im n to tt Tin n n htt n n n PALALiL vumuH-i. uaranimDell Young 'WOFOaRL WDre TOMORROW HELEN HOLMES IN "W HISPERING SMITH" 10c. OF GENERAL INTEREST LOCAL NEWS ITEMS li. II. Newell and family were i lay. 0 T, t.v :i re will I' prayer meeting tomor t the Uuptist church at 7:45. Two car loals of Saxon cars were un j(.a,(M here today. Mr. 1;. M. Bullock left this morning i I A'., fieiimuiMi, for Misses Gertrude Kitediin and Lillian Haiicll returned this morning. V'. Hayi 0f Kei-h, -I. S. Blyth, J. C. Bobbins, i ced the guests to ;M'lss Mary "Woodward, of Norfolk, SOCIETY HAPPENINGS' V'!iO RECEPTION IN HONOR OF BRIDE Monday afternoon from four to six o'clock Miss Gertrude Whitehead was "at home" to her friends at a lovely reception given in honor of her sister, Mrs. Eichard Davis House, a bride of a few days.. , The interior of the house was atrrae- tively decorated, the color scheme of 1 pink and white being well carried out. Quantities of blooming plants and ferns were used and bowls and vases of white lilacs and ping carnations were lovely in the living room, and the soft light from the pink shaded chandelier cast a mellow glow over everything. Receiving at the front door were Mrs. E. T. Whitehead and Mrs. C. W. of Tarboro, J. F. Horty, i Albertson. Mrs. J. E". Bowers introdu- the receiving line, which was composed of the hostess Miss Gertrude Whitehead Mrs'. Richard Dav- t is House, Miss Lydia House, Mrs. Syd ney White, Mrs. H. L. McDowell, Miss es Helen Hilliard, Mattie Josey, Lillian Harrell and Mildred Edwards. At a prettily appointed tea table Mrs. Sam A. Dunn and Mrs. J. H. Alex ander, Jr., served tea and' sandwiches. Woodward, of Norfolk, Va. Inviting the guests into the dining room were Mrs. S. C. Pegram and Miss Fannie Gray. Mrs. Aubrey Mo Daniel received in the dining room, and a lovely ice course with mints, all in pink and white, were served by Misses Virginia Tillery, Es telle Hancock and Ernestine Rasberyy. The centerpiece was a silver vase of i pink carnations and on the table were dishes of pink and white mints. Feath ery sprays of fern were lovely on a cluny lace cover, with silver candle stocks as the finishing toueh. A profusion of flowers greeted the eye everywhere. Delightful music was enjoyed with Mrs. J. E. Woolard at the Edison. Mrs. House wore a lovely gown and rose maline over silver cloth and car ried exquisite blush roses. About 125 guests called during the afternoon to extend their good wishes to the fair bride for a long and happy life. The recreation club meeting will be ia'l.i this afternoon at four oclock at th,- residence of Mrs. Will Hancock. Messrs. Lawrence and Stanley Whita kor, of Enfield, were visitors here this week. Mr. and Mrs. G. L- Staton of Palmyra were 'here this week visiting their mo ther, Mrs. M. K. Staton. Mrs. Walter Cherry and children, of Tarhoro were here visiting Mrs. B. I. .llshrook the week end. 1 1 Mr. I'aul Fenner returned from llocky .Mount having been a member of ;i week-end house party there. The N. A. Riddick Motor Car Com pany who were fortunate bidders for the prizes of cars to be given by the News and Observer contest people .have shipped the five Saxons today in a solid car. Mr. L. L. Braswell who bought a home here some months ago has had it entirely redecorated and painted, and is now awaiting the lumber in order to fence the lot in. These improvements makes this property look like new. There is not a dull moment in the en tire progarm from the rise of the cur tain on the big minstrel First Part to the fall of the same on the funny after piece. One very noticeable feature is the entire absence of suggestive songs or jokes. They conclude their engage ment tonight with the cakewalk for a 10 pound fruit cake. Admission has been reduced to 25 cents for adults and 15 cents for children. S &3 nc nave juau icociveu an cub-ircuve line oi r ioor covering', m "LOVE OF FREEDOM" Prompted her to become his "of ficial wife". Love of country bade her risk the sentence of "Siberia." She possessed nerve. Her eyes had power to charm her lips power to at tract. With these weapons, she outwitted the head of Russia's secret police, but xeii into the meshes of a love net set by one of Russia's noblest sons. But though she avoids a sentence mint i:tag iitffe, Gfciaii s K S3 sz M 2 K E N K M Q to feibena, the cup of joy is dashed i from her li A summons has been issued on behalf j of the government. a of the Town of Scotland Neck in con-! mi,- .v. omjpsits oi me piav "My Official Wife" in which Clara Young Kimball is starred, which is showing tonight at the Palace Theatre. IF YOU REALLY WANT TO REDUCE THE COST OF LIVING demnation proceedings for power to run a line of sewerage through the property of Mr. J. B. Gray. This will be argu ed before Mr. Sterling Gary,, clerk of the Superior Court, in Halifax, April 27. LANGE'S DANDY DIXIE MIN STREL'S MAKE A BIG HIT The above company gave thir in itial performance last night to a com fortably filled tent (jammed, rammed and packed on the colored side) and judging from the riotous appaluse and hysterical shrieks of laughter, they made an immense hit with the audience FOR SALE. Saxon Roadster, Electric lights and starter, new tires, in good condition. $200.00 cash. Dr. T. D. Kitchin. 4 13 tf Mr. C. C. Taylor left this morning fm- Halifax to take charge temporarily! of the colored hosiery mill. poison, the little son of Mr. G. R. Raml'O. who has been (nite ill for a few da vs. is greatly improved. FLANAGAN BUGGIES When You Motor, Motor Right HENCE AN OVERLAKD WILLYS-KNIGHT OR r6 2 Mrs. Dickons and daughter, of Mul ling were in town yesterday on busi ness. Two cars of Saxons were shipped to tho Wilson Hardware Company at Wil ou todav. i.' meetings at the Methodist church will be held Wednes day evening as usual. Prayer Hniscopal We have a complete stock of these well known buggies and can please you when it comes to quality and price. g G. C Weeks a TALKING will never do it, COMPLAINING will get you results, but ACTION will accomplich results, the CORRECT action to take is to COME TO ME. I CAN lighten the burden of your table if you BUY your groceries from me. . As far as possible am cutting the prices to the quick, and with close buying which is your benefit, QUICK SERVICE SATISFACTION MODER ATE PROFITS-MY MOTTO J. W. AllsWook Scotland Neck, N. C. PHONE 81 PHONE 81 D D D D D D D a D D D D aaaannoQaannoanaonaannnonnnnnnnnnnonnnoQ naDnnn ilr. J. Ti. Stevenson of Palmyra was in town for a short time this morning nil business. Miss Sol ma Twisdale, of Spring Hill returned o her home his morning after spending a few davs with Mrs. Bowers. HARDY HARDWARE CO. "THE HARDWARE HUSTLERS" Miss Susie Woodard of Hamilton, ar rived this morning on a visit to her parents. & 1 J M iss Eleanor Smith left last night for Rocky Mount to be present with lier friend, Mrs. Thomas H. Battle, who is reported as bein very ill at her home. 0 Mr. L. L. Braswell and wife and Mr. Calvin Allsbrook iw,fe and daughter Itovt' to Tarboro Sundav to be present at the funeral of Mr, Charlie Fly. 0 Mrs. J. L. Allsbrook who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Piland of Suffolk, and her sister, Mrs. E. F. Stam I'le, of Norfolk, returned last night. a a a a a a H a a a a a IN THE EXCLUSIVE SETS Mr, Soft Collar has taken quite a fancy toJMiss Bow this Spring. They are seen very frequently together in the best society. You'll find all that the new smart styles in soft collars in our shop, and we've also a wide and select assortment of Bow ties. If you prefer four-in-hands, there is a pleasant surprise in store for you. YOUR ADVANTAGE TO BUY NOW. RAY BOYETTE THE HABERDASHER Sometimes a man comes along we can't possibly please, we satisfy him, however, by giving bis money back. aaaaD aaoDnnnnnnn Mr. X. L. Steadman, of Halifax, was a visitor in town yesterday, Sheriff Hons.-, of Thelma, was a visitor in town yosterdav afternoon. Q Q D D ED ire ds(D(D)dls The flowers of Spring are no more appealing to the senses in their chaste coloring and tonal effect than our new line of Spring Dress Goods. All the latest and most popular weaves and fabrics are here THIS IS NO TIME TO DELAY We, searched the markets over for their most tempting offering, and we have them. It matters not what your taste is, whether you want the colors and patterns to whisper or shout, or just to pleasantly murmur, we have them. Price Won't Bother You. - Mr. J. L. doom and wife and Mr., T. A. ("room and wife, of Gold Point, were visitors at the home of Mrs. A. C. iHerson. 0 Mrs. McClure and Mrs. E. B. Hyatt 'Irovi over from Tarboro this morning to spend the day with Mrs. Henry tiray. Mi . W. V,. Clark, who has been at Jh-ilif:,x- ;is boss 'of the colored mill left this morning for Fayetteville to take -'iar-t. of 'the Fayetteville hosiery mill. i'. :n;f Mrs. Henry Gray, returned to u"' liome this morning. The nnivals registered at the brick W1 since last report are as follows: Mr. T. B. Wheeler leaves this after "("n. for l?ocky Mount in his ear to see 'is v,-if0 AVho is in the Fark View Hos HW. Lust reports state that she is !'nn uviijo'. w- A. Brnme and Walter D. Carstar l'1"1!.. of North Carol' ia, H. H. MeVey, !- '-f liichmond. W. H. T. Entwright ";' !i..strm and G. C. Andrews of Ivin- D Q D Q D a a a a a Summer Goods Low Quarter Shoes Have you seen our line of white goods. The materials that will be all Both for the lady and the man in all the newest lasts, styles and combin- the vogue in a few weeks. Our line is complete. Make your selection ations. Every one must be well shod these days when appearances now count for so much. Don't miss this line. Men's Suits Men's Spring Hats Our ready-to-wear stock of Men's ?uits is so attractive and the variety There is a reason why you should buy a spring hat. The one of last , , . A , . . . . , . . . season won't do. It hasn't got the proper roll to the brim, or the crown so pleasing that many who bought made to measure suits are looking at .g ghape Women h &nd our ready to wear. We can please you in this department or we will why should men? That is if men regard their appearance at all and measure you for your spring suit, and please you. they do. . M "The Store Where Your Father Always Traded" aaaiaiaaaaiaaianaoaaaoaaaimaoafionnnnnninonnonnnnonnnnonnnnnnonoannaooononnanana D D D a a a D D D n u a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a n a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a nanaanannnaaooanonn anaaaa