. . - I. M MeeoeeeeeeeAeooeeoeeeeooooeeoooooooepoooeoepo ooooccoaoooo0ooooocoooeooooooQoooooooc i a o Lir! S o s 8 c SAVE YOUi TOBACCO POR 00K REOPENING-, SALE - 8 mli - - i i . - , , , - - . IMMi JrlMu Jlvl mm 8 8 e e o o s THE HALIFAX WAREHOUSE. OF ENFIELD, N. o. U u J. S. THOMAS, MANAGER fOOGOOofftoooooooocooooooiocoooooooooiKoooao cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooccooooo od3oeacoeoc3aowooooooo0 ft ooooeeeooe9iife,w8!,,s ooooev&oece 0oooeeoeef O' o o o ' e e 2 I '1 'f 03 UU 111 T Save Your TOBACCO For Our Re-opening Sale WAREHOU OF & "" Tf TTt a AKKUKU, N. C i t : 6 6 a o sssg 3ee e3336o9oooeoeeooooo9eootee&ft90 WOMEN ARE CLIMBING Toki More than twice as many women and girls climbed Mount Fuji this season as in 1917 to be exact, 5,984 this year and 2,873 last. This mountain, 70 mil es from Tokio and clearly isible in that city on clear day's, is sa cred to all Japanese, the mecca of) pilgrims and the most familiar figure in Japanese art. During the two-months season just closed 68.580 men climbed Fuji, a decrea se ol 1,628 from last year, official records state. The marked incie. se in female climbers principally is due to increased popularity of mountaineering among girl students. -ir'i eaiiaBinnBgsteBn.BBiiiiaeBl'gJF .Ci Here is your opportunity to insure egainst embarrassing errors In spelling, ad poor cb oice of prcnunci r.tion words. Ii.rjov the etimr cf nuzzling war terms. Incrercc ycur efficiency, which results m power End success. HEW II About CrOup If your children are subject to croup, or if you have reason to fear their being attacked by that disease, you should procure a bot tle of Chamberlain's Cough Kerne dy and study the directions for use so that in case of an attack you will know exactly what course to pursue. This is a favorite and very successful remedy for croup, and it is important that you ob serve the directions carefully. ADMINISTBATOE'S SALE ler, one log cart, hogs and farming implements. All of the stock of At Ringwood, N. C, on Tuesday ! in'aeti1e.av new- Saw November i9th, at 10 o'clock A. M miii 111 ine. "ditioii. the undersigned will sell a stock oil, "?r tarI!lcr. iniormatl0n PPlv io uiu uiiticrsigneu. .S. G. Whitfield, Enfield X. 0 Administrator o, the estate of .1. E Avrcs Jr. -k'rj; y 'ti y jet w t 'unwr 3v - -t ff goods to consist of shoes drv goods notions, hardware medicines, so'da fountain and fixtures, store fixtur es one saw- mill, with portable boi- 1 4 : - - I til i nl'v V H v' y Hi1? S3 U m m m VAIT FOR THE ji l jirl Jl! f ciLihi. 11 li A&sJ P. &M t;&iJ . M' 551 in DICTIONARY h all-lrn-v--iiig teacher, a universal quo: answerer, mado to meet ; ' ; needa. It i-3 in daily u?o . hundreds cf thousands of s cessiul mea and women. Its world o 499,030 Words. 2760 Pasfea. 603rt lustrations. 12.CC0 Bic:raofc--; E' tries. 3b,C09 GTCgrcphicsi SuLject-. 6S;'K2r-T, r-i;rfcrrt Award) riiisna-.-.- wC-Co Exposition. VRITE for Ep-c;ir.en Par.-r. r IEE I'ociet Aj.aoa u yea tiiiifc.thls puusr. ' Spilae!l, M35Sv U. S. A. -mim?&mM Cold Corners Comfortable r t m m m m FOE SEVERAL YEARS WE HAVE OWXE1), OPERA ED, AND STUDIED for aing iimbs that feci the relic! m frcezinj? v-ivv. Litest ?v:r P. -t i -.-fi i f' -" - r ' r ' '- ' .- 5 3 1 tits Lim 4 PS fc KJ K? PI m m m K Iff - i-viK-fclfc.': !&!.?S4i3.in Richmond Va. At your aeale) r- (New Jersey) a ?a -e . w w Pi a .4 OIL HEATERS i. y .. ': ' 1 ; f f-rV v,hcr'c 'c, JSS. G. & t3 Cha: c ton. W .Va. . ' U ' B sasft saa. be it li 'I a .. if is? m ! rN We have investigated a dozen different ma Ices, watched them Vop crate under various conditions, and for power, stur dy construction, economy in operation and upkeep TJIE HART-PARR is two to three years ahead of any TRACTOR that lias made its appearance in the South. A TRACTOR Is not a small investment. Brother Farmer, (it is a paying one, however) and as you don't buy one : -'- t every season, BE SURE you Iniy what you want. The 1 1 ART-PARR DEMONSTR AT! ON AVILL BE GIV EN HOOX. INVESTIGATE IT. Shields Commissary ' HART-PAR R made the FIRST Oil Burning Engine and have been' making TRACTORS fifteen years. m m m m m Triangle 'Trade Mark m m e ft - oooocc wcoooooocoo-oooooooooooooooooooooof ooooooooooooopopoepopoocoaooof e & EmEJ V w 4 V W w -.ww 1 ft- S I I 109 Bs f P 25 I 1 lob acco r o E ! . Is S3 T A O w R EHOUSE COM m m m m m CI- & o & (it o e