V AT THE DIXIE THEATRE TONIGHT PRICE 15 Cts. DORIS KENYON In The Last Episode of "THE HIDDEN HAND" Who is the girl of the prophecy? Who is the HIDDEN HAND? CHARLIE CHAPLIN In A Two Reel Comedy "THE VAGABOND" SHOW STARTS AT 8:30 PROMPTLY. SO BE ON TIME! HELEN HOLMES In The First Episode of THE LOST EXPRESS" A Rail Road Serial featuring Helen Holmes- the dare-devil PERSONALS. Miss Ethel Pope, of Weldon, vis ited relatives here last night. 0 0 0 Mr Raleigh Lyles left this morn ing for Camp Wardsworth. oo-o Mr. Ashby W. Dunn left this morning for Louisburg on busi ness, but will return tonight. 0 0 0 The N. A. Riddick Motor Car Co. sold a Cadillac "8" yesterday to Mr. D. M. Campbell of Halifax, ooo Mr. S. E. Sherman left this morn ing for Atkinson to spend a few davs on a visit. 0 0 0 Mrs. E. L. Brown returned last night from a few days visit to Norfolk. 000 Master Thomas Griffin left on the morning train for Everetts on a visit for a few days, o o o Mr. W. J. Meeks left this morn ing for Greenville to spend a few days on a visit. 0 0 0 Mrs. Mary Hilliard returned last nigh from Kinston where she has been visiting for a few days. 0 0 0 PREACHING AT NAHALA Rev. R. L. Crane, of Tarboro, will preach at the Nahala Presby terian church on Sunday afternoon at four o'clock and again at eight o'clock at night. All are cordial ly invited. nDDDDDDDnDDQ BOY SCOUT MEETING There will be a Boy Scout meet ing at the School Building at 8 o'efiock to-night. All the boys are urged to be present as there is considerable work to be done. a a a a a a gOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOeoOOPOOOOOOQOooooooaooaoooaftoaaaaftfta r - - so ft i-arucipating contract on Haberdashery That Will fiivp 7?st Non-participating Rate issued by the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. The most for the money amply secured good surrender values. SEE Q Q D a u a o s 8 8 To The Enjoyment Of Hot Weather LOCAL NEWS Mr. R. L. Hardy who has been in attendance at the Merchants Association convention at Wright sville Beach, returned home todav oo o M. Hoffman and Brother an nounces that they have sugar and flour on hand, but that they will adhese strictly to the food regulations. Claud A. Paramore, Special Agent B fr 3 li DDE 3DE Mr. Britt Andrews, of Tarboro, spent the night here with his pa rents Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Andrews and left for Rocky Mount this morning. He was called to fix the Western Union wires which had been out of commission for a courjle of davs. He found the Messrs. Robert Shields & Frank .f,rouble near the mill between Armstrong, of Hobgood, were visitors in town vesterday. o 6 -o Mrs. Asa Pope, of the suburbs was in town yesterday shopping this morning. 0 oo Messrs Spencer Lewis, Leonard Madrv and Miss Evelyn Kitchin at tended the dance in Enfield last night. o o Mrs. Andrew Whitehead, of White's Cross Roads, was in town this morning for a few hours shop ping. 0 0 o Misses Reba Cherry and Louise Allsbrook left this morning for Tarboro to spend a few days on a visit. 0 0 0 Miss Betty Perry left on the morning train for her home in Ber tie after visiting Miss lone Cobb for several days. 0 0 0 Professor Shields will speak to the colored people on Snday morn ing at Shiloh and at night at St. Mary's Chapel. 0 C 0 The people of Mullins are very anxious to establish an auxilliary of the Red Cross in their neigh borhood so that they might help with the work. 000 We still have two walking culti vators we will sell at a bargain. Also have Willard Harrows and Iron Ace Cultivators. Edwards and Company tf. oo 0 Mr. Mike Edwards was in town this morning attending the funer al of Mr. Billie Grimes Baby who was buried in the Episcopal ceme tery this morning. 0 O 0 Sheriff J. A. House is in town today seeing those who require "to take out special licenses as the time is very short and there is a twenty per cent penalty for not paying this tax on time. 0 0 0 Messrs Allan Leary, Thurston Vanlandihgham and Lester Sunr rell left this morning for Camp Jarvis Va., to spend a week or two on a vacation. oo-o There was a good ball game pulled off yesterday evening be tween the married and the single men of the school grounds, the score being seven to two in favor of the single men. Several fine plays were made and a great inter est was evinced in the game which tends to encourage those who want base ball here this summer to hope that it will be the regular sport for the next few months. here and Hobgood and got the NO MORE DELIVERIES SELL FOB CASH. Specialty:. Chickens and eggs. Open 7:00 to 10:00 A. M. and from 4:30 to 8.00 P. M. T. B. SMITH III Phone 31 Phone 31 VESTLESS SUITS FOR RESTLESS MEN VACATION VARIETY IN SILK SHIRTS. A NECK AND NECK RACE IN COLLAR STYLES. NIFTY NECKWEAR WITH A "THRIFTY" LOOK. CAPS AND HATS THAT STAY PUT ON A WINDY DAY UNDERWEAR THAT SELLS TO EVERYBODY. o s s BELTS THAT WILL HOLD UP REPUTATION. A WELL DRESSED BE "PATRIOTIC" GET A TRUE WEAR THE FOURTH OF JULY. BLUE SERGE TO s o s RAY BOYETTE THE OUTFITTER E 3DG 3G "OOOOPftOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOQOgj-l' .nnnnnonnonnonnonnnonnnnnoonnonnoocH s wires is good shape. Lieutenant Commander George S. Bryan, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Bryan, who for some time past has been stationed in Pacific wa ters wired from Seattle that he had arrived in the United States and was enroute to Washington for orders, but hopes to visit Scot land Neck some time next week. Lieu. Bryan has nt been home in a number of years and his many friends here will no doubt welcome him with open arms. "IT BEATS ANYTHING I HAVE EVER SEEN." KARNES SAYS TANLAC RELIEVED HIM OF TERRIBLE RHEUMA TISM GAINED TEN POUNDS ' IN WEIGHT "One bottle of Tanlac has got me over one of the orst cases of rheuma tism a man ever had and I have gained en poands besides," said John A. Kar- it- t i i j nes, a weilKnow contracting plasterer living at 303 Oriel street, Nashville, Tennessee. "I've had rheumatism off and on for several years, especially in damp weather and I would ache in every joint in my body almost like a sore jtpoth.i My suffering was $o great that I could hardly bear it at times and it seemed like the more I suffered the i worst I got until finally I had to lay off from work for a wThole month on account of it. "It just beats anything I ever saw how Tanlac begun to relieve my trou ble right from the start. Almost every symptom of rheumatism has gone, my appetite is fine, I sleep like a log and have ganed ten pounds in weight. My own experience proves o me that Tanlao is one of the greatest medicines ever made and I recommend it to ohers." Tanac is sod by E. T. Whitehead Co. a a a a a 3 a a a a n a COMPLETE a a Ladies slipers in many styles, including white, are now in full assortment. Ladies white skirt goods, and summer goods of all kinds on display. D D SUMMER STRAW WAISTS HATS In splendid variety of Mens straw hats in at- voiles, georgette crepe de cjijne tractive styles including Panamas. D a M. Hoffman Bro. D Q a a a a a a o LAWN SWINGS, PORCH SWINGS, 4 Settees and Mnds for Semmein IHariware. fltartily Martlware Co, "The Hardware Hustlers" dddddi anDDunnnoonDdnoonnoonoDnDQoaarjocanonn&L a II WANTED STENOGRAPHIC WORK. Address Rebe Shields. 6-19 tf MAY GET COAL We have had a letter from the Winifrede Coal Co., stating that they have good reason to believe that after the 20th. (today) they will be permitted to ship coal to North Carolina and if they are we will be furnished as usual. We will notify our customers as soon ,as definate arrangements are made. BOWERS AND CO a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a n a a a a D n 66 THE KIND YOU HAVE ALWAYS BOUGHT Nay be a good slogan for Castor ia but it does not apply to our line Furniture Come in and let us show you something different, prices continue to advance yet we can make some five figures for your consideration. wmie attract CASH IF YOU HAVE IT. CREDIT IF YOU WANT III StegiLafiy (S&SRIR Illy!) ifii IJl&USo K) ihnocncznncnocaoncnncncnnnooooannnnoonnp innonGnncnnnDOcnnnancncnznnnn