. . x xiv : Auu:i tonight and riu. r t !. We.s. wp.p ESTABLISHED SINCE iRsj AFTERNOON DAILY ALL TK3 NEW? 13T Hrp.prv a.wtejC cms,,.. VOLUME IX NO. 27. FOUB O'CLOCK EDITION KD MECa. II, C. FBIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1920. TELEGEAPE S8BVICX PRICE TWO CENTS g j 1 i 1 f i I 1 I 8 i 1 3! Sfi 3 l i ' nh r r NU T" " ,E e M s. f s , ? a t; r ; f ?s s I -a 1 jm. w . . llim UUHHHMtO Pst ,! L BBiM WH ELQFtB illlTiC fell I I ft I m I 3 Pi i i II a rum ill 1 JIHIU ! OVEB meill W1IH8YEA8SDLD GifiLiy5,ilidH rtbHLt VtH! ybiOhBLO ! ! Miu Rfiieutifflf pfiioe iu ntr secretary To Scan Caught At HnmP Ofi vJaLlf UULUIlLfe ill OfilOd 1 I Hal Nine Powers Met In The French Foreign OftV- ! Under ttairmanship Of Leoii Bourgeois I Has Secretary To Scan Caught At Home Of livery Item Of friends In Jersey .7 . SEEMS OBSESSED BE ACT REFERRED TO SAAR BASIN! The Hague,l. io.-ES.Kai.' .v,. j Leaders As Well As Army And Navy Heads Hurry i io rans To Confer With Lloyd EXTRADITED! George Jan. .Samuel -, .hui. 1. Itepresf;r;.tativcs j j .:lr Oi-iiu Britain, Italv. 1 . ' iio!i4ium. Spain, Japan, j i- lii-aii. ;-Jl members of tlte ...f League of Nations, ,! in rh,' P't-t'iu-h foreigr:. office .it pi .;'-.. his morning fur tbf-)!)-: inn- .f tLif league. ;? ,- .M.uiieil wa orgaiuzect at lo :;) ..ircTi;) toti Bourgeois ' i if lis n itnd eoafirmirig Sir Eric I '-nfUM"iid oervtary ; !, ill-si. oiilviul aot of rhe eoun v: iU- appointiaent of a com- fl-'.JUi.rr 01 th- tcrvitory of the 5 , " '-'". ociiau.ti : SCI' "Wilhellll i; in a Httf com-' kr.nAra1 rt l,,, .4,.... it MRU SMSflFFflR ?r-M K.E win. jiuvv iujr determination ot th a . vvn'n ho t -0n ------ v. a.wi iui.u Li;ir. Ui. oi I "RED RUSSIA AT DOOR OF INDIA" i J ICnUflTRD lCMVRU T0:rn hrrJMF R-hflMM TTFF statemen to hale him before she was ix months old, was ar- pnffiOnnniS!nr Dl JIM m ULNili LUUD UJlllil I I LL international tribunal. r sted at the home of , fnen 1 at I MHH M HF N hN H via I mi I iuiui i 1 A' l I A " j Italked with an off? i TTaicar-'o ir.-; -. il. 'J - 1 t .... ;ii..v.i o sum;, ummg me past ;,u up on ine cnarge of bemy u vrvuxx, tiic iui mcr monarcn Keeps lu-itive trom justice. LINE Ill I f ' 1 , I I 1 1 i ; : . , . . . I noar -vim where recent i:.!h-v,u KuVh;; ;tr;, , thlVs..'ii V ..,.. ;.. ai ' . .,4' I 1 :. ii aiC ayS niS Evidence a score of couriers traveling nieht' Ruth was taken to Hronkl vi. : F..ykf ff Fo.J, P. '-"m-i Asi;i:,. Tu-k.--.. Will Last Two " between Berlin and Ame- and turned over to her parents, j J C " rr,?h"' nh.vs and ..licfs ..i rongen bearing the latest news Mr. and Mrs. Richard II. King, of! W 1 1 1 iVieet r tht- l': iiii ai inv and navy art y5 ;h"a paris. Brooklyn. Bonesteele, it was said, i Discussion Wilhelm has a special secretary wou' be extradited to Brooklyn OPPOSES DANIELS Vhose Sole duty h is t0 read tho and held under a charge of 'rYPT nnu i t " ; entire press; of the world and ,naPPm' despite the fact that Mr. A U JJ rL. LUDCaiL Udn in Pa. -is, whith-'r ih.-v w.-iv hastili .vuruMKin.-d yesterday, eon "f.rrin.r with IVenner IJ,,yd ;e.ru- on military and naval to.-ittfi m eonnretion, ij U b,.Ii..v sea re h rnr ruifiitinTioi -P,. -. rvin' airl hp hsui ir.u-.. L A. V.IXJ ililfll - '- - - ill f X V lit. Washington, Jan. 16. Rear . well as legal opinions recrardino; Prosecute him. ! Washington. Jan. 16. An ei- 't'd ,wih conditions in s.mthwest :urt to Onntr about a now-iarrisan Asia. ;. . , ... ... ,. .. ttrar.weii as lSgal opinions regardina ' t!",,lC'1 0 jAdm,ral s, whose lttr to Sec the- possibility of tbe thm,t,,,,d .. , . , . K "'"".V uis.:iaun trial iietuaUv takina -pine... nrnilllin nr lfnuri .,- m imto! i.r.,trt to b pre -mg the .listinguishe.1 sorviw ' t-, - , .' HhU Kfl M Up Knl Si- i - i. Wfore it came , medal warded him ,. ,,,, . '"' "-K.a,w has "lve j nLblllflLU UL lU1fL1l ith today -s ,.nit,,l se.- iitated a nrnvrsv over " the ,llUt a"d 'V'p'" 'awards ,, wr., !.. "UltS.m ,uss of th sliSht'' : ,1. t..u. . ; "".;dt,",s coueemmg this obsession, iaetion looking towar-d ratifieation ,, t-i.,tt . ' -uetans concerning- this obsession, i , Wi lllc ()J . -"-p. ' with 1 " ' 11 ! ,t u,i.tox iicie niittel iai. f ol -iho eleeted -overrent of 'those to appear before the Senate' ,'" J; " , Peically a; Chicago, Jan. .16. Reginald Dei.n. to .-all a eonfeivnee of allj l"u ' 'tv I'or t! u.h republic- agrinst tlie sub-committee todav- monomama, be admitted to por-: Kov,?n American operatic com- friends of the Treat v without r, Annniea. Kn.ia .d a d EHd! sitaniaee of an in-; Chairman Hal, amiouued t,u "t ,T ! f -d conductor, died here speet to panv or the pur,,,, V- - ' 1 Hn.d.o,,, lt,l : m- of peace- eML-.vred .hu ?:A Six-s- -,ri " ' " ' '" 'l 1uVjU- !-arI.V today of apoplexy. wln-ther it will be ..ossih!, ll as r-! ' Fh-r-e,- :ii'llU,';' !i ,he P!0UfSt- -r:Monv to take two days ' : H' ho1 dt- Middietowie : i.o a-reP ,,a reservation whi- i, ;- -;,Pl - a.al flenoa as in Ko-,..- hui rhe meeting of the I ' JDlHjy PflOD miMlK Cmi- ln 1863 -ato, mav be willing lo J5,it lUU " '-'i.Mas atter Lev' hd , Ui kMLlflH ! 1 RUL .IT nnnSA r, ST iirnai Ma s,,.,... u-.. 'M-.-.tisoj- rate dm-in,.- t!,.. .... :l::t..!';iz.T:::;:!- j,m,r' nnnar niioicurc UlLO 111 bniuHbU louen. oi Oklahoma, J)e ,a,. ! W TH HFR f I 7FNQ iiiiii iik.ii ui 3 3tl!IU These Senator have underla'.. i' Ann-i iea. Knyla d ;i: d ;-'hont halv le "h-- .1'ofeiifii i'llici-'. FRENCH DENY IIEFOBT DF SAILORS liillY mmm lAKL IT RnnKY IT mm n mmmw umin i . Ont OF OUtSSA .j-,,,,, SUPPORT POINGAIRF nasie. .ian. lb. Odessa, the reiary of the Woman's Club of . P '"d .ijjply .-ndit D-uioej a! ie 1 ' !' Port of Kuia on the lilaek h'oekV Mount, trulv savs in' Z Pa'"!- 'jaiL 1. Premier r.'leiu- Senators who uiii u likewio. P ! ''" ; ' i:as been oeeumed bv PoC roiinein- th ,,m,;n(, " r. uu,'lA4im tola-v i,nnollneed ,h;it hi is planned to hav,. tbe.t. ivo I,r,!" !; Mlts v.- !-. n I: i - -'-'ixaxitij,i!.iiviil . i - - Senator Ken von aerecd nam,- eijrht Ieiubliean S.-nator-wh- will participate in sneh a eon fen-Mi---. ;,,,,( Senator Owen i - d hv Koi i.nvHMti, n;:,.;u 'l'nmm to'la' .nounced that In- is olanned ro h:,v.. l, -i- vii-i. according to newspa,,er S. obbo "speak toth pe0ule oi .TUld withdraw as 'tul idaP- for Senators formulate the eai! fo. h-v lisuit.he. ,-eeived here. seeiion at the R-kv Mourn 5l'es,dlle" oi thJ r,ll,h- '- the eoniVrenee and ,o dir-.t . - r, ' i ranee and asked his uooorter .-w.im-;,- i , , Pr Opia lious-' on Saturdav. Janu- , T, . . a'nvj!l''s aionr hnes that nu-h: Jan. lo- The repor' , --m- Ii ier.ij iil H re J 5. 'VI nmm Mill!! h h P H v i n i -rwaalMr - ! !i fc. W . 1 i:-;.. JSerJin that Freueii a i r i .-... - i ' . i r. t . . ...... 1 '! a i. Toidoh. ;he mikta.is poi- ! an-'-. t.aVc n,-, beel'i COV-tirm i'd mi iduu rt.lative tl djv.M-d.-!- there hav; " 'i ar Mcr'ill-s. ' -'. r i o e c i f ' llli-l'leil. i j o ok oi , j o, i , f -1 M ;, i) U" rait- duri tin- ;; i- Hie:., yvm, t; I... no f,,,. tourls. Hotels , all Ihe !. c,'e ale iTii in iiV:'''i,v ,r el ;P I ' i en s. i - . .-1 i . . ! I ; :.' ! : ' ; a " 'a da 1 ' I ; i a J I re .'lik ! i -i v. . ...... I- ! MOW ! ITT H r imniaey it i-uiuir I !m eaH a f - j i ; he.oi -'!' iioo-- on - a i ui it.-, a v . aami- , 4 Ti . , ,; v . . Ti-. . . l'i..ii.i...t I ) ,-. i ....... ;j'7' J4. it is needless to eo into , . 1 1 1 ,l 'mpi omi i ... , . 1 ,J re-ejeeuon. expat nation or who and what M- ,. C'obb is."" so in stating his eomin-r' Senators Kei,yM! aed Owe,, ,.- ei.ied that n would be b-too- jua to have Senators Lode. Hindi and l'mierwoo take car! jr '" Vy' a"d rn u n iei pa ;,n: ! eit i,.s ha d !. e.s-d i , find vle-p,.,-'h" pe,pu!ain.,i thai h.t- ihe. p CLIEiifiEbELEGTlllPl r U. S. NUUHNES REPEL VV -i h . 1 1 1 i-t , . i . 1 .. it I t . . . .1. .. 300 HAITIAN BANDliS - t . . i . . . asnmion. aan. ih. nvesti- i.. .,... x....... -I'.'i r I'.'i e ostei n .Norm l tiro ;:';":f (' til- reeein special eiec- !iuiai:s to hav- so eniineiir a,,,.. Uoo m t he ninth Vrtetli Po wli.M : ...... .... ! -t . . : . -. . ' "Vr'll -l' ' f VVashinirton ijej-eiiee. The jii-eV-ile tl i's e.v(aini d i rier in w'ii( neh Piyde I'loey. this n-irire 43 SUMS ONLY nr pTrMrn rwniT 00,0 .-.,:,. , oeat eonsiU son who does not kn 0, SlEfeiEB ArHiQUE :;;:;:j,!j;;:":r,i',i':i:' ?u- o. . writmu-s, out to set- i ... Vf! a i 1 I 1 I L - - if: ' States Marines and llaitien en an. i ti.---, iiiTcfi , . o 1 : 1 e: 11 it 1 11 1 i e 'lie e il o tiiese Senators. I! v'ard a eon, prom ise h i n je.-, i , , . Ian. Pi. So I' ' he 17 1 on i ; Al'i '-pie. wi ' the Pa ef I " i".' ; ' ! h- ,(l . v.- ):) T , i .4'. ....... ! 1,.!,.. At f. -' - i! : . l:i)fL ' f! .Illlftl M. 11....... 1 . ?' . .' 1 ,N u"-'-P reaon- per- darmarie vest en I;, v ;,o . " ' '-'at!- Jio'ut,!...d!.. is belli- etmsnl son wht, does ,i know sonn-Pd t, , , 1, , r, P" ' !hip. and rivalry ,1.1 tU , 1 , ... attack on Port au I'rmee. t V Mai- -t o tin- lit' u.nnn-an etm-res- ttn- hvn, P.d.t, .-.! ..n;,,,,.-.., i.; . situation. ....c. .....jv,,, ui tltfl) eanatntal. I.v :WJ bandies. I .... . 1 - r " nim iaee jo t ,f f , , flat trina w v. 1.,,.. ,. a; ,,. . .. .. . . . - " - .eii. w onnaeu to- eainin eo -rn P'esoj.ally Uiarine onlv were wounded. .ia-nars lo.-!;;' had " '' . I ode-',. ,iae;- 'i.-iore tipenino ;)' ike war I, now ,;, sntl.nno ;(; , x-.-oiN j,, 1,,. o-rouiiiw itaiU. Tlna-e ai" 1 n-.-i (.-, ,,. rs i ...(.,M, ! ';tr anythiii" hnt Italian p- k-n di h.dels. a-:-l h--ai Poi do- -a e) N ... ; , i; j , i. x ? I I 1 ' ! d . ! - oadiiievt ,!. - . Ii, d "..d-!).' l W! inhahila.io-. I'm: jM , u 'i i'i's" 1 ta Pie eouiiait ' ee. said Fo COTTON MARKET. thai i k;MV. the man i'e !i!:ai iH'T'Sl!''!! :ioid lw in-.d.. w it!! 1 ... 1 lllill' J 'Mil 1 1 1 ' 1 O I .illt!lta. ' ' . . ' 11 1 1 p v vt i ,nu , : . M t r"mi" ;;h"r 'h'tf,"ie--s lawyers had winter mouths. W- hot)e llu,ny 0 Onr idea ot' a imnoeeked i,s- lav " d-n!ed whether the committees our p.'oph- will take advatdat,.- of band is-bm. o sond thought .h.lv " I ! tm-y. w hen !... M;i v Avpnoit. o; Kranet- i!ie r-i nd ea pi F a 1 id' Pi .; : ie; .l.-b' .,;id oeeonie a d e. ;) , I ruin :J,'-,M 1 P ';, PhOdO inhahiiai'K. 'i to i,a ve r'iinds mav be letrallv t'r tie p'Lifjose of inijiiirv. xpend.-d Mr. Cold,, heine: so near to us. a::d :L' Tb :,t e and hear him. 1 m m n & IT8"! rf&4 1 Ua'e Uri ulea r.v.ie a-.rain. We ha V" to o-o Jdoliep Cotton Seed. Sid'' '' aieohol h. ....T-. !,'!.,. v.dds- dl lo) inil no, not ii a j'ter e! inr 1. IV" ' :83 J"a sa V Si?. .v?a seast-1 ft .l "' ife w m f5i dised for -ladie liquors for aer I , I 1 h a : ;!,; 111 . , ; ) i ;:!.--' - l s I , "la laiom - i.nedialf of o)le oer etoO d id-.i,. . ... ,..,!.... I - - j .....I U'.l V.;U! tl 11 i ! , ! tb.e unlaw! id sab- of intoxicants j medicinal uses, under rest ne ed - 1 . I ' ill I'l as : i 1 I : e S n' 1 1 1 i ' i i . c i ' UilK oi- dtstroN'-d i t eriiio li i a i ui fa e 1 1! re oi' ; a por ; I'dus; rial and seienti.be uses. meid. Permit possession of iiouor ii; i ' ' v i s i o i : s ; , t;i;ri; states treasury. Pion.e m tnirehased before proh j'eciara unlawful the maiiu- . J ver? isiiuj- of Honor ity an auv oeveraire 'net bo pro ntntiet ' ! ' ! ' P a . a a n. P, '" Pi'eto'nuoi: P-.'Jhi'-. more, ot' aleoloal !,l Pa-.; . ( ', nisi j; utional prohibit io ' " (l' ' 'U.. ti ' a;; !, r--ef ivc at ndt!ni'ht toniotd attd I i iraos.;;o.-.a'o,- h" enforeemeiit jep:islation enact- vehicles 'and a;her pro.ertv t ;. ..!... I ! J . 1 .1 , . . . . alt" cStt. Bt ZZa amental and 'a -i a ;-e;- a nd driiu n s. aruns penall i-- f, :r , !,- fixed. ; fie UiOSI S"ere iiein-J deohoi HUH Ji:;.- and t v. o --ar impr v a aei: o' n p roi a i d a : : 1 a me, 1 1 na) pu rpoe. . ' e;. i ! ' t '-.-. .. of 1 I J J sliitl aaPj eal'P l)eeel,lber j!i ill t l i 1 '..I... .-.. .... ... a,.. V.. II. ... .11.:. , ' v 1 "t' ue jiMiou - sou, anu p:"e.-e(s paid imo; i o f ion neea nn- eft'eei i v a' Ptal 1 in resnh',,, . i It (lire o! eosjtainbi-: (;n--hali' of ee u l 1 1 r nau-e uf a h-oh - d . 'I'Vvi'.aiN )rohituP ! ). u,,e par t b-i ii, i manufad ure at house presrri linu' ab-oholie lipu,, iisa d. non-m! aixieai . jaf lent unless ir. e.nod fad U I'I'I'I' i'lllKll' 1 t . 0-- peisona! ui"' e?der and p-itd ird d in a o j a ; o : of l:i r noeon ouisaiieo.. i i a i a ! i e a a- .na- ' ! J i ds b a j - a sneh. ' ,aw iea: arch an 1 i eiUre i-' o,Y..;-. en pnui i in i i e en foreejae,, ees. While beiie-.- b ill afford r-'lief from ' ! e : : : -' a t a-a t an e ' ' is oot defined ailnietd. Xot more 1 h a . oe.. : d a i a lira IP-, t he tern, intoxieat -. a n be prest-ph- d in an' moid h ' i ' " w i n vi 11 I . 1 In- I . n- t i v. .... t'. . i. '.T. 'ii.-..iT .f ... HI ' l' III'. II! '''! '-il' . nedpaP' of tin nereent a' move ('ompjet i 'lie j IH i'S n . eeords Louisville, Kv.. .La1. P. K Mieky d.istjbM-s sd-j a,. id -.-v.-from ' millioi; ealbm 0f Honor top, fo;- tin- as, day b"for '': ,rv p i oh j hp : ot ; " - a : : 'a ' ; . ast ,. t!-d die' attemp: to . Las: u'a'ifi.da 'in . );. 1 .'.op-' 'J VP' id ! - 'a- ' . d o.e .,. P. '- aa !!" t OlP't Of oOe'-es Vo,d.j sa a !'-1 i no- p;-. . j, '' PP i w; Pa- Sliiu'-ii.i- ''"!:: ; "la - e ' ' 1 . s 1 i ; 1! ' ' i a : j , ; , d U i 1 j . e --P- l , . . I . . e:P - : f aleo.jal. eludine' nomas of iii'-an."- P- );,; t ' i -1 ,1 ; j P ) . . i .a' ",,, " . . . o I : ! ee .e-'i a t

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