1 r. 1 - V - , ----- . :b??o yr ' i i V WEATHER: Fair in west. Rain in east portion tohight Wednesdav w n , ' 1 1 ' ST g Wecnday fair General to moderate n:r.hcast -winds. ESTABLISHED SINCE 1882 "ALL THE NEWS IN A NUTSHELL. OffllHlWIAl.fH 1L 1L JJL i AFTERNOON DAILY VOLUME VIII-NO. 22. FQUR O'CLOCK EDITION ii ii ir ' m iBMmnuum,,! Minn M' ! BQR HMD DF10SKEK r v - He declares That Upoh the Pihi Sign of Out break He Will Declare Martial VIOLATION TO QUIT RKING Berlin, cpt. 2. Minister - of :! Bel'. v..-v Xoske continues to treat labor iinubl-'s and revolutionary; iitlciiipir-. villi a hand of iron. j At ivt ign of an outbreak; ho ilo-Iares martial law. li;-a ii;-i iiu; that railroad service I dominates everything else in eco-: iivi jXti'ia ;H-lie nas an- j d the t'e-llowimr standing ' jiomie r.o'mu- order.-, i! a; lial h.v: is .; 'A.' railp 10 pi-.'1 Iii--t:i Miys:f.iI Iin; dt n : ,py -iMiii as mar-1 ad employes unable absolute proof of ibi-itv are forbid- WILSON WILL HOT GiVE Baff DRAFT TO THE SENATE TQREIGN M Treaties Referring to Aus tria, Hungary; Turkey and Bulgaria SCOTLAND KECK, H. .jTUESDAY, SBHBBE 2, 19 rkaoWlcT PRICE TWO CENTS GZEIIN AS PRBFHF ; PHCTEOJNG'S FALL Letter to Charles of Aus tria Shows Uncanny Correctness iUSTRIA 1ST10T 1 ill .REICH! Council Demands K PIlFf iffnTppq uhi n iit iir SPATH iui-.lhu nuLu uuu m l H iPt-AN port? R8Q unnurn With- ...-U!lbI Loll iyiilu On! 0 IIU 0 SLlI drd"val and a Ha-, Constitiitidn SEESV ALLIED GAIN from -To iiiil Avork. Th remain away jifisiS. i.'i'iKi' to obey orders. -To- change their 4 tt, ECU.TIVE MATTER "Waiinccton; Septl 2. Presi- jdent Wilson declined to give ilio Senate Foreign Committee the tentative , draft of the treaties work-. with ' Austria. i-IunsravvO Tm-kov wiiiuM-H, " exj.ress approval ofhmd Bulgaria- on the grounds Ihri;- vMjM.riors. . that it would tend tn tnko iho p rions are forbidden to j function o negotiating treaties byword or mouth, by out of the hands nf tho w. Ab it 1 1 oui r. Ii t'cra tur "vtr, b -ui. vrork. r ; hi'lV proclamations. or ! tive. ::i of any sort whatso due railr(ad employes rk' remain away from orders, or change or the consent ! . 1 i ' 1 wit h out npnors. P 4 U - . 1 i i l , ' ( ( ( pis l'Miilied witli prison sen "t to exceed one vear. " ri'ii.. Smdejits' Alliance of Ber- adopted a" resolution 'bir ibs assistance to the "VerriMi-nt iu putting down all and promising to "do i-tM-onstruction of our be- HOWMJUI TAKES IR m 'mm plh t: -atlierland." mm OF ZE 1'ETEOAflS li:OVei: .;Mbr. :;,i -U-hb-h 1 v rroj limit t ion i raiieisco, Sept. 2. A ' :i looking to the amalga r.a!l organizations of - oC American wars -may "b-d at the twenty-first n ;tional encampment of ''anish War Veterans f:! lied here today. Ji:1b):is proposing such "a have been ..prepared for "' to the convention. 'lJom-nts of the nlnn fnnV X v. - each town tr hns nnmn . .L, j Roosevelt Field,- L. I., Sept. 2. Lieutenant William T. Coates'and his observer, Lieutenant Boullot, were forced to . descend near Ba tavia on their way here because, of motor trouble. They landed in a cornfield. Coatcs aid Roullot were gone for more than an hour to telephone. Wh en they returned they were startled to see a big sign read ing. .. "See ihc Great American Ace and airp&ne that fell 2,000 feet. Admission .50. cents." "How's' business?" the lieu tenant inquired, walking up to the farmer.; ; "Purty good, o far," war the reply. "Collected' little more'n seventy dollars, up to date. Berlin, Sept. 2. Count Otto kar Yon Crudenitz Czernin, for merly Austrian foreign minister, is shown, as a prophet who f ore shadowed cming events and his collapse of tlie Central Povers with almost uncanny correctness according to his now famous let ter to the Emperor' Charles, written early in April, 1917,, in which; lie urged that monarch to "make peace at all hazards or suffer the Toss- o y6ur throne." It shows amoug other things, that Czernin, along of all Aus trian statesmen, propheelert''" Ttie entrance, two years hefore, of Rumania into the war on the side of the Allies and predicted "al most the day of its outbreak." The letter also said the Count "expected" immediate French, British and; Italian offensives and his forecast was borne out by what happened.; Willi in a fortnight after the note to the ruler had been drafted, on April 10, 191s, the French began the great Soissons-Rheims "drive" along' a 25-mile front",' " and ' the British had started the battle of Arras on a front extending to Lens. The Italians, a few weeks later, plunged across .ihe Isono in the Carso sector for a distance of 37 miles, crushing tlie Aus trians in their mad rush, - OCCUPATION THREAT Wharves and t Warehouses In Northern Are Literally Overflowing With Foodstuff Europe L3 t - i arirt, bept. l. liie bupreme Council has decided to send a note to the German government protesting against representation of Austria in the German Reichs rath Qii.the grounds -that it would violate the peace treaty. The Council demands the sup pression of this offer. A new German constitution must b e d rawn withni'n a- f o.rt i light of the -allies will undertake further, occupation of the left bank of. tlie JRhine. ' Germany acknovdedges the in .depeiiclence of Austria under the Versailles treatv. 11 .7113 o in ft a ii .n OT p "JI 0 11 Hill JI. S. IT EUROPE !'3?5.!! 8" ! I I Vnin . mm -bill lo Provi(J Market For American Surplus Supplies liKS SAVE EUROPE HVliBiB n f p i anrq ULliLHOLu uBiini it- ii 3 H it h fa r- j u 1HI tBdapesth, Sept. 2. The Ru- maiuan government has issued j credits of from three' to four bil- Pari-s Sept. 2. Food Commis sioner Hoover- appearing before the French War Expenditures Committee said that he believed it imperative f or the United States to' attend to Euroneon j Park, Sept. 2." The era of speculation in foodstuffs throughout the world is largely responsible for. the high food cV," Ilerliort Hoover said on eve of his departure for the Tinted" States. I " v liarves and warehouses in I northern European ports are overflowing with foodstuffs sent by .m.nvhants from all over the work:, v,;o r;)m,e(i on prjeos out depreciated currency in the : ivillic states, Germany, Poland and -elsewhere' makes it" impossi ble for these countries to )ay f0r the food and in conse-fpielme . many commodities are in danger ojj spoiling." orders prohibiting Hungarian oc'7 ncers: and men from carrying arms. ... r n !iu iVIUG if r & slis Us nilyOL IU imi inn nnsi asr liLDUIllflLI uHui it 01 LABOR PROBLEM! lions of dollars in order to'v pro vide a market for American- sur plus .and save Europe fronUdis- j sfpy ' . - . j 10 u ?.lfl mm 3 3 r.r. :i in f m i i a i s u MM 1 J of the central organiza- C & SUGGES r u hriuatf mwmm w 4 hi in i u li a a . . 11 OnOKWOESIS leOOFSJKE New York Sept. 2. Creation by the United States government of a Bureau of Salvage similar to one in England wdiich in London, Sept. 2. A spectre fleet of more than one hundred warships, a nondescript miscel lany of large aiiid small , era ft, some, worn out through - long years, of prosaic patrol duty? oth ers prematurely aged by encoun ters, with enemy submarines or partieiijation- in such engage ments as Jutland or the Darda nelles, .is -today . anchored in the river Medway. This jetsam of the war, a float ing museum of naval junk, swings at its last mooring aban doned, unwanted. Ships that j f were heroes amid ships that never did ' anything but "dog work" ride the tidal river cur rents side by side miles of for lorn rusty ghosts. Some were built in feverish haste to meet emergencies duriiag the war; some were constructed in peace- Washington, Sept. 2. Presi cient Wilson met with his cabi- j - Bmghamton, N. Y., Aif. 30 nci lULid.v'.oi me xasL nine oeiore -inree oauK roooers macte a sen going on his 10,000 mile speech- sational attempt to rob the First? making tour m the interest of National Bank in Candor, N. ' the peace -treaty. They were discovered about the Labor problems and adminis-1 bank shortlv after 2 o'clock, and tration plans for joint confer- while the village was 'bein ence between capital and labor j aroused an explosion was heard, representatives were discussed, j It was found the robbers had W lit IE. TO WE TJGIPATE jmade an unsuccessful attempt to dynamite the vault. The only ar ticle taken from the bank was a--5'e$fver. Paris Sept. 2. Arrangements .have" been made for Al-sace-Lor- braine to . participate in the next French election for president and members kx? the Senate and Chamber of Deputies. rinrs-r r 1 9PJI" s nil il n.i Mn v I m 1 IMU I I 1 1 1 i ( 2 I V 9. 1 1 i kJt 1 3 , ashii,.g-t6n, Sept. 2. Private 0ver hip ancl 0peratioii ...(-.ril.. ads in the regional system un 'frovernmental control is pro-. j1(i0(l for in the' plans submitted " t3' Senate ab.Commiftee of iii erstate .Commerce Com- SSl0b The featnre-.nf. wu -e- unbodied r;n r0(1,,f:cd Senator5 Cummin., study. three years saved to the nation 500,000,000 worth of materials time jeisure) lut now they are all usuany consigned to tne scrap kupeTnuous neap is recommended- by Otto , II. Kahn, financiet", in a memo vandum as to possible measures' icr aeviatino1 the high cost of living made public"; here yester day. , -, ' Other suggestions, include ap pointment by the government of a non-political body :of experts ."to study the effects'; of the va rious kinds of taxation COTTON CROP ESTIMATE AT 11,23010 BALES Washington, Sept." 2. The cot ton crop is eleven million, two which ; hundred and . thirtv thousand have been in force during and j bales, according to -the forecast since the terminaftion of ' the war by the Department of Agricul and to make recommendations to ture, basing an estimate on crop Congress b-ased b upon such conditions of -sixty-one and' four- 1ERIC -JOIN LITHU BiGADE TO ' ari:s, Sept." 2. Aii American PV Ail himih mm ON 'fsll 30.- Stamford, Conn., ug. Charles Lowden, of this citv, who had the "distinction" last L u 9. V WEL 3 REVIEWS inrjrippepfipinppri LI oanranciseo, Sept. 2. The ' Patificb fleet of forty-two ships .of,.:, the line, piloted by Admiral Rod- , man was reviewed yesterday bv Secretary ,f the Navy dosephus Daniels. iiiTlsiiMtiiaPiiJllEO lOPPLiEeiepBissies V. London, Sept. 2. General Iro'hsides, British commander on the' Archangel front, reported the capture of the village of Emtza from : the Bolshevists with ten guns, many machine guns and. five' hundred prisoners. IP STRIKES uw P' 0 brigade for service in the Lithu nian army has been formed from demobilized American officers uuu. men. ? , j The' Tved Cross is also planning to co-operate. b . - . Washington, Sept.. 2. Senator Robinson in a;.. senate address ad vocated a.,lay,rr to -prevent strikes , r July of being the first military I. , . , 1 . . i W-. " i - .tectmg the .-public against loss of prwmertaken to prison by aero- r- . . . 1 . .r. : . - - V life, property and needless suf- plane, : is again on the A. O. - fcr'nvi L. He. ..was arrested here this j ' ' : morning and was taken to Fort i b- Slocum bv the local police. ' : TO H FIT DrC'5!' P liilTll nr.jcrn i I U Ml I 111 I HI rGHARGE COPS WITH in rn Is. tenths of normal on August 25. burg. oni o uuluiilv m tii.ru GAPTURE BF fflTKoK Loifon, Sept. 2. An official statement issued at. Moscow de clares that Khatkov is preparing to surrender to the reds and also claim the capture f thirteen hundred prisoners hear Orange- ELONGING TO UN cr 29: -Eight po- r b;B6stj0iif "Axi eSli8te.,beenplaced on trial .. 0- 0 . partnen't 'ruling by joining 'the London, Sept. 2. Trade was re-opened- with the Central Pow- m union- The young man who pays $3 for his ties, and $2 for his sox, tind $1.50 for his handkerchiefs is sure hitting the high spots. And in time, his wife will prob ably be hitting tlie wash tub. U,000 LOAN TO THE ESTONIANS Copenhagen, Sept. 2. Th e United States grantee! a loan of fifty million dollars to Esthonia to pay for American' goods, ac cording Ifp. an nnouncetoejU' fromheV-Estlionian ". Press Bu reau. 'p ' '.m ? .a

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