Local and Personal Messrs. C 15. Parks and Jack Riddick Jiave returned from a trip north. . $ $ $ Miss Nellie Russell has returned from a visit to friends at Wcldon. $ $ $ $ Mr. Xorlleet S. Smith was in Weldon Yesterday on business. $ $ $ $ Mrs. 0. B. Roebuck of Everetts Fpent todav here with friends. H H Mr. S. T. Hicks of Greenville is here on business. $ $ $ Miss Minnie B. Long of Graham, N. ('., is the guest of Miss Lucile Leggctt $ $ $ $ Mrs. P. G. Berry, of Ayden, is spend ing; a few days with her daughter, Mrs. ('. F. Burroughs. $ $ $ $ Mrs. J. C. Keel of Robersonville Fiu-nt today here with Mrs. C. F. Bur roughs. $ $ $ Mr. T. B. Wheeler and family are Friending several days at Buffalo Lithia i;iit;s, Va. MM Mrs. C. F. Burroughs and little son have returned from a visit to Nor folk. MM Miss Maud Wilkinson has returned to lier home at Belhaven after a visit to Miss Willie Moore. MM Misses Sallie and Delia Roebuck of Williamston are the guests of Miss Lvdia Bob House for some days. MM Miss Elsie Snipes has returned to her home at Rocky Mount after a visit to friends and relatives here. MM Mrs. E. T. Whitehead and daughter. Miss Gertrude, have returned from Panacea Springs nnd Norfolk. JPJBPS ' v MM Miss Irene Whitehead has returned from a visit to friends at House, Fitt county. MM Mr. William O. McDowell has return ed from a trip to Norfolk and Virginia Beach. MM Mrs. G. Hoffman returned this morn ing from a visit to her sister, Mrs. Op penheimer at Rocky Mount. M M Mr. J. E. Bowers spent Monday in Washington, N. C MM Messrs. L. H. Bailey and Dewey Boseman motored to Everetts Sunday. MM - - Mrs. T. L. Vernon returned- to Hob good yesterday after a visit to Mrs. Willie H. Allsbrook. MM Miss Blanche Woodard returned to Rocky Mount this morning after a pleasant visit to her friend Miss Alene Pope. MM ir. and Mrs. G. W. Bryan and Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Tillery motored to Sev en Springs last Wednesday, returning Thursday. MM Masters Landon and Joseph White head returned Monday morning from Rocky Mount where they had been visiting friends and relatives. MM Miss Kathryn Smith and Miss Rosa Smith have returned to their home at Port Norfolk, Va., after a visit to Mrs. R F. Weaver. MM Mips Louise Wrilkinson has returned to Imr home at Rocky Mount after a visit to the family of Mr. Sam ' A. Bun n. MM Mr. W. H Miss Lucy Wilkcrson returned to her home at Roanoke Rapids today after a short visit to relatives here. MM Miss Myrtle Hill Wilkerson returned last night from Portsmouth. MM Mr. L. R. Mills, Jr., went to Whitak ers this morning to see Mrs. Mills and children, who are visiting there. MM Misses Annie May . and Gertrude Prince returned Monday to their home at Goldsboro after a visit to Miss Wil lie Moore. MM Miss Edna Harriss of Richmond, has returned home after a visit to Miss Kate Boyette. MM Mrs. W. T. Taylor, of Suffolk, ar rived this afternoon for a short visit to relatives and friends here. MM Mr. Pete Shields was in Oriental and other Eastern Carolina points las1 week in the interest of the Riddick Motor Car Co. MM Messrs. Paul Speed, Sherr d Har rell, William Josey and Pet-3 Shields went to Williamston Sunday afternoon. MM Mr. J. R. Stevenson of Palmyr-i was a business visitor here yaj.e.rday. MM Mr. Robert Allen of Weldon was here yesterday for a few hours. MM Misses Ruby and Louise Darden and Mrs. W. P. Darden and Messrs. Gavin Hyman and Floyd Rogers motored to Panacea Springs Saturday night. MM Mr. William C. Josey left Monday for Buies Creek, Harncrt county, N. C, where he will enter Buies Creek Acade my for the c inrng session. MM Messrs. William Fenner and G. Home of Rocky Mount, president and secretary, respectively, of the Rocky Mount Fair Co., were hs.'e yesterday on business. Mr. Fenner is in tho to bacco business and carries an ad in these columns to which he invites your attention. ALTHOUGH THE SUMMER IS NEARLY GONE, WE'LL HAVE LOTS OF HOT WEATHER YET, AND YOU'LL WANT SOME MORE GOOD TEA. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF CHASE & SANBORN'S FAMOUS TEAS IN QUARTERS, ONE HALVES AND POUNDS. WE ALSO HAVE LIPTON'S TEAS IN QUARTERS, ONE HALVES AND POUNDS. YOU'LL BE PLEASED WITH YOUR TEA IF YOU DRINK EITHER OF THESE. J. W. ALLSBROOK 33 f LII. aWt PROFESSIONAL CARDS JESSE VAUGHAN Representing Harvey Oil Co. Cleveland, Ohio Lubricating Oils, Greases and Prepared Paints. Prices & Terms Right. QUALITY GUARANTEED DR. D. F. KEEL (Successor to Dr. A. C. Livermon) DENTIST Scotland Neck, IV. C. Office Upstairs in the Whitehead Bldg Office Hours: 9 to 1 & 2 to 5 O'clock. From 7 to 9 P. M. by Appointment Take Home A Quart Today Kmhave WetvetSCirvd" THE CREAM C I ALL ICECREAMS Your doctor will tell you how ice cream soothes the mouth and throat, tempts the appetite and gives the readily available nourishment needed' by the ill or convalescent. j You can get the best the "VEUVET KIND: The "Velvet Kind" Ice Cream for sale by E. T. WHITEHEAD CO., The Rexall Store, Scotland Neck, N. C. LEWIS B. SUITER With THE NEW YOEK UFE INS. CO. WELDON. UT. C. t.f. BERNARD ALLSBROOK FIRE INSURANCE Scotland Neck, N. C. Office Phone Residence Phone June 6 6 mo. 122 121 MODEL BARBER SHOP J. D. Smith, Prop. Skilled Barbers, Sanitary Methods, Sharp Steel, Best Service Electrical Shampoo -and Massage Machines. : : ENTERTAINMENT WHILE WAIT :n)iiiiiimniiiiinnimro Chainpioi Peanut TIIESI Some Farmers have already given us their orders for CHAMPION THRESHERS. Get your order in with us NOW, so there will be no delay when you are ready to take it out and put it to work. THE CHAMPION IS STILL IN THE LEAD OP ALL OTHER THRESHERS. Trou DANCE THURSDAY NIGHT. The public is invited to attend a dance to be given at the Mayor 's office at Scotland Neck Thursday night, the 24th of August. Adv. It Master Raymond Walston is visiting relatives in Conetoe. SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES. I will sell for cash to the highest bid der at the courthouse door at Halifax. N. C, Monday, Sept. 4, 1916, the follow ing land, to satisfy taxes and cost for the year 1915 in Palmyra township, as follows: LOST Between Hobgood and Scotland' Neck Monday night about 9 o'clock j a tan hand grip with owner's name on tag. Finder will please retain and receive reward. MRS. CLAUDE KIT CHIN. 22 t. FOR SALE ONE SAXON AUTO- mobile. Exhaust and wheel base in A No. 1. condition. 'Price $100 cash. T. D. KITCIIIN. tf RILEY'S FIRST POEM APPEARED IN 1870 James Witcomb Riley 's first printed poem papeared September 7, 1870, the year he was 17, in the Poet's Corner of the Greenfield (Ind.) Commercial. It was entitled: "The Same Old Story.": The same old story told again The maiden drops her head, The ripening glow of her crimson cheek Is answering in her stead. The pleading tone of a trembling voice Is telling her the way He loved her whenTiis heart was young In Youth's sunshiny day; The trembling tongue, the longing tone, Imploringly asks why They can not be as happy now As in the days gone by. And two more hearts tumultous With overflowing joy Are dancing to the music Which that dear provoking Is twanging on his bow string, As, fluttering his wings, Jackson, who has been ! He sends his love-charged arrows connected with the Commonwealth j While merrily he sings: mo- -li.-miral department for several " Ho! Ho! My dainty maiden, months, resigned last week to accept It surely can not be a position with the Duplin Record at ! You are thinking you are master Warsaw. He left Sunday for his new Of your heart when it is me." homo. Mr. 0. M. Barber of Greenville, And another gleaming arrow is temporarily filling Mr. Jackson's Does the little god's behest, pl.-u o in this office. i And the dainty little maiden MM Mr. Bonnie Bland received notice from tho war department last week to proceed nt once to Fort McPherson, 'a., from which place he will go to the Moxioan border. Mr. Bland only hist December received his discharge j Riley sent two or three of his first from the U. S. Army, but the recent productions to the Indianapolis Mir-or-lor of the President placing all for- j ror, which were printed. The editor, inor regulars on the reserve list makes however, wrote to the bard that he Mr. Bland liable for service. He left! had better devote his talents to prose. M Palmyra Township White. Mrs E B Hussey, 80 Acres Ware land $17.92. ' Colored. Allen Mabry, US acres Pocosiu land, $5.06. Bryant Smith, 250 acres Burrell land, $;J9.16. Helen Smith, 5 acres Piney wood, $2X1. Geo. Shearin, 10 acres Bryant land, $7.95. John Harr, 6 acres Piney wood, $2,115. John II. Harr, 250 acres Dawsons, $24.76. Joe Harris, 1 acre Piney wood, $1.57. Tom W Harris, 2 Fcrrall land, $5.69. Robt. Fcrrall estate, 15 acres Piney wood, $1.62. Martha Ames, 2 acres Piney wood, $1.17. Alex James, 11 acres, $4.35. Martha James, 10 Va acres Pineywood $2.1:5. John Knight, 2 town lots Hobgood, $3.62. Mrs. Pattie King, 5 town lots Hob good, $4.76. Mrs. Olivia Lucas, 1 town lot Hob good, $1.17. Lula Moore, 1 town lot Hobgood, $1.58. J. F. Savage, 2 town lots Hobgood, $1.89. Joe Shields, 25 acres Bulluck land, $3.74. Frank Tootle, 53 acres Piney wood $3.32. Jimmie Anthony, 6 acres Hobgood, $5.57. Nelson Clark, 1 town lot in Scotland Neck, $4.06. W. C. ALLSBROOK, Tax Collector Falmyra Township. "Sweet Things" I have just gotten in a fresh line of the BEST CHOCOLATE CANDY obtainable, in a large as sortment. "She" will like this candy because it is better. I also have received a shipment of lump sugar in dainty cubes and powdered sugar for your cake-icing. I keep a full line of FRESH GROCERIES, PRODUCE AND COLD DRINKS, and will give you full value for the money with prompt delivery and service on the side as I have always done. Call on me when in need of GROCERIES. N. Herring LITTLETON COLLEGE A Well established, well equip ped, and very prosperous school for g:irls and young women-' Fall term begins September 20, 1916. For catalogue, address J. M. Rhodes, Littleton, N. C. Hardware Josey Company PIONEER HARDWARE DEALERS Scotland Neck, N. C. tttt!t!niiM: VACATION EXCURSION EASTERN RESORTS via the ATLANTIC COAST LINE at the following Low Round Trip Fares From SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. SUGAR SPECIAL (Ms 8 (Cols ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. $10.50 BALTIMORE, MD. $9.50 WASHINGTON, D. C. $7.50 SCOTLAND NECK MARKET Falls upon her lover's breast. "The same old story told again," And I listened o'er and o'er, Will still be new, and pleasiug, too, Till "Time shall be no more." Peanuts, per bu. $1 Cotton 12 5-S.-; Fat Cattle, hoof 4c to 5c; dressed 10c Eggs 20e Gran nil ted Sugar 9c. Corn, bv". $1 Clear rib sides 16e Feed Oats 05.-. l'resh pork 10 to 12 1-2 Hams (county) 19c I.ard 14 to 16 Cheese per : 2c Butter 35c to 45c Meal, pr sack $2.00 Flour, 12-11. sacks 50e Coffee 15c to 35c Cotton Seed meal, ton, $38.00 Cotton seed hulls, ton $lS Irish Potatoes, bbl. $4.50 RICHMOND, VA. NORFOLK, VA. VIRGINIA BEACH, VA. $4.00 I HAVE A FEW HUNDRED POUNDS OF SUGAR IN FIVE LB., BAGS THAT I AM GOING TO SELL AT EIGHT CENTS. GET YOURS BEFORE THIS IS GONE. IF YOU APPRECIATE THE FIGHT I AM MAKING FOR LOWER PRICES, PROVE IT BY GIVING ME YOUR GROCERY BUSI NESS. : JOE HARRISON, No&ing Tickets will be sold on all trains on THURSDAY, AUGUST 17TH. Limited returning to reach original starting point by or before midnight of Friday September 1st 1910. For fares, schedules, sleeping car ac commodations and any desired informa tion, call on E. L. Brown ticket Agt., Scotland Neck, N. C. ATLTNTIC COAST LINE The Standard Railroad of the South Will cure Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Old Sores, Tetter, Ring-Worm, Ec zema, etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used intern dly or externally. 25c 'MlUlllitHtttXtXUHl THE PALACE THEATRE omkiv for Georgia. Chicago Tribune. u H 1 3 Our Entire Stock of C traw Malls n I $1.00 VALUES up to $3. NOW GOING AT KUM . AND .- GET - YOURS Albbrook & Boyette Where Quality is Higher Than Price. urnnire Descrim nuuuo Seed Catalog just issued, tells all about Crimson Clover, Alfalfa and all Crass and Clover Seeds for Fall Planting. Wood's Fall Seed Catalog also gives full and complete infor mation about Vegetable Seeds that can be planted to advantage and profit in the late Summer and Fall. It is altogether the most use ful and valuable Fall Seed Catalog issued. Mailed free to Gardeners, Market Growers and Farmers on request. Write for it. T.W.WOOD & SONS, ' SEEDSMEN, - Richmond, Va. generally look in this paper for the news and you gener ally find out from this paper what's happened worth put ting into print. But you arc sometimes disappointed when you know something that is not in tho paper. Wo have continually asked you to tell us if you know anything of "nterest. Another thing: do you know that you and I and Bill and Mary NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of the late II. L. Shields, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate to present same to me-before January 31, 1917, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to the estate will make immediate payment. This Jan. 31st, 1016. C. T. LAWRENCE, Admr. THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS Young men seeking an education which Avill equip them for practical life in Agriculture, and all its allied branches; in Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering; in Chemistry and Dyeing; in Textile or other industries, and in Agricul tural teaching will find excellent provision for their chosen careers at the State's great technical College. This College fits men for life hy giving practical instruction as well as thorough scientific education. Four year courses in Agriculture, in Chemistry, in Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering, and in Textile Industries Four year, two year, one year and summer Normal courses in Agriculture. Numerous practical short courses. En trance examinations held at each county seat on July 13th. For Catalogue and entrance blanks, write E. B- OWEN, Registrar, WEST RALEIGH, N. C i;MHii!MiHwitMMmttH;?f?t?ttt;"?"t"n"""""""""""""""'"""tt f BRAND J p A K m kf.i) anaA boxes, sealed with Bluel CI no oibm. Bur of tw V k foi. Ciil-CUKS-TEK'S V 66 earn 9 make this paper more inter esting locally if everyone of us will send the Uttle items in by phone or mail to the editor for pubUcation? He will gladly welcome this fav or, and it won't cost you any big sight of time to do this. The phone is number 5,' and here is nearly always someone in the office to take the mes sage. Begin right away now and try this out and by so doing you can greatly Mia Ik GHiOHESTEI S PILLS DIAMOND 0 LADIES I Arts jotp UroKirlBt: for CUT CET2S-THR'S DIAMOND UKAND Gold metallic Ribbon. Take DIAMOND BRAND PIT.I.S, for twenty-5ve years regarded as Best, Safest, Av ays Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS SSS, EVERYWHERE ?5S New Enterprise Speed Roll er Mil! Is Now Being Installed and Will be in Full Operation by You Can Do a Week's Shopping In a Few Minutes If You Shop By Mail There is no question but what you can buy by mail to best advan age, especially if you are dealing with a dependable and reliable oncern. There's no waste of time no worry no hurry no looking vround to do. It's simply knowing what you want and where to or er it. In jewelry, the most satisfactory store in all the South is this ne established in 1817. PAUL-GALE-GREENWOOD, Inc. LARGEST JEWELERS SOUTH TOSFOLK, We Sell Victrolas VIRGINIA. annnnnnnnnonnnnnncnaEjannnnnnannnnnisnnnpj fa a JULY 10, 1916 If You Have CORN, WHEAT, or FEED STUFF, you want ground it will receive prompt attention after the above date. Any fav ors shown us will be appreciated and your orders given the best attention- ::::::: 13 CI m ha Ef S3 B a B a a B a m B B Oder Hills, GRAIN DRILLS We have the right kind and the prices are right. D. H. PARKER 1 Hardy Hardware Co. 1 Scotland Neck, - North Carolina SPEED. NORTH CAROLINA. flannnnnnnnnanonnannnnnnnnanaannnnEncszan ft a B B iisiiiiiii::