WEATHER REPORT Pair tonight and Wednesday. Warmer tonight on the coast. To light west winds. 1HE jst - AFTERNOON DAILY SLOGAN: "EVERY ONE FOR EACH OTHER AND ALL TOGETHER FOR SCOTLAND NECK VOLUME FOUR. AFTERNOON DAILY SCOTLAND NECK, N. O.. TUESDAY, APRIL 23 1918. TELEGRAPH SERVICE. A &J NUMBER 0 dark; vm by British mm EN OVER THE TOP" SWOOP DOWN ON GERMAN SUBMARINE BASES OF OS TEND AND ZEBRUGGE SINKING FIVE CONCRETE SHIPS BLOC XING CHANNEL NO REPORT OF ANY LIVES LOST IN RAID 0- (By United Fress) ' London, April 23. British nav al officers were engaged in a dar ing raid on German submarine bases &t Ostend and Zebrugge early this morning, and blew up five concrete alien ships in the rhannel to block the egress of the enemy craft. "With the exception of our covering ships our forces consist ed of auxilliary vessels, six obso lete cruisers and five ships allied with concrete used to block the enemy ships, which wTere then grounded and blown up the ad miral it v announced. New Lord Mayor of Dublin 17 CA m TACIT PRODUCTION (By United Press) Washington, April 23, curtailment of pleasure D CUT Sharp car pro- The $50,000 Scotland Neck's quota for the Third Liberty Loan has been subscribed by 486 of its citizens, and all credit is due them for the patriotic spirit that has embued them in coming forward; to aid the great cause. Whilst this amount exceed the amount set for this community the government is asking for large oversubscriptions to this issue so that instead o f the three billions asked for five billions may be raised and thus prevent another issue of bonds this year, therefore it is to be hoped that all those who have not yet sub scribed will do so during the time in which the lists are open, that "s between now and May 4. Let the good work continue. The best you can do is not enough You are not fighting in the trench es, but you can fight effectively at home, and that is vour part Be manly, be heroic, be patriotic, above all be American. The following subscribers have come in since we went to press with the names on the inside page. A. W. Outerbridge, R. J. Madry Mrs. R. J. Madry, S. E. Savage, De Allen Harrell, Francis Suiter Harrell and Sam C. Jones. EVERYBODY BUYS AM tnnnrmt nnim XTLlfl LlDCKlY WW (By United Press) Richmond, Va. April 23. Gev ernor Davis has issued a procla mation requesting every man and j woman in Virginia to buy a Lib erty Bond. FRENCH REPORT ATTACK FAILED ERICAN LORRAINE ARIY MAKES KILLING FIGHTS OFF LARGEST RAIDING PARTY ATTACKING THE ENEMY FRONT, WHICH, REACHING TRENCHES, LEAVES 300 DEAD GERMANS REPORT AFFAIR GREAT SUCCESS f LAWKtNCc C7NEH.. iORP MAYOR Of.PUBLlK; Lawrence O'Neal has just been (By United Press") Paris April 23. Artillery was active along the Somme and east of Rheims, the French war office reports. German raids between Lassig ny and Noyon, northwest of Rhiems, in the Vosages, fell down, the French taking prisoners. ; isiame l nis Man When You Get Up Earlier GEN. FOCH 0ITDDEM JU1 IV .AS iWB i ! of-.- Dublin, and. this photograph J QIHJ W AHULL J..LA XXlfS i JU& KJJ. mm vgm duetion is expected shortly as the j installed as the new Lord Mayor u . e n i- I result 01 a coniereuce ueiweeu leaders in the automobile industry and Chairman Baruch, of the war industries board. The automobile men have been requested by the government to present complete details and sworn figures of 1917 production of pleasure cars together with an P 1, '-. r, in !t ekuna. Anril zd. In re- gard to the many reports from a broad concerning the part the common ordinary sea-gull is re presented as taking in the capture of the U-boat following the un derwater craft in quest of food and "pointing them out" to our destroyers, listen to this "yarn:" Says Frank H. Stewart, presi dent of the Ocean City (N. J.) HUNGARIANS ARE NOW AROUSED SCOTLAND ITECK'S LIBERTY BOND THEMGMETER ,i (This will be registered, every . day to indicate the amount raised as the drive progresses towards the honor mark of $50,000.) (By United Press) Paris, April 23. After a full discussion the allies have agreed to give Commander in chief of the allies armies, Foch, complete and absolute power on the west front, he not to be influenced by any ex ternal pressure. j FxwxvX;:-:-:-:K: i MEN mi ITTEN lY'SFlMR was halted when similar demon strations were conducted at var ious towns on Sunday, when von Sevdled told the Polonaise leaders that Gallicia would be restored to Poland." Zurich, April 23. Two hun- d thousand persons participat ed on a demonstration for elec torial reform at Budopesth yes terday, according to the Bas Tisza which states ,"Work and traffic ; Fishing Club, one of the largest on the Atlantic coast: "Every gull -on our coast is an aviator in our defense and worth almost as much as a soldier oi sailor for our protection. You see, the gulls live chiefly on the fragments of fish left by the hun gry tigers of the sea feeding on school of fishes. "Every boy on the seashore i knows that a diving, screeching , flock of gulls indicates a school oi i fish. "Like an aviator, they can sec below the surface, but they can BRITISH MAKE LOCAL DRIVES London, April 23. Sucessful local operations last night improv- it A . li! ii n j -i our ijosnions nortn or AioerL ; , n 1; nnrlp- r, , . , not reason that all things unae uenerai liaig reports. "We took j sixty prisoners and a number of' enemy prisoners were taken in the local fighting in the Robecq sector, and at Wychate the fight ing resulted advantageously for us." Raiding parties entered the enemy t''K'hoS the suface are not fish. They er pect something to appear on the surface of the water . followin; a commotion mujerneth. The something is food. "When gulls detect a submar ine they follow it like a school of i fish, and if this nation ever is at- near Famboux, four ; Qolrp w ihp TT-boats we shall be VUUUVVA. J nines east of A rasnv npnftt.rat.inff i u . 'fji L , sorry uiai we naveu t icu s1- 'Heir support lines. for every one we have now Hostile artillery was active W steraay afternoon ,and last risnatehes tell us that Secre night west of Albert, south of tary Baker has set before three Nieppe forest and east of Ypres. Kings during his visit to the othet vur artillery engaged a hostile side Shucks, that didn't put concentration at Villiers Breton-' anv change on Newt. He can al- neux sector, in the neighborhood ways hold a better hand than 50,000. - 49,000. 48,000. 47,000. 46,000. 45,000. - 44,000. 43,000. 42,000. 41,000. 40,000. - 39,000. 38,000. 37,000. 36,000. 35,000. - 34,000. 33,000. 32,000. -31,000. - 30,000. - 29,000. -28,000. -27,000. -23,000. - 25,000. - 24,000. -23,000. -22,000. -21,000. - 20,000. - 19,000, -18,000. 17,000. 16,000. 15,000. - 14,000. . 13,000. 12,000. 11,000. 10,000. - 9,000. 8,000. 7,000. 6,000. 5,000. - 4,000. 3,000. 2,000. 1,000. (By United Press) With the British army in France, April 23. A number of American airmen attended the : funeral of, Baron von Richtf en, 1 .the famous German aviator. ! British and French airmen werej also present, when he wTas given the honors of an allied officer. ? WILLIAM P. BORLAND. Renresntative William P. Bor land, whose home is in Kansas ! City, where they arise early, is j the author of the Daylight Sav- nig Act, ana ms eitorts put it through congress. HERB! APPEAL S S 4 8 S S -0 By Frank J. Taylor The American army in Lorraine April 23. Fifty Germans raided the American sector north of St. Mihiel, between St. Mihiel and Verdun yesterday. The American artillery repuls ed the Boche as they reached the American barbed wire entangle ments. The Germans carried off I their dead and wounded, but two dead were left on the wires. Th; Americans made a counter raid of the German trenches, bringing aek two prisoners. All other American sectors were iuiet. i he American official reports of Saturday's engagement in To:iI and the losses sustained by u-, which was no larger than could reasonably be expected of an en gagement to severe, the mot desperate the Americans have hitherto been engaged in. The enemy losses were more than he iricipated as evidence of mofg than three hundred dead in AmcJ trenches, and in "no man's lanii'-1, the German wounded wefl dfaft- ;ed back into the German trenoi os. The number of these are id known, but heavy damage was al so inflicted by the Franco Amer ican artillery where the line join ed. ' ' 111" ALL Dublin, April 23. In a country Avide one day strike as a protest against conscription Irish leaders plan to absolutely stop all public utilitj service including cars, trains and newspapers . It is estimated that one mil lion Irishmen have signed the an- Raleigh, April 23 Recognizing the negro as a great economic factor and hence a great military factor, United States Food Ad ministrator Herbert Hoover has f ! addressed a special appeal to the Ll I. ! 12,000,000 negroes of the country to heed thp appeal of the Food Administration in the matter of food conservation and food pro duction. The appeal folows: "Our Nation is engaged in a war for its verv existence. To street van this war we must save food, : grow great crops oi loousiuns and substitute other foods for those most easily shipped to our parliament. associates in this war and our own ti-conscription pledges, and the sociiers in France, thousands of Irish nationalist members have whom are men of your own race, decided to absent themselves from ' The Food Administration realizes that the INegro population oi tins 'Nation can be of the utmost help in food conservation and food pro j Auction. Every Negro man, wo 'man and child can render a de finite service bv responding to the appeal and instructions of Food Food Administrations of the Food 'Administration and its represen- Phildelphia, April 23. There is tatives. The negroes have shown j i tt a go ' themselves loyal and responsive jone "king m the United States,, national crisis. Their and he is 4 1 doing his bit for demo-. ffreatest opportunity of the pre- Icracy." William Baker, of this sent day to exercise this loyalty, : eitv is the uncrowned "nvert- is to help save and grow iooa. kinr." With his steel for VERTER DOES HIS LITTLE "BIT" Washington, April 23. Two were killed in action, one dead or wounds, four dies of deseases, nine wounded severely, twenty seven wounded slightly, makes up a total of forty three casualties in the report of General Pershing today to th3 war department. The American report ?. this fight inclines to the belief tha the battle went contrary to t lie enemy, that a great number of Germans were left dead upon the field while prisoners were taken, the loss to the American not be ing out of "proportion to the severity of the engagement, the list of dead and wnuwb'd publish ed above if totalling the losses in this fight, bearing out the con tention. On the othfr hand the German report would h-ad t believe the battle was a complete- success to their arms; that bitter hand to hand fighting ensued around the dug-outs and the Americans were killed almost to the last man. In the Renneres wood the Amer ican casualties were especially heavy they say. Dense? columns of troops were badly mauled by the German fire, and further back the German airmen located the American reserves filling the trenches at Jury wo.od and work fearful havoc in the closely fil'Jed he hammers T .ifirlinf 1tq -J-VlO-ir -VITlll TT J- ' i i ji (ln 1 , 1 mi st r it into sPoncl 10 tne suggesiiems ui me . trencnes. ine uermans iurtner Vrn Arlininistration ail'T thus' nlonn 1000 rivpt a rlav on the . v.l,tI,UIL. lUdt "lnmtu A1V" i""v - -. prove again mt-n mur i-i i a. j4- 170 modern 401d Ironsides" that are the winning of the war." , x 4. 4- t TTnnn-i- TTrnwT twenty-rive maenme guns Deillg cons 11 ucicu tt 111c 1 ciiu- xirixvo cj ix 1 nuv im. sylvania Shipbuilding Company '3 rlant. at, Gloucester. N. J. With A subscriber suggest that in annarpn tlv little effort he drove dealing with loiterers we exempt t 1 ' " 1247 of the little red-hot pins into the fishermen. We'll agree to I a shin's side when someone con- that if they are required to estab- tested his supremacy. Hsh the absolute truth of every j0sot t The average riveter hammer tale told, and demonstrate that , Dec- ? x onn Qfn rivets in eiedit thev have reallv contributed to,Jan- . XIUIll VW VJ tw ..-w o " July COTTON MARKET. Open High T.nw 29.04 29.04 28.65 28.74 2b.65 27.56 27.73 27.56 27.22 27.40 27.22 27.00 27.26 27.00 nose 28.81 28. 69 27.7: 27.40 27.2S meat supply. f Serre. thsee kings. hours.