2 - - .. . Family Newspaper: For the Promotion of the Political Social, Agricultural and Commercial Interests of the People VOLUME XXXIV. TWTCE-A-V? ESK SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28 1916 READ IT FIRST IN THIS PAPER NUMBER 4 SGIVING DAY ' CONVOCATION CLOSES Session Ends CTth Singing of THANK ONE CENT POSTAGE 4,Glbria;lttExcelsis" PROCLAMATION ISSUED Governor Craig Reviews Tkosperous Con- dition Of This State Iri JC PRAISES MUTALITY OF THE U. S The seed fell upon the ground. The harvest is plenteous. In the marts of commerce, in field and in factory industry has been reward ed with a bountiful hand. A pros perity never known before has come to all conditions and classes of men. Our material achieve ment, and a higher social order. Altruism is militant for the uni versal welfare. Our government is controlled by a noble purpose, and is responsive to the demands of age. As never as in any coun try, nor in any age, has equity to all men been remembered in the highest place of authority. Oppor before him in holiness and right eousness all our days. Done-in our city of Raleigh, on this the twentieth day of Novem ber, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and six teen, and in the one hundred and forty-first year of our American Independence. LOCKE CRAIG, Governor. PULP MILLS FOR NORTH CAROLINA Chapel Hill, N. C., Nov. 27. At the Drainage Convention just closed at Greensboro, Dr. Joseph tunity has been vouchsafed great-1 Hde Pratt Secretary, brought er than ever before, and to the out in a short talk the fact that genius and energy of the Ameri can people the future unfolds in sublime revelation. In wealth, in progress, in free dom and hope to the people, our Republic is nrst ot all nations enforcement of the State Forest Fire Law is of primary import ance to those who are interested in Drainage Districts. As, how ever, swamp lands are not gener ally considered very susceptible AUTO AFLRE SATURDAY Outside the Josey Hardware- Company, Saturday night, after having the tank of a Hupmobile Roadster filled with gasoline, the owner struck a match to light up, preparatory to taking the road again, when the overflow of gaso line on the ear caught, and the total loss of the car seemed emi nent. Mr. G. C. Weeks dashed into the . store and got a Pyrene extingui sher and with two squirts the blaze, j-vhieh had lighted up Main street, was put out. But for the presence of mind of Mr. Weeks the car would have been a ruin, and the owner, who was a stran ger to this section, and his com panion would have had to be con tent with railroad travel. In a most cavallier manner the owner stood by while others work ed on his car, but when the flame was quenched, and he found that by the squirting of a few drops of Pyrene had saved his property he exclaimed, Ah, that stun: is worth a thousand dollars a load." MEETING, VEBY SUCCESSFUL (by; C. P. Willcox) In the work? of the Episcopal church in the'-. Diocese of North IS A POSSIBILITY SOON Carolina tliere are three Convo cations the tRaleigh Convoca tion, under Archdeacon, N. C. Hughes, the 'Charlotte Convoca tion, under Archdeacon Hardin, and the Coloisl Convocation un der Archdeaefetr Delancy. The QUEER ACCDDENT TO MR. WHITE Mr. Eugene White, of White's Cross Roads, four miles west of town, met with a peculiar and painful 'accident on Friday even ing last. He was pushing a wheelbarrow, Raleigh Convocation? looks after and ran over a root of a tree, the the work in the feaatern half of the wheel breaking, and jerking his Diocese, thq ; Charlotte Convoca- elbow; Dr. Smith was called to tion tthe work in the western half attend Mr. White, but the arm had swollen to such proportions that the doctor determined that an x-ray was nevessary. In consultation with Dr. Kitch in it was determined that the bone was not broken, but the wrench She has vindicated the rights of to fire' the connection may not at her citizens in every land, and has maintained the law of civilization and humanity upon the seas. ) In diplomacy and in dealings with all nations, great and small she has been firm, considerate and just; the simple rule of right is the standard that she has set and steadfastly maintained. Her de mands have been conceded, and her rights have been respected When armed nations are ravaged by war. I Above all, we have peace. While the earth has been consumed bv the conflagration of desolation, while) ghastly War still strikes with unabated fury and reaps his boundless harvest of death and woe, we have been spared to work out the high purpose of God. Now, therefore, I, LOCKE CRAIG, Governor of the State of North Carolina, in obedience to the custom established by our fathers, and in accord with the proclamation of the President of j the Uunited States, do proclaim, Thursday, the Thirtieth Day of November A Day Of Thanks giving. And I do call upon the people of North Carolina to meet on that day in their places of worship and in devout gratitude and humil ity remember our abundant bless ings. And let us pray that the power of truth may be quickened and our consciences awakened to know and to do the Will of our Father, that his Kingdom may first sight be obvious. The establishment of Drainage Districts means the making avail- land the . i &6ldYe4 . 'Convocation cares tor the work amongst the colored . peopleJ The particular work of a Cnjrvocation is to care for and present the 'Missionary work of itts Jistriet. The sessions pf the Raleigh Con-; given to the muscles was equal to vocation, just ended' here in Trin-' a broken arm, the leaders being ity church hashbwn themselves ! twisted, the arm swollen to twice to be of realju&terest and parcti-iits natural size, almost blak, and cal value. T'vaied." warm- attended with excruciating pain, er and grew in interest as they Yesterday Mr. White was in progressed, and there, was a mani- town with his arm in a sling, and, f est desire on the part of the Con- though the pain had subsided, vocation to see: the work of the the arm was badly swollen and church progress in ivery definite discolored way to respontKmore ana more Next Congress Will Be Asked To Give Re lief At Next Term of Congress COMMITTEE'S FAVORABLE REPORT Declamation Contest Mr. Luther Purrington, the suc cessful contestant of our high school, to go to Trinity College, Durham, to contest for the medal will leave for Durham Wednes day, although the contest of the to the real needs of . the mass of the people :intltheir; social wel fare and, uplift, and in the posi tive evangelizationSs. souls. This spirit an$ idea, gave impet us to all the talks, addresses, re- solutions and recommendations of the Convocation, 5nd more and more does it seenrthat this appar- able for agriculture of large areas high schools of the state does not of swamp land and the necessary take place until Friday of this throwing upon the market of week. large quantities of swamp timber. It is quite an honor to be the In -eastern North Carolina proba- one chosen, by merit, to represent bly 90 per cent of such timber is this town at Trinity College, and gum, for which, even though we more than hope that our young much is now cut for lumber and friend, Luther, will be the success- veneer, there is as yet but a limi- ful aspirant, and bring back the ted market. The recent demand medal. for timber for paper pulp through out North Carolina is opening up another and very important mar ket for gum timber, and, as small sizes are just as valuable as the larger timber for this purpose, this use for gum will sonn become general and undoubtedly very .profitable. Capital is now seeking invest ment in North Carolina gum lands, with the object of locating pulp mills here. The State Geo logical and Economic Survey has on file a number of letters from different parts of the country in quiring about suitable sites for such mills. That the interest is real and can be seen from the fact that two exhibits of pulpwood were made at the State fair: One by the Belhaven Voard of Trade, and the other by parties who are endeavoring to bring a pulp mill to Wilmington. The journal, " Paper," the official organ of the Technical Association of Pulp and Paper Industry, also sent an exhi bit, which unfortunately arrived too late to be shown. The manufacturing of pulp re PREACHING AT NAHALIA Rev. E. L. Currie of Richmond, Va., will hold services at Nahala on Sunday afternoon next, at 3 o'clock. The public are cordial ly invited to attend. AUTO COLLISION Two single seaters, one a Ford ently conservative "old "church is! Runabout, driven by Mr. Tom Washington, D. C. Nov. 27. The ways are now being, greased for the launching of the move ment for the readjustment of pos tal rates in the next session of Congress. This problem was to have been taken up in the last ses sion but had to be deferred on ac count o fthe consideration requir- ed by railway mail pay. Since this has been disposed of the com mittees are prepared to take up the matter of placing the various postal rates on a more equitable basis. A zone system of rates for sec ond class matter is being promi nently urged to take the place of the present flat rate which was a dopted nearly forty years ago. The present rate has for sometime been regarded as a discrimination against the newspapers in favor of the great national magazines. Like the parcel post the proposed zone rates would be based on the length of the haul. The postal committees have been besieged by petitions bearing millions of names and several hun dred thousands letters from indi viduals urging a readjustment of postal rates with a view of making possible one cent letter postage. ment of our Postal rates, and one cent letter postage is not far dis tant." HANCOCK-MARSTON The wedding of Miss Hilda Maie Hancock and Mr. Richard Henry Marston will take place tomorrow, Wednesday, evening, November 29th., at 6:30 o'clock, at the Baptist Church, Scotland Neck, N. C, and the public are cordially invited to be present. It will be noted that the hour for the wedding has been changed from seven o'clock, as first an nounced, to half past six o'clock for the convenience of the out of town guests, who may wish to catch the evening train. becoming alert to. the general White, and a Maxwell Roadster, news of the masses. belonging to Mr. John Gray, and Reverting to the-particular pro- driven by Mr. Ben Weaver, met gram of the Convocation, Wed- in the centre of Main street, neith nesday moraine was devoted er of them willing to give v.ay, principally to the reports of the and so a collision occurred, with A survey of the situation indica- Missionaries at work in the Con- no damage to the drivers, and butjs mat sumcient cnanges win De vocation, andleUse elid anum- a bent axle to the Ford car. The made in the various rates to per her of interesting facts 'and "ex- 'occririPeiwe reated no littje'ent-th granting of a one centra Wednesday afternoon sation for a minute or two. on local rten very m jn tne I next session or congress, j Chairman Moon of the House Postal Committee, today said; "I periences ;was dvoted to routine business, and during this session a number of important resolutions bearing on very practical church sub The advance man of the Hy-Art Film Corporation has written that he will be here in the next day or two for the purpose of booking "Where are my Children", one of the great film productions showing in the cities. i 1 A. iniiiroi! a v(rv arce investment come upon this earth; that peace ;aid eapitalists are unwiuing to may be restored to all the world;; , , t IWUli XA v that the Light and Spirit of the ; Prince of Peace may come again a good prospect of a permanent supply of timber. Swamp land SCHOOL NOTES Superintendent of he Graded Schools, Mr. R. D. Jenkins, has announced that the school will close Wednesday afternoon, for the Thanksgiving holiday; and re sume work again Monday, morn ihg, December 4th, at the usual hour. AUCTION SALE OF LAW- The Atlantic Coast Realty Com- think that the Committee will take jects were introduced and carried. Ipany will sell by auction on De- np this second class mail matter Wednesday night was given ov-.cember 18th, at 10:30 A. M., the at uie next session uu er to an insnirational service in Lawrence Farm, situated two to a conclusion at once, vvnue the church, and a large congrega- miles north west of Scotland Neck cannot speak for the Committee M4. Iwino. nn Wh sides of the oublic this is my desire m the matter. 1 naa pcocuu -.7 o , , A . . , .... The rrmsie le hv a full road, leading from Scotland Neck o not Know want khiu oi a uiii vested ehoir. mA the oonvnentinn to Tillery and Spring Hill. This we will pass,whether it will have ' e x 11 l 3 x Za. c ti j.j l. . fn -..Mil Va finhrliv rieri into a zone teature aiiacneu iu il ur oervice irrayer was preceueu vy ai " " . . the Confirmation! Service of the small farms. The terms are very not. This view has been present elinwh nt ivViipH time ten vniinor attractive. Good music will be ed frequently in years past, and people 'received 4 'the laying on of provided, and a very good din-: sometimes received favor and hands "and thus became full mem- ner free for those who attend. bers of the church, entitled to all ! - its ricrhts and rvrivileores After The trievele in hte window OI the - x o j ... -ii - ia. iv. i i : this Mr S. S. Noah, of Tarboro. .Tnsev Hardware Company will be Wi" give-it u ut y- . . . . Vila chono in tVio rMihlio mterect o rotaron lav.wnAor in V, T?.. o-Jvon in tW 1 ttle hnV llTlder eiffht "- f " I VUVl . i i ii. v. i. aaa nv b ' - - . t.' OA XT -I n sl-.i.i.siVi r-r tlii -!--.-, i.imi imni.0 nf anro II-n A sends 1T1 T.O 1 JIG 7 7 CUUill UIlU-JLVll. VMJL UUUU1 IU11I- V CU1 O wo. ' . . ffilO ies, that could be effectively us- j Commonwealth the; best Santa: tT ed by the laity in a wider evange- Claus letter. . , , iijaLlUIl KJX. UIO 111 tllVOV TUl 1UU3 i j 1 1 , -j "11 X4. fields. Mr. Noah's long and use-; TU Tnii n 1,- ;vti awav bv x. awaa 0.. ana pay postage ougnt tu navu ful career m the church well gra- -The Comm0nwealth to thhe little ite so much of this burden of tified him for an interesting talk girl under eight years of age for transoortin and on this subject, lie was ollow- ti. best anta Claus letter is now x.n- Qar. nf ua write the first letter of each of ed by Rev. Geo. AV. Fay, Rector ! exhibited in the window of R. C. varions national magazine nubli- their names.. They were then . . a .i r. J iU to tne peoples wno umi tuc cup ihieh is to be drained and become of trembling in the horror ojagriciiltural land may be able to great darkness. (supply mature timber for a num- Let us not forget our neigh- ber of years, but the supply will bors, and the people of our State 1 t so tbat some other source who may be humble and in need, ! 0 suppiy is necessary. This may sometimes not. As to what shape the legislation will be in I am not able to say, but I am sure the Conr "A Tt A m1TtnT Att in v. m-m Quite an interesting evening was spent by the members of the Lanier Literary Society, and some friends, Friday evening last at the School House, when a playlet en titled "A Batchelor's Reverie" was presented instead of the re gular meeting which was to have -been held at 8:30. The young ladies who took part had prepared some very pretty dresses for the occasion, which, with the make-up made quite an attractive produc tion. Under the direction of Miss Ethel Thomas the play was. well received and very well played. The characters were as follows: The School Girl, Miss Gertie McDowell. The Country Girl, Miss Mamie Wommack. The Tennis Girl, Miss Louise Allsbrook. The College Girl, Miss Sadie Pope. The Athletic Girl, Miss Mary White. The Belle of the Ball, Miss Mary P. Josey. The Winter Girl, Miss lone Kit- ehin.' " . The Nun, Miss Charlotte Moore. The Widow, Miss Mary J. Jo sey. The Huntress, Miss Elizabeth Tadlock. The Croquet Girl, Miss Ellen Meredith. The Bride, Miss Ernestine Ras- berry. The Batch elor, Mr. Sherrod Harrell. At the conclusion of the play the bride and bachelor walk off the stage and up the aisle to the accompaniment of the wedding march "Here Comes the Bride." Though business matters of the society were dispensed for the evening, the members gathered in th library immediately after the conclusion of the play, and when called to order a game, different to any played this season was in troduced. Each person present was given a pencil and paper, up on which they were required to of St. Mary's School, Raleigh, jx and Company who delivered a vigorous address on ways in which the clergy could do more efficient and useful work and over a wider territory. The Convocation closed about BIG FREIGHT RECEIPTS This town is becoming known in railroad centres as of import- stroying the greater part of the young pine growth, but as soon as this can be prevented these poor er lands can be made to pay wel in the production of pulpwood. It nor the widow and the orphan in be found in the p00rer pine lands w only where the assurance 01 distress, nor those who have been f fllft rPion those which have such a permanent supply can be overtaken bv disaster. May our tQV1 11T AVPT. flTiri 0 now. owine secured that pulp mills can be es- sympathies be broadened and to tbe frequently recurring fires, strengthened that we may grow in aimost bare of young growth, the grace of Charity and toward -vyere fires prevented a crop of the realization of the brotherhood pnie WOuld soon cover such lands of men. and a perpetual supply of pulp- On this day let our gifts be gen-'wood timber would thus become erous in accordance with our good available in from twenty to thirty fortune, and let us beseech Al- years. Some pulp mills desire to --- -1 j ighty God to give us that due purchase such lands m oraer tu 1 f 1 1 j cations on their shoulders." given tne ioiiowmg questions to Representative Carl Benson, of answer in three words: Georgia,' said: "When letters can 1- What is your chief occupa be carried all over our country, tion? and to certain foreign countries, i 2. What is your chief amuse- for two cents, and return a large ment? 3. What kind of a boy or girl iance. and traveling railroad soli 11 :30 Thursday mornmg ,0 he citors are coming this week to get ums'"6 the routines, uast ween. , ,., , and the benediction which Utter j, mll of v,ter, one of lime, and ' yo was g,ven by Archdeaeon Hnghes now there is at the aepot a Hraiednetfa; will mean n0 falling Then was an early celebration of ,oad of Maxwell ToHrg cars for! Al ii nunnniAVt I 'WY1 .Y1Y11 ATI Q I s- , "I H T A 1 -v-w O me vuiiv uuauuu uuiuiuuuiiiuu ithe Johnson Jsmitn iuoior viu- rather tablished, and, for this reason, it is very greatly to the interest of swamp timber to see that the near by pine lands are protected from fire. North Carolina already has a Forest Fire Law which, if enforc ed, would go a long way towards furnishing adequate protection. ii,. v .c.,,, nf tVi.T- snnnlv: while 'All that is needed is an appropria- sense oi ail nis mercies mai, vm uc ao" ' i . . , hearts may be unfeignedly thank- others are content to know that jtion to put it m force : the next ful, and that we show forth his nearby land owners are preparing : General Assembly will be asked nraise not only with our lips but to supply permanent demands, for such an appropriation and it Toures oy g ig UP oursel- Fires in eastern North Carolina is confidently hoped that such iSnVw ve d and are still de-may be secured. m 7:30, Rev. Morrison Bethea, oli anw. carloads of nine for Wilson and Rev. Louis Taylor of .jthe town? ana a carload of lime Townsville, officiating at '-o'Jfor i0sey Hardware Company. Morning rrayer was sam uy aev.jT i e are progressing Walter J. Smith, ot unariotte a former Rector of the Church assisted by Rev. C. P. Willcox, .of Raleigh. Just before the close of the Con vocation's last session, Rev. Wal ter Smith offered a resolution! thanking the people of Scotland praising them for their interest , , A : , , . . ml. nounced later in tne vjonvocation. aiiis was carried by a rising vote, and the delegates. All left with a happy impression of their stay in Scot land Neck and of the value of the ally regarded that the volume of 4. What would you your teacher do for you! 5. What is your highest ambi- BAPTIST BAZAAR The ladies Aid Society of the Baptist Church will hold their an nual Bazaar December 14th and ;15tth. The public is cordially invited to attend mail will practically be doubled immediately upon the installation j of the new rate." tion. Refreshments were then served iby a few of the young ladies of Representative Britt of North ,the society, each plate being very Carolina, former assistant Post- .prettily decorated, and in the cen master General and now a mem- tre an apple hollowed out and ber of the House Postal Commit- filled with delicious fruit salad. There was a small bunch of celery on each plate to make it look there were tee says that "1 cent will much more than pay the cost of hand ling local delivery letters and the ' daintier, and then creation of such a rate will be aiCrackers an tw0 pepper sand- The place will be an-!powerful stimuius to urban busi- ,wiches. ness and local correspondence. Aj Further games were introduced glance at the postal statistics will until a late hour when the party show this rate to be easily f eas-, broke up each feeling that they ible. I am encouraged to believe Hhad enjoyed themselves to the f ul that the day of equitable adjust- jlest degree. Convocation in their life and ex perience in the work in the Mas ter's Vineyard. -1 n r