LEATHER REPORT for North Carolina-West Portion showers tonight and Wednesday East portion showers probably late tonight and on Wednesday except fair on th coast tonight, winds- TUT inl La M ESTABLISHED SINCE 1882 AFTERNOON DAILY ALL THE NEWS IN A NUTSHELL" Volume X. No, 73. Four O'Clock Edition Scotland Neck, N. C, Tuesday, July 6th, 1920 Telegraph Service Price Two Cents mm BURG Mil LEADS ha MOEY HIDDEN NER BY ODER 8000 VOTES The Suffrage Question is Thought by Many The Cause Of Gardners Defeat IN SHOES AND CLOTHES EFFORTS TO RECOVER LDTOBE MADE SHIPS 60 Had Only Two Shillings aitd Three Pence in English Money IS OPINION OF EX. GOV. KITCHIN J $1,110 IN U. S. GOLD o- Tliis morning s papers gave ! . t : i. . . 4- k-.mil primary over uieuuuuuib joor. Gardner as more than eight thousand votes with returns more itvS complete from 95 counties l,nt enough to give him a good majority however they may be. This assures Mr. Morrison the Governorship of the great state f North Caoliua for with his knowledge of politics ability to meet the best the republicans can send out as well as their plans and OPIUM BEING DROWN DESPITE STRINGENT TIT Lying in The Wreck Of British Auxiliary Cruiser COX. OF THE FORTY- FOURTH BALLOT WAS SUNK BY MINE Nomination Was Made Unanimous . Manager Of McAdoo Forces By London, July 6. A Pole named Pictr Talla, travelling from America to Dantzig was taken ill 1 mer to recover the 4,000,000 ot M. recently in the Young Men's' gold still lying in the wreck of, Christian Association hut, Water- the British auxiliary cruiser loo Road, and removed to an in- Laurentic which was sunk by a mine off the mouth of Lough LAWS AGAINS ifirmary. He had only two shil lings and threepense in English j Swilly in January, 1917, while on money but. hidden in his clothing her way to New York. The bul- i- i J act a -in i n 4 1 -i ' t i i n ue iiau ten aonar goi-a pieces non is m oars eacn 01 wnicn is i and paper money to the value of worth 3.000.000 since has been Over 100 Opium Shops are $990- His shoes were found to be recovered. Iverv heavv and when thev were; TTn to now t.ha wpathpr has bppn i j xr - v -f - j photographed by the X-ray, unfavorable and, as the wreck Itwelve large coins presumably lies an exposed position, the 1 $10 gold pieces were found hid-' salvage work can be done only m jden between the leather and the the finest weather. It is expect - Located in Shanghai China Londonderry, Eng., July 6 j A IOI IRNRH AT 1 Af TUIC A Efforts will be resumed this sum- " x O . CI TT T AIR PASSENGER RATES F'" uummaiea ior president by the Democratic National convention on the 44th ballot at 1:40 o'clock this morning. en it became Evident that. ": ' would eret the 1 (require-1. ' - rfam D. Amidon, ot Many are Wondering iflK anaer of the McAd0 r ? muveu iiiai me vox nomi- ARE EXPECTED TO RE REDUCED SHORTLY The Day is Far Distant stock in argument it will be easy GOVT TO DESTROY IT Governor W. W. Kit- Shanghai, July 6. Opium is ailinir- Fl.i'llHT rhin is an easterner and ne adds being grown entensively in parts Lis testimony to the plenary and of Fukien evince despite the . law against it, according to a mission worker stationed at en ping. He writes to the Anti Opium Society : 'soles of each foot. overwhelming evidence that wom an suffrage was the undoing of Oanhier. Mr. Kitchin is a ratifl cationist. but not a suffragist. He Sva originally opposed ta wom ;m suffrage," albeit he would not have advertised it had he been running on fh ticket. .Governor Kikhin Ls-a Halifax nian-and Haft fax v.as for Gardner overwhelm- U. S. WILL RETURN ALL ALIEN PROPERTY ed that some blasting will be ne cessary to get at the comparr- , merits in which the gold was car ried. -The work is being done by the Racer, a salvage ship. LONDON-PARIS LIVE Washington, July 6. The At the city of Yungan, the amendment to the trading with headquarters of the Southern ' the Enemy Act passed by the re- , forces, I found they were grow- j eent session of Congress author-j ing opium extensively; even injjzes the return of $150,X)00,000 otj the grounds of the yamen rts?lf enemy l)roteordlng to es- tne ground was wmte witn poppy, timates of the Alien REFUSE TO SDRRENDER THEIR FIRE ARMS Berlin, July 6. There ; is a re- Paris, July the 6th, 1920. Early announcement is expect- jed of the reduction of passenger j rates for air travel between Lon don and Paris and many are won dering if the day is far distant when it may be cheaper to travel by air than by land and sea. At the beginning of the London Paris air service last year price for one way ticket on small fasi machines was 20 guineas and 15 (guineas oh the larger passenger Nation be made unanimous, tt carried in a roar of ayes and a crashing of brass bands. f After h demonstration lasting four min utes the convention adjourned until noon today when the Vice President will be nominated. T i I -Illlt-1 -I, V l j .i . n ,., 1 was told there were over lOUirwnAW nffW Th fP win " --c snips, it is now reported mat i c vfvtii" kj v , ln0ii t o Tm qt Trv oiiiTaii ri ai than a - . - A- inirly in the first primary. It 1 i i ' it. : mm ga .e uim a majuiiiy m a 0pium shops in the city licensed ' remain more than $350,000,000 in vote heaver the second time tnan for one dollar per night marled ; seized rt in the 'hands ot it TV'IW 1i flirt fll'wi 1 n .-m - - 1 .. . ...... places Ior tne breaking oi the that official. nut iNortnampton did uamner 0plim Jjbit ' "The milittary are forcing the people to plant the drug and no matter what the value of the crop ; may be, they are to be taxed a definite amount." the commonest trick of them all. The labor union issue cut no more issue there than the Five Points of Calvin Northampton was generated by Summer Bur irwyu, a worse yield-tononer than Under the amendment, the A. P- C," as the office is generally firearms, due to '"the legitimate 0 shillings desire to protect their homes J. Iri one recent week's flying against marauders", Minister of j more than 100 passengers were Agriculture Braun said to a carried in the London-Paris an Tageblatt representative- He ad- service and it is hoped that a r,- known in government circles, wiillded, however that a number of duction in price will increase thtr release property of several Amer- farmers have been storing arms mimDer of passengers- Therr lican heiresses who married foreign j deliberatively for subversive pur- have been an ever-increasing num j noblemen, property of the Ger-; poses," but he said these were ber-of inquiries for the service man embassy, enemy diplomats, j not as numerous as generally be- Dnt the price has discourageo many prospective passengers. Representative Redwine of Union : ver dared to be. Summer had the intellect of the easterner. The! all aliens who were interned,: the courage of both his convic- further fact that Gardner did not! citizens of new nations and states! tions and his emotions at the late confer suffrage on white or col-'created by the Treaty of Peact,, Hemocratic stat convention. He ored women, and that Morrison land women of allied or neutral went on the platform committee could restrict neither white nor j countries who married enemy sub- any organized outbreak in and on the bema of the conven- black women cut absolutely np.Jects. h'on. tearing both his hair and his ice. Those easterners were mad1 Americans who were held m "liirt in an effort to best suffrage, and boiling over. They swore Qermany- during the war and orrison was silent, not only to vote against suffrage J whose probertv here was taken let Northampton where Burg- themselves, but against all men vyn is known and Lis suffrage who were in favor of it. views are an open book, Gardner Of course no such campaign who polled 1,023 June 5, against will ever be conducted again; $9 for Page and 398 for Morrison meanwhile Morrison is nominated satiu-(iay got 838 to 985 for Mor- and Gardner is beaten. To win risou . Morrison gained nearly a nomination it has been ecessary f)0 iifnv votes and Gardner lost to advise his hostility to the H) of hi,s former supporters. President, "The Senator", the The second primary was such state, the national platforms- landslide in the act, -for Morri- But Morrison's majority is not sy that the gains from Gardner altogether a stag party. Tot oi 111 the west cannot overcome the ly did petticoated politics parti ad. The fight emphasis was eipate in the persons of Alf M. I "aecMl n suffrage everywhere. Scales, Frank Hobgood, Charley Tumult y discovering too late Hines, Will Everett and Josian propaganda agaiust suffrage William Bailey, the unbifurcated 1,ntheivd by the department man 'skirt took part. 1,1 the ,.ast. could do nothing to' The best help that Morrison stoP the anomlous activity. The has was Mrs. S. W- Summers 'ate hoard of elections was send-! She has more sense, political out reading matter which was sense than a half dozen Morrison Art . Vlc' to all men who disbelieved managers. She pulled more of ni snffVago to vote for Morrison. ' thp labor vote his way than Tl ' formula was this: The Su-'others did. Her father was a 'au IJ- Anthony amendment coxi-l Southern engineer and the Wea- i Mir ur r n r en r r pq etc n-rkrtvi ii t in dt,otaati inn ere in iti hh i i s i ti i I r? c x I lieved. "If the people only will keep their heads," Herr Braun said, "I do not believe there will be the near future. The rural situation at this time inspires confidence.1' HARDING HAS SPEECH ACCEPT. ABOUT READY H'STo If omen as well as the white. ! was named for him- She brought ?a few days with Mr. and Mrs. H you are for wnmnn anff rsiwp !tlif npn and the consecration ti s "Rnts ' for Gardner; Tf you are op- his cause. She radiated enthu- : ... . : l',Sfl to it, vote for Morrison.'1 'siasm and inspired killing work. ; ny her the protection that the bal 'he fact the Anthong amende And Mrs. Summers is a suffra "'nt confers suffrage on nobodv 'gist. who must make Heriot Clark over, may now recover title, no matter where they are resident. The amendment also extends the privilege of prosecuting claims against enemy debtors to cred-1 tors in allied and neutral nation Marion, Ohio, July 6. Sen. on condition that the sme pnvi- Hafding had no engagement "to lege is extended to American credi dflv but planned to devote him. tors by those nations holding self exclusiviv to clearing away enemy property. mass Gf correspondence and There is to be no "informal re- other work accumulated sinee he turn" of property by the Alien left Washington Saturday- Dur Property Custodian under the ing the next few daj s he plais new legislation, it was announced to deVote much time to. the pn? today. The precedure to be fol- paration of his speech of accep lowed in securing possession of tance. Every since his noiina seized property involves formal tion has been accumulating ma application to the President, and terial for this purpose and now he filing of a claim on the A. P. C. i,as jt in such shape it needs only After the application has been ap- to put the ideas on paper. proved and returned, the Attor- j . ney General will issue an order! Marion, Ohio, July 6. Senatoi' for the release of the property at Harding in a statement said thai Cox deserved the nomination but 1 : j - he added that his selection would Mr. Claude Parks of Richmond not change the Republican cam Va. arrived yesterday to spend paign plans in Ohio in any way. fif !. issue j COTTIj MARKET San Francisco, July 6. Gov ernor Cox of Ohio was nominated J early this morning. It took forty four ballots to make the choice, and not until, the thirty -eighth when Palmer withdrew from th race that the roll call showed any definite trend to turn over the Palmer delegates. Cox gained advantage over McAdoo in bal loting and that advantage never was lost. With the choice made the convention adjourned till noon today to name a candidate for the vice President. Should It j be decided to give second place- to the East Franklin D. Ronzvell of New .York will be put up. The asst. secretary of the navv seem ed to be the favorite, but if the nomination goes West there are several possibilities talked about by the leaders. Cox got majority for the first time on forty thira ballot and on the forty fourth was plunged toward the required two thirds when Colorado chang ed its vote and made the nomina tion obvious it was then made un aifimoits in 'the motion for the same by Amidon of Kansas, a Mc Adoo leader- Paris, July 6. Discovery of large deposits of phosphate in the Moroccan hinterland, may soon make France the great phosphate producing country of the world. The Moroccan deposits are re ported by Professor Louis Gen til of the Sorbonne as being ar most inexhaustible. One hund red miles inland from Casablanc.i there is a mountain plateau, 40 miles long and 25 miles wide wnicn is a veruaoie storenouse oi newspaper office at Dayton $ phosphate. A railway is to be Newg surrounded by fellow news. built to this mountain and o mono paper workers few relatives and poly has been given to the Moroc- intimate friends when the Asso can government for the sale ot ciafed PreSg wire flashed the nom the phosphate. :ination. Th first act was to cross France already has huge potasn the room and embraCe his wife. deposits m Alsace. During the morninj? the Dayton Chamber of Commerce decided on a huge jollification meeting late today or tonight. PHOSPHATE DEPOSITS F UNO MO 0 0 COX TO MAKE STATE MENT AFTER NOTIFY Dayton, Ohio, July 6 Gov. Cox has declined to make any statement until after he had re ceived notification from the con vention. The Governor received th" news of his nomination in his HARDING COIIGRAT 'II GOV. COX Oil VICTOR COX TO DE URGED TO HELP SUE. LECISLA. Columbus. July 6. Sen. Hard in has wired Gov Cox. "I recall much talked of cartoon which Washington. July portryaed' 'you and me as news-. will be asked to for the White exert his influence 6. Gov. Cox immediately toward the to ut Inprely removes sex as a bar son and .Cam Morrison ashamed Julv 39.75! boys contesting lot afffrds. October 33.43 jilouse delivery. it seems t ratmcation oi nie sunragc dumm Wake Gives Morrison 2,2131 December 32.13 have been prophetic as an Ohioan -ent by the Tennessee legislature and Gardner 2,589, a majority ot January : 31 .45; and fellow publisher I congratu-" tli national womans party announ- arffrage, never could pierce 'of themselves if they would de-'458. Greensboro Daily News.-. M:---:------.- J8ati you on your noble victory." iced today.