For the Sale of . . . . Leaf Tobacco fe&J Sfc-J &ir Vf " 43 PI' 'ilf 834 w La KOCKY 10HJOTJ.C. 1? Sell Your Tobacc enner, who Guarantees You the Highest ST Market Price i -I 15 IS ccommodations for Both Man and Beast. .:. 5L W! ki ki mmm f f SSI I IV I I j III! III! 1 1 I I U II II J I -fi i I i pea ftl K i II II II II I III II XIII nil H .1 SssSe SATmmaSSl I I 1 II II IIII IIII II XIII 0 .tHR i nil I r Start with fennei Sell with Fenner Stick to Fenner PROFESSIONAL CARDS JESSE VAUGHAN Representing Harvey Oil Co. Cleveland, Ohio Lubricating Oils, Greases and Prepared Paints. Prices & Terms Bight. QUALITY GUARANTEED BERNARD ALLSBROOK FIRE INSURANCE Scotland Neck, N. C. Office Phone 122 Residence Phone 121 June 6 6 mo. !flllli!l m H ms mi ism SB m m m m tek m m mm DR. D. F. KEEL (Snccessor to Dr. A. C. Livermon) DENTIST Scotland eck, jV. C. Office Upstairs in the Whitehead Bldg. Office Hours: 9 to 1 & 2 to 5 O'clock. From 7 to 9 P. M. by Appointment LEWIS B. SUITER With THE NEW YORK LIFE INS. CO. WELDON, N. C. tf. MODEL BARBER SHOP J. D. Smith, Prop. Skilled Barbers, Sanitary Methods, Sharp Steel, Best Service Electrical Shampoo and Massage Machines. : : ENTERTAINMENT WHILE YOU WAIT x- READ IT FIRST IN THIS PAPER j i x x mrs sp1 4&s. jgsS mm m it it w xi 1 1 WW afM a. rc Lights Have Been Installed so that my Gin- DAY and NIGHT WITHOUT INCONVENIENCE. YOUR INSPECTION IS INVITED AND YOU WILL SEE HOW PERFECTLY COTTON CAN BE CLEANED. (0) lilSIIIlilllllllliiSIISISSl!!!! rtiinn ttittiiiit ii!iMiiiirHiiHiiiiMriii!iiijiiii!iiiiiitittiiiiiiiii t.tiitt4f rr r 'ikf ; tE-iiiiiiii. iiiiiiim!ii dn it-i , il: IliiiiJilillllllli.liiilliillllllllllllllUlllitlllil , ,mm .n.u1MIill.ainiiiu:wniiiiniiuiiimiiiii!iiuiiiiimiiiiiiimiiiNMaiiiimi!iiiiii:i!iiMi!Hnfiiiiti!!i:iHimnumi uuiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiuiitniiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiuiuiiiiiiiiiiuiiniuiiniiiiuuiiiiiim I " ' I & and. -S and. WINTER ;Al,f7j WINTER Ladies i ZL : " zv $ V o -. , rill ifi O f Men and Boys 5 S ; i li JJ.I;VJJ;iiU, iilO; U UV5JLLI Overcoats 2 Ladies Suits and Cloaks Up-to-Date in Styles Priced Right Ladies and Childrens Shoes Silks and Dress Goods Cotton is selling high, tobacco has been high, and all things point to a prosperous Fall and Winter. ' Our Mr. Burroughs has just returned from the northern markets, and while goods of all kinds are higher than ever before, he bought a large and up-to-date stock, and this store can supply your Fall and Winter needs at very moderate cost, all things considered. You should come here, at the big store, and make your selec tion while the stocks are complete and m their fullness. Visit our mammoth store, inspect our goods and Prices Right t Buy onurip igfts-r itoiaii- w i Men and Boys Suits Overcoats Shoes Hats, Caps Shirts Underwear or anything for the Boys and Men All Styles eejieir Scotland Neck, N. C. Everything for Everybody. OB EVERYBODY'S RTORE.