.-mMp.p.pHMnnnnnnnnnr3nnnnnnnnnnn7imnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnm THE COMMONWEALTH AFTERNOON DAILY Tiie Commonwealth, Inc. Scotland Neck Bank BIdg. Scotland Neck, N. C. pointing to them as evidences of UUUUUUuuuuuuuuuuuuuhuuwuuw itfUI the deen lovaltv of all classes of , x t our people. AVe had also rejoiced that the great labor organizations were standing so staunchly by a Entered at the PostofHce at Scot land Neck, N. C, as second-class matter under Act of Congress, March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (In Advance) Through the Mail Daily Issue One Year $3.00 Six Months, 1.50 By Carrier 10 Cents per week. Semi-Weekly One Year. $1.50 a a a a All articles su omitted for publi cation must be ',he author's name, not necessarily for publication, but as a guarantee of good faith. Tuesday : March 5, 1918 the government and would, throw j O their great strength to the making of the world safe for democracy. But this controversy hi of too serious a nature to be passed by. It involves two of the most pow erful interests of the country, and the very life of the nation is af fected. If the charge is true, there is treason to deal with. If false, then two of America's greatest labor leaders have sadly fallen down on their jobs and have brought their organizations into bad repute. Since the matter has gone so i far, it is up to Congress thoroughly investigate. No per functory probe should be tolerat ed, but the country should be made fully acquainted with every fact. The railroads are more than ever the arteries of the na-lg tion in this crisis, and eonsidera-iD ' i Should . This Interest Amy one, Except CLEE VAUGHAN? a a in tola FROM JANUARY 1st. TO FEBRUARY 25th. THIS YEAR OUR BUSINESS WAS EXACTLY FOUR THOUSAND, FIFTY FOUR DOLLARS AND THIRTY-EIGHT CENTS LARGER THAN IT WAS FROM JANUARY 1st. TO FEBRUARY 25th LAST YEAR, WHICH WAS THEN THE LARGEST GROCERY BUSINESS EVER RECORDED IN THIS GOOD T0Y7N PRICES LOWER NOW THAN TMEN IF YOU LIVE IN THIS COMMUNITY AND EAT, IT SHOULD VERY GREATLY INTEREST YOU, FOR IT SHOWS CON CLUSIVELY THAT THE MAJORITY OF THE PEOPLE OF THIS TOWN CENTERED ON THIS STORE AS THE ONE PLACE TO GET THEIR QUALITY EDIBLES. THINK BEFORE YOU PLACE YOUR ORDER. THE BEST IS NONE TOO GOOD FOR YOU. Your Patronage, However Small, Is Highly Appreciated INVESTIGATION DEMANDED tion for no man or set of men should be permitted to interfere with their free operation. Use the probe, and probe to the bottom. a a a a h'pAmfw.Vcy CLEE VAU(QMIAN Largest Exclusive Retail Grocery Business in Halifax County. innnananaDDnnaannanaaQnaaDaaaaaaanannQaDnnanDannnnDaanDnangEqaoaDnDannnnncimi The most unfortunate incident that has arisen since this coun try's entrance into the war is the dispute between the railroads! and the brotherhoods of trainmen and conductors. The dispute is fraught with much danger to the transportation interests of the country. The seriousness of the charges made by Messrs. W. G. Lee and A. B. Garretson, heads of the trainmen and conductors, re spectively, would seem to leave the Government no choice but to fully investigate the entire mat ter. Messrs Lee and Garretson allege that the freight congestion is the direct result of conspiracy on the part of the managements of the various systems to discredit con trol and the eight-hour law. Not only is this serious charge made by both these great labor leaders but it is substantiated by numer ous other members of the two brotherhoods. It is hardly believable that the heads of our great transportation system could so far forget the first duty of American citizens as to exploit their country in this great crisis of; her history, for purely selfish ends. On the other hand it is almost unbelievable that two such prominent leaders of the people should be deceived into laying a charge of such ser iousness unless they were firmly convinced of its truth. The country had thought that the graceful manner in which gov ernment control was accepted by the management of our railroads that all were in perfect harmony with the Administration in the effort to bring the war to a speedy close. We were feeling proud of our transportation systems and WEATHER REPORT FOR WEEK ENDING MARCH 3 By J. Y. Savage Temperature highest 83" on March 1. Temperature lowest 28" on Feb. 27. Temperature average high 70 2-7 ' Temperature average low 40 5-7 ' Rainfall 24-100 inches. Mr. Robert Gray returned last night from Rocky Mount, where he spent the week end. ROOMERS AND BOARDERS Want- at tbe Bell Hotel on Depot street The house has just been opened under new ownership. Apply at once to H. A. Paramore. Bell Hotel. 12-21-tf. Shoe & Harness 1 Work Done I tUnrTTTTITTTTTTTf t f HTTTTTTTTTTTTtttttil Itt --.x.,;. Mrs. W. T. Hancock, and son Bennie returned yesterday afternoon from Rocky Mount. They were accompanied home by Miss Catherine Hancock. CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE Will seU my office and lot at tax valuation. J. P. Wimberley, Battleboro, N. C. S3 13 3 & H Is I I. i S3 1 3 In connection with my shoe work I will repair harness at equally reasonable prices. Am now doing this work at home but as soon as the work increases will open a shop on main street. All Work Strictly Cash J. D. LAMB S OUR STOCK OF FORD & CHEV ER0LET PARTS IS QUITE COMPLETE. This stock is carried with a view to givieg better service to our customers. It's useless to mention Buick parts, but if you should have an accident, and need anything. ASK RIDDICK Telephone Office, 139. Garage 178, Residence 170. ?:?;::: Mr. J. B. Edwards left this morning for Richmond to purchase some mules. MULE FOR SALE One bay mare mule nine years old. Apply to Moses Iliggs, Hobgood, N. C, R. 1. DR. f;. F. KEEL Prom 7 to 9 P to. Appoirttirent Scotland eci. . C. )ffice Upstairs in tbe Whitehead BIdg Office Hours: 9 to 1 & 2 to 5 O'clock (Successor i II-, A, C. Liveruion) MODEL BARBER SHOP J. D. SmllL, Prop. Methods, Sharp Steel, Best Service Electrical Shampoo and Maccmes. : r SAND Any contractor who wants good sharp sand for build ing or cement work, also hauling work to be done apply to George A, Ward Box 185 Scotland Neck, N. C. HiMmmnmiimniminim a a a k Goodl Loofetog Lady Deserves the proper setting for her good looks. YOU are one cf the best look ing women in Scotland neck. Why not also permit folks to say that you have one of the most beautiful homes in Scot land Neck? You deserve new Furniture. Tell your husband we said so. a a a a rLUWLKS rLUWfcKS r LOWERS Funeral Designs and sprays, Wedding Boquets, Corsages for the Birthday. Cut flowers for the sick room. All sea sonal flowers furnished on short notice. Out of Town' Orders Executed Promptly Flowers delivered anywhere in U. S. by Telegraph. Write or Phone V. Herman Creech, Florist TARBORO, N. C. a a JJk5p your shossneatL V reESEBVE THE UATHER;;;f rTHEF.F DM.LEY CORPORATIONS. LTD. BUFFALO. N-vTjj ' Scotland Neck Furniture Co. SCOTLAND NECK, NORTH CAROLINA umoannoooononnonDonnonnnnQiiononnnnnooD nDDDDDnDODononnnnnnoonnnnonnDnonnnoDnoqu YOU KNOW THE BANK gonnQODnnnnnnonooannonnnnonononoononDnni (T HO TT I vuiooo crao Iran i a D a a a n a a a a a 15 Wanted to make up a carload in thirty days will pay more than the market price 50 cents per hundred a -BUT DOES Q a a u a Q a a D D a a a a g See E. A. ALLSBROOK niVt onannananaaanaananaaaanannnnnnaaaaanaang gnonnnanonnnnannS DUPLEX CHAIR-TABLE THE BANK KNOW YOU Banks are often asked if such and such a person is re liable, or entitled to credit. If you are a depositor, the bank knows your worth and can give you a rating. Other wise a bank is often compelled to withhold a favorable rating purely through lack of information relative to your financial status. A bank account is your best endorsement. It stamps you as a man of affairs. We Allow 4 Per Cent Compounded Quarterly on Savings Accounts. go Plants & r,:I D l the home yoa savings gg Address, J.R.NEWTON CLAUDE KITCHIN mt - u - m m mm m n w n wr wm . . k m u ys. v mm mr flmwm ' wtW51AAC1- 5 5 North Carolina a a a cs a Have vnn soon V n j .. . fnmitn t7 7, invention in home and office tomture? If not let Mr. J. E. Newton show the sample S f Alexandr Assurance Agency, over Scotland Neck Bank. '' noveltl! 11 k 7 r SliCit therS t0 PUrchase of these noveltxes will b entitled to $1.00 for the benefit of the Red Cross i S f b t 1 1 I i i i i 3 (3 a D D n ! S mm ran a a a D a a a a a a a a a a a a p a a a a a n a a a Muuuuuuuuuuuuuuoaaanni iro2nnnnnnnnnnnr, a

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