WEATHER REPORT : JLocal thunder shows tonight and Wednesday. Naf change i in temperature. Generally variable winds. ALTH ESTABLISHED SINCE 1882 AFTERNOON DAILY "ALL THE NEWS IN A NUTSHELL" HE VOLUME Vll NUMBER 84 FOUR O'CLOCK EDITION SCOTLAND NECK, N. C TUESDAY, JULYirTl919 TELEGRAPH SERVICE PRICE TWO CENTO AFTER IF DA NOON A 1 1CIFPJU Lolbln ANTI-VICE STATE CAMPAIGN STARTS IN RALEIGH AND ARRESTS MARCUS M. SMITH AN ERSTWHILE , ' 4 RELIGIO US WORKER. ' ' COTTON GROWERS MEET IN RALEIGH (By Maxwell Gorman) RALEIGH, July 15. By the incorporation of The American Publishing Co., with E. A.Wom ble as chief promoter, a second afternoon daily newspaper plans to make its appearance in Ra leigh about October first. Sh Womble, who has been con nevted with newspapers for 20 the new enterprise for a year and he expects to see the realization of his hopes when the newsboys begin to announce, "Here's your Evening' American, la-a-st Edish- CHILD LABOR LAW HEARING oo-n 1" Cotton Growers Meet hi response to the call issued by the executive committee of the North Carolina Cotton Asso eiation, there are many cotton choppers expected to be gathered in Raleigh this week to counsel together. One of the subjects to be taken up will be the freight rate on raw cotton and the asso ciation Avill press and continue to pres for better terms in which the grower of the staple is the party most concerned if he can get it to market where prfces rule highest- Crop of Candidates Reduced With Senator Simmons' an nouncement declaring anew his preference for Cameron Morrison for governor and the elimination of Col Albert Cox and Mr Dough- ton as possible candidates, one ?ms to see more clearlv into the prospects of next year's pri ory, with Morrison, Gardner and Bob Page as probably the only three to make the race- State Campaign Against Vice The arrest here of Marcus M. ith, a life-long resident of Ra jli and a man wno has been ac tx? in his zeal to do "religious Vf,1V on charges of promoting institution and maintaining a domino- hmisp TirYi : i 0 irucio iiiiuiurai induct was carried on. caused something of a "sensation." oiliith is rplafprl ere an while he had been re garded as emtio -u -... Xli ucmeati- ;Jr at times and at the mannpr ln which he attemnt.Pd tn A lle claimed, there was no thou- in the general public mind lat his ronrninor Vinr, 4.1, ( "to iwi me irking girls," where they were Pnsed to be protected from the . Ues0f the evil disnncod , 10ral place as is now charged. of arrest is one of the results iu le campaign against vice be onckcted under the direction fen,. K' BurSess of the vice CTlthe State board of tll. Ol.rl 1 nxuun under machin- While the law forbidding the employment of children under fourteen years of age in stipulat ed occupations, which are very broad in scope, the Child Labor Commission is empowered to make exceptions and regulations of a modifying nature. The Commission however taken the position that the law went in to effect July 1 in all its implica tions and will remain so unless reasonable cause is shown why the commission should make some modifications. In order that the commission may be frilly advised on this mat ter it has set August fifth and sixth for a public hearing to be held in the hall of the House of Representatives. Any party who believes that any modifications should be made in the law are in vited to be present for the pur pose of stating their position. Letters will be accepted by the commission from any persons who are not able to be present and same will be given due consider ation. From letters received by the commission it appears that some parties have been expecting some announcement regarding the mod ifications of the law. The com mission therefore is of the opin ion that no prosecutions for vio lations should be pressed unless occurring after July 15 by which time this announcement will have reached the public. SWISS FORBID SUNDAY AUTOS BERNE, July lg. Some of the Swiss cantons, including Zurich and Thurgau, have forbidden au tomobiling on Sunday. SWISS STRIKE OF TYPES ETTERS BERNE, July 15. No newspa pers were published in Switzer land today owing to a strike of the operators of the typesetting machines. The men demanded a forty two hour week. I The Lord loves a cheerful giv er, and we love a prompt payer. Owe us anything, brother? er . 111 several detectives 'V anrl j pense money provided file W,.i.4. -Biaiure last ivinfor inflnrL 'Iff M, O J V.ULU 6 Ollp fnmo1 . U'iric, "QJe operative, is sleu th r the weak women and over. CPactors in vice, the State ja wno tt j. a ,,r' "Sleuthed" in the man en4 on here-and there U. S. MARINES LAND IN CHINA WASHINGTON, July 14i That American, British, French and Japanese war vessels at Shan ghai are prepared to land marines and sailors on account of the anti foreign feeling growing out of the boycott of Japanese goods by the Chinese was indicated in re ports received by the State De partment. There has been some fear of a general attack on all for eigners by Chinese mobs worked "P by agitators. The present boycott is the 4th against the Japanese- It aims at the future restoration of shan tung and appears to be of a deep rooted character. The boycott is reported to be assuming -a Bol shevik color. STRIKE RAGES THROUGH ITALY ROME, July 15. Strike disor ders occurred at various places in Italy today. At Luyera eight persons were killed and thirty wounded. Near Genoa two anarchists were killed, at Sestre Ponente, 4 miles west of Genoa and four o ther anarchists were arrested- A general strike took place at Caltan Setta, Sicily. The people there marched through the streets crying "vive soviet" and forced dealers in food stuffs and other necessities to reduce prices fifty per cent- PERSHING UNDER GUARD OF HONOR LONDON, July 15. General Pershing, commander of the A merican Expeditionary Forces in France, who arrived here with his staff this forenoon to take part in the peace celebration, was met at Dover by General Home and a guard of honor- CABINET GIVEN CONFIDENCE VOTE ROME, July 15. The govern ment of ; Premier Nitti, which took office several weeks ago, re ceived a vote . of confidence in the Chamber of Deputies. s :N KILLED IN MINE EXPLOSION PARIS G WILD W CELEBRATION OF VICTORY ft? TIES DAY CARRIED INTO SMALL HOURS OF THIS MORNING WITH THE GREATEST GAIETY THE WASHINGTON, July 15. One officer and six enlisted men have been killed in the destruction of the American mine sweeper, Richard P. Buckley, by the explo sion of a mine in the North Sea on July 12. w Wt CONFER WITH WILSON 'J "GIRANDOLE" FEATURE OP PARADE -o WASHINGTON, July 15. In dications are that President Wil son would not be asked to appear before the Senate Foreign Rela tions Committee for a discussion of tb peace Treaty. nmission however is i?aid to iiavxj been received instead. In administration quarters high administration officials intimated that they;.had been informed by some of the members of the com mittee that a majority of that body seemed hostile to the sug gestion that the president be ask ed to appear or that the commit tee, as a body, confer with him. MAY EXTRADITE DISTRICT AHY. CONCORD, July 15. Charging conspiracy in the prosecution of Gaston B. Means for the alleged murder of Mrs. Maude A. King and for subordination of perjury in connection with the trial of Means in 1917, warrants were is sued here today for John T. Dool- ing, assistant district attorney of New York, and William B. Miller, attorney of the Northern Trust Company, of Chicago. Dooling assisted Solicitor Hay- den Clement in the prosecution of Means, in December, 1917, and ial traffic RODD RECEIVES SILVER CUP CLEVELAND, July 15 Lieutenant-Commander Reade, of the American seaplane N. C-4 and companions of the trans-Atlantic flyers, Lieutenant Commander Bellinger, of the ill-feted N. C-l and Lieutenant Commander Tow ers, of N. C-3, were guests at a public reception today at which Ensign Herbert N. Rodd, the Cleveland wireless operator on the N. C-4, was presented with a silver cup by the city. R. R. RETURNED END OF YEAR WASHINGTON, July 15 In view of the statewent by Presi dent Wilson 4hat the railroads would be returned to their ow ners at the end of this 3rear Chairman Esch told the House Interstate Commerce Commission Committee today that it would be useless to consider plans for 5 year extension of government ownership. "I think I should not have spent much time on that. There are many problems to be worked out in the bill for the regulation of the carriers, we are taking up, and in view of; the president's de claration nothing can be gained by discussion of the situation," stated Mr. Esch. but DAYLIGHT LAW REPEAL L0S1 PARIS, July 15. Weary still bent upon continuing its fes tivities until the last ounce of celebrative energy had been spent Paris kept up its Victory Day celebrations well into the small hours of this morning. Each traditional attraction of the fourteenth of, July, fireworks, performance in the national thea tres, street dancing, found its particular crowd. The climax of the nights pro ceedings, however, was the- ap pearance of "girandole," espe cially brought from Florence where it was made for the occa sion. It consisted of a series of connected panels, brilliantly ilium inated and adorned with protraits of allied.rulers and celebrities to gether with inscriptions recalling the principal events of the war. WASHINGTON, July 15. The Daylight Saving Plan, under which the clocks of the country are turned forward one hour in March and moved back in Octo ber, will be continued indefinate- This was assured yesterday when following President Wil- CD son's veto of the thirty three mil lion agricultural appropriation bill, because ol; its rider repealing the daylight saving act, the house refused by a vote of 247 to 135 to pass the measure over the presi dent's veto. TRAFFIC LAWS FOR AIR CRAFT PARIS, July 14. Anticipation of future commerce in the air has led to the unanimous adoption by the delegates o the chief powers RELIEF SOUGHT IN CHILD LABOR RALEIGH, N. C, July 15. Hudson-Belk Company, of this city, has opened the question with the State Child Welfare Commission relative to the em ployment of children under the age of fourteen as wrapping clerk 1 during vacation time which has at the Peace Conference 'of a draft of a convention, in the form! caused the commission to instruct HOUSE KILLS 2 34 PER CENT BEER WASHINGTON, July 15. Pro hibition forces took full control in the house today, refused to permit, a vote on a straightout motion to repeal the wartime act, defeated overwhelmingly an a mendment providing for the sale of 2-34 beer, and stood solidly against all attacks on the general enforcement measure. Just as fast as one "liberal" amendment was offered by oppo nents of prohibition, it was vot ed down without ceremony, al ways by a triple vote, for the minority, fighting every inch of ground, demanded a division af ter the ayes and nays were called, and then asked for tellers. Be fore the house got through with the first section of the first part oi the three-part bill there Was more disorder on the floor than at any time his session. The real battle of the day, how ever, was over the amendment to define an intoxicant as a beverage containing more than 2 alco hol, instead of one half of one per cent-, as written in the bill. After 2 beer had been bowl ed over by a record vote of 151 to 90 and this was about the re- of certain laws to regulate aerJits executive secretary, Mr. E. F- lative division on all amendments i i no . . . - - - . representatives of the Northern Trust Company were witnesses The purpose of the convention jis to faciliate the development of for the state. Means was ac- j international navigation in the quitted 'fet the conclusion o a sen air and proposes the creation oi sational trial lasting three weeks, j an international commission of The evidence upon which the j aerial navigation. may be other "surprises" in store in the course of human c vents and the vice campaign. warrants were issued will be pre sented and witnesses heard by the grand jury of Cabarrus county Superior court here August 11 next, it was officially announced today, and if a Irue bill is found the governors of New York and Illinois will be asked to extradite the defendants for trial here. Routes of transport are to be a country to be forbidden areas; airships and aeroplanes are to be registered as automobiles are reg istered today; certificates of ap titude issued to pilots as they are now issued to chauffers, and reg ulations are laid down for airship logs lights and signals. Carter to relieve employers from liability under the new law which goes into effect today where good reasons are given for the em ployment of children under the age of fourteen- COTTON MARKET Close July 35.40 October 35.05 December . 35.07 January 34.70 March 34.60 Local Market NOMINAL the prohibitionists went after another amendment by Represen tative lgoe, Democratic, of Miss ouri, which would have stricken out all definition of intoxicants, killing the proposal, 128 to 83. There was the utmost confus ion at times, despite vigorous whacks with a gavel, and some of the prohibition leaders ap plauded every move in their favor- The galleries, filled largely with women, and officers of aoti liquor organizations broke ink) applause when the house roaqed its disapproval of 2 beer.