V Ooooooooooooco TiTITl(!AWT(1 oooooooooooooo ,1: to tlie Iiod Cross. O o O L. f In? xtcui loft this nion'i Nnrt'olk cm business. O o O no -lisnstor too big for Red j ' T gained eight pounds on two bot- . 4-1. rr i . i t at . mm . 1 1- lauiai. iueii j. tjuiik js won- SO lUK SHE'D FULL TO FLOOR Found. No Relief In 20 Years Like Different Women Since Taking Tanltc O- -o -O derful ftr a woman who had been in J. IT. Etheridge, of Oak City, such miserable condition as I was for i.v. n yesterday, shopping, j twenty years," said Mrs. Pearl Sulli- Man, of 1,U9 X. Main Street, Houston, d.out a Red Cross Membership! ! Tex. 1 ":' n , W11S one- "Mv appetite f riled vours ago, ' ' she O O O j cotj tinned, "and for the last five yoars. v;. K. Ford, of Richmond- JS 1 T roVer ate a bite for breakfast. What idling the new fountain for little T ate at other times made me so ;;d Drug Company. 'miserable I could hardly stand it, Indi- O O O I gestton brought on gastritis and dizzy r. B. Striikland, of Hobgoo.V spells, niy svsU.m Avas undermined by ihe morning train on busi-; rheumatism a nd my back ached terri- ' Idy. 2fy nerves were worn out and I O o O felt so tired and worn out that I had ;;. Jl. Knight, of Rocl.y Mount, to give up doing my housework and !,,w, this morning for a short mor0 than once I fell to the floor when " I'l'sincss. jl tried to walk across the room. O o (J ;. W. Andrews is omewhr:t ;,' morning a:l able io sit ur i-orr. i () ('. Wooks vo turned from night whore he had been O O U ;,: v Dr.'g Comjaiy in. now soda f(o,iiit;iia over- It is a vow liand.son o r ; i r. 4 ' A number of my friends who had Is en taking Tanlac induced me to try it and it was a .surprise when I began ; to pick up almost from the first. I ! just kept it up till now my relief is ; something wonderful. T can eat an- ything T want and never have any ' trouble, I have taken up my house ! work again and have even done a full (lay's washing and gone out visiting j afterwards without feeling tired. My JLX-,n i wiNivn i z ! - you -who have read eurrei nt fiction most assm-erlK- m-o fa miliar with DADDY LONG LEGS" The attractive stories of which came mt in Th t o.i;.. tt f .Journal some 1mie ago and you will all be interested to learn that this picture will be here TONIGHT featuring- MARY PICK FORD. Price 20 and :-J5 cents ?5 7 " Don't forget to see the first episode of the new serioal next Moudav night entitled, "THE GREAT GAMBLE." 3 Over GOES onse i 99 vVith the liighest prices of receipts by selli;:- . g ha. ceo of 912 pounds at $916.P0 We Are Members of the i meric 13 m m m m m m m I You should join if you want high cotton prices j rheumatism is all gone and I really O o--0 : niMiniogswort'i, the traveling M . for ' ' Madame Grace" cor- ! H- like a different woman. town this morniiu' on i with Tlie Thonia 'onn-any. G o O H. A. Dunn. J. 71. Aiexan riiid N. L. Stodman motored This morning on lui- OoO . .. t-'. Ii0(d Day will be observed . M- tlmdist Church Sunday ev i -. ?:."'. Tlie entire service will ! s-i. vod by the -hildren. - ' i yi-:. A . b. uinrell left for lioeky .-- : -lii morning to be present at t!,i :;..!. ital w' .mi his daughter. Miss .! : : ' S-. !i:v II. is operated upon. OoO i' 'v ilnvcite rec(Mved a very com I' '!;. ' y letter from Weldon in at !! .-i'Ui.".! of the decorative float mm;! ii"'.vn tli ere for the celebration of ti- at:;dvors;(ry of 4 ' Armistice Day.'' OoO I''-- Tc;i Room will bo ofen today ! ' ' dock until ti so tJiat som" ' o;;siii,-:s nion in o.y take ad van -''- "f the sweet course served by Bernard Allsbrook FIRE INSURANCE Phones 156-121 Agent for Oliver Typewriters. We have taKtu the agrey Tor SUNBEAM MAZDA iASlPS and can supply yur wants for electee lights for the hom From 10 to 1J) Watts W. A. Riddick Motor Cai Company Scotland Neck Nortt Caroiiaa J9 ICS OoO :i""t f. Smith tnnounies ' 'i Rof'j'i vr : 1 1 be open on from 7 1t 10 o'hlockf r -u-ken salad, beaten bis- dainties will Kx serv- l, 'I -Mi-. W. K. Quinnorloy ar aiiTninobile from New York 1 o si ;,y ;i f v v days with j;i i-Mits. Mr. and Mrs. ! . 1 . K'-fore going to their home N'. C ()--() O purchased th coHin bnsi--M. Hoffman and Bro., which 1 i' in th e;v i:ice uiitii .lauu. I'.'i'o. Vo ;n-e at your service - r. Hoyette-Sli ields Company. 11-1:5-15 ') (. () .idksgiving e'ening from 8 ')'' he giv 'ii a carnival, ui.i'li'd school building, under - Mother 's Hub. '''Is will go to the Library is a worthy cause and i-aironized. Watch for fnr-iouweeinoti-.ts. it Vi V m 9 S3 g i es & E3 g i m n:S I S3 ; e lie 9 We list beloM" tlie fj 230 pounds Qv $ .96. 62 " .97 tl 1,15. V8 " 1.15 OG " .99 72 ' .99. 64 ' 1.09 284 " .97 312 " sold for. L. R. CAUSLEV 22.so ;:. j in S9.70 71.2- (i!).7C 277., i- l;.h LM-jigo .1.5:1. All grades of to1acco aro siMlir.j? belter l!un over b. !'..! Brng us vour next load. m K3 GO S S Kl COS Y TO WEAR ES ETP 1 to O 9 e ,2 TARBORO, N. C. ADVERTISE IN THE COMMONWEALTH &3 Kl S 3 M s OUR BUYER HAS JUST RETURNED FROM NEW VORK WHERE HE PURCHASED A LARGE LINE OF UP-TO-THE-MINUTES STYLES IN LADIES SUITS, DRESSES, CLOAKS AND WAISTS, WHICH WILL BE SHO WN IN I10FFMANS STORE. g K S S3 s 3 The seris of a tliousnnd sliar-'s 3 n ; - 111 ill ruj ! ml ' ? 1 - C-3 t- da pr- NEW DELIVERIES WILL COME TO US FROM TIME 1 H TH I'O TIIE THROUGHOUT THE SEASON. y 1 LO, 1 N'11oii ;in Rocky rount. ' '' "'dl Ie;ise return same to J ' .nmioiiwealtli and receive reward. ll-14-8t 1 Our shoe family is large. There's Mr. and Mrs. Everyday Shoe with a family of good looking, sturdy children. And Mr. and Mrs. Dress Shoe with graceful, beauti ful children, surprisingly strong for all their dainty appearance. And Mr. and Mrs. Wet Weather Shoe and Mr. and Mrs. Sport Shoe, and Mr. and Mrs. Dancing Shoe (frivolous creatures) and their families. We want you to meet them. RAY OyetTE "The Quality Store" S 53 U 3 53 S3 52 SERIES: The ' ' Luek- Serifs I'M tJ Scotland Neck, 1 1 ins uec til ma &5 Home Building & Loan Association Of Scotlatid Xec-k. 5a ul. ci Lit: cla l. - ii 1 w i , nJ ti,'j c 1 1 f cr? til nn ti .he Per feet iop Jr 1 Liadies s s HERE YOU MAY FIND JUST AY IT AT YOU WANT IN THE LINE OF A .STYLISH, DURABLE AND ECONOMICAL SUIT U DRESS FOR WINTER. I OUR ORE AT AIM IS TO PLEASE YOU TO HAVE YOU COME AGAIN THEREFORE. OUR LADIES'. MISSL AND I CHILDREN'S GARMENTS ARE THE ACME OF MODERN TAILORING AND .MATERIALS. S3 S &3 I ABLES AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE COST TO YOU. HERE AR ESOME OF THE THINGS YOU CAY FIND IN CREAT- C3 B3 S DON'T FORGET WINTER IS UPON US AND WE HAVE PROVIDED FOR YOUR NEEDS IN THE VERY BEST "! WEAR- HERE AR ES EST VARIETY &sr T 5 fl" s &3 B3 I 03 i 5' D3 rs 33 s 63 33 53 S3 rr-3 KeepYour Shoes Meat JJ LIQUIDS AND PASTES FOR BLACKyV , LADIES' COATS. SUITS, DRESSES AND SKIRTS HSSES? AND CHILDREN'S DRESSES AND COATS SHOES FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY UNDERWEAR FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN MEN'S AND BOYS SUITS AND OVERCOATS IN UNEQUALLED VARIETY AND PRICE IN SCOTLAND NECK. DRESS GOODS IN ALL NEW FABRICS, IN SILK. SATIN, GEORGETTE, AND CREPE DE CHINE AS WELL AS GING HAMS, PERCALES AND OUTINGS. BLANKETS AND COMFORTS AT SPECIALLY GOOD VALUES. n DON'T FAIL TO VISIT OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. WE HAVE THE DAINTIEST LINE OF DRESS AND TAILOR ED STYLES IN TOWN. 03 .53 33 33 53 S3 3 53 53 MITOU! ihs-Pittman- Wheeler C 3 V IS h 3 9 O u o (ft O 8 Q tl C o i If d O i-rj re 1 22 r-G '.a L-u SWHITETAN AND OX-BLOOD (DARK BROWN) SHOES EVERYBODY 'S STORE. 3 D3 r.F. O ALLEY COAPOMTfONS ITOV JUFFAI.O.N.Y.