S. 1 FRIDAY OCTOBER 4 191S :r.:c:;w3ALT h Scotland neck it. c. PACE THESE TOMAC H TEO' UJtSLE a Mr. Marion Holcomb, of Nancy, Ky., says: "For qu?te a long while I suffered with stomach trouble. I would have pains and a heavy feeling after my meals, a most disagreeable taste in my mouth. If I ate anything with butter, oil or grease, I would spit it up. I bean to have regular si ck headache. I had used pills ancf tablet but after a course ol these, I would be constipated. It' lust seemed to tear my stomach all up. I found they wer no good at all for my trouble. I heard THEBFCRD'S M El ft mkE ma I ss s$ Esra lea TH Ki PlJt 1 RS If! lUfel f recommended very highly, so began to use it. It cured me. I keep it in the house all the time. It is the best liver medicine made. I do not have sick headache or stomach trouble any more." Black-Draught acts cn the jaded liver and helps it to do its important work of throwing oat waste materials and poisons from the sys tem. This medicine should be in everv household for use m time of need. Get a package today. If you feel sluggish, take a dose tonight. You will feel fresh to morrow. Price 25c a package. All druggists. ONE CENT A DOSS a 73) 1 f. COFFEE turrtx IMPORTERS 6-ROASTfi 'When It Pours, It Reigns" Luzianne and Corn Pons WHEN you see your mammy, Honey, bringin' in the coffee and the pone, you can tell before you taste it that the coffee's Luzianne sure-nuf by the whifs a-streaming steaming in the air. ' It's the coffee Luzianne you remember and you hanker after it until you get another cup. Luzianne Coffee (your grocer, has it) comes put up in tins. Try it tomorrow morning for breakfast. If it isn't all you expect, you can get your money back. Luzianne for aroma, fragrance and snap. Try it T- Tr'.'L ( ) Ilk. !L4 CTvwzZwti mm' r - zmmw mmmmi 1 Ifefif mm 1W AH iUJLl A wwi PicoTiee ICANS ASKED TO LIMIT USE OF SUGAR Must Use No More Than Two Pounds Per Person a Month if the Present Meagre Allied Sugar Ration Is Maintained. Stocks Will Be Short Until Beginning of New Year Ration May Be Enlarged Then. There is more Catarrh In tins section of the country than all other diseases put together, and for years At was sup posed to be incurable. Doctors prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatn.en,. pronounced it jricurable. Catarrh is a Ic;al disease, great;;. innucrced by corstltutional con ditions and thereto: e requires constitu tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medi cine, manufactured by F. J. Cheney c Cc. Toledo, Ohio, a constitutional remedy, is taken internally and acts thru ti-- F.lr-rci rr the ?.fi-co:.j! Surfaces cl i e Sytivin. Oi IxXiU .O" -:!a.-s vc--trarJ is offered for any ei.se tiiar Kail's Catcrrli Medi.ine fai'.s to cure. Stud for circulars and testimonial.'-. NEW CERTIFICATES TO BE REQUIRED Qui Hall's Va:r "'i. t.jpai:on Farmers Purchasing Flour Without Cereal Substitutes Muct Present Corn Miller's Statement New Food Administration Healings. Two pounds of su.2;ar a month half a pound a week that is the sugar ra tion tl:e U. S. Food Administration has asked every American to observe until January 1, 1919, in order to make sure there shall be enough for our Army and Navy, for the Allied armies and for the civilians of those nations. By New Year's the world sugar sit uation will be relieved somewhat by the new crop. Cuban sugar of this years crop will be arriving in this country. Every available sugar source will be drawn on by the Food Administration during the next winter months tb main tain sufficient stocks here to keep up our national sugar supply. During Oc tober the first American beet sugar will arrive in the markets. By the middle of November some of our Lou isiana cane crop will be available. All of this sugar and more may be needed to keep this nation supplied on a re duced ration and to safeguard the Al lied sugar ration from still further reduction. In Europe the present ra tion is already reduced to a minimum. Our Situation. The situation which the United States faces in its efforts to maintain a' fair distribution of sugar to the Al lied world is as follows : Sugar supplies throughout the coun try, in homes, stores, factories and bakeries are at a low ebb. We must make increased sugar shipments to the' Allies. Production of American beet anc Louisiana cane crops have been disap pointing. Porto Rico crops have been cur tailed. Immense sugar stocks in Java can not be reached on accost of the ship ping shortage; ships are needed for trocp movements and munitions. Army and Navy' sugar requirements have increased as well as those from the Allies. Most Industries using sugar have had their allotment reduced by one-haif: some will receive no sugar. Households should' make every ef fort to preserve the fruit crop without sugar, or with smaii amounts of sugar. Later, when the sugar suppfy is larg er, the canned fruit may be sweetened as it is used. calomel salivates and MAKES YOU SICK Acts Like Byamite on A Sluggish , Liver v , and you Icse a day's work There's no reason why a person Acts like dynamite on a sluggish liver should take sickening, salivating ,;tl omel when . - 3 buys a large b.tne of Dodson's Liver Tone a perfect sub stitute for calomel. It is a pleasant, vegetable liquid which will start your liver just as sure ly as calomel, but it doesn 't make ; ou s:ok and can not salivate. Children and grown folks can take Dodson's Liver Tone, because it is per fectly harmless. Calomel is a dangerous drug. It is mercury and nttacks your bones. Take a dose of nasty calomel today and you will feci weak, sick and nauseated to morrow. Don't lose a day's work. Take a spoonful of Dodson !s Liver Tone in stead and you will wake up feeling g.ent. No more biliousness, contipa tion, sluggishness, headache, coated tongue or sour stomach. Your druggist says if you don't find Dodson's Liver Tone acts better than horrible calomel FoTwetvd! 13 it With no thought of bursting .shrap nel and poisonous gases into which they plunge with every muscle tense, with every faculty of mind alert, with one thought only TO FIGHT AND WIN. That is the way our men are going into battle. When the shrill whistle sounds the advance, out they go their whole heart in the task before them. No power on earth can hold thci?i back. On Sundays the American busi ness man is cultivating the lost art of walking. Rasping Coughs eased If 1 I t yyyi for Coughs e Colds That wrctching, torturous tearing at the throat and lungs give away to ease and comfort throurh the prompt use of Dr. New Discovery tl e standard coush and cck' j remedy tor 50 years. Keep it on hand and use froely. It goes right to the root of a cold brings up the phiegra and eases the raw, feverish membranes. Containing balsams, itcoobandsoothe3 the sore parts. J ust the thfhf Tor baby's croup. The kiddie likes it. Your drug gist sells it. Raleigh. State Food Administrator, Henry A. Page has abolished the oldi form of pledge or certificates upon! which farmers have been able to se cure wheat flour without cereal sub-' stitutes aiid merchants have been for-1 bidden to sell wheat flour except in combination with cereal substitutes or , upon presentation by the purchaser of a miller's cerlificate showihg tnat the prospective purchaser has had .r-'ori'Kl and has in his possession corn n-.cr:l cr oilier cereal substitutes. The Old form , ..s subject to some abuses, it freqii3r.tly happening the individu als who bad not produced cereal sub stitutes were abi? t opurchase flour without such substitutes. Effective ;',epte:u'.:or 1. retailers ar. other dealers are fo;bV:d;-n to sell wheat flour to fanners cr other con sumers except: (1) In cor.:h:r.atlon "with an equal quantity of corn meal, corn flour, frri'rs. dry hominy, oat meal, rice four, buckwheat Hour, potato four, or other cereal substitutes cllo-wed for this purpose, or (2) Up-n tl:e pre.? nr. '.a lion of a prop erly executed miller's certificate showing the posession of corn meal or other cereal substitutes In any amount equivalent t tbo quantity of flour to be purchased. Copy of certificate form can bo secured from the Food Adminis tration. Raloigh N. C. (3) Jobbers, wholesalers and millers are forbidden to sell wheat flour, to retailers except (a) in connec tion with equal quantities of ce real substitutes; (b) upon satis fying themselves by sworn state ment or otherwise that the je tailer has purchased the required cereal substitutes from other sources, or (c) upon presentation by the retailer of corn millers' certificates for the quantity ol wheat flour purchased. The Food Administration will rot fcave the new corn millers' certificates printed, but will secure bids from a number of printing houses, and will 1 refer millers to the printing house1 making the lowest bid. The form of the certificate will be furnished tc corn millers or others desiring them. Every retailer is required to make an inventory of his supply of f!o::r and cereal substitutes on hand Sep tember 1, such inventory to he h. 'd subject to examination by Food Ad ministration Inspectors. 1 Every retailer is required to keep' an accurate record of all purchases of' flour and cereal substitutes deliver-; ed to him after September 1, the: same to be esubject to examination anad inspection by the Food Admin istration Inspectors and County Food Administrators. DlZZV? BillOUS? fnrtfmnfoJ? Dr. King's new Life Tills cause a healthy flow of Bile and rids your Stomach and Bowels of waste and fermenting body poisons. They are a Tonic to your Stomach and Liver and tone the general system. First dose relieves. et a tottte today. . all druesrists i 1 i S WE BUY ! OLD FALSE TEETH ; A pay ivom .1? OU to per set (broken or not). We ;:i-,o p;iv ! actual v.? for r)i;"io::(is. oht 'o(l, Silver and i ' . ; I j;v-v 'rk. ; Send at on -e by ;;;-; e! : r and re ivivo eash by re' urn 1 ;i ,;. MAZER'S TOOTH f-I r'CTALTY Dept. X 2C07 So. 5th St. PMiad-lnMa Pi to b:.y.?, :. :;' l farm. fefei Forward! -jJV: V: -v .; 1 !- ..; V VI . Si Li R,- - ,tJ We will win this -war hoihirtg else really matters until we do! The same sharp challenge to battle is sounding for us. We must answer in the same proud way the way of our fighting men the American way. JFe must lend the way .they fight We must show the war-maddened Hun a united American people mov ing forward shoulder to shoulder, irresistibly, to Victory. Our task is to supply the money, the ships, the guns, the shells that we must have to win. It is a tremendous task. We must do it as our .fighting men do theirs with the indomitable spirit of Victory. We must work, and save, and lend with one thought only TO FIGHT AND WIN. Get into the fight--with your whole heart. Bay Bonds to the utmost! This Space Contributed by Swift & Company i a 2 : O i 0 ! 1 e? 1 a Q 7) V p it p n feacce AT 1 li v-'- r"T a 4 areiiioose nfield, Na C. TOBACCO The place when it comes ic s i ling Tobacco. Averaging dsily around c a pouni 'V US Wit; isracticn guaranteed. Sati of next is O O" POWELL 'HOME CF IIICi: . 1HE IvOTTO. ! ! The Flavor Lasts