minimum si mm. a IF YOU ARE YOUNG Prepare for the unprecedented prosperity that "recon straction" will bring Attend an accredited school and go Over the Top v in the business world. Everybody endorses vour prospects fur succnto ai i A multitude of Boc keepers, StenograDuers anr Tvnists a-e wantt-H -bv Bank Mills, Railroads, and otner largf corporations at attrac tive salaries. KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE RALEIGH. If . O CHAJO.OCTE, N. C a a "WHEN YOU WANT THE BEST Go to Scotland Neck's Leading Restaurant D D D D Q O D D n D Q a a Q u a a a Q a a THE iXIE AFE First class meals served also soft drinks, Fruits and ci gars. Give us a call. Yours for business, McRGAN & CAMPUS a a a n aanoiiao fHHMH uillilllll,llMMllillllHWriIIMtllllHnljRtHMIIH1K OOOOOOOCrCOOOOOOOOOOOOOO&OOOOOOOOOCOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOtti I j - ' ' VSt fefe WRITE FOR fiC6 J Ail :K -m . njt tUK Harris & Kwing. HON. A MITCH ELL PALMER. TRUSTEE'S SALE ed real estate, lying, beiii and situate in Palmyra Township, ..By virturc of power rested in County of Halifax and State of mc by that deed of 'trust exetfut- North Carolina, to-wit : ed to lne on the 28th day of Feb- That land familiarly known as ruary. by W. II. Holland, I "White's Mill," containing five will, oji Saturday, teh 17th. day of acres, . together with all its water April, 1920. in front of Burroughs privileges. Pittimm - Wheeler Company's This the 16th. day of amh, Store, in the town of Scotland 1920. Neck, North Carolina, at 12 J. II. Alexander, Jr., o'clock, sell to the highest bidder Trustee, for cash, the following describ- S. A. D'unn, Attorney. GUARANTEE IE. after using entire contents of the can according to direc tions, you are not satisfied tn every respect, your grocer will refund the money yu pgidforit. I Li Breakfast , luncheon, dinner- We Sell The 7 rh f at even? meal a winner; do oq old Luzianne. HowuoujI hanker fhrit steainin hot uou oour it:-dood old Luzianne. The flavor lingers louder, 'cause the tin can keeps it sfitJiider-good old Luzianne. Goes llvice as Ta r c . coffee Wm.B.Reilw 6 Co. inc. New Orleans' Angle Steel Feimce PostSo Come and see them and you will he convinced that this is the post to use. a Mm niaraware i r.-5 NOTICE I?. It iove. hi n l 8 TO EVERY EMPLOYER: Put yourself in tlie employe's place, think his thoughts, note his needs and then do lui'to him as you would, if positions were reversed, live him do unto vou. S3 y & 5? We have in transact 1 car of "TITEHOLD SELECT" Red Cedar Shingles, wliich will arrive here in about 3 weeks. Place your order quick with S. L. Strickland or E. A. Allsbrook We sell cheaper because we sell for cash. s K H g 5t S rir 2 "The Hardware Hustlers'- H 1 a igh and Low Shoes For Easter TO EVERY EMPLOYE: lear in mind that in accepting pay from your employer, you are by that very fact binding ourself to a moral obli gation to work to your inility, and that if you fail to do so you are robbing your emplower of what he has brought and mi arc robbing yourself of a -clear consciescc and of moral integritv. J. H. ALEXANDER. JR.. Cashier. HUGE JOHNSON, Asst. Cashie 'A WW n k Chandler Automobiles IN STOCK READY FOR DELIVERY IN HALIFAX COUNTY. WE MAINTAIN AN EXPERT SERVICE STATION AND CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF PARTS FOR FOR THIS CAR AT AliL TIMES Write or wire R. 0. PURVIS for demonstration Chandler Sales Co, 225 Tarboro Street, Rocky Mount, N. C. S -55 S3 3 Do Yovi Need A ewing M achine ? Another shipment of the Celebrated "Free" has arrived. Come in and see us about one. We offer them on very liberal terms. A beautiful line of Deltox Grass Rugs also here for your inspection, also Wiltons, Axministers, Taps and Matting Rugs. 1 A 53 S3 ' K & U 3 S K c. K ' . H rJ. il 'i a titer Amid G m B mercaa. aintk err to t . err; Ei err Here is a Shoe Store to meet the! smart New Spring Footwear. Pump; Oxfords and Boots in styles and qual ities and the styles here are exclus ive distinctively individual In the most fashionable leathers. ,17 pi m D errv- w earners Dee Shoe Store Next Door to Josey Hardware Company PHONE 200. 'The Home For Savings" PER CENT Paid On Savings Accounts ir. ooaanQonannnnnnooDnaDonDdao D a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Stop Look Listen VULCANIZING PLANT Our plant enables us to fix Blowouts, Rim Cuts, Stone Bruises and snags of any kind. Call around to see us Let us inspect your tires and save your 'tires and save you money and give you more mileage, All Work Guaranteed. Satisfaction is our success. 2 D EC D D D D a a a D a a a a a a a a a MjspmG 111 OUTFIT A GOOD "FRONT IS THE BEST BACKING A YOUNG MAN CAN HAUE. IT HELPS HIM SOCIAL LY AND IS A NECESSITY TO SUCCESS IN BUSIN ESS: BECAUSE - WHEN YOU LOOK SUCCESSFUL YOU CAN GET OR HOLD A JOB. YOU OWE IT TO YOUR EMPLOYER TO BE WELL DRESSED. BE DRCSSED WELL. THEN WORK HARD RND AS SURE AS THE SUN RISES YOU WILL RISE IN THE ESTIMATION OF THE MAN YOU WORK FOR AND HE WILL PROMOTE YOU, RAISE YOUR PAY AND SOME DAY OFFER YOU A PART NERSHIP. WE HAUE THE TONY CLOTHES AT THC LOW PRICE. Burroughs-Pitfman-Wheeler Co. 5 i it H. F. ROUSE At DIXONS MACHINE SHOP annisannnannnannonnanmnnnBnnnacsnonnDcca a