THE COMMONWEALTH Afternoon Daily The Commonwealth, Inc. Scotland Neck Bank Bldg. Scotland Neck, N. C. R: tored at tne Postoffice at Eeotlaiiti Neck. N. C, as second class matter under Act of Con gress, March 3, 187&. SUBSCRIPTION RATES (In Advance) Through the Mail .Daily Issuo One Year - $3.00 Six Months 1-50 Tnree Months 75 One Month .25 By Carrie" 10c per week All articles submitted for publication must bear the auth. or 'a name, not necessarily for publication, but as a guarantee of good faith. Mcmbex3 of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclu e ely entitled to the use for for re-publication of all news dis patches credited to it or not oth- -wise credited in this paper, and also the lo' 1 news published here :n. AN IMPEEATIVE NECESSITY 're.su1 1 in the boosting of prices and consequent hardship and in justice to millions of our people. Sti'l organized labor persisted in jj the plan of looking out only tor 'number one, and finally went to j th.e extraordinary length of de-j rnanding, in the mining industry, a six-hour dav, a five-da v week, i 'and a 60 7) or cent increase in;!! wages, and then undertook to en force its demands by shutting off the nation's fuel supply, and I tying up al1 industry. I Surely the labor union leaders i were due for a sudden and vig orous awakening and they got that very thing when the Fen eral Court at Indianapolis issued : its restraining order and follow ed that bv a command that tin I strike order be withdrawn. I Patience and reason have been exhausted and the time has I come when every class and fac tion of our peop!e must be made jto realize, clearly and emphatic ally, t licit: the purpose of the American Nation is to promote IT ... 1 -1 fr ami protect tne welfare or our whole citizenship; that the will of the majority is supreme : and See Us For Your Needs In Stove s And DS LTJXX ELECTRO $1,000. i that every e'ass. however lara'e .As The Commonwealth is hav- or well-organized or powerful it iriar a large run of advertising Il;-,v be, must obev the L and changes are made daily in jome of the ads it has become necessary to ask that all changes be sent in the day before the in sertion is needed. We ask this as a favor but we also reserve the right to leave ads over until the next day if they cannot be gotten oaU fnciirtates the education of your! up in time for insertion Friday Wood And Coal Heaters And Join The American Cotton Association If You Want High Prices For Your Cotton. E3 m Carload of Farm: r fees m m si m u m E3 m S3 1 m AT AUCTION, Sato 22nd, at 2.30 A Mutlcal home is a happy home. We have i!tt,-!e-l at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Part on Keel on? of those nio-k-rn piano.-;. They furnish a moan--of r---!'r4ei.ici)t to your l:oiiiOj that not ! E3 m m We Are Members of the 13 American Cotton MR. W. C. HARRIS, OF NORFOLK, VA.. WELL KXOYVX OX THE NORFOLK AND RICHMOND HORSE EX CHANGE, WILL SELL A CARLOAD OF FINE FA KM HORSES, GUARANTEED, UNDER THE II AM MLR. AT A GREAT ADVANTAGE TO YOU IN PRICES. Don't Faii to Attend This Sale. m m m m m m EW Li m & jes m m m 1 m El HSHSHBMBHSH3H8HHSHSHSB5SkSH&!SSB&H g " " " laiiadit'l c; i.-v S3 November 14, 1919 j ehiklvt-r. nt furnish an en less round I of holf'some entertainment for the m- fami'y. THE LANDES PIANO CO. LABOR UNION DISILLUSION MENT. One of tho hiom renis.rKab" tilings about the present indus trial situation is the light which has been thrown, by recent events, upon the nienta' attitude FOR SALE Ford Roadster in good condition. Running works almost now. Tiros aood. A bargain for first one "with the cash. Scotland Neck Motor Co., or II. E. Dodge. 0-1 ,tf ociation m Ik K DR. C. E. JENKINS ( T E X T A L SI : K ( i EOX ) wince x niru r lour wm$ and processes of 1 lie labor union-! SCOTLAND NECK EANK BUILDING ! gg Office Hours 9 A. M. to 0 P. M. ; Phone 56 Phono ) H : 2 E. L. Travis, Jr. join i ourseir Ana iviaKe Certain Higher Cot ton Prices ists. Only a few months ago there was a widespread feeling throughout the country that, in some way or other just how or why it would have been difficult to explain- oi ganized labor siood tor and championed the interests of the middle classes, the so-called "'common peope."' Recent events have, however, bi ought about a complete disil lusionment, for now evervbodv knows that the American labor unions, as at present constituted, stand for their membeis and for their members alone. To many of our people the first eiear view or tlie situation came! Mhen organized labor's IMmnb! j P'aii was announced, with its al most unbelievably selfish rovis- ions f(r the purchase of the rail-' roads with the money of the wn-nie American people and the I assignment of these huge and tremendously wholesale proper ties to the members of organized labor for their special use and benefit. The mere suggestion of such a p'an for the benefit of a particular class al 1he expense of our whole people was enough to jar the nation into conscious ness of the fact that somethino- a -3 S D & r -J K A &3 Lni s to s VALS Our store was never more complete New goods are arrwing each day We have the home furnishings that V will suit vour taste and are priced right. cotland Meek Furniture Co. CASH OR CREDIT EH I s Ess K3 Plioi.n 'Pi,, .nr. , L . flfc S irK r, g Hiirronghs-rittman g TRAVIS & TRAVIS 0 m ATTORNEYS AT LAW Wt TJ I f KaN.c. ;g heeler Co. I Practice in the State & federal Courts. g " '. v m ;J : liiil iiwiiir j jiii htt iiii ill iii . lMIi i I i'i 1 1 1 11 TT i mi u rimm: v i MM"fc jf j Your Job Printing Business I j ents vv ffcf Oiw nn:::n;::nuu: : ; ;::mumuinn:tnm:unn::n:mt;t:?n:ntn?tttni:::; :i LET ME DO YOUR Watch, Clock And Jewelry REPAIRING. (JET FIRST CLASS WORK, IT WILL COST YOU NO MORE. A FULL LINE OF MA TERIAL IX STOCK INSURES PROMPT DELIVERIES ANYTHING IX THE OPTICAL LINE. W. M. POWELL 4. TIT .TTY?mTfWW4W4A lAu.......... . Your Job Printing Business If We Can't Please You Don't Come Again Chamhe-laj.u's Cough Remedy. lh. )()t ini.'iyinc that 1kt;iiivi- oth. : f-ono-l, )H(wiriiM's t'ailcl to ':. relief that ti will !, tin- same -a ill. Cl!ainl.M-aii! 's Ifniicl v. 'in milt, I that t'n.m a small !; i mi i n- rrincfh lias "aiiioW a u-: M u l.i. rc-jnitat ion .iii imiiiciix- vale. A tin'! jicine must liac except I merit ' I win e-toeiu v!u'ie er e7-OV, the buyers, are the real builder; of wagons Vcu put Y the f.TKii Ok:;y upon the use of certain materials and con " slruetion when you buy a v.-sf-nri containing them and refuse to buy avragon tJiat does r.ot. We want to show you how the Thornhill Waon is built. Upon a plain statement of facts as iadicall wrong Avith pre- would be your way if you should build a wagon. roiiceiveil impressions about or-; For spokes and axles tough second growth highland hickory is used For hubs and felloes the sturdy white oak is preferred. This wood grows upon the mountain side. The ground is hard the climate severe. It has to fight for life. It has nearly twice the strength of oak and hickory that grows under softer conditions. Outdoors under shelter it remains for three to five years. Th sap dries in it, giving it a strength that's kin to steeL known. It onl it her )j ua rt e r. JOIN THE I Full Circle Iron Alaiien oie Front I-Jotxn Plate jranizcil labor, lint, when the la hoi" iviidois, irritated because Copjrivs.s and the ieneral pul)lie did not receive their rai!road plan with open arms, suested llie possibility of a funeral strike i'r th.e purpose of forcing the country to do their will in the matter, there was a sudden awakeninir to I he roal nu.!miim v illV lllllll Mid the dangers of unbridled n turnIn- .and backing up, with the ordi- df-eenteied unionism. Trussed Bolsters and Gears Reacn Plate of Malleaible Iron olsters Cvr't isiiK Iti l urning tary circle iron, which is only a half circle, olsters run off the end of the track and iL. 9 Long Wear Beds Sinoe that time have come the an" "difficult to make short turns and ack up. The Thornhill full circle iron many strikes, large and small ives a continuous track on which the bol- alike, for the boosting of waes ; L"S turn" j..iw Un jn ; Hie gears of Thornhill wagons stav inline for ol labor unionists and for the cut-; fe. Instead of the usual front hound plate, tinr down of the hours of labor hound phte of malleable ii on is used. It is i .. v , . . ' metal jacket braced at eiVht points that ;:nl ot production, m utter disre- ;eeps gean. from ever getting out cf line. frartl of the fact that, as pointed out by President "Wilson and many others, such action was Note the Adjustable Brake Lever On the front bolsters of ThornhiH wagons ?-re heavy iron plates running along top and bottom connected by rivets that run clear through the bolster. Strength and lightness are combined. Rear gears are strongly ironed. There are braces on both top and bottom that extend the full length of the hounds. Solid tnist bars extend the full length of the axles giving them double strength. N. E. W I N S L O W Scotland Neck - Aon n Carolina II you examine the beds of Thornhill Wagons closely you will see at once the superiority of the construction. The bottoms are rc-inforced over front and rear bolsters. . Come in and examine thk wagon for yourself. We will take pleasure and pride in showing you a Thornhill The wagon made of tougk highland oak and hickory with features all others lack. 610-N mencan Cotton Association And Help Keep The Price Up. ?! i: tt r u H This Space Contributed By ardy Hardware Co. n a n The Hardware ITustTers. t crests of the eonurv