NOTICE Ulany apparent errors may bs noticed in this issue- is due to part of -the linotype .being broken. New parts are ordered and will be here in a day or two. Until then the cal page wil look queer. Oooooooooooooo 0 PERSONALS. O oooooooo 0 0 0 0 0 0 jr. . T. Wommnck left this morning IE CAN'T PRAISE TILAC TOO MUCH Owens Says It Relieved Hjs Troubles Has Been Feeling Fine Ever? Since. toi Norfolk, Va. OoO yVw ('. T. Lawrence attended the to market in Tarboro yesterday. O O LT - Mi. Annie Xorfleet, of Roxobel, is much j "I just can't say too much in praise of Tanlac," said B. F. Owens, a well knoAvn business man of Oklahoma City, residing at 1012 East Eighth street, that, city.' "For three or four years," he con tinued, "T hal suffered frcm catarrh, a bad stomach and other troubles. After eating anything gas "would form ou my stomach and make me miserable for hours. I would become nauseated and suffer from headches. My liver was sluggish, my back pajned me dread fully and my kidnevs worried me so DON'T WASTE TIME. 'ii a visit to Miss Reba Shields. OoO Mis. A. M. Kiddick went to Ilobgood nt niulit and returned this morning. Oo-O V. P. Harden motored to Tar ,oro vt'sterduy to attend the tobacco market there. Mr. Clarence Woodard left this morn in: for Norfolk after spending a f,.v .lays here. OoO Mr. Hugh Johnson returned last eve ning from Wilson where he attended the Kaptist campaign meeting. OoO Mrs. R. B. Shaw and daughter, of Williamston. are visiting' Mrs. C. T. l,y wr.'iice. Oo- -0 Mr. and Airs. Jesse Allsbrook are H-cciviiig congratulations from their frifu'ls on the arrival of a baby daugh ter. OoO Mr. T 1'. Shields, "who had been at tending the meeting of the Seventy Five Million dollar campaign at Wil v.01!. returned home yesterday. OoO Ir. Charles Anderson, who attended the big meeting at Wilson, went on from there to Raleigh and is expected hack today or tomorrow. OoO Dr. O. F. Smith, who went to Rich mond with Mr. II. E. Dodge yesterday morning, was met at Weldon last night hv Mr. Danford Burroughs. OoO Eider A. B. Denson, of Roeky Mount, will fill Elder A. J. Moore 's appoint ment at Kekukee Primitive Baptist Church on Saturday and Sunday next. OoO Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Burroughs, Air. and Mrs. G. C. Weeks, Airs. C. G. Mcore and Mrs. O. F. Smith motored to Rocky Mount this morning and will return this evening. OoO A phone message was receved last night by Mr. S. A. Dunn that Aliss Irene Hardy stood the operation well and the doctors give every assurance that she will now be well again. O-o (J Mrs. Lewis B. Suiter left today for Coldsboro to attend the wedding of Miss Mary Cleaves Daniels and Lieut. -Col. Stenhouse, which takes place to morrow night. OoO Friends of Air. N. E. Wjnslow will be glad to know that he is convalescing splendidly from his severe accident, and with no complications, will soon be out again. OoO Mr. ami Airs. Frank Aloore, who were married Wednesday evening at Port Norfolk, left last night on a honeymoon to Washington, New York and Buffalo and will in ten days be in Scotland ek for awhile before making their home in Port Norfolk. could never get a good night 's sleep. I was just- about down and out, and authough I took all kinds of med icines I found no relief till I began taking Tanlal. "My first bottle of Tanlae made me feel so much better that I kept it up, and I haven 't been bothered with them since. I sleep like a baby and eat any thing I'm ant; no medicine or treatment cvci uiu me nit guou xaniac nas ana i am glad to recommend it." All druggists sell Tannic. I 8 i r less Advertis ing a Sale! w--OU don't leave your ritf in the fc-a middle of the road and go to a fcnee post to read a sale bill do you? Then don't expect the other fel low to do it. Put an d in this paper, then, regardless of the weather, the fellow you want to reach reads your announce ments while seated at his fireside. If he is a prospective buyer you'll have him at y our sale. One extra buyer often pays the entire expense of the d. and it's m poor ad that won't pull that buyer. An ad in this paper reaches the people you are after. Bills may be a necessity.but the ad is the thing that does the business. Don't think of having a special sale without using advertising apace in this paper. It's a waste of time to experiment1 with liniments and plasters when ,you have a dull, throbMng backache or , sharp, stabbing fringes. Get after the cause! Help the kidneys with Doan's1 Kidney Pills. Read this: j Johnson Allsbrook, Alain Street.,! Scotland Xeck, says: ''Aly kidneys! were in a' wretched condition. I had ; pains across the small of mv back, head- i aches and dizzy spells. I sulered for j years this way and took one medicine j after the other but seen?ed to get no! relief and was getting worse all the time. Frequently I had to stop Work. ! Doan 's Kidney Pills were recommended i to me and 1 decided to try them, get ting my supply at the Whitehead Co. 's Drug Store. Doan 's made me feel better irom the hrst and soon I was entirelv ! cured. I as a well man today and give Doan?s Kidney Pills the credit." (Statement given July 1, 1914) On June 5, 1918, Air. Allsbrook sa'm: I "I can't recommend Doan's Kidney! Pills too highly. I gladly confirm my! former endorsement. Doan's made me 1 well and I am well today." 60c at all deaeers. Foster-AIilburn Co., Alfgrs., Buffalo. N. Y. We Lave taKur the agency for SUNBEAM MAZDA LABEPS and can supply yur wants for electee lights for the home From 10 to 100 Watts N. A. Riddick Motor Cat Cpmpany Scotland Neck. N. C OneExtraBuyer at a sale often pays the entire expense oil the ad. Get That Buyer LOST Between Enfield and Dawson's Cross Eoads one wire wheel, with 33x4 Goodrich tire, and hub. Finder notify Air. Balfour Dunn, R. F. D., Scotland Neck, or this office. 17-17-3t Cf hio- : Toledo. Lucas County, ss. 1b s Chen c"lur Partner of the firm of P. J. a'nrt ?i - Cn"nty enrl State aforesaid, 0V TTxaid firm Vi'ii! P&i' the sum f and , , UX D1'KD DOLLARS for each rurViery.f aso of Catarrh that cannot be MFnV'V J-r'e use of HAT.TS CATARRH ii"UCIN i.:. FR.ANK .1. CHENEY. ... nu tO DGlOre rr-.- a-nt'l nu'-jBri'nprl in tins f'tn f'iay of December, A. Tv . OLE SON. Xct...ry Public, tic i.-: taken in- Bernard Allsbrook FIRE INSURANCE Phones 156-121 Agent for Oliver Typewriters. STKAYED Calf, remale, light gray color, looks to be about three months old. Owner will call and gel same. Communicate with C. D. Brown, Scotland Neck, N. C. Prs.-.ncr-. 'enl) Ha th la I'c r. , ";"'-v :n.c2 " ' 1)r testimot;i;ji; u nil lri.-..'ic .frli tho Biood on System. Sen5 Toledo. O. AjUxAutomobile license numljer N0- 61,123. No use to anyone ba ow-nor. Pkse communicate with W c- I'ondleton, Scotland Neck, N- C. We Wasilt Yom to keep in mind the fact that in addition to printing this news paper we do job work of any kind. When in need of anything in this line be sure To See HJs r IXIE A I THE I a AV V. TONIGHT VARKEN KERRIGAN., in one of Pathe's best Westerns "THREE X GORDON" promises a full house TONIGHT and we want you to be one of V1()S" y?h enjoy this picture. It is thrilling in the extreme a-d ii? cV)es ,not carry you to the point where you have to tax vonr "ation to keep pace with the here and we think it will he ihe picture that you have been looking for. Admission 15c. So Smart They Smile WITH JOY WHEN A CHAP SELECTS THEM FROM OUR STOCK OF CRAVATS, COLLARS AND SHIRTS. THEY JUST NATURALLY GRAVITATE TOWARDS DISTINCTIVE DRESSERS, AND IT'S EASY TO SEE THEY'RE IN A CLASS BY THEMSELVES WHEN IT COMES TO FINENESS IN FASHION. IN COLOR HARMONIES AND CONTRASTS WE TAKE PRIDE IN BEING STUDENTS AND WHEN A MAN BUYS SHIRTS HERE, WE GIVE HIM THE ADVANTAGE OF OUR KNOWLEDGE OF COLOR BY OFFERING HIM CRAVATS THAT "GO WITH" THE SHIRTS NEW FALL COLLAR STYLES ARE NOW IN FORMALLY "AT HOME." RAY Oy&tTE "The Quality Store The Only Tires Built To an Advertised Meal Seldom do you hear of an entire organization taking pride in an ideal. Rarely will you find a product built to hit so high a mark. But that's how Fisk Tires are made by men whose aim is 4t To be the Best Concern in the World to Work for and the Squarest Concern in Existence to do Business with.'9 i ime Next BUY FISK HARD V ARE CO., Scotland Kwi n r E. P. HYMAN AND 130., KOEGOCD JttAKS3 JEWELL CO. .PALMYRA. Time to Retire) Train "These "Rats Wouldn't Eat My Best Grain," Says Fred Lamb. It's hard to keep rats out of a feed store. Tried for years. A neighboring store sold me osme RAT-SNAP. It worked wonders. Gathered up dead rats every morning. Bought more RAT-SNAP. Haven't a rat now. They wouldn't eat my best grain when I threw RAT-SNAP around." Three sizes, 25c, 50c, $1. Sold and guaran teed by R. J. Madry, Wholesale Gro cers, Scotland Neck, N. C. Ray Boyette's store a silver car(i case with the initial M, L. on cove with small change inside, Finas- re turn to The Commonwealtfl t: LET ME DO YOUR Watch, Clock And Jewelry REPAIRING. GET FIRST CLASS WORK, IT WILL COST YOU NO MORE. A FULL LINE OF MA TERIAL IN STOCK INSURES PROMPT DELIVERIES ANYTHING IN THE OPTICAL LINE. u W. M. POWELL Another Record Our Entire Sales Monday, Oct. ,6, 1919 Averaged 54 1 2 CtSo a Pound All We Ask That You Follow Our Sales And Be Convinced That & 99 We it Higher The Runfffle Warehouse Tarboro, North Carolina H TV TOUT! I UurMiU 3 "EVEKYBODY'S STORE " inery partment and R s Draw The P eady to Wear De- eople. We are not only giving the most up to date apparel but the prices are cut close. TRY US VISIT OUR STORE BURROUGHS - PIT TM AN - WHEELER Co. SOOTLA&D NECK NORTH CAROLINA tmmumuum EVERYBODY'S STORE" I a L xsxsxtxtn

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