WFATHER REPORT For orth Carolina Rain Tuesday; Wedn ,day rain followed by clearing and colder. In MM ESTABLISHED SINCE 1SS2 AFTERNOON DAILY "ALL THE NES IN A NUTSHELL" Volume XL No. 77. Four O'Clcck Edition Scotland Neck, N. C, Tues., November 16, 1920 Telegraph Service Price Five Cents. HE 11 ii CO in MISSIONARIES SENT OUT BY I E. CHURCH OFTHEU.S. DR.B.W. SPILMAH'S RE-ELECTION TO PRES JDEHCY EXPECTED PUT AUTQMOBiLE LICENSE FES N 1 0 1 H E ROAD MAMIE r K ORDER GREEKS OUT The Largest in the History That Denomination WENT OUT NOVEMBER of ; . . -"'histor. Nov. 13. Baptists jiLuie expect Dr. Bernard W. Spil ' iitau, of ths city, to be re.-elect-! -d president of the State conven lst. ;tion at Asheville this week- He lias held the office two years. jpr. Spilman has een a member New York, Nov. 16. -The larg-.of the Southern Baptist's Sunday est number of neV missionaries School Board a quarter of a cen eviT sent to foreign fields in any lury. He has an international on; year in the history of th reputation as an expert on Sun Methodist Episcopal Church Jjeft day school matters. He has been th.' Tinted states during theTliis- closely identified with the up eal year ended November 1, 1920 building of denominational,' edu n'poi'ts tlie board of foreign mis- cational and recreational institu tions of the Methodist Episcopal tions in the South. Church. 'There were 275. !. ; rLht. largest previous year was 11)17. when !)6 recruits went abroad fur the Methodists. Of those setn this year, 80 were as sifted to South America, 69 to China. 50 to India and Burma, Ail Motor License Should Be Sp$nt In v Keep ing Good Roads Good PEANUT MARKET DECIDEDLY BETTER REPAIRS MUST BE KEPT UP MCI IILIId It is just and proper that auto-jienance only, we can expect real mobile license fees collected by improvement in keeping good the states should go into tha roada good highway funds, thus making the ' automobiles pay their own way Present day traffic makes it in keeping up the -roads- How- imperative that a road mainten ever, the funds realized from! --ice system be put into effect this source should all be devoted 1 that will prevent the rapid wear to road maintenance and not to new construction i work. In North Carolina we are lacking ' both in funds and -a proper sys- T TELEGRAPH 1IC nCCDATPUfC ULul fl I UllLu tem of highway maintenance. If the highway law is so amended 30 to Malaysia, 6 to Mexfcoi q t& ' Aths ov- lb premier v en-, mat an motor license lees oe Jai-m 2 to Korea- and 2 to Eu- izelos and cabinet have resigned spent for keeping the roads in list does not include a" tne reek regent is expected repair, ana mat money piaceu to ask former Premier George; into the hands ot the highway Rhflllis. asred eierhtv to form a commission to be used for main- areas. , 7 a " ; im... mort JnAft!new ministry. Victory of the i i iau un; reuse iiiu"-ixs vm , fW vpai- of the. fivWear eente- opposite party seemed Constantinople, Nov. 16. The entire Greek population of Sara sun, vilayet of Trebizond, Asiastic Turkey, has been ordered to leave town within a' week. fTlie Greeks number 300. ,The Turk ish nationalists have declared the holdings of the Greeks to ' be state property. Greek shops have been sealed by the local au thorities. Constantinople, Friday, Nov 12. JTlie Georgian government s reported to have received an ; ultimatum n the Turkish na tionalist? ering them to eva cuate - .am. f Armpnian ,zA the Armenians Better Prices Later on is General Outlook V THE CROP IS SHORT The The general tone of the market on new Virginia peanuts is decid edly better than at the close of the old season. Both North Carolina bunch and large size Virginia runners are active at 5 cents on country basis, while Jumbos easily bring 7 cents or high comrand were corn- more according to 'rade. ing away of highways upon w .felled to sign the temporary arm- rone- The1 relief workers in European war 1 i -i - -.vW large sums nave oeen spe m construction work. No matter how well a road is built, the ser vice it gives depends on how well it is kept in repair. A law that provides that all funds from motor licenses be spent for main tenance only will go a long way in solving the upkeep problem. Good Roads. istice now in effect between them and the 'Turkish natioalists becauses of the necessity of with- drfc-wing their forces from Alex andropol to put down an upris ing of Tartar rebels. nary program of the Methodists, which includes the expenditure of $115,000,000 in war reconstruc tion and general expansion of church activities. certain. cales hut the department offi- i t. i j ii i :. z x Vpniaplis hns rlee.idpd not. to re-! eiais noiu me opinion it. is siey sign pending the announcement of the army vote. of retaliation for the failure of the department to allow the Wes tern Union land , cable at Miami General Floridaa to connect with Barba- HUNGARY FLIER BLACK FAi limlaivst. Nov. lb- When the peace treaty between Hungary and the entente allies came up in the national assembly Saturday the deputies rose and-sang the national anthem and then voted for ratification amid absolute silence. It was ordereel that the STORY TELLS MT INCIDENTS IN LIEE OF JUSTICE MARSHALL STORM During the days when John London, Nov. 16 J Wrangel, whose army virtually does with the British cable from annihilated by the Bolsheviki in-bouth America. Crimea left Sevastopol on, a ,Jrus-J. sian cruiser with soldiers bound ! Davton Nov 16.-Canta'uT iMarshaU helped dratt the Con for an undetermined point a Schroeder the holder of the worlds stitntin of the United States; and Constantinople despatch reports. ! airplane altitude received his hon-later when his brilliant' mind jorable discharge from the army was at work expounding the Con- Paris, Nov. 16. Newspapers - ld wiU enter business in Chica-istitution as Chief Justice of tlie OF GIVEN DY BUREAU Disturbance Centered Over Gulf of Mexico and Has Wide Spread Influence TEMP. BELOW NORMAL here agree that England and pro- j jje flew a iejgnt 0f sjx j United States Supreme Court, bably France will forbid the , -. when tne Qxvene no one thought of: him as a1 man return of former King Constan-!was exuausted ne fen 5 mnes be oi: lllimor r one who some times lilaek flag of mourning should Stine to Greece. Venizelos defeat fore' he regamed consciousness j.i , u ii I ! II I I I I IHV SH V W i ll II' f - n 1-1 i -t t , -I Hv over public buildings during!1 ' ''. l4. . and successfully lanaea nis plane . , complicate the difficult near east, tl:-. f Tin inif inn if 4lio Tl'ttfltl' i .situation. , ; Washington, lN in an auuress lauientuij' lug ? , indulged in Avitty sayings. And yet, his brilliant legal mind de ighted in., witty things. . Washington, -'Nov.- 16. Storm" warnings were displayed last night on the Gulf coast east of the mouth of the Mississis'sippi river and on the Atlantic coast from the Florida straits north ward to DelaAvare breakwater as Aie result of the disturbance now centered over the east central uuif of Mexico., The influence of the storm is widespread, ac- A marked feature of the new crop is the good average quality of the nuts. .They are of such good color and uniform size that very few are going into shelling stock. The result is that the p-r (cent of ytra lar?. sh. llo.i no... .i - rJ- ' - - - v l 'ta- nuts is small relatively and the demand for these v good. Another result is that th - V-VV vu No. shelled of this season's crop aro decidedly above the general a'erage for this same grade- This opening of the market on the new Virginia- crop at better prices than Avas at first promis ed is an unmistakable evidence that the trade is firmly convin red that the 1920 rrop is unusual ly short and that there will be an active demand throughout the season. These conditions would indicate better" prices later on. The Spanish market is not as good relatively as the Virginia market. While there have bteu some sales in this section as high as spi.4.t- $1.50 a bushel, the general prh e has been from $1.25 to 1.3,r " a bushel. Some South- ?rn Snanifh have brought as $100 a ton, or 5 cents a pound but the. general market has been arc-'ind $80 to $85 a ton- No. 1 shelled Spanish which Avere quo- rushing weight of the terms im-Mexico citV; Nov former pre- provisional President 1-De The La (used Karl tinszav iiuer. brought tears to the eyes Huerta will head the cabinet of 'f many. Count Paul Teleky, the premier, )ro)osed that he be tried for his part in negotiating and; -wwr i - r T I T71 j 1 TTT i .-J . X x I 1 vva'-iungton, iov. 10. dapa-; j yr instance, one aay a v estern cui-uiug 10 a weatner oureau an- ted last AAeek Kv sontlipn, m;na nese population of HaAvaii Avas adAocate already prominent in nouncement, beirtg attended by 'h s to 8i cents a pound are announced by the. census bureau, the legislature or Ms fetate, was General Obregon when he as sumes the Presidency on Decem- part in negotiating anci,w firs, Sfa tllp 11PwsnanPl. p- ratifying the treaty, but the de- f.r.01. 0 ' puties voted unanimously against: j r ueh a step. ! Brownsville, Tex., Noa 16 j Hording is Arorking on Ids cor respondence and his NeAv Orleans HAVE iOST IN ELECTION L pee(,h after abandoning VENIZTLISTS APPEAR TO as forty t aato and a seventh per arguing, a case before Marshall, cent of the total population of He began somewhere near the two hundred and fifty five thou- origin of the earth and the first sand, fiATe hundred and tAvebve. principles of society, , and was working his Avay through Black- Washington, Nov- 16. Ques- stone and Coke -with seemingly tioris of indiist rial peace and rela- small chanie of arriving at the ed problems Avere discussed at a caSe jn point for many a- long conference f labor leaders and lour. Marshall Avas seldom weary and never Athens, Nov merit, in an in n t vesterdav . 16. The goA-ern-official announce- afternooon, vir- llerbert Ho oAer a former food the administrator Ayho attending the thought that on storm -swept point of Isabel Gov. ; conference requested 1 resident Hobbv extended Texas formal Gompers of American Federa appreciation, .over Hardings vis- 1011 .hv'bor. impatient, this but h( general rains in the South Atlan tic, Middle Atlantic and East Gulf States and local snows in the re gion of the Great lakes and- the Ohio and upper Mississippi .val leys. Temperatures remain below normal in -virtually all parts of the country east of they Missis sip j river and "deicdedly" be low normal in the Gulf States- noAv being offered as Ioav as Vk cents F. O. B. Southern Mills. 118,000 P.0.R0BBEAY BY A CLERK AT . N. C. HENDERSON occasion ! Rains in the South Atlantic and s me time might be saved II " tally admits the defeat of the! it and Senator Fall discussed the j border conditions. He will leave 16 frhe " Brother .-aid kindly, "there things AA'hich are some a' Chief Justice of Venizelists in the general elec- ;tomorrow for New Orleans whera pre- Kansas City, Nov. establishment and extension of the United States may be . J X 1 J t I..,,., . 4-K,.,..wl. n - nn.a-nnia! rw oil mi. SUlilCtl LO Kll JW. ui.uufi.iuui veei- he Avill board a steamer for Pan- eu lf,lt - ' TntW ctnw who tthq an ' lav. It savs it will await the m, - - nate the middleman in marketing Justice Stoiy, aaIio was asso- final res.dts and then, in con-.' , farm products will be the prin with him on the bench of i .fimty with constitutional prin-! . cWaiitinohle - Nov. 16Bol- cipal subject before the nation,! the Supreme Court, delighted in cmivention here. luiununiug aw. Marshall and their relations iwith each other: ; "We Henderson, N- C. Nov. 16. L. r - . . . ... rains and-snows in the Middle rfv-es a i ostottice clerk Avas Atl)nt;. i . . e arrested ciiarged Avith robbing ixr i i -Atlantic states are indicated for , 1V1 r ? , , "V Marshal!, , , ... mails ot over eighteen thon- I today and probablv tomorroAv. uu,m """"'t a. j.iaii, tne au The temperature will fall on the tJiorities said wa sfound in an ex South Atlantic coast and will re- tra automobile tire bn his car. main beloAv normal generally els- ' east of the Mississippi iua'- COTTON MARKET er today and tomorroAv. . December 181S the eonvo- 'sheviki warned by French Ad- farmers union great ascetics, and 'iples, resign efore 'ation of parliament- . .iniival of Ulnlr 2pi forPP that, if 111 ere are delegates from twenty The cabinet .met this morning ; population of" Sebastopol molest- ight states itul later issued the. folloAvincr ! ..a i wii mot-n Wfrshiufft'on. Nov. 16. A notice; VVe are vl LVJ V XI 1UU LCU 1J-' tV UlllUi UiUIiV., 7 i J 1 " 4 mniunication: ivmftllo - ' of five contests- for the House of ',ullvt'!' wlue c.iu 1 TT tU in AA-et Aveatner. . xiere . . prorv A'Ould pause, as if thinking this last statement placed too great. T 1 l 3 ll T a tax on ereauiny, anti ineii would slyly add: The students about wine, sir, gives renrisalls. : , Represemtatives seats already Washington, Nov. 16. A long filed Avith the clerk of the house J ill "It is eA'ident that the govern mont Ava.s mistaken in its expecta- iions regarding the elections, al-: controversy between the state who said l!;'igh definite results arc not department and the Western Un- contests.' it Avm aAvait thse ion lelegraph t o., !t?i's reaenea a he' expected :een that the doctrine of makes it certain that it must ba raining somewhere. I think it safe to take something." Unlike Miles Standish, Mar- ' January 17 55 chance?? Ar.. 1 taien 17.O8 May 1 1122 July 16.95 Local market I6V0. shall hated to havp anv otip dr, ; Vn seeea 4bic a bushel. anything for him-Avhich he could : 7 : ' .- do himself. He strongly objected lhih came down upm him, fell to any assistance being rendered , ing him to the floor. The horri- mm- une day, wisinng to cor.- r10(1 lih,.,,.;. ra fn t1(. suit some AvorK o ireterenee; he icucAvn. I ' sulls so as to turn over the stage of an open break. The Co. ; ,'T'okio. Nov. 16. rescu?, TITU,,, T cnri -, , ... ill I Uinn!? II t ie t.UOVahlo 111ttinf entered tne law lirirary. and, Ait!i-: . . - - vou ou.out AACitmg to- the easrer librar !" it... ini mm ihhut 'happens i i l . i .1: "wer to the naftv desisrnated bv refosino- to Innulle anv more cab- societies of three private univer-; nil.. , out it semt units I'o popular suffrage in conform- le messages for the state depart- sities organized a meeting for that the Chief Justice will say U- with' the constitution with-, ment unless the tolls are prepaid tonight to discuss "shall Japan ; to me when the cloth is relieved, ut aAVf:itih,r convocation' of the 'and it' is understood the order is fi-ht America." j' Brother Story, siep to the wm- luunber." i mtended to applv to. all Govern-1 d(nr lld see if h doPS not ram! But others Washington, Nov. 16. Coinmis-j And it 1 tell mm tnat tne sun from sioner General, Caminetti leaves is sliming Clnet Justice JMarsnaii avnmifl flip will sometimes replA. All tn t - Vllivi- - - " ' - - A. ft ian, to ome cand get the book lie the arms lie endeavored to lift Avished, proceeded to mount tlieihim to his feet, steps and draAv out the book from "Let me alone," said the Cliief an upper shelf. Justice. "I am a little stimnel But thp books, heme tio-htlvifor the moment, thatvis all. No ! ment departments- -A strike are expected informally Annapolis, Nov. 16. tli o; students at 'St. Johns Col- the rulino-' of the Western Union tonight for a trip packed together, refused" to leave one Avithont the others. The Chief Justice didn't notice this Avonder! I haAre lahl down the laAV many times but this is the first time the laAV has ever laid me down." Then he got up ah-ne- 1. . , - . . .... . 1 . . , , . i ; 1 1 xr A-nnaAlntin-n at--Kin I in Avi t u ct i" a aa' m if tne one ir ge is expected to be selected to- is said to have based its action world, investigating tne immigra-. oetiui : x-ui uU1 u - , i ,r , Qrlivwnt . ,. . , . . . .. C 'tnuU nv so laro-p a territorv Avished dislodged the entire row, Mark btnjesant. . . j --v x . J.

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