WEATHER REPORT: Fair toni&ht knd ,-,i ., a,- , ., . r' " Mut.M and Salurda. Shghtly warmer urloer temperature Saturday. Generally west winds. iMNWEALT AFTERNOON DAILY V0LUM3 Vl-OTBCBBR 4. FOUR O'CLOCK EDITION SCOTIAND NECK, N. C, FEmAfU3119 TELEGRAPH SERVICE PRICE TWO CENTS PEEo WllOMM " WOM9T St AMD) . " FpR YME 6TEACE OF JLOOT99 PRWNT Rfi&KFS Britain may nat goodwin 1rnmi7cp r7 nx 1 IjiUall J,. Fn, J . I jil.i JllM J, j' Stoang'ement Between . England Plan To Meet Russian .Govern J IWJa If ' 11 IK 1 1 I1K 1 j III IiVm And Spain To This End Now ! ments At Princess Islands A j 3U4 H JL A liU ILJii vr I f a in rroceas Failure ! 5 CANNOT BE PASTY TO DIVISION OF GERMAN COLONIES AMONG POWERS AND SI A PARTY TO THE ' LEAGUE OF NATIONS." In Process SPAIN TO GETBIG ROCK T3LK SHIPPED OF DIPLOMATIC NICETIES i P4r .Tan 31 A i .-.-.-- 4-..-.4-! " - J V H,JJlt UiltA (y some arrangement between Great NORTH RUSSIA DECLINES AGREEMENT OF ALLIED COUNCIL REACHED WHEREBY New York, Jan. 31. Nat C.i Goodwin, an American actor with! TERRITORIES MAY FORM THEIR GOVERNMENTS UNDER PROTECTORATE ,'Bv Ah3Kn.?iod Press Paris. Jan 31. The crisis in j tli." peace negoeiations over the 1 :fisition of German's colonies sf-nu to have passed, momentari-j !y at least. J It is too early to say that Pres j AVil - Tinn- -r. roiro il orl in i"till n noun i a. AvtA iu jl. j f iX Al 1PLANES RE DESTROYED POLICE CHARGE (lie The Associate"! Press) New York, Jan. 31. Two han ks outietv, but in American quar-ers, each containing six airpian trr. there is confidence that a com- e M'ere destroyed by fire which n,,.r,Hc. r,b. will 1,P u-nrl with is sweeping the naval aviation sta tl'tails which will be acceptable t. America's view-point. Britain and Spain was in prospect 'an international reputation, who' through which Gibraltar would j has starred in comedy for more : be turned over to the Spanish jur-! than twenty years, died here t ! ... ,1 : . it r ' 1 , i . teuicuun appears in xne raris eai-'uay arxer a snort illness tion of the Dailv Mail todav. aBia-jiesopoTAMia examples SCOTCH MOB BIG EXPLOS WHITAK AT NYARK N .Y ERS MAN IS WOUNDED Ttie A3sor-iutf"i . reus) (By The .hsOci: ted P -?) Nyack, New York, Jan. 31. j Paris, Jan. 31. An agreement has been reached by tlie Allied ouneil on the colonial question. says Havas agency, in a statement " issued today. Washington, Jan. 31. Twelve, It provides that in territories hundred and forty one names ap-j sufficiently civilized to give ex pear in the four casualty lists is , pression to their wishes; as to the sued by the War Department to- form of government will be per nio e very plain statemeitinade by President Wilson at Wednesday' last session. What he said -did not appear in the official communi-; tion at Rockaway Point today. u iv'i)"il efatinnc nr firrlttlnrr !-.- Of Striker. ther hangars. Glasgow. Jan. 31. Several ner! Three nersons are renorted miss- sons were injured here todav ing and twenty others taken to a day' of wllich twentv ei"ht com i miUod ta "V such governments . , I V i , 4. I - 11 . I -4--- . - . l a I n vr m.. z- .Jwhen the nolie ohnrrtul u M.nntnl ..ftp, nn inr wrol, iJ1Au i lu ro-iinu sacnices. , unuer ine auspices ot the league v l uik Kjiiy xiitriuii xiuiu 1 ..,.-. " i - " t u , t a -tT-t i St. U rJo.f f v,Q Aoi .! -cvoueri ones, 01 wmcaKei-s, -s;oi nations. . 1 1 t i i m iTii'.n rnir i v--. . - . . T . . ...'flames which threatened eight o- Mounted police were called outlets Corporation here today oeis tociay n win nave aexore and a number of arrests were al- ! so made. New York, Jan. 31 An hour after the first started the coramaii- 1 .1 x t , 1, t:x. : . ,i Mu nor has it HOW been discl0S-ucl aL xvuuvay rumi report.u ed wifii anv official authority .tha1r a11 the planes had been re- hn it mar be stat It vei v clear in its re-afftrmation ofin hem- the flames reached the principles for which the presi-)nem dent has previously contended. NATIVES HOARD CII If CD MAMEV In phrases stripped of diplo ruati' niceties it is understood that Wilon tuld the members of the! Supreme Council that he wo uld! not be a party to the division of Tienuany "s colonial possessions am-mg the powers which now hold them and then become a party to PRINT PAPER CASE RE-OPENED (By The Associated Press) London, Jan. 30. The hoarding j habits of the natives in West Afri j ea is causing much difficulty a j mong interests trading in that t eountrv. As soon as may obtain internation recorded as having been wounded : al independence of livino- unde oil nTl -fit' -tTlli1 n. TA r 1'! r"J Ti.'-WVtw (' i 4 1 . r. i 4 . . . A- ,i? . . il All-. the victims were employees. ' """" .ul, jotcutoiaie oi one or omer 1 T ! , i t li.i ... uouisourg, is reportea as naving.or tne great powers. Arabia and died of disease. Mesopotamia are considered ex amples of this class. TORQUAY NOW j The full list of Trie state men is hereunder given : M A DDI KPV TIT! CorP Coy S. Bell, of Troy ; IdAlmlRbL Lll I ,Gcor W- Midkiff, of Mount A NAVAL PROGRAM AGREED UPON Washington. Jan. 31. Trtiani- Torquay, Eng., Jan. 30. This "Pier a,ld Horsehorer Kvereu K.j seacoast town, so well known to Hendersonville together with IVi Aerienr, visitors nnrl xMoh w.vates James E. Gregory, of Mount hitherto been knr.wn n 4 Ouppti ' Airy and Luke Ridgill, of Sum-. nous approval of the ndiuinktrn- of Western Watering places" will mcrt 0,1 wore n11 wounded severely j tions new Unve year naval pro have to be tempoTarilv renamed! 1 rivute rk Uav,s' o1 lj0lus- "Honevmo'on- town". It is here ' UUI j-r tuea OI urease gram, with the number of ea)ital .sliips reduced from sixteen to ten (By The-Associated Press) silver is let loose it disappears 'IViper money has been introduced a supply ohthat t;e authorities have deeided! ivates George li. Teague, of j because of the difficulty anion j? ... v." .. i . . ..... i i i i. i a. j. i i i f New-Zealand troops shall assem-1 " ",!slv,M ' 1,101,1 t,,Kl -vpens io agree over rne vauie oi ible with their British brides .be- vett ot 'a.v?ttevilk. were both , battle cruisers, was voted today Washington, Jan. 31. At the in one pound, ten shiUing and two fore returning overseas. The dai-. i wounded severely of New Zealanders ine league or nations, wnicn, l4uc ux mc aiwiucy geunai uijv "'-"-'-' -" -lv irrivilv in effect, would guarantee their' the Federal Trade Commission jiut keen for these and much pre-.nd theil. vives is expeete title. has agreed to re-open the new silver. Now the experiment is ! reacli a thousand There are inferences that Pres j print-paper price agreement, rea ident Wilson even referred to a ched last spring, and has set Feb in the house naval committee. ! Private Will Joines, of Wilk- peace of loot." HALF MILLION ruary 11 as the date for a pre liminary hearing. d to esb0TO WaS wcnlllded t0 a tle??ro,, It evidently is the opinion of undetermined but was previously ,; h(1 y,;jiare th(4 .jallies Monroe had better come liaek and look after ids doctrine, which appears to he in some danger of collapse. ARMY DECIDED Washington. Jan. 31. An ar- y of half a million men was un-1 iinirnously decided uion by the ii"Ue military committee as a; RUSSIA STEERS OFF CONFERENCE tried oi issuing one shilling , m, . , rr . .'reported as missing in action. a ne gins Oi- iurqua are 1101 not es which will be legal tender -. invagion altooether Private A,ldrew L- Bradle and if the native takes to them, ; f ayopabl thoun manv have no j Smithfield has returned to duty the prohiem wll be largelv solved. ' , ' , . , Ipreviouslv reported as missing m fe .reason to complain as thev have i ! 1 1 lii the meantime the West At-' , , " ,r , T v . already selected husbands irom ie.;i: C iiirene'v TJoard is buying as',, ,'- a. . '7 c the thirteen thousand New Zea- r..;;ch silver as possible and ship- , , , , , , 1 . 1 1 sland troops who have passed thru pmg it y every steamer to west Africa. of J conference at Princes Islands. The government of northern (Bv The Assot.M:.t-d Press) Paris, Jan. 31. The Peace Con j Russia formally refuses to meet a ms for determining appropria-1 ference so far has had two answ-jthe Bolsheviki contingent, while !"ns for army pay for the year the place durino the war COTTON MARKET action. Serjeants Clvde Heldreth Charlotte : David L. Jones. if Aiexie and Private John A. Linn of China Grove were all wounded to a deure undetermined. ! Captain Joseph N. Jacobs, of March 22.98 22.93 22.72 22.72 Wilmington and Privates Poyal May 21.78 2l.Su 21.61 21.8m Jei'fr.-ys of Yoimgsville : Tra M July 20.92 20.92 20.91 20.91 Warner, of Yuma ami Alfred P. ''-'inning with next Jul v. ers to its invitation to the var-jthe Omsk government expresses j October . 19.(32 1 9.62 19.44 19.44 Dyson were all wounded, slightly. ions Russian governments for a Utrouyr reserve. ' Local Market 20 cents Private Clarence L. Howell, of Castonia was A.ninded severely. Mechanic Crover C. Unekner, of Siler City and Privates Ray mond McSwain, of Pcdklon; Joel Al. Messer, of (Jaslonic. : Alfred J. Terrell, of Mebane : Xe.edham Peddingfield, of Wake Forest: C. A. Dackis, of Durham: Willie Fow ler, of Tlarnesville ; Robert Jones of Whitakers and Fred Lipe, of Concord n ere all wounded slight-Iv. Madiry Nk Meil Hun Firaimc A letter received by Mr. J. II. -nr. 11. J. Aiadry by Air. J. II. Ma dry from his brother, Private ,Joyal C .Madry, dated December irom Oberwinter, (iermany, in as follows: ' further away from home iir:l 1 'iiought ! wo'ibl ever get. A'" in a small town in 0e'- lii;Ul-v the river Kliiue, and reached our destination. 5 "'" day after tomorrow is ' mas day and i Avish 1 was l "'n" ith y,M1. I now T would ; oo(l dinner. 1 n.iess 11! "'! ''v beans and spuds, that's !':': ' !uive been getting. T sure -'i'-o many Hiiugs in the ar ' : ' vo)dln 't eat at horae. A fellow can eat most anything when he gets hungry. ' " I have been on three fronts since I've been over and I've seen a bit o'f this war. Some time when on the front they could not get food to us. One, time I got so hungrv I ate vellow corn that I found on the ground in a German camp we captured, and I also ate some given raw tomatoes. I .al ways (.lid hate tomatoes. Tin German people, have treat ed us verv nice since we have been here, and do all they can to make us comfortable. "f havirt seen Guthrie since I crossed, but T guess he will . get back home before T will. T don't think his outfit was on the front. ! I've heard from him two or three ; times, but not since the war is over. I hope he goV through al right. . I J. G. Madry Writes To The Com monwealth t j The following letter comes to us from Guthrie , Madry, who is j stationed at Chatillon sur Seine, ; France, dated January 5. , Editor : Just a few words to express to you my appreciation for the Com jnou wealth which- b..s been a most pleasant visitor to me sine being "'over here." It is indeed a source of pleasure; to me to yead news' from baek hon.i.;and 1 especially interesting to note th" Xorth Carolina casualty list you publish. ! There are a good many "Tar j Heels" in my company and they ! too are alwavs eager to see il' there are any of their friends na med in the list. "J am getting on verv nicely I ami have enjoyed good health sin ee be ing. over .here. I am now lo cated in a nice town in the inter ior of France where life Avould be quite ple-asant were it not for 'the fact that every day has been rainv one since, we came here I la. 1 . F 1 x.' : - f . . i ...... . . . . i . -, I . o e in i er aiei !u nui nn- ag ne tlmt mud is plentiful. ; tf.i-Vf; i.eeo S:;-tli;':t ,1 i n - a number of our boys since the signing of the armistice and thcy all seemed to be getting along fine. ' "As t oour activities we the blst division, were on the Imneville front for about a month, but this was one of the qnieter sectors, and our stav there Mas only in tered to constitute our last tage of training. "After being- relieved there we went up on the Verdun front where our infantry went 'over the top' iif a very creditable manner on November b' and did splendid work drivinor back the Huns un til the order came to cease firing tie e! -vrh. ' As to our cas ualties I do not know just how many there were. ""The question, that is uppermost in our minds now is when arc we going home, and you may bet that the subject is very extensively discussed by us each night as we are gathered together in our bar racks but I hope we will soon be sailing to the good old V. S. A. "Am sorry to h;n i'nit th "Flu"' is in our town' again and I most earnestly hope that it will soon be driven out and the town will suffer no losses. "With best wishes to my many friends, yours. " . Gl JTHR1K A1ADRV Co r. l. S T. A. K. For-

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