- 1 NWEALTH A Family Newspaper: For the Promotion of the Political, Social, Agricultural and Commercial Interests of the People VOLUME XXXIII. TWICE-A-WEEK SCOTLAND NECK, N. C, FRIDAY, OCT. 6, 19 1G. READ IT FIRST IN THIS PAPER NUMBER 68. JL ""lli i,'!;MA POPULACE XOW WAV! PEACE The Rich Only In Fjivov of Contin uance ttf War.' N'.w Vovk, ! i: :-:lIsi Al birth, ts-i :..tr:. at'tei : ! L...u::it i European M. Bier, a zea of Gtr- ierican citi just returned to this-- a isit in Germany i i-oe me ouiDieah. or -if. lie lias had a if t to watch One German people . the very beginning of hostiti uud says they now would iike : peace. Ht: says that in fon uiioa with men of all rank? ne in th opinion the srune, that al ii i hey were confident of wiu :. Lh;.y knew the struggle would . hard one, and would be glad to it concluded. i'he educated classes," he said 'a; a u '"want things ic audi fulfill the remain as desire ut l-S cm Wil.'cn on the submarine because they want America as . riitjJd. their intimate friend, landed proprietor class is the one ;h behind the agitation to have tiic.-i ai ine war pushed to its bit iir.iit, because they think Ger y can tk3 wJn the war. Among ir..portant industrial people ri;:y always represent the best iment of any country, since for i the world is all one big family iere the desire to keep the sub i:;e .:? i" v: hero it r.:v.' stands. Bethaiaun Hoi.veg fought the ex acts and I am ture he vrouid pre to resign rather than give in to He k: very popular. The peo- : 1 elicve he ic: honeit and they love Thcv nave been soriy for one :. and that, is, to have seen him i-r the war rtresricd in a general's rm. it doc,-: not fit the popular of him, and I believe he never anything much to dt witn the b'.tore the war began." .;! i. CA Dl AX CORPOR . I. KILLS GERMAN SQUAD Ollawu. Out., Oct. 5. A tale of an Vir: .., a.j.-ti corporal in nn . eastern On taiio battalion of the Canadian forc es :n France, who single-handed c ; r vm- a pu ty of 22 Germans ad a....iiH to an attack and killed or voinded all of them except one' v. con, be took prisoner is related by !. official Canadian "eye witness" in . dicpatch received here today. The case of the corporal is one of the moat extraordinary ever re cj: .icd. The battalion had success tul'y cicpturta a line of German !:.... i:ec oon.cistir ii a party of the enemy, ' of two officers and about ! men began a counter attack. '"The corporal advanced alone a t'?'it!St the whole party, emptied his rcvr.lver, picking up first one and ti.e.- mother German rifle each of which he emptied accounting for the officers and 16 of the men. While U v.M;j shooting, one of the officers :.fri0kcd him with a bayonet, and Pureed him in the leg below the knee, hut the corporal shot him dead, ine rei:i of the enemy attempted to yt. The corporal shot four of rbeii. and made the fifth a prisoner. Aiihjugh wounded in two places, he rined in the trenches until the battalion was relieved." SVM PATHETIC STRIKE FAILS. 'c v York, Oct. 5. Tacit admis .'i or the failure of the "general" iiaihetic strike in New York in -'11' of the striking street car men r ..'Hcie in a report to a conference u hor leaders, which discussed the r :al situation. The leaders rec " ended that every union member i ;e city be assessed one dollar for fjcr.sfH of the subway, elevated i -urtace car employes who are on ;i e in Manhattan, the Bronx and vt . o: West Chester county, i-.lice headquarters announced at a canvass made by policemen .-.red that only 403 men had re .. i. it to the call for a general :ke. -V -.) than 100,000 members of - c'nited Hebrews Trades returned nrk after their three-day holi ;y as did 3.100 brewery workers. Hif F ENGINEER OF NEW ROAD TO BE AN AMERICAN -Vw York, Oct. 5. In an an ii'i'inrttiufcnt giving the details of the ''ni rui-t for the construction by tho Sien u-Carey Railway and canal com- J'!":.'. of St. Paul, of a railroad for 55 ;e Chinese government, the Ameri-'-'ii International corporation which financing the project, says that the "'jv; rnnient has agreed, to the ap pointment of an American chief en ?iuecr fur the surveying and con tiiktlon of the lines, and that later !l" ' iil act as chief engineer of the 'i'uoad. The Chinese government, ako has agreed to the appointment of Americans as traffic manager. CLAUDE KITCHIN SPEAKS AT MORGANTON. Biccusses State and National Issues Willi Tribute to Wilson. Morganton, Oct. 4. A packed ! house heard Cnn&res'man Claude j KitchiR and many were unable to ! .;6; j,,,, thfi rnm t hfts' wHa i.o i spoke here yesterday afternoon Ths ! audience -was made up of representative- men from every section cf Buike and numbers vr.ere present from adjoining- counties. The gifted major ity leader of the house made a .fine speech and the audience -was much impressed with it, the firsCspeech he had ever made in Burke county. With a discussion of state issues first, tho speaker answered most ef fectively the Republican charges of extravagance in Democratic admin- isti atiou, and claimed that the Dtm- i ocrats have a right, to bp nrnnH of an i extravagance - tnat nas built more I and better schooihouses. nut morel'031' children in schooi, cared for the helpless and insane and provided bet- ter for the old soldiers. He charged ! Marion Butler as being at the back ! of every chai se Republican sneakers ! are making, and he defended warmly Treasurer Lacy. Taking up national questions, Mr. Kite kin caid that Hughes, though a silendid jurist, a fine speaker, an able man in every respect, had been a miserable failure as a campaigner because he could conjure up no is sues in the face of the wonderful record of the beneficient legislation of Woodrcw Wilson and the Demo rratie party. Mr. Kitchin in closing paid a high t, tribute to Woodrow Wilson, the standard-bearer cf Democracy. FORD, PEACE ADVOCATE, FOR WILSON. Long Branch, N. J., Oct. 5. Pres ident Wilson's campaign programme up to election day partly. . was com-; pieted at a conference 'that he held j with Chairman Vance C.,McCormick. : Tho President also discussed politics j v, ith Henry Ford, automobile manu- ! facturer and peace advocate, and ! , Secretary of the' Treasurer McAdoo. j - Henry Ford remained with the j -g to his report for the past mouth, President four hours and assured Mr. j has made the largest collections of Wilson that he was willing to do ev- ! any month in the history of the dis-c-rything possible to bring about his j triot, the collections from all sources election. He said he had made no 1 having reached a grand total of $1,- plans for contributing to the Demo cratic campaign fund, because he did not believe in such a course. "I think the office should seek the man, not the man the office," declared Mr. I Fold. WANTS CONGRESS TO FIX A LOAN PRICE ON COTTON Fort Worth, Tex., Oct. 5. Henry N. Pope, president of the Farmers j. Union State Presidents' association, has submitted to all southern mem bers of Congress the suggestion that Congress fix or empower the federal reserve board to fix a minimum loan pi ice of 12 cents per pound on cot ton for all crops. A large majority of the replies from senators and rep resentatives favor the plan and Mr. Pope stated that he would call a special meeting of his association in New Orleans at an early date to give it final consideration and work out the details. Many members of Con gress have expressed their willing ness to give the movement their co operation. TWO BREMEN SUBM ARINES FA LL INTO ALLIED HANDS Galveston, Tex., Oct. 5. That two German merchant submarines named Bremen have fallen into the hands of the entente allies and that a third bearing the same name is now en route to the United States, is the re port brought here by Captain H. Vanschoonbeck, of the Belgian steamer Elizabeth Van Belgie which arrived today from Barry. Captain Vanschoonbeck declared one of the submarines was captured by the British and the other by the French. SHIPPING TRADE WITH CHINA. Washington, Oct. 5. Organization of the Chinese-American Exchange t j Company, a shipping corporation which proposes to inaugurate a gen- eral mercantile trade between China and American ports on the Pacific, Gulf and South Atlantic, was con - .ummated here this week. It is J Owens headed ny ur. c, managing director of the Southern Commercial Congress, and is unaer - .. ! 8 tood to have the active bacKing or 1 that organization. WOMAN PROGRESSIVE CHALLEXGES PIXCHOT ! Miss Juliette Arden Outlines Issues j Oji Which She Asks Joint ! Dehate. i,ew York et- 5- Miss Juliette Arden member of the Progressive u- iiUii -ralic -National Womtu's Corn- muu - e, who, four years aso, vas one 1 'NaUU,lil f rog, e;;sive organiz i era v.'un u-irford Pmehot, has sent a challenge to him for an open debate ; at any time and at any place he may j name on these and other issues of the campaign: I "Who were the real nominators of Candidate Hughes? What interests does ho represent and agree to serve f.c President? "Ho w many millions of dollars are I being put out tolect him? j "Tho net pi outs of the railroads haviuK been more than p. billion f I aonars iras past year, a net increase i or more than S326.0(u.0t'H' from th with no rate increase at all, is it a reasonable thing for them to re fuse to give their men an eight-hour UlJ U1 11 101 10 Q,) so, to ctemaUd lilat the PCiPle Pay the bill? Were not the President and Congress jus- j tifieci in their stand? " riow many of Wilson's Cabinet has he had to buck the past three and a half years who were secret agents of the interests, and in their pay? " Who proposed the Pan-American treaty munitions clause; whose agent was he and who had the treaty dropped because he recognized its bearing on conditions here? "I wau a Republican before 1912," aia vllo lo woiiu reporter 'tmiu'1" out i am an ineapenaent ; Pro rcssive now. The indeermdent Progressives have come to stay and are destined not only to decide elec j tions, but to clean up politics on all i sides. The members recognize their great power and will refuse to be j controlled by any party affiliations, j We shall stand in all elections for ; the best man, backed by the best is ! sues, be he Democrat or Republican.' INLAND REVENUE REPORT SHOWS INCRjtiASL. Statesville, Oct. 5. A. D. Watts collector ot the firth district, accord- 722,794.92, which is an increase of ! $72,985.13 over the month of Aug- ust, and an increase over September a year ago of $687,331.69. The j sources from whence the revenue was collected is as follows: Tobacco (all I forms $1,709,933.29; emergency tax r:r, $8,448.26; income taxes, $3, 1430.62; liquor licenses, $316.68; j oleomargerine taxes, $15.00; nar j cotic, taxes, $43.81; fines and penal- ties, $607.26. COTTON PRODUCTION SHORT ONE-FOURTH Washington, Oct. 5. Storms and insects have wrought havoc with the i cotton crop this year and caused a loss of almost 3,000,000 bales throughout the growing season. The crop will be approximately 11,637, 00 0, equivalent to 5 00-pound bales, according to the Department of Ag riculture's forecast made basing its estimate on the condition of the crop on September 25. In the first forecast of production made from conditions existing June 25, the quantity was estimated at j 14,266,000 bales. The condition of i the crop on September 25 was 56.3 i . per cent ot a normal, wnicn is ine lowest condition on record for that time of, the year. NOTICE. North Carolina, Halifax County. In the Superior Court. Before the Clerk. T. D. Allsbrook, B. 1. Allsbrook, J. T. House, T. L. House, et als. vs. Ella Briley and her husband, Jonah Briley, O. P. House and R. H. Lang ston and wife, Mollie Langston, et als., and all other heirs-at-law of John White, deceased. This petition by the plaintiffs against the defendants and all un known heirs at law of John White, deceased. And this is to give notice to all heirc-at-law of John White, deceased, other than those made par ties hereto by actual service of pro cess, whatever may be their names and wherever may be their residence I j e a v. : ; n twI ! ot tnc penaeucy ui lui huh, nnt.fir tVioin tn nnnMr at the of- , - County of Halifax at j hig omce -;n the town of Halifax, 3N. i c., on the 30th day of October, 1916, and answer or demur to the com- : Plamt or petition ui i""1""" , demanded be , granted x 1 This the 27th day of Sept., 1916. ! n -m. IT St K "T s. m. wm, I Clerk Superior court. WORLD'S SERIES TOMORROW7. HrookljTi Nationals vs. Boston Amer icana at Braves' Field, Boston. New York, Oet. 5. Tho Boston American league club and tho Brook lyn Nationals will meet in tho 1916 world's seriet:, the opening game of which will be played on Braves' field at Boston Saturday. The teams will ' remain in Boston over Sunday and Play the second game of the'eeric there on Monday, October 9, weather .permitting, after which they will re. turn to Brooklyn for two games at Ebbetts field on Tuesday and Vved-i nesday, October 10 and 11. The fifth and sixth games, if necessary, will bo played on Thursday, October 12 and. Friday, October 13, at Boston and Brooklyn, respectively. Should a seventh game be necessary to de ride the series, the location of the contest will be decided by the toss of x coin as in past years. ' 4 G AMBLERS' NEWS SERVICE, Owned and Controlled by Mont Twi nes, of Gambling "Trust." Chicago, Oet. 5. A news service owned and controlled by Mont Ten nes, alleged head of the gambling "trust" in Chicago, supplies horse racing information to hand book op erators regularly at charge of $15 to $450 a week, according to testi mony before Federal Judge Laud is in his investigation of alleged wide gambling operations in the city. MACKEXSEX RETIRES. German Commanded Evacuate? Forts in Face of Rumanians. London, Oct. 5. Silisria and Pur pukai, Rumanian strongholds which fell to the Teutons after the entrance of Rumania into the war, have been ordered evacuated by Marshal von Maekensen, according to official re ports from Paris. The order is in terpreted here as recognition of the menace to the Bulgar-Teuton line in Lobrudja offered by the passage of the Danube yesterday by Rumanian ti oops. The Bulgarian war office reports that river monitors destroyed the pontoon bridges on which the invad ers crossed. The same statement estimates the invading force at sev eral battalions. It is assumed here to be such a force as it is separated by the Danube from hope of retreat. The battle of Dobrudja is meanwhile proceeding with great violence along the whole front from the sea to the Danube. Bucharest reports that the Ru manians are attacking in force and meeting stubborn resistance. Every indication points to the intention of the Rumanians fighting for a posi tion on the Dobrudja plains. Strong Russian reinforcements have been hastened to their aid. North of Sederas, in Transylvania, the Rumanians have won a victory which is admitted today by the Ger man wTar office. COST1GAN, PROGRESSIVE, FOR WILSON. Denver, Colo., Oct. 5. Edward P. Costigan, former Progressive candi date for governor, today announced in a statement that he would sup port the National Democratic ticket. Notice of Land Sale. By virtue of the power contained in a certain mortgage dated May 4, 1915 executed to F. S. Royster Mercantile Co., Inc., of Tarboro, N. C, by Irene Hussey and " her husband, Braxton Hussey, which is recorded in the Reg ister of Deeds' office of Halifax county in Book 262 on page 266, we will, on SATURDAY, the 21st day of. OCTO BER, 1916, at 12 o'clock, noon., in front of the Postoffice in the town of Scotland Neck, N. C, sell at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, the following tract of land, to wit: That tract in Talmyra township, Halifax county, beginning at the run of Jarvis' swamp and running with F. P. Shields' line South 69 W. 38.74 chains to a sweetgum; thence with the line of J. P. Ware as fellows: South 49V2 E. 16.30 chains to a sweetgum: thence North 57 E. 9.40 chains to a large sweet gum; thence South 42 E. 11 chains to a stake; thence South 66 E 8.45 chains to a small pine on the east sidfi of a farm road; thenee South 48 E. 3.10 chains to a pine on the south side of said farm road J. P. Ware's eorner in F. P. Shields' line; thence with F. P. Shields' line North 694 E. 13 chains to a small cypress of the run of Jarvis' swamp; thence with said swamp as it meanders to the beginning and containing eighty and eighty-seven one hundredths acres. This being the same land conveyed to said Irene Hus sey by J. P. Ware by deed recorded in Register of -Deeds ' office of Halifax county in Book 210 on page 273, which reference is made. This ..Sept. 21, 1916. T. S. ROYSTER MERC. CO., Ine. 9-22 29; 10-6 13 - ' Mortagee. REPUBLICANS ATTACK HUGHES. inRtoj'K La Follette and Cumraings Scoui go Their Candidate. Washington. Oct. 5.- United UateB Senators Robert M. La Fol '.ette, of Wisconsin, and Albert E. Cummins, of Iowa, both Republicans nave furnished the sensation of the JU,",uli 1U im srai : -3 m TV.l i cr-n Kir i,x: -" ; j.1 l' f Candidate IIushes- ? Certain te"m2' 3eDatr L Kolfe denunces the charge "hat the eight-hour law fr railway "ien WaS a "force bilL" In a -'susu statement senator Cummins j has ..attributed utter falseness and partisan unfairness to the recent Re- publican attacks upon the child labor .iv.-. Inus tv.ro more issues which Candidate Hughes has attempted to raise, are riddled and from within his cwrn political camp. ON STAGE FOR ONE NIGHT Lloyd's to Give Production to Regain Sj?25,000 Rain Insurance. San Francisco, Oct. 5. Lloyd's of London enters the theatrical field for "one nij,ht only" and staged an open air production of "Aida" Mon day in an effort to regain $25,000 paid as insurance against rain for the production of the opera here Sat urday for charity. It was said that all money taken in at the box office, over 525,000, Lloyd's expenses and a deficit cf $2,500 would go to charity.- AUTO ACCIDENT FROM FAIR. Miss, Mai tint Bradley Only Occu pant Iniured. The big Studebaker car owned and driven by Alonzo Powell turned turtle on Wednesday after noon between four and five o'clock about eight miles this side of Rocky Mount, and Miss Martha Bradley had her aim badly sprain ed. None other of the occupants cf the car were hurt. Ijnfp,r.mat ion . received is to the-f citecf mat; "there' has' cee'i: a biff! lain, and the roads were! very j elicit, which made the running dangerous. About six miles from Battleboro though Alonzo was running slow, the ear skidded on a high bit of read, and turned over info the ditch, the foui passengers under neath.. It was a gieat wonder that no gieater damage was done, but this was due to the care with which the car was run. Tn the car, besides the driver, Alonzo Powell, were Messrs. J. D. Smith and Ashlev -Jones, Misses Katie Pell and Martha Bradley. STATE SUNDAY SCHOOL RECORD. Burlington, Oct. 5. The Front Street Methodist Episcopal Sunday school held its annual rally day Sun day, and it challenges any other Sunday school of the state to com pare Uguiv with its attendance. There wrere present 1,102 by actual count. The Edgecombe county fair is being advertised in this issue and it will be noticed that Halifax county will be strongly represent ed with her exhibits there. Mr. W. A. McMurrav, the county dem- NOTICE. North Carolina, Halifax County. In the Superior Court. Before the Clerk. T. D. Allsbrook, B. I. Allsbrook, T. L. House, J. T. House, et als. vs. Ella Briley and husband, Jonah Bri ley, Horace M. Simmons, Eva S. Strong and husband, T. C. Strong, Maud S. Murchison and husband, D. M. Murchison, Nina W. Delaney and husband, J. H. Delaney, Billy White, Randall White, Billie Brewer, John Brewer, Allen Brewer, Ed Brewer, Ethel Stanley and husband, Stanley, 3. L. Simmons, Leroy White, Cornelia White, W. H. Allsbrook and wife, Naomi R. Allsbrook, H. F. Pea cock, Van White and William White. Each of the defendants aboe named, wrill take notice that an aqf tion entitled above having for its express purpose a sale for division of lands of the late John White, among his heirs-at-law, has been commenc ed in the Superior Court of Halifax County, before the Clerk thereof; and the said defendants, and each of them will further take notice that they are required to ne and appear at the office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court for the County of Hali fax at Halifax, N. C, in the Court House, on the 30th day of October, 1916, and answer or demur to the complaint or petition in said action. nr nlaintiffs will apply to the J Court fQr the relief demanded in said complaint. 4 This the 27th day of Sept., 1916. S. M. GARY, Clerk Superior Court. SENATOR FALL HAS PRIVATE BUREAU i Information Used for Campaign. Republican Washington, Oct. 5. Having fail ed to persuade the Republican na tional committee to establish a spec ial political bureau for the dissemi nation of information about condi tions in Mexico since the Wilson ad ministration began, Senator Albert B. Fall, of Mew Mexico, has estab lished a personal, special Mexican political bureau of his own and is conducting it actively out of his pri vate means. With the addition of Senator Fall's bureau, the Repubh can party is now engaged in sending out critical oata concerning the ad ministration's management of Mexi can affairs from four different offices, the other three being in charge of James R. Garfield, of Ohio, who was secretary of the interior under Pres ident Roosevelt; R.. B. Howell, na tional committeeman from Nebraska, and the Republican national congres sional campaign committee. When Senator Fall was rsid if his plan to establish a Mexicau bu reau under the Republican national committee, of which he would be in charge, had bepn abandoned, he said that the announcement that he vas to conduct such a bureau was prema- aire. He indicated that the Repub I lican national committee was active i in presenting the Mexican situation to Am-Vican voters through the ofli j ces conducted by Mr. Garfield and COMING : Mr. Howell, and added that he was helping in his own way. CANAL ZONE GOVERNOR RETIRES. New York, Oct. 5. Major-General George W. Goethals, governor of the Panama Canal Zone, arrived here from Colon, on the steamship Pas tores of the United Fruit Line. Gen eral Goethals said he did not expect to return to the Canal Zone, as hf plans to retire from the army in De cember. Mr. S. O. Purvis ami. family v.-eie visitors at the fair this week. Mr. J. E. Bowers, drove his car over to the fair Wednesday, but, owing to the. slick condition of the roads, he returned the same even ing bv train. Mr. Jere Punch, wife and two boys went on the morning train yesterday to Rocky Mount to at tend the fair. Miss Irene Parfield went to Rocky Mount yesterday morning to attend the fair. Misses Daisv Allsbrook, Peula Herring and Willie Royester left yesterday morning for Rocky Mount where they will attend the fair and return Monday. .Mr. Jonathan Leicester left on the morning train for Kelford. Mrs. Claude Allsbrook and fam ily attended the fair yesterday. Misses Alice Staton and Vivie Wilkerson went to Rocky Mount fair yesterday. Mr. J. D. Ray attended the Rocky Mount fair Thursday. Messrs. J. L. Howard and J. D. Etheridge- were visitors at the fair yesterday. Mrs. Pettie Conhenvier was an attendant at the Pocky Mount fair yesterday. Mr. W. A. McMuirav, county demonstrating agent, went to Rcckv Mount fair this week. Ho is making preparations for the Halifax county exhibit at the Edgecombe count y fair. Mis. Elethia Price and Miss Era Staton left Wednesday for Rocky Meruit to attend the fair. Thev will return to town tomor row. Miss Ada Marks was an atten dant at the Rocky Mount fair this week. Mr. Joe H. Allsbrook was a vis itor to Hcbgood this week 011 bus iness. Messrs. W. A. Daniel, W. E. Bishop and L. M. Pittman spent Wednesday at the Rocky Mount fair. Mr. G. O. Johnston, of Cool eeme, X. C, was in town the early part of the week with a view to taking up his residence here. He will probably decide to locate here, and bring his wife and three chil dren, lie willjnost likely have charge of one of the departments in the hosiery mill. Messrs. Paul' Allen, representa tive of the R. D. Cole Mfg. Co. of Xewnan. Georgia, accompanied bv Messrs. 'J. H. Freeman and H. L. Green, arrived in town Wednes day to take charge of the work of putting up the city water tank. They expecat to be here a month or six wreeks. ied bv Mr. J. E. Shields, went to -RWVv Mmmt Wednesday, bv car. to attend the fair. LOCAL ITEMS Or INTEREST -MISS LILLIAN II A RUE LL GIVES SHOWER TO MISS DOROTHY DUXX. One of the pi ttticst the nianv -iiirtiTstino iestivitit-3 given to the October hr'nlcs took place yester day afternoon, from four to six o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Lem Harrell, when Aliss Lillian Ilar loll entertained a miscellaneous slicv.-ei a i veu in honor of Mi lis3 Dorothy Miriam Dunn. fil tile door UMlZ HaiTel ,.pptpj" W ' i r 1 toss, after which punch was served by Miss Gertrude Kitchin. Delightfully conceived was the shower, which was concealed in a jhower bouquet suspended from tlit chandeliers. A very tempting salad course was then served, the party closina; to the leiiret of all invited guests. Those invited were: Miss Doro thy Dunn, the h.aioree, Misses Gertrude Kitchin, Mildred Futrel, Hilda Hancock, Mildred Edwards. Irene Whitehead, Sue Dunn and Sal lie Joi-f v. Mesdames Ashby Dunn, James Harper Alexander, Tyler Wheeler, Albert Weathers by, O. J. Moore, A. McDowell, Olivia McDowell, Herbert Mc Dowell, James L. Pittman, Willie White, F. P. Shields, J. C. Mul len, Charlie Dunn and Robert Jo sey, Jr. MPS. CHARLES HERRING ENTERTAINS IN HONOR OF MISS JOSEV. Yesterday afternoon from four to six o'clock a very pretty auction bridge and kitchen shower was given by Mrs. Charles Herring, at the home of her sister, Mrs. G. landi, in honor of Miss' Cornelia Josey, one of the October brides. The guests were greeted at the door by Miss Nannie Lamb, and ushered to the tea room where tea and sandwiches were served by Miss Xannie Shields, then they were taken to the card room by Miss .Mattie Josey, where eight labhs were prepared for auction bridge. After the games had been plav d a cream course was. served, fol lowing which the kitchen shower was brought into the room in mar ket baskets, by ihc little sens of Mrs. Herring, Charlie and Will, the elf net being quite novel. Flirty guests participated at the party, which was carried through in a perfect manner. Mrs. Louis Burrield left for Reeky Mount Wednesday after noon on a visit to hu daughter, Mrs. H. P. Glasgow. Miss I Jessie Gray, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. C. B. Rid dick, of Richmond, Va., for the past week, returned homo on Wed nesday aftt rnoon. Mrs. Aland Strickland left Thursday for Ilodgood. Mr. George Carmichael, cashier of the Rosmary Bank and Trust Company, arrived in .town Wed nesday night, in Dr. Jarman's car returning to Rcsemarv later in the night. Dr. Jarman, of Rosemary, came through the country on Wednes day night, upon a call from Dr. Morgan, with whom ho went into the country to perforin an opera tion for appendicitis. .Mrs. F. A. Howell spent Wed nesday in town on business, re turning to her farm in Edgecombe county in the evening. She was driven in by her son-in-law, Mr: Edwards. Hon. Claude Kitchin returned Wednesday afternoon from Mor ganton, where he spoke to a large crowd Tuesday night. Mrs. Byrd Allsbre.ok and fam ily went to the Rocky Mount fair yesterday. Miss Ernestine Wommack wemt to the fair yesterday with Mrs. Allsbrook. .Mr. Willie Steptoe and Mr. John Applewhite attended the fair yesterday. Messrs. Robert Josey, Jr., Charles Steptoe and Sam A. Dunn went by automobile to the Rocky Mount fair yesterday morning. Mr. Jim Ed Ccndrey and Mr. J. A. Bryant attended the fair yes terday, returning in the evening. Mr. Danfcrd Josev was one of the party who went by auto to tho Rocky Mount fair yesterday. Hon. Claude Kitchin, Mr Kitchin and Mrs. Suiter drove their automobile over to the fair yesterday where the noted oon- jgressman introduced former Gov . Urncr A. J. Montague, of Virgin- j. as trie speaker xor tne aay. Mrs. Jesse De Bemle attended j the fair yesterday 1

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