'51 f t " 5 !' 5 V.. i;:t ;4 3 MY LiDY'S GOWNS ARE H90VERIZED STATEMENT. ( By Margaret Mason.) . Said she "Its just v a touch that makes the gown.?' "Ah yes," he answered her with pee vish frown. The while he threw his empty chgek- j book down j Collected at Mass Meeting "It's also iust the touch that takes ' Refund from Red Cross Supply il, 9 9 i'here, the success accorded elsewhere, is; assured, if a larere advance sale and unusual enthusiasm is any criterian. The Company contains a cast of thir ty-five people with a beauty chorus of 'twenty becomingly and stunningly gowned young women predominating. Special musical numbers along with special scenery has been provided. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnonnsnnnnnQcnnnnnnnnnnnnD g D n n H n 5 SAVE YOUR BAGS The C Report of the Scotland Xeek Branch of the Halifax County Chapter of the American Red Cross, October 3, 1917: Receipts. Balance from Old Organization a a a Hans and Contest W EL E BOX SEA HCKES FOR TWELVE BEST DRAWINGS Service i'Trimtv Church Collection I'Methodist church collection New York, Oct. 5. To go shop- Boxes in Drug Stores nintr with a hnshanrl in search of Clubs a gown for his left at home spouse is a liberal education in what what for the nonce in the mode. I did it yesterday and here's where I pass on a little of my lib eral education to those less sar- torially erudite. a a a We will pay 7c a piece for bags suitable for cotton seed rent off if patch is required. good sound meal," one COTTON OIL & GINNING CO. Sale of Pins Entertainments Membership Fees Paid Pledges paid 14.5S 16.6(5 .28 31.02 5.25 .9 j ' 2370 BonnoonononnnonnoonnDnnnnnnnnonnnnncDnne 18.80 ' m, Big Hi Dig a r-i P 'unGonoaonnnoonoDnoDaonnnnponnonnancinnDQ i 74.60 m 337.00 ,' Iff 1347.09 SO H ome Comforts Tetal, Disbursements Materials, Express, etc. Paid for Pins The two main points gleaned Membership Fees Commission $1869.91 ! 77.62 33.00 forwarded Pledges forwarded Total, Balance on hand October 3rd, 1917 268.70 1347.09 $1726.41 are that if you haven't any waist you are all right but if you have not any neck you are lost. All of, the gowns dragged out for our in spection were either collared high and tight and chokj' or else they showed what the sales-duchess as-j sured us was the new neck line. LEZKCN MAKE SKIN This meant that it is cut straight ! WHITE, SOFT, CLEAR across, following the line of the ! $143.50 collar-bone in front and the same height in back. This is a most trying line unless the neck is a perfect pillar of beauty, round and young and fair, which it isn't very often. This same neck curved slightly to make a round ed outline is a slight variation of fered but no siipplimenrary collar of lace, net or white Georgette is allowed to relieve or soften the chaste severity of it's contour. Either you must be Chinese this season or you must be Russian. The lovelv Chinese gowns of chif fon velvet elaborately embroid ered in Oriental designs and col orings, with their wide loose sleeves and sashes finished with silken or metallic fringe are Make This Beauty Lotion for a Cents and See for Yourself. Few ! s j What 4irl or woman hasn 't heard ; of lemon juice to remove complexion ; blemishes; to whiten the skin and to j bring out the roses the freshness and j the hidden beauty? But lemon juice alone is acid, therefore irritating, and should be mixed with orchard white this way. Strain through a fine cloth the juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle containing about three ounces of orchard white, then shake well and you have a whole quarter pint of skin and complexion lotion at about the cost one 'uf.su ally pays for a small jar or or dinary cold cream. Be sure to strain the lemon juice so ' no pulp gets into the bottle ,then this lotion will remain purt and fresh for month. When ap plied daily to the face, neck, arms and hands it should hcln to bleach, clenr i j. " ni- ; smoothen and beautifv the skin. deed Celestial, and the loose Rus- J Any druggist will supply three ounces sian tunic gowns also elaborately and colorfully embroidered and fur banded are sure to do a rush in' business. Both of these mod els, of course show the long, loose , straight lines as do almost all the J other gowns. They boast sashes ! or girdles of some sort, it is true, but there is no drawing in of . them if you would look like this season's model. By the way. Since designers insist on christening their latest creations some little pet name like Zia, La Chinoise, Manuela, Moonlight Madness or Cosetta why wouldn't an appropriate title for these narrow straight-from-the-shoulder modes be La Hoov eretta. There certainly isn't a particle of waist about them. or archard white at very little cost 6RAHDMA USED SAGE TEA TO DARKEN HAIR 3He mixed Sulphur with Restore Color, Gloss, Youthfulness. it to HANS UND FEITZ An audience that is able to" with stand the antics of two incorrigible Vour.g ters, capable of meeting im possible situations and at the same time keeping within the bounds of propriety and polite society, irresis tibly, would be hard to find. We make this assertion in view of the latent talenfe of Hans Und Frit:, those twro juveniles of cartoon fame, who at last have reached the stage. Based on the popular cartoons of R. Dirks, who gave the Avorld and st the universe a-laughing with the antics of the Katzen jammer kids. Manager 'Gus Hill has evolved a clever and mirth compelling musical comedy in three acts, which is to be thg next at traction at the Dixie Theatre, one 'ninght only, Oct. 9. In other cities where this novel pro duction has been presented; critics ' liavg been proclaimed to have quoted this offering as one of the hits of the ' year. That the piece will duplicate Common garden sage brewed into a heavy tea with sulphur added, will turn gray, streaked and faded hair beautifully dark and luxuriant. Just a few applica tions will prove a revelation if your hair is fading, streaked or gray. Mixing the Bage Tea and Sulphur recipe at home, though, is troublesome. An easier way is to get a 50-cent bottle of Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound at any drug store an reaay ior use. nis is the old time recipe improved by the addition of other ingredients. Wl rhile wisnv. crrav. faded hair is not &V'C7 " ' sinful, we all desire to retain our youth ful' appearance and attractiveness. By darkening your hair with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound, no one can tell, because it does it so naturally, so evenly. You just dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning all gray hairs have disappeared, and, after another application or two, your hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy, soft and luxuriant. This preparation is a delightful toilet requisite and is not intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease. NOTICE. CAN NOT BE REALIZED UNLESS YOUR HOUSE IS SUPPLIED WITH MODERN, REST-PRODUCING F URN I T U R E WE HAVE BEEN "ACCUSED" OF CARRYING THE FINEST LINE OF HOUSE FURNISHINGS GOODS IN THIS COMMUNITY, AND WE PLEAD GUILTY TO THE CHARGE. OUR ONLY EXCUSE IS THAT WE ARE CARRYING THIS SPLENDID LINE FOR YOUR BENEFIT. IF YOU WANT THE LAST W ORD IN COMFORT UTILITY AND CONVENIENCE, LET US FURNISH YOUR HOME WITH 20TH CENTURY FURNITURE. THERE IS NO TEST IT CANNOT STAND. K Q ? ri Off Scotland Neck F i m CASH THE HOUSE OP OR furniture Co. QUALITY' 9 CREDIT a a a 13 a Q m p Your old friends, Hans and Fritz, have met with an ac cident which must be repaired before they appear at xh Dixie Theatre Tuesday n:ght, October 9. You will notice in the above cut their nose and mouth are missing. Take your pencil and see if you can isupplv the missing lines. Get busy today. The Commonweal tli will giye one box seat for Hans and Fritz, one of the best musical comedies which will be here this season, for the twelve best drawings. Cut out the above and send, mail or bring it to the Contest Editor The Commonwealth today. Don't delay. Contest Opens Tuesday, Oct, 2nd, and Closes Saturday, Oct, 6th Winners' names will be published in The Commonwealth on October 8. Then you can call for your tickets. 3 B TIMIH7 1DO A RJPhF a a a a a a a a m a 13 n a . MOTOR CAR CO Begs to announce that it is now the Local Agents for the Dodge and Columbia Automobiles. Two of the best cars that have entered this territory THE COLUMBIA SIX is in the two thousand dollar class, in its new ideals of equip ment, including power, beauty, strength and economy, though its selling price is one third less. Seeing is believing. .; Let Us Prove It To You. The proof lies in the Valre we show THE DODGE CAR has proved its value, and none can gainsay the qualities in the make up of this very comfortable, easy riding car, which also meets the pocketbook of those who want something I n 1 . J '11 1 i ciassy aim still less than the thousand dollar class. THE ROANOKE MOTOR CAR CO., o. i . Wommack - Phone 70 Scotland Neck, N. C D. E. Henderson WWWKKWWKHFiWM M P K m m mm aa mm an m. m-. rc--r M , - . . FOR ALL S3 zm m n m 33 THE family! m Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Nora Futrell, this is to notify all persons having claims agaim-t said estate, to present them to me duly verified, on or before the 15th dav of Sept. 1918, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. Ail per sons indebted to said estate will please j 25 make immediate payment.' This Sept. 15, 1917. JNO. P. FUTRELL, Administrator. 9-15-22-29-106-4t. m m B3 m S3 131 Your patronage means oar recess. If you want the best of everything call One-Nine-O. That means the best. No orders two large or two small. All business is appreciated we have a complete stock of fancy Groceries and Fruits. S. L. STRICKLAND Our motto is. "Cleanliness Courtesy Service" "Watch The Growth of The New Store" PKone 190 H?o- m ta tn m ts E3 G3 a m ea hi m m m m Our Fall and Winter line of shoes is now comolet anrl TAro j . fit the entire family with footwear that weTS? Trtd of shoes has stood the test, and for wear and appearance outlast aH othert DOROTHY DODD, For Ladies IN ALL THE NEWEST LASTS, AND ALSO IN COLOHS THAT HAVE PRKprirph THE WORLD. IN THESE SHOES A SELECTION CAN BE MADE SOLIE 5S C T w m-m - ii. ooap Hid and trench J. k. 11L1, Shoes For Men THESE ARE SUBSTANTIAL, GOOD LOOKING GOOD VTFARIW' onnna DO AS GOOD SERVICE AS ANY SHOE YOU CAN BUY 'EARING SHOES, THAT WILL HOLD THEIR SHAPE A: "BUSTER BROWN" and "LENOX" ARE THE BRANDS FOR THE CHILDREN AND LIT TI E OVT?Q Tirxa, WILL GIVE SERVICE AND MEET THE NEEDS OF THE PEOPLE RECOMMEND, FOR WTE KNOW THE OF Kid. V 19 Burroughs - Pit Wh eeleir Co, imam - tl II l.l a v. . 1 S 8 0 81 31 Q a a D D Q D j Bf D Q y s E D 12 a B E S D 9 EJ a u ft If u D fi Q D D a a a D El i3 ES U u m m a a a a E3 n m m a m m n m m m m m n m u a 13 a m m S3 m m n Q a 53

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