THE DAILY COMMONWEALTH SCOTLAND NECK, NORTH CAROLINA. FRIDAY OCTOBER 4 1918 PAGE FQUE THE COMMONWEALTH AFTERNOON DAILY Tfce Common wealth, Inc. Scotland Nsck Bank Bldg. .Scotland Neck, N. C. . - Entered at the Postoffiee at Scot. land Neck, N. C, as second class " matter under act of Cxigre Alarch 3, 1379. " ' m SUBSCRIPTION BATES (la advance) Through the mail Daily Issue One Year $3.00 " .Six Months 1.50 By c?.rrier 10 ceata per week. SeuiWeely One Year $1.50 . All articles submitted for publi- cation, must bear the author's name, not neecessarily for publieaton, but as a guarantee of good faith. Friday October 4 1913 oilier than paper cups., and ice cream saucers. ! Let any person if he thinks it pos sible try to work out in his mind a more effective method for the people in a village or town to ex t change spit the very microscopic amounts neccessary for this pow erful contagion and-tme will reali ze the infectious protency of un sitcriliized glasses at soda foun tains. DON'T 1 Don't associate with the inipo lite and careless who spray your air with their spit. 2 Don't go to unnecessary pub lie gatherings while the epedemic is on. 3 Don't use any public I dippers and drinking cups 4 Don't use a roller towel 5 Don't patronize a soda foun tain that does not use paper cups. If you get the grippe : Go to bed and stay, there until you are well, until your temperature has been normal for at least two days. FECIAL NOTICE DR. C. E. JENKINS (Dental Surgeon) Over Whitehead's Drug 'tore SCOTLAND NECK N. C. Has ta&en over Dr. D. F. Keel's equipment and. office and is ready to make appointments for all classes of dental work Office Hours Morning 9 to 1. " Evening 2 to 6 Other appointments by special arrangement Phone 56 FOR RENT OR SALE THE Bell Hotel equipped with elec tric light and city water Apply to N B Josey Scotland Neck N "C -()- 3 THE EPIDEMIC OF GRIPPE O The North Carolina State Board of Health has issued the following official statement on the epidemic of influenza that is sweeping over the State : 4iThe State of North Carolina is in the grip of an epidemic of Span isK Influenza . ; The disease is invading the State from many quarters, as it prevails throughout the United States, but the principal lines of invasion seem to be from the seaports of Wilming ton and Norfolk. Already the dis case has appeared over the entire State, being very prevalent in the East and having established itself in a number of centers in the West. The indications are that within another week it will gener ally prevalent throughout the State. "The disease started in Spain in May, this year, involving 30 per cent of, the population of that country within a short time. Al ready the disease has invaded and practically passed through Europe The rapidity with which it travels and the large per cent of the popu lation involved indicate (1) the ex ceptionally contagious nature of the desease and (2) that with it public health measures have little influenza The only good fortune attending the present epidemic in North Carolina is that it will pro bably exhaust its supply of suscep tibles before its dangerous allv, pneumonia, arrives in force in De cember January and February "The disease is due to spit swap ping. Spit is swapped or exchan ged in the following ways: By coughing or sneezing into the air instead of into a handkerchief In open coughing or sneezing an infertious and invisible spray is thrown several yards into the air and,, floats for thirty to sixty min utes. The greater the spraying, as in the psychic waves of cough" ing that pass through assembla ges moving pirture shows chur dies and other gatherings the den ser and more potent the infections atmosphere; (b) by soiling the hands with spit (very small invis ible amounts) and transferring the spit to the hands of another per son in handclasps or bv handling something as a door knob or some article from which a second per son gets the minutest amount of spit; (c) by using the common rol ler towel contaminating and beins contaminated; (d) by using com mon drinking- dippers common (trinking cups and common spit infected water from a common bucket ; (e) by , using anything fHO .'EL BARBER SHOP-1 A. WALSTON, Prop. Sanitary and up-to-date. Special attention given to cinioren. , If you are past fifty, or if you are j FOE, AN US--TO-DATE TTMft not strong stay in bed four daysi CUT OR SHAVE after normal temperature. Re member, the danger of grippe is pneumonia. Pneumonia is the penalty for disrespect to the grin pe. that gets out of bed too soon" "In conclusion, public officials can do little to protect you You ! i can do a great deal to protect your ; C7 self" 0 A Beautiful Woman o you know that a beautiful woman always had a good diges tion? If your digestion is faulty eat lightly of meats and take j11. occasional dose of Chamberlain V Tablets to strengthen your digest ion. Price 25c 3 m b &1 zn P 3 H 02 1 W H H h4 W w w &3 3' KJ S 53 S E PLE GT If you see a 'burial procession and are informed that a certain cit izen its being buried, don't ask "Is he dead?" ? REFLECT If you see a physician leaving the home of a friend, don't ask "Is someone, there Sick?" REFLECT 7 If you see great numbers of intelligent people trading at a certain GROCERY STORE, hear the telephones of that establishment ring almost continuously and the delivery truck loaded to its capacity five times in a single morning, don't ask "Is that the logical place to get FANCY and STAPLE groceries of the very HIGHEST QUALITY?" REFLECT CLEE VAUGHAN The business built by quality, cleanliness, courts xort a "quare deal. BAGS WAMTTID "We wiL give yot a good price for your .fertilizer bags. N. B. Josey Company. H&HBHBHSHSHaHSHSHSSHSH3HBHBH2HSHSaSHSiH3HSBaEHS Z5 w. BIG CAMPAIGN TO ELECT LOYAL WAR CONGRESS National Security League An . nounces Nation-Wide Non partisan Participation in Fall Elections. 3 Co(E0) Peaiill Ural THE EXPERIMENT STATION RECOMMENDS THIS AS ONE OF THE BEST FEEDS FOR LAYING HENS. IT IS ALREADY WELL KNOWN AS AN EXCELLENT HOG FOOD, BEING EQUAL TO CORN FOR HARDEN ING MEAT AND MUCH CHEAPER FOR -FOOD VALUE THAN CORN OR SHIP STUFF. Manufactured By H 3 H .3 H S oboooooooooooooooooooooooooot0 I Splendid Showing of Fall Wear Ladies tailored suits and coats also one-piece dresses many artistic designs and good colorings 9 9 Serges and Silks Our stock is complete with the season's display of Serge am silk piece goods in all the new shades. o m m 9 m m m 9 m m m 9 9 The Cotton Oil & Ginmiiinig Comrapany 3 2 59 LADIES FALL WAISTS SHOES Many dainty novelties in the best that the season. e hjve ,the , PP"r affords in silk and other le style ,m wo" pretty weaves. meu s fal1 wear slloes- e o Holrfifflian 'The House where your .father always traded." o c m Active participation by it in the Con gressional campaigns, which will short ly commence throughout the country, has been announced by the National Security League. The League declares that unusual measures must be taken to insure the election this fall of a Congress which will stand militantly behind the carrying of the war to a decisive victory. The entire force of the League's 281 branches and its membership of over 100,000 patriotic American citizens will be thrown into this campaign. The creation of support of the movement outside the League will also be un dertaken by means of an active propa ganda among the leading citizens of every state in the Union, irrespective of party. Elihu Root Takes Lead. Elihu Root, who is Honorary Presi dent of the National Security League, at the recent Annual Meeting of th organization laid particular emphasis mi the necessity of non-partisan sup port of the Government in its ef &rts for the aggressive prosecution 01 the war and the consequent iiipor tance of this year's Congressional elec tions. The matter was then taken up by the National Executive Committee of the League and the campaign decid ed upon at a meeting attended by Al ton B. Parker, who Is Honorary Vice President of the Security League . James W. Gerard, former United States Ambassador to Germany, one oi tiie League's Vice Presidents; S. Stan wood Menken, President of the League ; Lawrence F. Abbott of the Outlook, and other prominent men. The League for National Unity and other great national organizations have already indorsed the movement. The leading newspapers of the country are also expressing their approval. The following are a few of the fa vorable editorial comments which are appearing in all parts of the country : Editorial Approval. WIIHamsport (Pa.) Sun : "The Na tional Security League's effort will have the hearty support of all patri otic voters." Springfield (Mass.) Union: This idea is sound and eminently worthy of serious attention." Des Moines (la.) Tribune: "Here in Iowa we may well emulate this exam ple which will lead to victory for Americanism regardless of party desig nation." ' Saginaw (Mich.) News: "This cam paign will have a strong and growing following all over the country." Helena (Mtont) Independent : "Ameri icans upon whom party lines rest light ly and many who are strong for their party will tnd reasons for commenda tion of the plan of the National Se curity League." ' ooooooooooooooooqoooooooooooo ooooeoooooooooooooooooooooo o COOL WEATHER CALLS POK MEATEKS O o e o i o 8 O o e o o s o o o s s o o We have them AW kinds and sizes. Aetna Hot Blast. Washinnton Parlor Heaters Sheet irnn Also Washington Cook Stoves and Ranges. COME IN AND SEE OUR LINE ON DISPLAY. Heaters. The Scotland Neclk Euiriniiitaire Company ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo000000000000000 cooooooooooooooooooooooooo OOOfiOAAAAAAAAA.A.- , O -wwwwwwww wiraovogtggQ000000000000000009i 00000000099eoee4, iv 8 o . O 1 . . . I Tlhe Fall Seasomi Has o o : F- Q : ' : r- .rw4owaseoooooooooooooooov Opemed. 8 i o 8 o 8 o Our buyer has returned from the northern markets and by every express is coming all the novelties of the season as well as staple lines of wearables.- You ..Cannot Miss Our Display IF YOU WOULD BE WELL CLOTHED AND WELL SHOD. COATS FOR LADIES AND THE MISS in large and varied assortment, made of the most popular weaves, s uch as light and heavy cloths velvet and near seal. The color most attractive. The styles excellent. - 8 o BujurroMglhis - Ptomam - Wlhieeleir Co, EVERYBODY'S STORE , I ' WE SELL WAR SAVINGS STAMPS 5? 63 3 H a CO ft i a to ft S 'A H S 9 9 9 o t o 00OpC9O0OC00COOC0gO0J

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