LEATHER REPORT for North Carolina Lccal showers m-ooa: fo-i- q A' ' , ' - , ' . - ' " uv,eib Piooa..v to.agrit and- Saturday moderate winds mostly southwest. nl TT TT ESTABLISHED SINCE 1882 AFTERNOON DAILY ALL THE NEWS IN A NUTSHELL" Four O'Clock Edition Scotland Neck, N. C, Friday, July 2, 1920 Telegraph Service yjV4i-- Price Two Cents E WOR NTIQN HAS 1MPDRTA I STILL TO ftCCOIf L It Looks as if a big Floor Fight Over Prohibition will take place Bryan and Colby to speak half hour on this LABOR PARTY HOLDS JULY 11-13 GDNCLAV Sunday The First Day will be Given Over to Hearing Speeches R. G. SHELL EDITOR TARBORDSOUTHERHER Resigns As Secretary Of Chamber Of i Commerce " FIGHT OVER LEAGUE NATIONS FIVE YEARS IN NORTH DAKOTA o Sn ina-i, July 2.-Beliind ". BEST CHOPS IN (iild tllOM uuin-ituui ,,. till ahead of the convention re- sunied it sirring ai ten u ciucix ;.,v w iiea i" rhe report oi the ;latform committee and face the ievitable floor fight over the i-L.liihitioii question as well as n.l.alily fights over the League I Nations and Irish question. rj'iK' mltlUlgiH enoriN u iv.Mnprv- diftVreuces over the-wet and jury iwie m platform the com- Wee faced aim announced uie question would be fought out 011 r. r tool- of the convention. 1.7 a-! Y.cv the program agreed upon, ll'.n.iii will present Ins side m a jpctT:: limireil to thirty minute ! nd K.-creUiry 0f State Colby will Jj-rt'seut rue- committee managers l is side in-another thirty min utes. Brvai'i attempting to pet in u bone dry plank- Ar- can'-fu.eut xor speecnes nowever lies not confine' the discussion to I -J TO MEET IN CHICAGO CAN DO MORE GOOD A 'MONUMENT CLE iv i E i j G Fa II B FEET H10 AT THE VENDEE Francois Sicard The Sculptor is it out of Hard Burgindian Stone Chisellin- Chicago, 111., July 2. The pro j 'Riv R- G-. Shackell. secretary of gram of the convention of tie .the Edgecombe Chamber of Corn Labor Party of the United State.-, merce of Tarboro since its organ to be held in Chicago, July 11 t ization several" months ago, has 13, is announced by secreatry resigned from that obdy and has ! Frank J. Esper. assumed the editorship of The j The fisrt day, Sunday, will be Tarboro Southerner. ! given over to hearing addresses' Mr. F. V. Farris, who has been from various organizations- connected with the paper for , These include the Friends ol : 'some time, tendered his resigna 'Freedom for TnrHn flip Prnnn. tion a seditor. nn Julv 1. The Labor S ltuation tional Representation League-, ! With Mr. Shackell at the helm Has Improved j and the American Friends ot we predict that The Southerner - Irish Freedom. GovernorLynn will succeed m every particular Greatly !J. Frazier, of North Dakota is'A-s he is a rare business judg- GROUP WORK POILERS AROUND -o j Paris, July 2 Clemenceau is shown at the front, standing n the edge of a trench, with his friends the French poilus below 'and about him. in the monument to be erected his native coun try. th T" ?arly next year. i oicard, the scrulptor. Packers Must Dispov vVfmng the group work out XF lot hard Burguridian stone. Un- lneir ilOlaingS HI finished, the work is already said to visualize with great character. CATTLEMEN MAY OWN PART IN STOCKY'DS IF THEY DESIRE IT 2 Years I scheduled to speak in behalf of meut, and a journalist of distine- WAGES ARF HIPH the NonPartisau League. It s tiQn- VjIL -IH, niVjIl regarded by secretary Esper a His many friends in Scotland very probable that the Labor eck 30m The Commonwealth m Minot, N. D., July 2. For the Par f Canada will be renrc- wishing him success in his new tirst time m five years indications seilted by fraternal delegates, undertaking. point to good crops in Northwes- The Nonpartisan League will ' : tern North Dakota, according to be represented bv fraternal deie- nAnniim Mill I nr reports received here by bankers. gfttefl but win not participale HUKlJllLlI WILL UL Heavy rains of the past few weeks otherwise' in the convention, Max nrnTm nfllirillinn have given good impetus to grow- s IIayes of Cleveland, chairman; ILtll til bUVLKNUK mg grains and crops are in. ex- of thfi National abor ?arty will j eellent condition, the reports say. preside. ' ' : ' . Com acreage m . the Northwes- TSrominations for president ,' and ; We notice that friends and UNDERRULING OF U. S. he scene so often pictured of the old "Tiger," mentally and al most physically, fighting for France. . El Puso, Texas, July 2. A .The Premier's figure stands tern Dart oi! the . state, hankers . v j? ' U' 1 u1' " r h number of per-J - - .tcc-presiueiu art jsneuuiea 101 .auwi j-o ui ai uix 1 V '. ' J ; -;4 ' i-eiiasatejmn.- increased 3b -TnesdjTv--if th (.nnvpur.'nri tiPir are-vv busy distributiWlitera- c truing 0 spea ' 1 lair- o 4Q pe!;eent QVer past seaS0ns rAv fn apt. Platform i aTsfi ture in behalf of the above nam- ian r.'coirmzes tliem. it is oft- i.m- ' i - ' ... K uiiv. a large percentage 01 nax to bc adopted then- ed gentleman s candidacy tor also has been sown. , . Governor. The labor situation on North : , . j Accofdincr to our way of think- iaKoua iarms nas improvea inin 1 ll I mi V !msr, although we may be wrong, IIILL UUL UI1LI liev-jd that to das session may last f:;r itito the night with a 1 net recess foi dinner.' "VVhetJi fh;or baUles will be ended i tinif To take un the balloting 1. a nominee before the conven 011 would have to quit from ;eer exiiaustion wa a question. greatly and in the opinion of " United States employment offi cials here there will be no lack of labor in the harvest fields. 25 CENT PIECES than literature to elect Mr. Mor rison, for when the ballots are counted, it will be found that Many inquiries Have been receiv-' Dawson, Y T., July 2. Though Max Gardner has been elected by ed fr.om persons in . the east who luxury tares call . for small .coins an overwhelmingly majority. wish to work on North Dakota the Yukon Department League . committee composed of membe rs ; eight feet high. Be is,, as si from the Panhandle and South- ! ways in the war dajrs, wearins western Stockmen's association ! the .loner.- loosr overcoat and the has been appointed to investigate. ! soft, clouchily crumpled hat. the practicability of part owner- j leaning on a cane. His face is ship of stockyards, particularly ! toward the enemv. his eves wai those at Kansas City and Fort eking the horizon, following indi Worth, by cattlemen- " I cations given him by a seated ov- Under a recent ruling of theificer wit maPs beside llim- u United States Attorney General, packers must -dispose, of-their in terests in stockyards within two years, &.nd this will create an op portunity for the cattlemen 10 acquire the stock if they desire it. AIRPLANES OSED IN his right are grouped soldiers and in the trench below are more of the men in the ranks, looking with, mingled astonishment and admiration at their Minister of War. The scene is said bv critics to ; be vividly natural, rough ana mndy but heroic and full of the color and character of war da vs. Siiii Francisco, July 2. Res'5- itl.... i -i . . .1 i . " : ; 1 ; uldLieQ farms during the harvest. The has rejected a proposal to intro- LARGE CROWD HEARS n't !uu iH'iore uie eonveniior. '(inv tiii" .-itlonfion (if a pnnflify t th convention is regardeii GARNER AT GASTONIA 'i usual number of college students duce dimes and nickels into local are expected to be in the fields; circulation. Dawson never has many inquiries have already'been had any smaller coin than the Gastonia, July 1. Three thou received from them- Wages be- iwentv-five cent piece and .will sand and more North Carolinians j campaign of the members of the! ELECTION CAMPAIGN OENTAL SORCERY HELPS INSANE ing paid by the farmers now are unusually high ' ertaiu. Irish svmnannzers ionjr tlie-dflegates were servea "tiff that they seek to have that !ank rewritten to include a flat '"cla rat uu were a diplomatic rr- 'gnition of the Irish Republic. "t,:,!- o.MKVi'ly defeated in his ei ! "" to iorc.. a bone drv declara- "u 1:i' thv committee stmcturr- December 32.75 Winnipeg, Man., July 1. Air-j planes, used for advertising pur-! poses, will feature the election COTlx4 MARKS!' adhere to it-- HUNS WAN T ARMY Julv : 38-33 October 35.05 j 1 OF MEN largely irom Gaston county, but j Manitoba government,, who will with large delegations from Ru-jseek re-election under ths leader therford, Mecklenburg, Cleveland 'ship of Premier Norris this sum- and other nearby counties, well represented, heard Lieutenant Governor O. Max Gardner define his ideals -and aspirations in his race for the Democratic guher- mr. This unipue method of- con ducting electioneering is . new Mnd is claimed by officials of the Norris government to be the first attempt to use it ...in the world. St- Joseph, M., July 2. Ex periments in the application of dental surgery to treatment for insanity are being conducted in the No. 2 Missouri hospital for the. insane, here, according to Dr. (Jt. E. Ford and Dr. Walton" E. Taylor, Several St. Joseph den tists and a throat specialist are conducting the research, accord ing to the announcement. Edward Brown. Provincial Trea- surer in the present cabinet, re-; A" staff fnr lnntal zfw'ur in thr ' ,u ynnouneed his rrai'DO.se oi 'January . . 31 .26 1 Pac .Tni a.n,ar natoril nomination here tonight X a k 4 1 JL CI A lOj J UL - J L U V- . V . .i.t ii- c? wiu. the lattle on the floor.! March . 30.91) chancellor will insist .& Spa con- Mr. Gardner stated ... that al i,!so ,lad several amendments . LnataTA Herman armv nt tliough he had' oeeii the victim of.centlv took a flight, over Winni- ' ti'.C i'DIIMnittof nliinlrc -v rT- Rni-mWioan nnVilin r-rrn r tyi -it- l-ivn:!,. -i -i -i . i j o nni il el in nfin o a a m t-i a '. rpn li r. tit . 1 ' , ,1 ,.,.,1 1,: 1 C ... 'State llOSpitalS, tile ddltlStS Say, i""" iu !"- iipuwjn.un I'"""- Cv,unum y j . L1 i - Wr 1 1 i Tl f! T ? fl TIP reSTrlCLlOll OX ci muu.nuipiuf, Lumuipu - i I ' v . r Ultti fA IJ1 X: .eil. H1X11SC1JL , . , - the territories now occupied by surer ot victory tonight than ai highly delighted with the possi ble Allied troops and deducting an7 tinTe since the beginning of bilities of airplanes in the cam the cost of alllied occupation from! tlie second primary campaign paign. amount renarations due accora-'IIc' assured his friends that from; Two machines are already en- vlnt to the convention, he ad- dexl p "false pretense. Another lid init diselose- them.- plank discussed "a shocking dls- .ference nex week upon "f1 (''t!iinittee platform vas sil- closure . of he .lavish, use of ut 'n the prohibition enforce- raonev" by candidates for Re t. It Mas a long document publican Presidential nomination I'- ti.,,, . . ii -i -i t i e -i j i it . w ; - . seven uiousana. words, and tne conviction, oi tne . ae? ijno to Berlin advices. ltort-s to produce brief emphatic publican senator" from Michigan !(i at outset by the- wide paign expenditure laws. HNmH nllul vUllH nl.i ,4 ,fl ll.l , I I 111 U 1 1 UUIII IIIIII the every " A 1 Ij.l ..1 wnn tne result tnat tne experi mental work is "at the expense of the men engaged in the work Tlie institution does not contam -i 'Ki el 1 'v.. ,.C - i it ore, labor, soldier re- San Francisco, July 2. The'de- 1 a score of domestic lay of the platform committees s The forecast was . a to report has caused hundreds of itdoisitig the League of delegates to become impatient and I!: !(.;. I'lfstioii lank e 1 tl , . 1: 'y of a world peace. Tlie the report- They 'fear a dead- 1'iank was merely renewed lock In balloting and. don't want 1( the expressions of the the 'convention to run beyond to- ''-!: !(' l);l)'t-v cvmnafliT itrith m -itt-itt Arrvfin o t" AT thp T1 nTYlIll PP lsi' aspirations for self gov- begins immediately after the ''a,! senate for having stood move to shorten the discussion on "'Vl '"l!l(H ;'? I The Mex 1 ican plank platform adoption, unless a rr- 1000 TONS PRINT PA- city, village, hamlet, hill gaged in the enternrise. Thev ! (lei,tal el"ipmct, nor X-ray, nor :.side and valley throughout the will touch at least one town in las h ever 1,ad such c-iuipmenc : length and breadth of the old every constituency. Campaign smc'e Jt Vv'as established .in 1874. 1 North State came the word that literature will be dropped from doctor Ford, said, 724 patients ; the drift was undeniably toward1 the airplane as it circles over the have been treated. Sufficient i his candidacy, based 0n tin-'town- After landing, the govern- ""provement has been noted in a square deal issue and that he ment supporter in the machine llum.ber.of -patients ta convince ! would be nominate bv a major-! will address the' crowd that'o-ath- tlie .researchers - that-. Avith . . state DUA PU Q P A 71 1 jity-which woul'd surprise even' his -era to meet it. Supporters of co-operation they 'could effect a ILll nLnUn Dnn.IL jmost optimistic friends- This de-;Premier Norris are enthusiastic radical improvement in the cohdi- V ' claration was met Avith a roar of over the scheme. .on L many of the patients. Rio De Janeiro, July 1. What applause which nearly lifted therj The machines at present en-' Doctors Ford .and Taylor, ex is said to be the first Finnish ceiling from its moorings gaged display an appeal urging plained that in their work they steamer to enter this port has ar Following a, long trip fromvoters to support the present gov- were following jthe lead of Dr. rived here, the Garryvale. of the Wilson, Mr. Gardner stopped en ernment ' Henry .A. CotVon, medioil direc Finland Transoceanic company, i route at Belmont where he atten-1 tor of the New Jersey State hos - Of more interest to newspaper ded a ball game and was the re- " ; pital at Trenton, who had devef oAvners hoAvever, AAas the cargo cipient of round after round ofj Mr. and Mrs. J. A McDowell oped and tq. a considerable degr-e; 1.000 tons of print paper from applause. ' arrived Wednesday night from, substantiated a theory of rela- Of lwnr ori,.o talk 1 " V A1V (( 11 V V V L 1 1 VI 1 1 1 L l . I V Cll V. jl y to le recognized Avhen it of taking "one or two ballots so Scandinavia for local delivery . Mr. Gardner arriA'ed in Gastoix-; their honeymoon and they are tion between diseases of teetn ' ability to maintain or- as to get a lineup of, the the dele-lThe shortage and consequent ,ia at 7:30 o'clock, ate supper and staying at Miss Ajjnie Dunns 1 no signified to Adllihgriess gates then tike a rcss in order high price of print paper is 1ht proceeded to the court house in-: . : Ulf"t. nd oiiT.r v, TTon'mK mflnawra mlmftst important ouestion confront- mediately thereafter! The Lieuv-'final sneech in the camoaign In Doctor Cotton maintains, produc- , .-"ununai uuiigabiuu.s, aiiuvv in-' u I u.a . i J j j i. . j '-J - III' . .. . j n - - - - and tonsils and insanity? Germs incubated bv such irregularities, Protect freigners claims of plan for the final drive. ing Brazilian newspapers 'enanf Governor will make hi Reidsville tomorrow night. insanity.

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