' ' .'I .J nmnjm:na::::u::u;:::tnunnnnffl:t:;utuntt;:i:::t 1 n Local and Personal 1 Pea,ce. "Were half thepo-uer that fills the Avovld with terror, "Were hall' the vealth bestowed on camps and courts, Given 1o redeem the human mind from error, T lierevere no need of arsenals and forts. The Ava rrior's name would be a name abhorred ! And every nation that should lift ajrain Its hand agamst a brother, on its forehead Would wear for evermore the curse of Cain! Down the dark future for long generations The echoiii? sounds grow faint er and then cease ; And like a bell Avith solemn, SAveet vibrations I hear once more the voice of Christ say, ''Peace!" Longfellow. Ir. W. A. Crump of Tillery Avas in town todav. M $ $ "Mr. Kobt. Josey, Jr., left today for Washington C'itv. in i Mr. J. Green went to Ayden last night on business. $ $ $ $ Mr. Bill Cottas was a visitor in Kockv Mount last night. MM Mr. Seba Whitehead visited relatives at Dunn last week. MM Mr. S. t. Kitehin, Jr.. spent a few days at Kaleigh last week en business. MM Mr. L. II. Bailey has returned from a visit to relatiA-es in Martin count v. MM Mr. Arthur Bryant spent Rmt day with friends in Edgecombe countA'. MM Mr. W. E. Marks of Tillery ! after a pleasant visit to Miss Lu spent the Aveck end Avith his fam-jcille Leggett. ily here. I MM MM Rev. Reuben Meredilh fillod Mr. R. J. Madry spent Monday afternoon at Conetoe, Edgecombe county MM Miss Lucille Brown of Ayden spent the week end with the fam ily of her uncle, Mr. E. L. Brown. MM Mrs. S. C. Pegram and little daughter are spending a feAV days Avith friends at Washington, N. C. MM Mr. It. II. Marston of Kaleigh, who has been visiting hero for several days, has returned home. MM Mrs. T. W. Russell and daugh ter, Miss Nellie, are risiting rela tives in Durham for a few days. $ M 4 Messrs. Henry Moore and Emiis Bryan left today for Wake For est College for 'the 1916-17 term. MM Mr. C. II. Herring has resigned his position as assistant cashier of the Bank of Halifax and re turned to his home here, where he has accepted the position of bookkeeper for the Cotton Oil & Ginning Co. MM Miss Mamie Wilson returned Saturday from Washington, N. C, where she has been visiting her brother for some days. MM Mr. Jack McDowell left yester day for Warrenton, where lie. Avill attend Warrenton High School this session. ,M M M essrs Mil ford Haynes, W. Fox hall, Toni Farrar and A. C. De Berry of Tarboro Were here Sun- da v Avith friends. MM Miss Minnie B. Long has return ed to her home at Graham, Ala mance county, after a visit to the Misses Leggett. here. MM Miss Grace Slaughter has re turned to her home at Goldsboro Misses lone Kitehin and Ernest ine Rasberry are visiting Miss Florence Allen 111 Weldon. MM Mr. P. II. Rasberry of Wilming ton is spending a feAV days with his brother, Mr. P. A. Rasberry at the hotel. MM Mrs. J. E. Hancock and daugh ter have returned home after spending the summer at Ridge crest. MM Messrs. Samuel Meredith and Southgate Lamond returned today to Norfolk after a pleasant visit here. MM Messrs. S. A. Dunn, 0. J. Moore, Dr. T. D. Kitehin and Arrington Kitehin attended the tobacco sales at Rockv Mount today. MM Mr, Bailey, the genial agent of the A. C. L. II, R. Co., at Hob good, spent a short time in toAvn todav. MM Mr. Scba Whitehead left today for Wake Forest, where he will continue his eoimse at Wake For est College. MM Messrs. Dupree Shields and Robert Coughenor will leave Wednesday for Raleigh where they will attend A. & M. College for this term. MM The members of the local Epis copal church choir went to En field Sunday night, Avhere they rendered special music at the regular evening service. They Avent by automobile. ley, f toere Call and see our Line of Buggies. You know the FLANAGAN Made in Greenville And the HACKNEY Made in Wilson Come Today, Tomorrow, or any Day. Hardy Hardware Company The Hardware Hustlers nam Read What Little Boy Injured. Master Kindred, the little sou of Mr. Clee Vaughan Avas quite painfully injured Tuesday while he, his father and Mr. Willie H. Allsbrook Avere motoring on the road to Hobgood. Mr. Allsbrook Avas driving, and for some un known cause the steering gear got out of fix, the car dashing in to an embankment, throwing the little felloAv forAvard on the wind shield, and cutting a short gash on his head. He is getting on all right however. Capt, S. D. Wilson of Peters burg spent a few days last, week here with his fmnilv. MM Mr. Mit.'hdl Tavlor of Peters- his regular jippointment ar. En- Oak City Items. Oak Citw Sept. 5. Miss Susie Stliidiiy, j Roberson of near Palmyra was Was in town Tuesday afternoon. field Episcopal church morning and night.- MM ; Mpssra. J. L. and B. L. Hines Mr. A. J. Hillmuth, wlio J1is j are snending a couple of days in with friends MM Master Raymond Walst.ou lias returned from a visit to relatires at Conetoe. MM Mr. Jimrtiie Fleming returned today from Dinwiddle and Ppters burg, Va. MM Miss Mary Hatton Hymau of Rocky Mount i visiting Mrs. E. W. Ilvman. MM Messrs. A. MeDo well, F. P. Shields and J. Harper Alexander motored to Tarboro todav. MM Miss SnoAvdie Lowe is visiting relatives at Conway, Northampton conntv, for two weeks, MM Mrs. C. L. McDowell left yes terday for a short, visit to Mrs. G. J. WoodAvard at Greenville. MM Mrs. Dan Taylor and little daughter have returned from a burg spent the Aveek end here j been visiting his - daughter, Mrs T. W. Russell, returned to his home at Asheville Saturday. MM Mr. E. C. Pittman of Ihwky Mount is here doing some plumb ing Avork at tlie graded school building. MM Mr. B. G. Neblett has returned from a trip to Western cities in the interest of the National Span ish Peanut Co. MM Mr. Jesse IoAvers of Washing ton, spent a few days this week with his grandmother, Mrs. C. E. Boaa'cvs. MM Messrs. Richard Moore, Jimmie Tjawrence and Spencer Lewis left Monday for Oak Ridge, where they Avill attend school this year. MM Mrs. Max Herendorf and tAvo children of Norfolk, have return ed home after a visit to her sis ter, Mrs. L. Waxman. MM Mrs. IL F, Peacock and children the guests of A. Weathers- visit in Washington, N C MM Mr. W. A. MeMnrrav. conntv ! oi luelimowl are demonstration agent, returned ! her sister, Mrs. J Friday from Raleigh, where he at tended the farmers' meeting held at A. & M. College. CHURCH SERVICES. I i Motliodlst Episcopal Church L. T. .Singleton, Taster Suinlay School 9:15. Morning Hcrviro 11:00. Kven'mg Scrv ici- 7: !.". Wc.lnosda y evening Prayer Meeting 7:15. Baptist Church Rev. R. A. MeF;nl;md, Pstor Sunday Si-hool 9:1o. Morning Service 11 :00 Kvonii'g Service 7:45. WediipKilav evening I'raver Meeting 7:45. Episcopal Church Rev. Kcuben Meredith, Rector. Sunday School 9:45. Morning Prayer ami sermon 11:00 Evonirg prayer and sermon 8:3" bee. MM Mr. G. Hoffman is in NeAV York City buying fall and winter goods for the firm of M. Hoffman & Bro. .MM - Mr. P. D. Webb of Tunis, who has been here some time with rela tives, visited in Roanoke Rapids last week. MM Mrs. J. F. King and little daugh ter of Greenville, spent the Aveek end Avith the family of Mr. E. J. Proctor. MM Miss Minnie Hyman of Tarboro spent the Aveek end with the fam ily of Mr. Clee Vaugham She was accompanied home by Miss Lillian Parks. Norfolk" this week. Mrs. John York returned from a trip to Richmond Saturday. She purchased her fall millinery and notion while away. Miss Lou Council spent the ! week end in Norfolk, i Miss Fannie Lee Spier is spend 'ing some time Avith Mrs. B. M. Worsley, Mr. T". It. Johnson went to Nor folk Friday returning with his Avife, Avho has been in the hospi tal f cveral Aveeks. j Mr. Sam Burnette spent a few dayH with relatives. Miss Annie Mae Daughtridgv returned from a trip to Norfolk Friday. Mrs. Zeb Hymau returned from Rocky Mount Sunday where she left her little daughter, Gladys, at the hospital for treatment. Misses Lambeth, Reid and Mc Lean returned from their homes in the Western part of the States Friday to take up their whool Avork here. School opened Sept. 4. Miss Jefferson House spent Fri day in Rocky Mount. Mr. Emmett Burnette spent last Aveek Avi!'h relatives near here. Mrs. M. T. Haskett returned from a trip to Norfolk Tuesday. a a ti 9 a a a ti a a a a 8 a a g i nnaaaQiaDBoaDDDOBSizsiaDzsnssEsassEiEssiiBBDQaisEBiipn n generally look in this paper for the news and you gener ally find out from this paper what's happenad worth put ting into print. But you are sometimes disappointed when you know something that is not in the papsr. We have continually asked you to tell us if you know anything of "ntsrest. Another thing: do you know that you and I and Bill and Mary n E3 n a R D R n a n a B H n n Going Away to GH100L? OF COURSE YOU WILL WANT AT LEAST ONE CAREFULLY TAILORED SUIT IN YOUR OUTFIT. Our Fall Woolens are ready. Place your order now and we'll make it up immediately. If you are leaving right away we will send the suit by Parcel Post. Come in and see them right away. $15.00 AND UPWARD. Allsbrook & Boycie Where Quality is Higher Than Price. 66 can 9 make this paper more inter esting locally if everyone of us Avill send the little items in hy phone or mail to the editor for .publication? He will gladly welcome this fav or, and it won't cost you any big sight of time to do this. The phone is number 5, and here is nearly always someone in the office to take the mes sage. Begin right away now and try this out and by so doing you can greatly Selp lis 01) (Oil I cuts Have to Say About Him To the Democratic Voters of the Third Judicial District: We the undersigned citizens of Warrenton, North Caro lina, the home of Hon. John II. Kerr, who is a candidate for the nomination for Judge of this district to succeed Judge R. B. Peebles, deceased, before the primary to be held in this district on the 9th day of September, 1916, with pleasure and pride desire to commend Mr. Kerr to the citizens of our district and beg that you give him active support for this position: We do this because of our great esteem for him, and because we knoAV of his splendid fitness for this office and great honor. Mr. Kerr, having been our solicitor for ten years ju this district, is avcII known to most of the peo ple: he has filled the office of Solicitor with signal ability and, Ave believe, to the entire satisfaction of the people of the district; but AATe, his home people, knoAV him best, and aa'c wish to testify to his high personal character and to his ideal home life. He stands in this community for the high est ideals and those tilings which tend to make our county and our State better; he is a lawyer of large attainments and great success, and Ave believe Avill adoriv the bench of this State and be the equal of any of his splendid prede cessors. With this character and these attainments, he is besides a loyal Democrat and has never sAvervcd Avhen he could do service to the party and the Avhite citizenship of this S ate. Respectfully, J. G. ELLIS, Cashier Lank of Warren. J. M. GARDNER, Cotton Buyer. C. E. JACKSON, Merchant. W. G. ROGERS, Tobacconist. CHAS. II. PEETE, M. D. H. A. MOSELEY, Warrenton Grocery Co. JOHN W. ALLEN, Mayor. EDMUND WHITE, Cotton Buyer. W. A. MILES, Merchant, C. N. HARDY Merchant. W. II. RIG G AN, Merchant, W. II. BURROUGHS, Merchant. V E. S. ALLEN, Merchant. W. A. BUR WELL, Druggist. T. O. ROD WELL, Attorney at LaAv. J. M. BURROUGHS, County Commissioner. V C. R. RODWELL, Cotton Buyer. J. P. SCOGGIN, Salesman. W. II. DAMERON, Merchant. V. D. ALSTON, Salesman. W. B. BOYD, President Citizens Bank. t REV. T. J. TAYLOR, Pastor Baptist Church. "V. S. G. DANIEL, Attorney at LaAv. .:. P. M. STALLINGS, Chm., Bd. Co., Com. ' J. R. RODWELL, Clerk Superior Court. Is this not a Fine Recommendation? t "V T7- '111 1 1 b win De a real pleasure -this summer on my New Perfec tion Oil Cook Stove for the kitchen will be cool!" Why cook over a hot range in a hot kitchen when you can be cool and comfortable. The New Perfcctiott Oil Cook Stove, the stove with the long blue chimney, works like a gas stove. The long blue chimney gives a perfect draft, assures a clean, odorless heat and lasting satisfaction. The fuel cost is only two cents for a meal for six. New Perfection Oil Cook Stoves are made in many styles and -sizes. They are sold by most good dealers who will gladly show them. Look for The Long Blue Chimney Use Aladdin Security Oil to obtain the best results in Oil Stoves, Heaters and Lamps STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) BALTIMORE MD. Washington, D. C. Norfolk, Va. Richmond, Va. Charlotte, N. C. Ciiarlsston, W. Va. Charleston, S. C. MICHELIN-FOUNDED-1832 ! !: ! I'll Mil! ; u 1 1 ! 1 -r MICHELIN UNIVERSAL TREADS and RED TUBES - are not high-priced! Just compare these prices with those you have been paying. UNIVERSAL TREAD CASINGS AND RED TUBES MlchttlnReJ lubes hang In a curoe btcause made on a round core to fy that casings perfectly. Sire. Shl Clincher rude 5!' 31 1 V4. J9 Si;53 32x4 24.80 $25.99 4.65 33 25.65 25.03 4.23 34 25.95 2S.S3 5.C0 J 27-95 27!95 34x4A 53.60 3J.C0 6.55 35 31.7S 34.73 5.S0 3S 35.7) 33.7S 6.".0 37 ss.ea .30 35x5 40759 40.E0 C.'JS 37 41.90 41.SD S.ZS AUo mada ia toft bc:-i clincher i:e 31x4, price- $22.25. The Midi elm Universal Tread combines all the advp.ntane cf non-gkids of both the raised-tread and suction-tread types. Michelia Red Tubes retain their velvety soflneis indefinitely. Used i:a combination, Micheiin casings and Cubes make the most satisfactory tire equipment. JOSSY HARDYARE COISPANY SCOTLAND NECK, NOHTIi CAEC-I" . I! I I Mill ji jIZZI(UTY ONLY-THE BSSTk-E jji rMTimriT i giMA .j,, 1 r.1M1T.r- wn. T lwrJf 0444 ussc Dai AS A SPECIAL INDUCEMENT TO THE MUSIC LOVESS, WE VILL CLOSE OUT THE FIEST GEIP MEKT (regular 15c) AT A DIME, TEN CENTS. IF YOU HAVEN'T HEARD THESE SELECTIONS DEOP IN AND SEE THE MUSIC AND HEAR IT. North End Drug Store Druggisis for Ilia People House & Ccadrcy 8 SlinDnnnnnonnannnonncanEaannannnnnoonnQnn ixnmn

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