LOST BOY n Lflssing from his country city home about the third of next ca n u A ert n Lf iistert: I iPfiliiiiijiliil Vii si in 1 -i I, -.ig it s your taste! CopyrlcVit H. J. lityi.i.l.is Tobacco Co. Meets the fondest wishes of any man who likes to smoke because it has the right flavor and aroma and coolness, It's the most cheer ful tobacco you ever did pacli in a jimmy pipe x , . . or roll into a cigra- v rette- And ft so Fm! 7 never can get enough, i he pat ented process fees that and curs out bite and parch! When you fire up your first smoke you'll decide that you never did tnste tobacco that hits your fancy lii:o iffl'fe ASS m It's easy to chance t!, shape & and color cf uns&latia Lrande 10 imitate the Frtnco Albert tidy red ti-i. but it ij impossible to imitate the flavor of Prince Albert tobacco ! The patented V-rocets protecti that! 1 h ihij national Joy nmof. 6 feVi ..il- liiiii I" ". . ..:S till: : '; ; : "': '!- : i- : I'm:- i Yi c-: ' pEtfWWtJW 'till '..!!;:: ! For it exceeds in fjeodness and satisfaction the kindest word ve ever printed about it! Men, wo tell you thh tobacco will be a revelation to vou. j, fjet out the :;H iimmy skin's papers Dip' 1"-; - rrjr - 1o :.C3 cr locate the n fz r I 'tinc-; AJiert iz : t uruwrsc! derranJ. the states ci.J all c.cr i .3 1..;.'.'... 2cp f ile pound cryiiL-hutrzzzi-. ; x-.lh s . c---s i: boF?ht fit over y red Lay; , 5; iiJy red 1 f .' 1 hm.'uars and that icr: tzp thai R. J. UEYNOLD, T .1. pel pole. Bow his head way down JQ PiJ) between his knees, oh Lord, and , . . . . , .... ' . Tn ia a prescription prepared especially fix his knees way down m some for MALARIA or CHILLS & FEVER. Aar. ,vr, , lnnelv. dark vallev. whero nrhvor '. :,ve or "x ao,Ci Drfa,c case, ana -ill U A OV.I lilVy - - 7 . j y ' J'-." i j J A GOOD PRAYER A Virginia clergyman was call ed to dedicate a colored church in Richmond much wanted to be made. minister called upon the colored Js deacon to offer the closing prayer, 'Noint him wid de kerosene ile of an I this was the response: "Oh salvation and set him afire. Amen ! Lord, gib this poor brudder de eye of de eagle dat he may spy afar dff. Glue his hands to the Gospel plow. Tie his tongue to the line of truf. Nail his' years to de gos- LEWIS B. SUITER With THE NEW YORK LIFE INS. CO. WELDON, N. C. tf. taken then as a tonic the Fever will not return. It acts on the liver better than Calomel and does not gripe or sicken. 25c rey&fifiYrisiyi Will cure Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic Sprains, Bruises, Cut9, Burns, Old Sores, Tetter, Ring-Worm, Ec zsma, etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used intern dly or externally. 25c month, a tall eomplexioned -young Eian, about five feet six inches of age, height thirty-seven years. Had on, when last seen a pair of swallow tail seal skin trousers with sausage stripes, fashionable mutton chop waistcoat with east iron trimmings, double barrell frock coat, striped collar and to- baeco lining, water tight canvass boots, with patent leather tops laced up at the sole. Is deaf and dumb of one eye and hard of hear ing with the other, is slightly pock marked at the back of his head, stoops upright when he walks crooked, a slight impediment in his look and wears a Grecian bend on his upper lip, whiskers cut off short inside. Was carrying an empty carpet bag in each hand and a wooden bag in the other containing steamers, railroad tun nels and shoe blacking. Was born mother being present on the oc casion. Anyone giving such information to above will leave same with De Rue Bros., Ideal Minstrels at Mad- ry s upera llouse on tlie evening of November 23rd. the LssCTetaoientoaioshrdl One of the principal features with DeRue Bros., Ideal Minstrels will be the "reappearance of the Turner Brothers in America, di rect from their tour of the princi pal cities of Europe, which inclu ded a ten weeks' engagement at the Coliseum Hipprodrome, in London, England, where their act met with great favor and was wit nessed by DeRue Bros.' European agent, and immediately an agree ment was made and they engaged for their first return appearance in America. They have the dis tinction" of being one of the few acrobatic duos who have perform ed an appeared before .royalty. This sensational novelty is with out a doubt the most marvelous performance which has yet ap peared in America, performing seemingly infpossible feats of ac robatic agility. rs u a m a a a l3$eiNMMMNOW e 0 6 e 0 0 0 9) 0 0 0 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 it 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 s s 0 0 0 0 0 0 i 0 TOES 1) SEEL PICTURE lb : : : : AT THE PALACE THEATRE "The Secret of the Submarine." The fourth episode of this thril ling story will be shown tonight displaying more hairbreadth ac tion on the part of the heroine, J who is again captured, bound and hidden in an underground passage of the bomb maker's house, which blows up at the moment when Hook locates Cleo in the cellar. "The Broken Promise" A Knickerbocker leature in which is starred the noted Ann Drew. This is followed by a Vita- graph comedy, "Terry's Tea Par ty," in which John Kelly, Kate Hunt are featured. 'The Island of Regeneration" a a p 0 ft 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 0 0 0 9 0 1 0 9 9 REVEREND CYRUS TOWNSEND BRADY'S UNIQUE ROMANCE "THE ISLAND OF REGENERATION" in Six Parts Vitagraphed under the personal supervision of J. Stuart Blackton and Albert E. Smith. CAST Katherine Brenton, an Idealist Edith Storey John Charnock, Jr., as a Boy Bobby Connelly John Charnock, Jr., as a Man Antonio Moreno Valentine Langf ord, in love with Katherine S. Rankin Drew John Charnock, Sr., Owner of the Nansemond Leo Delaney Virginia Charnock, his wife Naomi Childers Dr. Clayton, the Charnock's Family Doctor Jack Brown Phyllis Carney, a Friend of Katherine 's Lillian Herbert Capt. Harding, Commander of the Nansemond Logan Paul DIRECTED BY HARRY DAVENPORT Starts 7:30 - - Price 20 Cents TONIGHT Fourth Chapter of "The SECRET of the SUBMARINE" in which there is an auto wreck and a house blown to pieces, and Cleo taken prisoner again. SATURDAY Knickerbockers feature. "The BROKEN PROMISE" starring the noted Ann Drew. Also Vitagraph Comedy "TERRY'S TEA PARTY", featuring John Kelly, Kate Price, Hugb Mack and Jewell Hunt. See this and enjoy a hearty laugh. COMING for Thanksgiving "The Life of our Savior," in seven Chapters in Pathe Colors. Tlie Palace 10 cts. Tuesday will be shown another high class six reel feature story, entirely unique in its setting and strong situations, depicitmg a girl castaway on a desert island, and found by a man, half wild, but white of skin, who has lived on the island since babyhood, and remembers only the lisping pray er, taught at his mothers knee "Now you lay me down to sleep." More of this story will be told in our next issue. a g 'THE GIRL WHO SMILES" (Continued from page one.) worth of hteir money. The "girl in cheesecloth" would have done better, and so would the booby boy. This is the more unfortunate since the management of the the atre had done everything to in duce a show, that they were led to believe was high class, to come here, wishing to give the people a big value production as an intro duction production for the new theatre. g TT Tf H "PI irfth O HAS A FUTURE WHICH CANNOT BE QUESTIONED The Fosburg Lumber Company WHICH IS ONE OF THE LARGEST OF ITS KIND, A FEW YEARS AGO LOCATED ITS MAIN PLANT AT HOLLISTER AND THEY HAVE SPENT A LARGE AMOUNT OF MOENY ON THEIR PLANT AND SURROUNDINGS. This Town Is About Two Years Old AND HAS A POPULATION OF 500 PEOPLE IT IS BACKED BY A SPLENDID FARMING COUNTRY AND IS WITH OUT A DOUBT THE PLACE TO MAKE AN INVESTMENT. IT WILL PAY YOU HANDSOMELY, SO WE WANT YOU TO ATTEND OUR OH 8 175 BUSINESS LOTS RESIDENCE LOTS IN THE HEART OF HOLLISTER 8 175 O'CLOCK Free Excursion From Vaughan MakingConnection with Shoo Fly in Morning. Returning leaving Hol- lister at 4:30 P. M. ; FREE TRAIN FROM LILES CAMP ON DAY OF THE SALE THE LOTS THAT WE SHALL OFFER ARE THE PROPERTY OF THE FOSBURG LBR., CO., LOCATED IN THE HEART OF TOWN. ALL AROUND THE SPLENDID SCHOOL, CLOSE TO THE NEW CHURCH NOW BEING CONSTRUCTED AND ONLY ONE BLOCK FROM THE VUSINESS SEC TION. THERE ARE SEVERAL GOOD STORES IN THIS TOWN, A BANK NICE DWELLINGS, ELECTRIC LIGHTS, WATER AND INDIVIDUAL SEWER. HOLLISTER HAS A HOTEL WHICH WOULD DO CREDIT TO A TOWN MANY TIMES ITS SIZE. THE PEOPLE ARE PROGRESSIVE, THEY MEAN TO GO FORWARD AND THEY WILL. THIS IS YOUR OP PORTUNITY TO PURCHASE SOME PROPERTY THAT IS BOUND TO INCREASE IN VALUE, FOR YOUR PRICE AND ON TERMS OF ONE FOURTH CASH, THE BALANCE IN 6, 12 AND 18 MONTHS WITH INTER EST ON DEFERRED PAYMENTS. MEET US ON THE GROUND. FREE BIG BARBECUE DINNER Will be served to all attending Sale FREE RAIN OR SHINE THE PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD AND YOUR PRICE PHICE BUVS Music By Our All Star Brass Band Remember that this property is in the heart of Hollister, the town with a future. Don't forget the time, the place and Date, 10:30 A. M., Thursday November, 23rd., Hollister N. C. SAL ECONDUCTED FOR FOSBURG LUMBER COMPANY BY AftH&itftn Csi ft Remltty CO, OFFICES: PETERSBURG, VA., AND GREENVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA. THE PREMIER AUCTION PEOPLE PoonDnnnnnnnnnnnoa Ennnnnonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnannnnnncannnnca a a D a 83 n 19 a a B a a S3 a a a KS El B B