I THE COMMONWEALTHS Published Tuesdays & FridayiPGy The Commonwealth, Inc. Scotland Neck Bank Bldg. Scotland Neck, N.C. y Entered at the Postoffice at Scotland Nek, N. C, as second class matt under Act of Con gress, March 3, 1879. Subscription Bates: (In Advance) One Year $1.00 Six Months .50 Three Months .25 All articles submitted for pub lication must bear the author's name, not necessarily f or publi cation, but as a guarantee of good faith. All drafts, checks, money or ders, &c, should be made payable to The Commonwealth, Inc. Friday, Sept. 29, 1916. With the constant demand in the large cities for increased wages, the attack made on President Wilson by his presidential opponent, on the Adam son law, that settled the railroad strike, that this law was unpopular, is not get ting Mr. Hughes anywhere. The labor ing man is with Wilson, believing that if he can settle so huge a thing as the railroad strike, which would have tied up the entire country, he can aid labor in other walks of life. Charles E. Hughes, the Republican candidate, seems to be making little or no impression upon : his -audiences. His attack upon the tariff in his Pitts burg speech on Wednesday night fell flat. The argument advanced that pros perity was merely a fleeting shadow, and would not endure after Europe was at peace, did not have sufficient sub stance to be convincing, and since all the mills in the Pittsburg district are working full shifts, and at good wages, the Republican nominee created little enthusiasm. There has been many rumors as to the German submarine Bremen, which, for the past two months has been doe to. arrive in American waters,, but to the present, no sign of her arrival at any of our ports has been: given.. The Berlin papers of Thursday issued en thusiastic announcements that the Bre men had arrived at New London, Conn., which caused no little flutter among the daily papers of the' North, until it was found that there- was no truth to the story. The Bremen: sailed early in August, and is said to have been sighted numerous times. A diamond merchant gave out the information that shfc had been captured with $25,000,000 worth of diamonds and other valuables and taken to an English port, but this report never received the confirmation of the English authorities so that theory was dropped. The most likely thing is that the giant submersible has gone' to the bottom. One of the most impMit features of our community life, and of which little is heard, is the local building and loan association. Inaugurated for the benefit of the people just four years ago, it has proved its value to this com munity, and in a quiet way is going ahead helping those who need to build homes. A man's home is his castle, it is said, and truly, for every Ameri can likes to know that he at least owns the home he lives in. Probably few know that the building and loan asso ciation of this town has loaned out between seventy and eighty thousand dollars every dollar of which means improved conditions in the town. an increased population. It is certain that our mills are keeping in line with the progress that is being made else where in the State and in the South. It would probably be well if our citi zens would acquaint themselves with the vast improvements that are going on in their midst, and what these im provements will ultimately mean to the community. We know, of course, that sewerage, water and drainage is be ing installed, for we see evidences on the streets of pipes, ditches and un sightly mounds where the ditch has been hurriedly filled in and left im very un-! satisfactory condition, kut has the majority of our citizens been over on j the East Side and noted the improve- ; ments going on in the mill district ? j These new buildings mean betterment j to the town and people, and also mean i DON'T FORGET THE NewYork j f ...Cafe... 5 IS THE ONLY CAFE IN TOWlf fj d 8 5 A After parties or dances you will 9 R A find this an excellent place to J dine. K K f Whether it's a light lunch or a, R j r hearty meal, your guest will be j j K much pleased if you bring her j 5 5 here. &5 j This is the season for Oysters Q! j we serve them every style. yl $ B Our nrices are reasonable our A A Ta Our prices are reasonable our cooking unbeatable and our ser vice commendable. Give us a trial we'll serve you in style. Valuable Farm for." Sale! I am offering for Sale my Farm, located in Palmyra Township three miles of Scotland Neck, containing about 80 acres, 55 cleared, balance includes fine pasture already fenced in. Enough wire on premises to fence in entire place. Land is exceptionally good and produces anything suitable to this climate. Good roads, public school with 8 months' term near place; lots of springs and wells with good water. Good five room house, 3 room tenant house and barns, sheds, etc. Inspection invited. Call on or write to L L iraswdl, T A T HITtTTi A AT I t TO T HTf 1 $ BILL COTTAS, $ new stoke A PROPRIETOR. J 4. rA Ta NEW STOCK Dixie Furniture Co. HUSBAND RESCUED DESPAIRING WIFE After Four Years of Discouraging Conditions, Mrs Bullock Gave Up in Despair. Husband Gone to Rescue. Catron, Ky. In an interesting letter from this place, Mrs. Bettie Bullock writes as follows : "1 suffered for four years, with womanly troubles, and during this time, 1 could only sit up for a little while, and could not walk anywhere at all. At times, 1 would have severe pains in my left side; The doctor was called in, and his treat ment relieved me i for a while, but I was soon confined to my bed again. After that, nothing seeme d to do me any good. I had gotten so weak I could not stand, and I gave up in despair. At last, my husband got me a bottle of Cardui, the woman's tonic, and 1 com menced taking it. From the very first dose, I could tell it was helping me. I can now walk two miles without its tiring me, and am doing all my work." If you are all run down from womanly troubles, don't give up in despair. Try Cardui, the woman's tonic. It has helped more than a million women, in its 56 years of continuous success, and should surely help you, too. Your druggist has sold Cardui for years. He knows what it will do. Ask him. He will recom mend it. Begin taking Cardui today. Write to: Chattanooga Medicine Co., Ladies' Advisory Dept.. Chattanooga. Tenn.. for Special Instructions on your case and 64-page book. Ho ma Treatment for Women," sent in plain wrapper, J -63 5 5 S. B. KITCIIIN BERNARD ALLSBROOK MONDAY NEXT, OCTOBER 2ND, WE WILL OPEN UP WITH K BRAND NEW LINE. OF FURNITURE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, IN THE STORE ROOM NEAR THE SCOTLAND NECK BANK. GOODS SOLD UPON INSTALLMENT PLAN AND CASH. CALL IN AND SEE OUR STORE. FOR ISN'T IT GOOD? $ $ $ $ $ $ J HH HH Isn't it good to know that you can get almost anything you may want in the FANCY GROCERY line right here in Scotland Neck? Yes, and get it in the VERY BEST QUALITY, too. My store is full of almost any thing you may want in GRO CERIES. Prices as low as can be made. Your orders ALWAYS APPRE CIATED. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 3 2 t MORE BUSINESS AND BETTER BUSINESS WANT. IS WHAT WE Clee Vaughan Both Phones 174 Both Phones J QUALITY CLEANLINESS SERVICE s The Largest Exclusive Retail Grocery Business in HaHlifax County, f. S a ' TA MORE BUSINESS AND BETTER BUSINESS IS WHAT WE ARE GETTING. Are YOU numbered among our Customers? If Not, we want YOU to be. J. W. ALLSBROOK COLES' HOT BLAST :iiii;inntniii!!na 3 I ARE THE WORLD BEATERS THEY WILL DO MORE FOR THE PRICE THAN ANY OTHER STOVE MADE IN THE UNITED STATES. Hardy Hardware Company r The Hardware Hustlers mmuuuimmuMttMiimriiMntttttrtmnmimMiMtui fHimnimmnimimTi 75 Si 56 94 52 it ;ic"?"5l"PI fiM-I FALL TArTTVTTfT iifc 'r1 mMBuk u M v - iniTb : .. 0 SOEll I1q) 0 WINTER Ladies Suits and Cloaks Up-to-Date in Styles Priced Right Ladies and Childrens Shoes Silks and Dress Goods Cotton is selling high, tobacco has been high, and all things point to a prosperous Fall and Winter. Our Mr. Burroughs has just returned from the northern markets, and while goods of all kinds are higher than ever before, he bought a large and up-to-date stock, and this store' can supply your Fall and Winter needs at very moderate cost, all things considered. You should come here, at the big store, and make your selec tion while the stocks are complete and in their.fullness. Visit our mammoth store, inspect our goods and 11 you don't find Prices light don't Buy , u Men and Boys Suits Overcoats Shoes Hats, Caps Shirts Underwear or anything for the Boys and Men All Styles iirwtiiigirflttiiiaii W EVERYBODY'S RTORE. Scotland Neck, N. C. Everything for Everybody.