"I WEATHER REPORT Fair tiight and Saturday.' Much cooler tonght. Cold wave irrast and central portions. Temperature below freezing. N. W. winds.- 1MQNWEAL AFTERNOON DAILY 'M- VOL VI NUMBER 25 FOUR O'CLOCK EDITION SCOTLAND NECK, N. O, FRIDAY JANUARY 3 1919 TELEGRAPH SERVICE PRICE TWO CENTS 4 im . 1 i s It m lis i 1 5, I i i m. WON MOT ROME ED 1 S MORNING FIGHTING IN MUNICH STREETS WAS MET AT STATION BY KING VICTOR, QUNN HELENA, GOVERNMENT AND LOCAL REPRESENTATIVES AND BY AN IMMENSE CROWD (Associated Press AERONAUTS ARE FROST BITTEN By Associated Press Berlin Jan 3. Munich newspa I London, Jan 3. While flying pers received here publish reports of shooting in the streets of th vity in New Year's evening whenjwich yesterday Observer Blowers, fflNG WILL DINE WITH WILSON FRIDAY O- (By Associated Press.") Rome, Jan 3. The program ar- jf ranged for President llson s en tertainment includes a luncheon with " Mother Margherita", a re cepton by the parliament, a state dinner with King Victdr Emanuel, folldhved by a visit to the Presi . MEREDITH nine persons were wounded. 1000 SOLDIERS TAKEN ASHORE SUA Rev Reuben Meredith was tak en down' with fever on Tuesday dent of a deputation from the and lias had considerable tempera Quirinal. ture but today is somewhat bette Tonight the citizenship of Rome j tin. u-rJi he complains of pain in will be confirred upon Wilson. Saturday there will be a lunch eon at the American Embassy in honor of the President, and this at the altitude of 20,500 feet in a i British airplane yesterday at Ips- (By Associated Press) New York Jan4. Information received today states that nearly one thousand troops including some wounded have been removed from the transport Northern Pa who accompanied Pilot Long, col lapsed when his oxygen bottle broke, but afterwards recovered Both men were frowst bitten dur ing their flight. DISSOLVE HUN COMMAND REUMINARY CON ENCE HELD FER- JAN. 13 THE FOUR LEADING ALLIES WILL CONVENE FOR THE FIR ST CONFERENCE ON MONDAY WEEK TO DETER MINE PLANS FOR PEACE CONFERENCE BERTH CLOT ON P. OP THE SECRETARIES cif ie which is aground off Fm 1 (By As2i-fc,Jated Press.; Basle Jan 3. The German arm ; slice commissioners according to iBerlin dispatch have informed the ! allied commissioners that on the bis back. He is very weak but it is hoped is progressing favorably. lMur of his children have also been taken down arid have eo'nsid- also is the day set for his visit tc joiable fever, but Mrs. Meredith, the Pope and for his reception of ;s attending them and it is expec" the protectant bodies at the Amerijed that another day will show im can church lie. will also tak? , proventent dinner with the Italian court, PresMent Wilson expects t let;- Island , This indicated that less than fh t - - i -,. iwptein front except fev the peace teen hundred soldiers remain on 1 1 x i 1 x i ,. " .trol -itimo. garrisons there are now twen the ship and that the.r removal is 1 ;ty tuv sions lor wnicn oruers nav pro gressin g favorably. rod r-l :hcen issued for their discharge. It is added that the dissolution bf the German High Command is proceiling. e for Geneva Sunday and possi- J PJI pP A f )iv go to Milan 'and arrived in j v 1 Turin londay for a short v!sP leavii.g for Paris on Monday nigh' Koine -Tan King Enuuiua! has accepted an invitation to" have; luncheon with President Wilson and family at the residence of Am ; ba.vidoi- Page on Fridav; OR ijllift fCTnitfT! tip THE W, Pittsburtr, Jan o. In prepara tion for the American after the war merchant marine, the Gnited t , , . , 1 Engineering has been established at the Carnegie Institute of Teeh- Bv Associated Fress.'. Washin-g-ton Jan 3. The des-; CO TUDENTS 10ZEN STSF CHURCHES TO CLOSE SDN O The local ministers, with the ex ception of Kev. Reuben Mi r-.iii'. who is sick in bed, met this morn ing and discussed the local hcall : situat'on and determined, in the interest of the community, that u . i i- was auvisaoie 10 (nscoiiTisrae im day Scliool and Church vrvi-.'-!"liis coming Sunday, affer which it , could be (letermined whether the influenza vas abating and it would be safe t(.: ojen the place-.. i v. orsn ) ine loiiownti: sinida v. (By Associated Pies.i Paris dan Theic iv every likeliliood, according to lt morn ing newsjiapers thta the peace t-on ference. i' l'athcc a pie!innnar conference, between the 4 great allies wdl open .January Pi The secretaries of 1 nV confer ence will be I'hd'ipne Bcrtheiot. of tiie French foreign office, and Paul Dutasta. French ambassador in Switzerland, it is aid. Paris dan d. After tiie preliin inary c.nit'erence Im-Iwccm tin' four gteat allied powers, whirii will coim ne on da.nua - IM. savs 1 1 1 1 lournai, thei e w-'i o a conference at which oilier 'eoi; iiilie, t "I "1 . T 1 1 iiouie, .jan o. ! resident live-n ; ari'ivcd in Rome at 1()YJ. tin -niorning and was receive1, at ; h- ! station )- King Victor Enianua! and Queen Helena, member of tluMmMlt of ,un'al ,U('U' wll lu,ve soolJ government annd representat ives I "'-vuo as engineers of steamers op of the local authorities. 1 siting reciprocatiiig steam engin- Senlai, dapan, dan 3. A yiarty f nine Japanese students an i tiuction of all the capital ships -teachers who went mountain climb of the German navy surenidered ing 'oil a near-by range lost their to the allies was recommended towavjiii a snow-storm and were fro the house naval affairs cd.nmittee zeiTtO.'death. Searchers found the hy- Rear A7TmiraL Rodman "who ; lK?ldlmddled -together in a ra commanded the American leet in; vine, the arms entwined in a vain the North Sea during the war. effort to keep (!f the cold NORFLEET iTH WRITES PAPER st ates will O e cull . . ted oil Miles- tion.s concerning tinon. COLD WAVE It was with the greatest pleasure that The Commonwealth receive;! a card of Christmas greetings ;iST By A Wash ingt on uologv here under the direction d naval off.cers. Several detach- ATLANTIC CROSSED IN MID-WINTER BY HARDY ADVENTURERS IK ODD SHAPED 18 FOOT CRAFT ward iclijv to the eatdward over the iiiountaii The t v. i ec;i ; u re i -. Inmiense crowds welcenud the President with great en! hred-ism. es, have begun the course ;A Hi y 1 go tys u m 00 mui 'Li LP .1 U j 1 1 1 i L i V ashington dan . l"'o decision ha-- ;'ec!: reaidled bv ihe War i)e- pai'inent on ;hc (picsiiou of uni versal mihiary seivi -e. S-'---rotary Iaicer told tie- iiouse milirarv c.u:' mittee today, and lie indicate;! that no (h fuiate project for a per manent military e-dablishmeni. wouh! be preentf 1 to (M.higr-ess until the peace con i'ereuee t omdu !ed its v , Sv-.-i;:ry Baker sad that seven hundied thousand, men had beer: discharged from the army since the signing of the armistice had been declared and that another nilii'm would be- discharged with . ni the next few weeks i frMn -r-aptain - Xorfle K, Smith l''ni !Ju wave of the first light infantry, Amer ican Expeditionary Fov-e which was 'written from the hospital at Paris. tt . , 4 j1Mt K exepe ctec be back in Scotland Neck (e;ri a ter tiie first of the year This card was mailed 2 P. M. on December f d;i;, ' we--e ' ( p: e; la t ! :t o I r, I n g ant! -now ing on in- ( 1 st . and b-dow et o m 1 h f coa iddh 1'ar.s at f3 h'tt ft S COTTON MARKET Onen High Low Close .Isuuiary 2l.).(m 20.00 2S.SS 2S.SS Marrl! 27.75 27.7w 2 7. GO 27.Ge -Ns'pi. 2.C.G 2t).(i") 2(.4i 26.49 Tuly 2G.G0 2G.GO 2G.G0 2G.(5( ()-tolcr 2;.ir' Loc.il 27-b2 cents Uy Assoc iatcl lrcss Lio;do!i, dan '. For the allies to take 2,000 airplanes from (Ger many in accordance w.th the- ter.n;. ol the armistice, means militarily crippling ( buam-i '.y in tiie air be yond hope, of early recovery, and. while immensely adding to the aerial strength of the Allies, says an a via 'on expert This is empha sized, lie says, by the war, Ccr many lost in aerial condat with the British alone something- hk' 2,700 machines. To this total mus; be ad.ded tiie destruction wrought by the French and American air services The 'xpert asserts that for sev i era! months before the armist'ce.j Germany's capacity for pro'duc.uig j airplanes was unequal to the task; of replacing her immense los-es. ! v Asfo-iato! I'rt'S'i lioVl !! 3i 'ssivsip; The he t d i- middle The ?cr t -f the eider (!!! ! si ; t es ( d vadey. est 1 ( m p( e: j ! i e r glste. tour lied : : W (:; in t 1, . : i es. ? i oo re iei i-'U !: ! !';d;; We;i 1 , ami -vn;i'e;e' .as ---.S;pp! i- Ye dant -tat ; i ill U e , I hbig! on dan .. of the 1 mted w m-' paid a de-erved T ( 'f!. ! an'iHe Seviej. wh ret urned f "-om I'k-ae'-e commanded a reg'unent can a :' t i 1 ! cry . "1 must :t oi iV he said to ih mem hers of our Si gi ml i ke:t ope.o e',11 lines of lion o nder the mosf .me ddne gun, lug guns and The brave enlisted, nm: corps were freoucntlv caib-d bv , j,s their perilous duty into tue no- :i;;n: canny precints of 'no-mans laud . .nout Colom l Sevier also praised i sr ' L .-m;, sulendid worl: of th( en';-T 'd men r(dve ne .Vigua: y-s army but " bv o has jus w lie re h 1 :e AlU-r, Take iii'e e i o ; j-epi ! '.;';-. W ' a n n i c a -"idlcss iiia r i'l ' f I !-e ! of the- t ai U" a ! ; . a in '' a o !e. -r ' i . -' a : t aid. -la ro; ; it"e, ' f eu'-raOv, the gunners of The ar ;,- s ! Atlantic in mid-wintei- in a boat Is tillery and the drivers of muni (-:athm hardv adventurers ttiu n: a me- mm wagons, utnci- army oi : i -, : ner.-. St. John's ice rs expressed the bePef that th , rn i .1,1 - -l,;..l. '.. . t. . iko.-I ' ,.:...m inAi:t nnvt the lii(l'l(';!ll. 1 i ! ! ' ' n i " r; v..,..r llmw f honco to Boston, i ne miu crutt, "'" -""i" , .!..x.v.J., ure or ner air arm unnug m- n .m louo.hu. i-,., ,Mt is.;ii s am iias a covering wn:en arniierv 10 tv m n iiMimy, ' manv v, ill not le fully appre veriu This he a4-S rikinUns-1 W'.o.b! vou like to cross the feet long.' That's what a party of l.oai of the Brude type. Leaving Norway, they went b nal a war. striti'd Jitoit' wUhac.dy like an egg, is equipped w T jjjP f Ill y shie'ids its passengers from exj .i i i i . i, p) -es.-n -. of M ,. ,:; in ( 'o;i'gr- - :p. 1 lie A mer; . . i ; i : - a! l ma i 1 u -l v , j in tie- ' i n i ; i i e. ar. Tiie m'asur p;.y e c r enlisted ,(' the M'I'vi'':' i h re -m;ai. Tie,-..- w i i ' ar- "'1th- extra p-iy. lb be bii slight a pi re .. g- Mel w o r !-l " o v a authentic and (b d' flie vorb war r expos-nee m stormy weatner Washington 1) C, Jan eh TheUdde "o enter the esidential problem of 1920 Is 1 known that one Pi Deing contest. It is f Mr. Clark's I vigT.'onslv lku1 lipce ! trrsi est autbiiiims is to SUCCCetl during the lull in the peace pr to the Presidency. There are oth eeedings abroait. Politicians and ; er Democrats who favor nominal Congressmen are canvassing thr'Ung Presideut Wilson for a thir.: Democrats who express the belief i terra. Twi names loom up prom that Hon. Champ Clark will have j inently among the llepublicans a strorwr . P Ole, i?lg should h de-1 General Pershing and Governor i e-iiieil ; : ;!;Cail d 1 1 1 , seas Will AV dtcr F Ftb-e of New Jersev ; ion as to the political faith has Xcw Vork, is an ardent ad o-at I Who will take his seat as Senator i arisen because of his long service: of Governor Edge, lie says tue . . ! . . i .i... v. . 1, l- . " . . . I ;i i'c ot ftvonniiri li n S i 1 1 : - : March 4 next, It is said that sev ;m im- army ami .lie i--. .ai - ' ' . , ieral j.rominent Republicans have 'has participated bar little hx pol- strated his popularity by being ,s,,oiv. . a-.. :set out to sound General Pushing ! itieab affairs. Senro, Lodge of i twice elected by great major iies -,av.. toe as to his wishes in the matter, pro- ; Masachu setts is nbo mentioned ; against the expressed lisappros tore Po h rum Ivided it is proven beyond the per-! in connection viih tiie Hepublicar, ; a! of President Wilson, in the Uu .i,,ev ladventure U a doubt that he is ' nomination. C-d, Barry Pulkley ; ter 's adopted state It is the ;, nomumted iJ0,Pv a Hepublican. The quest- "a imphew of Governor Whitman of : p.et.t.on that by the fall oi theUion , H ' most of the Am s )n acrox the - returnedi to these it their votrs will 'ing effect. Tiiere - deidaiv tit at should ing, their idol, be either party his rl. e

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