly contrasting color. The Uiility "Walking Stick One of the novelties following the Lift lnurani-r ; spei.t 1 uet-oay in Wn iariisioii. Scotia, d Neck, North C,ronna j Mioses Laura and Julia Saisbury loan's Liniment KILLS PAIN (COAJ!ANTEED) Rheumatism and allied pairis yield to the penetrat ing qualities of this warming liniment. j Myrtie and B-ssie Rib-rson were in 1 town Tuesday. i n u H M n n n w n n u u n H wi'd the .Vt iinne"ed, upon' Lie a D. Savage, bile of oi,cy. North Cii-vlina. I fv fcli uerjr.ns having p n '--t iiereov claims j-pi'.nsc -h ceuieU to preseai p-'iyrntnt on or befoic ihe 9th day of December, 1916, or t-.ri.-i notice wiilj Your nlasses for repairs. thein t Ii your deaier does not carry these, write to cur nearest station. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) BALTIMORE Washington, D. G. Oarfette, N. C. Norfolk. Vs. Ctivlciton, V. Va. Kiciraond, Va. Charlaston. S. C. pero.i iio;ieare pleuie raake in ioeo This the 8th dav of Decern oer, W. V. SiVi;e;e, Admistrator. Vv7a re- ov- I p-:lr promptly either broken frames '' i or lenses. A n?w stock of best grade at SI. 00 per pair. "if es m u m in m & ?m m m m mm mu yi m m m m m m P3 i'.u, o i r; And VlSiiiliV, i.ois j Also a large stock of good glasses in solid oidf 15 year gold filled, and nickel frames. Satisfaction guaranteed. B W. Martin. Kith E T. Whitehead Co. For fully thirty five years the L. i --: & L Semmi-iMixed Ileal Paint have , fhH, ihe United States and also in South 1 Fine Frostproof Cabbage Plants Thev bn- o tne -test or ever America. been subiect sort of climatic conditions most successful there by proving their c-xt-eme durability and supreme valae. Ej3 our advertisement on other pace, teeing property-owners bow to make their own paint, and there by save sixty cents a gallon on every gallon u-ed. - Longman & Martinez. Faint Makers, - New York, by parcel post, Jersey. Wakefeid Charleston Wakefeid and Succession. LOCO for S1.00 postpaid 100 for 15c. postpaid. R. O. Parks, Ulan, N. C. One second-bsind well drilling; ma chine. Apply to L. 11, Kitchin tf. Kober -MiiL 'Tir 'if7 ewriter of Guaranteed Sei o The Commonwealth has the local agency for the ROYAL STANDARD NO. 10 I YPEWRITER, the last word in typewriter construction, and will be pleased to famish to those interested a practical demonstration as to the merits and con veniences of this modern machine. Among the MANY features we include ii s-..' Uninterrupted Service Specified in every Sale of a Royal Mr. W. H. Home, a farmer ?-j?rr-ts.-"--. -n Edgecombe and Nash Counties FOit SALE SMALL FARM AND has recently established a flour peach c rchard of 8G0 hiiberta trees linear Whitakers, eight miles now S years old and in their prime. f - r i i i , v.,.",.,,., ,i,3 , 1 loom fc.nhe'd, and is prepared to K. D. tia-wey, Scotland Neck, N.C. , gnd your wheat, turning out an Ti. F. P. No. 3. i eYcellftnt nnalitv of firwir. FrMoht j ...j - - --D & ? ? wantea g ? Old Rubber, Brass J and as we have only three machines (brand new) at our would be well for prospective customers to see us NOW. immediate command, it As a practical, useful rs.les less than to any other mill. For paticulars write W. H. Florne, Reeky Mount, or see Paul Fenner Scotland Neck N. C. Seo'iiie Hvstj vvhen "you t a $ h.Hive anvtbing to selt I f may want, to buy it. rrcsa ifssa uaay s I E. A. ALLSBROOK The junk Man f - A 4 1 . r1- . T. tVx v vjy w w w w w -w' w Who Gets the Next 3 ft i (OS PS S2S Shaving Ticket? SANITARY BARBER SHOP A.G TASDLE, Mgr. 0 K i for t!ie Business Man or Lady Stenographer, the Suggestion stands Supported by the Libera! Guarantee of the Manufacturers and the Conserv 0 c A T Fnce. 3 LC ' I lis C om mdDmiw f i Ik N a i Em eg . ,3 Scotland Neck, North Carolina. ... ? i of s t e x o? " """" f -.ft t"lii &&&&&&&