7EATHHE : Raintonisht and Wednesday, except fair in extreme w,t portion. Slightly Wn a SXtreme st portion- Nora -i fc::Ktfcff light on the coast. ESTABLISHEDINCE 1882 AFTERNOON DAILY 'ALL TK NEWS IN A NUTSHELL.'- A Til VGU- WII NO. 45. r-uun O'CLOCK EDITION SCOTLAND NECK, N. G., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER I - 1 1 " nlmwW4lt4fey ;!5 ofii i FnPif1 iBQnirrirftiTi i triiLbnLL i nsu 1 II II L i L l!rrW"h hwl"ir Ilr irblrH UI LN'irtiN iinilli BIB nSl 11 11 si ex, The Favorites, But Experts Say The nr r-r-t x-i two I earns Are iiqual in Playin" Strength. EADING ATTORNEYS 'SMfS CUMMINS Ril l SCRAP II Ml, IS OIOSSTiTOTIOiL T!fvy'Yl';''' ' m.-m.m Lj,.l)ii)a,na, PRICE TWO CENTS J AMES START AT 2 O'CLOCK WEI anati. Sept. 80 i lie eitv !cil with baseball ent t a lay lor tlie opening of lit:1 world series to- SEE. CM' If f, nm 3 i I I I, eets lodav seem to indi- 10 l ) H- 1 1 i 11 li , m ULUD fsnnnn T inn ilutt Moran will pindi eit I;-,ii.i r tr .Sallee in ill v.-j.iu' it almost certain Cieotte ; will ? . : -i : for Cmeairo. i,i-,wr-. Srpt- 00 The club iivivt'tl h r, this moriuno' and vwill n.kt' a Vndit workout this :. It fl-!:: "II. ; Th, llU are also practicing j SERIOUS SITU !: a; ;aJoie DEMANDS FROM RUSSIA SEN. R0ZS1QFF merlcan Soldiers Flog ged By The Cossacks Pay For "Little Diversion" ! Former Justice Hughes Court Attacks Excess CHARGED AFFRAY rrovisicn EXCESS EARNINGS TTasii)!irton. Sept- 80. Hold ng inieonstitntional the provi.s- By Maxwell Gorman ' Kaleigli, Sept. 80. Wh.en doc tors ( lSfH'TPp If 1 v ;M t,. 1. Im,., 1,.. i'-i i -n ,. o -v- -t. i-i- iu J iiiv;i c . yw. ,i iue V UiiillllilS Dili TO'" l'illl- or less unhealthy for the patient J road ivomizatien whidi wo'li et cetera, but he'e in Kaleiirh J take i'o the government ex- 1 , T . I 1 ineis nave a misunder- j cess earnings of the roads over tandinjv their clients are not thvja "fair return,'' an opinion bv j sufferer so much as is the case Charles E. Iliiuhes. ivmlon-wi tr- i flproippj qisqnproe oqiioio- " nsuiiUnr JfljiUliLiJu ui U Id TIT! r Til urn fill! urn rn 3 1 SE i ME iicrvyind. New Barnnns Vnn crclilincan, SeIs To American To OKLY WAY Ti HER PROPERTY of those dejiendent medical fraternitv. upon the the Avsoeiati(;ii of Railwav ecutives, has been tiled with the Xow times do change the men; House Interstate Commerce Com lawyers: I'll bet you have al-jnuttee considering the bill- ready said it- Ohi o. Sept. 80.- riaarr I i . ' V ; n August Herrmann, of tional raseball Commis 'icd a statement in which Vladivostok, Sept. 80 ajor Ci neral Craves, commander of the American forces in Siberia, has demanded an apology from the the world series games, jx General liozanoff, commanding ir-i- i-. 15..: Lhieago A lute Sox , - x , i j ' j- w j 1 1 vj v, , xul uie arresi or ai)- .'M' 1 mcimiati Nationals I . T 0 T , , 1 v v. ,ri1lll ! , i'inn L" p- -Tones, of, the lth m- v, would beopin m eaci; v , , r, -n.ptlv at 2 o'clock Ud CorPoral Benjamin ! operling. and ior floo-o-110. the ; iatter by Cossacks, j An investigation of the con junct of the Japanese officer were j arrests took place was also be- NYw Vt-rk. Sept- 80. Very fev '"i''- favor the Kcds to win the wi.rh! i,ries. Th- Whit," Sox seem to br the vt'iierai favorites everywhere, -..r i!i Cincinnati, and even --I",, th-1 fans who desire to spee-'b:t- ii'V demanding odds. Tins, It hasn't been so long aii'o 'inee onc '"prominent" lawyer tackled a big brother, even more prominent, right in the midst of the court, and got awav with it. As the court practitioners would sav Former Justice Hughes eon tends in brief, that if rates which produce so-called excess earning.-: i;re just and reasonable rates, a they are presumed to be when fixed and regulated by the Inter state Commerce Commission. i 'Mis it'- i - S : , ' C ' i I i C Ta roness Ci i'it-i r n ;nlin. Sept- 80 lo;'cl:lin von IJoechlinsau, for meily (ieririale Herwind. ui Phihulelpliia, is rejiort to be the first Amern-an girl wh0 has decide. 1 to give up her German husband for her American for tune seized during the war by the Cnited Stales Custodian of ... T. ' V i I i I t I H 1 I . Acaor.nug to rt dispatch from Sv.il .erlaml, the baroness is re ported to be about to sail for. the Cnited States with her son. She WIVES I is sai,i toJlave applied for a ass- !)ort tor the purposo of securing ia dworce, and her assport was promptly granted, it is said. haron Rraec'din von liechin sau, her husband, is an intimale friend of Prince Max vin Ihulen. He was a captain in the Prussian guard and was severely wounded jin the Battle of the Marne- Later -i. i f.J i w- from those V ide Mui-i'ay Allen versus I then the earnings 'JUM'111 M!iiam uaney, p. p. ; rates are the property of th newspaper files. Verdict: Both ! railroad companies, which mav game a plentv TluU it was a bad precedent is proved by the fact that yester day about tl biggest lawyer in North Carolina and another of no mean proportions, if slightly liniCOMflD POIlim stature UUHLIIHUII yUllFLn ut- laxeo, our cannot be taken away as that, he argues, would be confiscation. smaller in avoidupois and as the statutes say, in such j cases made and provided Were 1 defendants in the police court charged with an "affray." And TRIPLE a b ' , .tn.V' ap?"esc c.oramandor-i,t W!,s so,!u .T le it !ast-TI,e jroven.or tl.is mrm- call- III 111.1 nili 1,. .A,.,,l,,l .1 I f, in.-iut.iH xs cunsiuereu one i eti- 1,1 1 s v. 1 iii viin icii v;vjiin.-j fnce 10 cLeier- is bt natural if the sen- in favor of the White Sox a:n 'ml v ,1 1 1. 1 ( 1 . s inf.-! of the most serious since the al lies landed in Siberia. Washington. Sept- 30. Gen eral "Graves, it is understood, i'-m to thus influence the!ac'ctt llp0il tile om?ial mstruc s it really ajpears to be I tlolls l'om Tlle War Department I ;n demanding an apology and investigation of Japanese inter ference between American and Jo-sack forces. 1 Graves has reported the inci jdent and an army official said f today the situation was the most j serious since the American force? I went into Siberia- ' is a disposition to belit ;ibility of Pat Mora;-i"- ulii me sciioe got on the S. mine what action should be O- D. Colonel Jim Pou was work-jtaken regarding the lvnchin--ing like a football artist, with a near heiv vesterdav of two no- vaulting ambition to make goal somewhere 'round the north pole, while Brown- Shepherd worked like a machine gun bent on saving Cope Cod and vet, ' iiui. vt-n hy American I eauue groes and again of the lvnehine' in the negro hospital shortlv af ter midnight of a third negro. The negroes lynched yesteraay "" cjiai-e v, itii airacKiiio- wiiire Riciiniond, Ve,-, Sept. 30, "Some woman up north is cons ing all the trouble, " was the re mark of i'laiiK il. Gibson, a man i f)f -)-X sjvaking tiirough the bars j of ids cell, i .re is from tnte he is ;eing held Plains, f,..-. v. !lt" According N- Y igamv. to Cant- Thamas Anderson, a Salvation Army prison reform worker, who trail ed him here and caused his ar rest. Gipson was referring Mrs. resst? (.Jibson, wi!V No- who helped located h',m in Pich moiid wh"!i she learned he had married Miss Ida Isted, of Os niing, ' V.. i wo months airo, not long ai'ter lie !:ad finished a as a fugitive WjH'I'C I to 'ie was attache to the Kaiser's headquarters, but l;is blind loy alty was more or less superseded by ins liberal political tendencies and the fact that he has an Irish mother and an American wife ar tern, in Eastern peni , to whl-di he was sen- f'- 1, - 1. .. .1 : . 1 nan i!in rieu , many of whom have it lieds n n. -,- -.- n. ';('' VIN,- the American League somewhat better balanc ing prove tlm "Reds are h!' team to the White 1 a : I li'.INC -at hold the Reds too niy possibly regret it. :o have mad a studv of 7!U i!:1';'1s are inclined to think ;".v are about evenly matched ;;i P'ii- strength that it would V"ho to slur the Cincinnati may surprise the world' WIS WILL BLOCKADE 1 ILSHEIIffl RUSSIA t- Washington, Sept- 30. Secre tary Baker said today that Ma- j jor-General Grrves, in command of the American troops in Sibe ria, had informed the War De partment that an officer and en liste man, held by 'the Cossacks, had been released upon his e mand and the matter had been referred to the State Department for subsequent action. The Department, Baker said, had not heard of the reported in terference by a Japanese officer with the American troops sent lo effect the release of the men- both survived and yesterday paid! women, while the negro shot to for the little "diversion." i death in the hospital" killed a j policeman just before midnight- i y tertiary j 1 'in-tai ait-r hr W e s t ( d 1 e s t ? v count y a fourth wife- iiiif-; y (a' iLDGKADE OF GERMANY MADE EFFECTIVE TODAY Paris, Sept. 30 The blockade Sept. 80 C o n s i d e r a -given by the Supreme yesterday to the neces '.ot only maintaining, but ''' --tiiening, the blockade of Russia. ' ttie cord in" to ,1i Journal- 'f J said the council is nm-icirl. 'he difficulty wldeh militl"1 Uei'man threatened by the lhy arise if Germanv should iaIllfM in case Gorman trooPs arc '"v relations wjt1 Russia!"!'1 remove( fom the Baltic re 1Iie treatv of nonr. lr.vo I AviU hh today, according mi miRi ttlptt ICI1CS- It is further announced that no food ships will be permitted to start for Germany until fur ther orders. lEfiT WILSON APPEARS MUCH SETTER Washington; Sept. 30. Presi dent Wilson arose early this morning and appeared refreshed by the night's rest, Seeretarv Tumulty announced- iiesrr starts off U1ER FIE AUSPICES Chapel Hill, Sept- 80. The 12.')tli session of the University of North Carolina will open Oc- 1 liis ! toCet 2. Sf'dents are registering j today and tomorrow and the for- : jmal exercises, with a welcoming re rnd Successful Contestants uu,rrss l).v President Chase, and will be on ill C"7 j 1 HEEL STRIKE SHOWS APPARENTLY MO CHANGE IBITI! UNTIL PEACE IS RATIFIED Washington, Sept. 30. Al though the War Department de clared in a statement todav that j accidents of war and the process 1 ..-1? i ,i.n-.j..- j wi ufuit.'ujuza i ion are ar an ei war time prohibition cannot liften until after ratification the Peace Treaty, in the opinion of Attorney General Palmer- International Trsr; heotirg Tcrrnomcnt at Pine il 30- -The steel apparently Pittsburg, Sept strike situation is litle changed today. Employers claim more men re turned to work this morning while the strike leaders make counter claims that the number of striker has swllen- :nv! ive MSB 1ITL0CK IS HAD E AMBASSADOR Si Whitlock, minister to Belgium, was nominated todav to Tp ;1Iton, Sept. 30 Brand bassador to that country- Ml MAUi LOA AGAIN II ERUPTION BRITISH R. R. STRIKE OFFERS LITTLE TROUBLE London, Septn 30. Congestion in railroad traffic, caused by the stride, is expected to be relieved today by running an increased number of trains. Volunteer workmen are re- .- j j . ! j C' ggf ;i ! ji. . j alass room work i'l'liursday- j tiiVai'v indication points .to a : total registration of twelve hun idred students and to meet the j . ji."rease in numbers the author i , j it ies- nav(. increase the number I of. .-fijdent s to a room, j Nine new profes.-ors have been ; added to the faiultv- Dr. George ;iiowe, head of the latin epart jment, is announced as the new !dan of the college of liberal ;arts, and Frank P. (iraliam, as : dean of students I A s'-h.o(d of commerce has been Udded with Dr. D- I), Carroll, 'professor of economics, as acting clean- A four year course, leading to a degree of Bachelor of Science in Commerce, is offered. For the first time a course in music will he offered under Paul John Weaver, lately supervisor of music in the public school o St- Luis, and a well known or ganist in that city. The session will l)e divided j t his year into three terms instead right:: of two- The first term ending be- o-;fore the Christmas holidays and 7)1, , j. ,.1, , 1 - Si- j. , . , . , , .11010 shows jeii . u 1 nni'T to ip r-mrunrr r-pxTnTfi Tn run L, , . , xl , Jliss Helen Gooderiiam, or i i v. u i i n i ill v ; j il i l v ill; . , ' ihas invited citizens to act as spe- rtIlu ".lu" riie second at faster, with com- Sept. 30.,Mount j eial constables in emergencv- -- v, I:ul-, toe IiKliana Cham-1 mencement coming after the An attempt to derail trains 10U- mdde of Jll"- Honolulu, Mauna Loa burst into new erup tions last night and a wide occurred vesterdav for the first - .1 stream of lava began pouring thiie since the strike began down the sides of the mountain destroying jmiany homes- Residents are reported to be The army wants recruits, and ! COTTON MARKET, wants them badly- But, somehow, Octol.pr qi on ' " ' v - OI.-Ol London, Sept. 30 It is antiei- the recruits do not seem to want December 32-21 mated in government circles: that the arm v. There's a difference be Uannarv ?9 9Q fleeing to the sea, which is 30 1 the service of street cars and tween ''over there'" and "over I March 3245 omnibusses will cease today- here- 'IVIajf m , 32.52 miles distant.