jAGE THREE i i iE PAJLV C3MMON WEALTH, SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, ILL THEY COME i LOCAL BRIEFS 1 4 1 itfrs. Justice Everett of vreen viUe, N- C. s visiting her mother Irs. M. A. Shields. She arrived the morning train. r of Scotland Necks fine com-e forward" and liown a spirit of generosity and ntere t in helnino- t.hp liK-raw A O Oil tJanes Charles Alexandpr hn j donated one year's subscription ine American Boy , and to Sfll i & ANNOUNCEMENT ! this niflffnirin will ,t -. o wv, "UllU i jlrs uenry jvutcmn 01 wnita- gularly on the library table .rs left on the nine-thirty train ! The Library Association ?r iy appreciates the gift. fttr ' visit her sister Mrs Ed- (je Pendleton. v- If number 4678 is not present ed before tomorrow afternoon another drawing for the Ford that is tQ. be given away by Bur-voughs-Pittman-Wheeler Co. will take place in front of their store tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. A fire occurred at Mr. W. O. Lawrence home on corner of Roanoke and Eleventh street Wednesday afternoon abouc five o'clock. The fire was burning underneath the house and had caught at a point where plumb ers had been at work. There great- was a big smoke and the fire was 'characteristics of heritation CLEVER STORY The story of "The lollvcod- die" which will be the feature production at the Pxie Theatre j Tonight and tomorrow and which j is tiie third production Douglas Fairbanks has made for the Unit ed Artists Corporation, was sug gested by Harold McGrath, one of the greatest of America's story writers. The character of the title role is that which conclus ively proves that "blood" is thicker than water and that all tlie environment in the world will never change, i he real laten I WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT WL HAVE WITH US THE WELL' KNOWN TOUSORIAL ARTIST OF SCOT LAND NECK MR. L. L. CHERRY. THANKING YOU FOR YOUR PAST PATRONAGE AND SOLICITING YOUR FUTURE ur 1-ir. mm mum w Ma mm s& vs t as .v asw E Wr sr v? J. D. SMITH, Prop. V J 4k making considerable headwav. w The fire fighters and neighbors rushed there and made short work of it. Mr. C. G. Moore who resigned as chief of police of Scotland Neck Thursday night of last week after serving three years left this morning on the eleven twenty train for his old home in Ayden, N. C. where he has acr cepted the position of chief of police. Mrs. Moore and children left yesterday aftefnoou. Mr. and Mrs. Moore leave with the best of feeling toward the peo ple of the town and wish to thank them for the many kind- ir: anybody. Don't forget we finish up our serial picture "Daredevil Jack" featuring Jack Dempsey Monday night andalso start the new ser ial "Fighting Fate" featuring William Duncan and Edith John son. Prices children 20, adults 25. STOP! LOOK!! LISTEN!! If you Avant to keep off diseas es why not use the ALLSBROOK remedy for hogs, cholera, cough thumps and worms. Guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. Mail orders promnt attention 'let us havp vmir j ; JW,V jvj-m.. vj. v.vi . i nesses shown them during their :$J. 00 and $2.00 bottles. Worn Down, Out of Heart "U Iiavp moved our plaee of business to tlie buil.lii ms'lv rnmiri nA 1,-.- 1,. XT T t VWi"vu " tuc . jj. josey uo.. ana are now pre pared to give service on automobies, as we formally did. We are oble and equipped to fix any thing about your car, including tires bn Tories and top. We do steam vulcanic- and can repair your tires and tubes In such a way that they will give you hundreds of miles more running affr yoj think they are worn out This means a saving of a lot of tire expense. We have the Williard storage battery agency and are equipped to repair vow battery so that it will last a good many more months after its guaranteed life. This eaves yon battery money. Our prices are reaconable and on can affo-d to hVe your car put in good shape. Please, bear in mind t!. we furnish free air 'or vmm oar battery, free and are t.i' :vd ,r2 loon aftei to do it. glad Georgia Lady, Worn-out and Tired, Tells How She Was Helped by Ziron Iron Tonic v T I HE persona? e3merlen; of nivo Nannie Phillips, of Powder Springs, Ga., is printed belo in her own words: "I was in a worn-out condition. My stomach was out ef order. X didn't deep well. I was tired all the time. I couldn't half ear., and didn't rest well at night. "I would set out of heart and blue. I vould feel like I was going to be down in bed. Yet I kept dragging around. "We heard of Ziron, tn d from wha; 1 oil I read, I waa sure it wouldtft hurt ine, ' S If it didn't help me. But after taldng i . it, I found It really helped me.: and 1 ! sent tack for more. I ate better, felt mmh stronger. I am sure Ztroa ft - a splendid tonic." ( Many people, who are worn down and I disheartened, due to stomach disorders and nervous ills, find relief by toning up their blood with Ziron Iron Tonic Tell your drussist you want to try Ziron on our money-back guarantee. W. 0. H. F. I WHENCE :i tC- stay here. Net a eteatfy Wwicer. The estate of a California bellhop I? -estimated : to be worth only aboit $30,000. Fie", roust have been sfck a great 1n! of the time, or otherwise ru-.H:ioi!;ii') fr work. The New Year Brings an impareil- ed opportunity for service; We are on the job and are; ready to serve you at any time.. Josey H ardware c ompany 'Pioneer Hdwe. Dealers' Scotland Neck, N. C. JOE H. ALLSBROOK. Box 257. Scotland Neck, N. C. Halifax County4In the Superior tomt; State ot. North Carolina, To all whom' these presents shall come Greeting: -It being satisfoetorily proven to tlie undersigned. Clerk of the Superior Court for Halifax Coun ty- 'that: W; G. Iledge'peth late of the faid County, is ..dead, having niadexhis:-.last Will and Testa- ment7;vhich has been ; adimitted to probate, (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed) and Mrs. M A. Hedgepeth the Executrix, therein named, haying qualified as ! such according to law. . Now these are tJi ere fore to em power the said Executrix, to en tor in and upon'all and sinjmlar,: tthe goods and chattels, rights and credits of the said, deceased, Llnnd the. same t-o tnko into posses sion, . wheresoever to be tound, and lll the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisfy; and the residue of said estate to dis tribute according to the direc tions o" said 'Will , - Witness' my hand and the seal. vj trie ( Mill, Tills .if(t (lav : o; 1.921. . M. GARY. Clerk Superior (ourt Kill That Cold With "1 Cold FOR S, '.CotlgQS In AND Grippe Take no chances, Keep. &ib-siandsri :.vr vv-lle flfst knee,..';' Breaks up a cold in 24 hours Relic vec .this forr;; ixf.v. not effect the head- Qomine m tais forr;. Cx-f.z not effect the head CaEcara is bestTonic- .- ALL DIZ UGGlSTS'EilLi IT Be a CbminbnWe tlie Cqst Very i SmalL f J r ratm;! rv Y F ou Gan Buy Cheaper urnitlirfe No w. ARE YOU 3 GUILTY t -a B I i mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmwmmmmmwmmm ' ,,l'B1B1'l,!''ll,P! I A FARMER, carrying an express package from a big mailorder house was accosted by a local dealer. "Why didn't-you buy thai bill goods from me? I could have s nvr.J pou the express, and besides you would have been pationizing r horn, store, which helps piy the taxes and builds Hp this locality." .The farmer locked at (he mer chant a moment nnd then said: "ll'ny don 7 you patror.ir your home, paper and advertise? 1 read it unddidn '( know thaiycu had thestujf I have here. MORALADVERTISE W e have marked ; down jey ery piece in the house with the exception of Ectisoh Phonographs and Hoover Suc tion Carpet Sweepers and you : will save money by looking through our stock. These reductions apply whether you buy on installment or pay cash. THi; jsi u r There are more than 3,000,000 Ford cars in daily service throughout the world, and fully cighy" per cent of these are Ford Touring Cars' There are m&ny reasons for this, not the least of which is the simplicity in the design of the car, so easy to under stand;, likewise it is'ea to operate and mightv mexpensive, compared 'to other motor cars. TlvV maintenance expense; is -low, and it ha? won an' un paralleled, reputation for sa-tisfactory1 service' dur ing the past sixteen years On the farm, m thc-'eity. for business and. for. family, pleasure;; it Is the cAr' ot fhe people, and the demand is inreino- .yoVv day.;. Let us, have your ordr promptly i vo'u-wah'r i om. Vq can supply you with most evei-yVhing - ; motor car "accessories, and wP assvlre. vrtu uvrnVIiL'- . Ford; PftTts. and skiUed workmen in on i- 'repair ser viet. :Be -fair with your-car and if: MciV ' "iv. :- Von' full value. ' Scotland Neck Motor Co. eck. North OfiToIin i l-v 5 h-a .ni m in 'j-tt o t J eS iri u t -u . 2s JC sJs Ex iZ j ?C i: :iS2S5H:"r.rr.- : -. as:- r t. - r- :-r - - - I I s i . i -;u f's jt c: j-iiii. PURE MILK AND CREAM, Delivered Daily, ; Phone 64 SUNNYSIDE DAIRY bMXMXHSWSKZNSKXH3ENZ9X:cSNSKXSlXNSKSseeZH2UiCXZHnHEH TONIGHT AT THE DIXIE ;x reel special production TI i K MOLLYCODDLE" star- iiiu Douulas Fairhanks. Tricos. as a cm 3 33 .Hi - - - I 'o'ninjr Monday the last episode of "Daredevil .lack" fea-"nii.o- .lack Dempsey also the first enisode of our new ser i r 1 1 1 n ) v "-Mi Duncan s,iv.'i ri'el featui-( popular Arlm.-kl,. '" I'o repe;;t it all so plea children 20c, adults 2oC. dor Wii I'M. niiimim.: -oui- lavoritc serial ac In addition t0 tln-se two serials we have a Hi" Lite Of The Party" featurm- the dor i j'le sci-cco v1m-,- T?r.,.. 'lif:if. ns is a Twelve reel show and is f.ntirelv too !e on tinie :15 siiarp. Prices comedy . Tl I A. R. EDMONDS First ;i:.ss ! K Sho-( Jter.a a.-fid Harness' workNlone QUICK MACHINE WORK O.td Frilow's JLdl Scotland Xeck. North Carolina special attention to mail orders.. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FRESH SHIPMENT OF THE FOLLOWING Obelisk flour, Plain and Self Rising. Obelisk Self Rising Buck Wheat Flour. Obelisk Pan Cake Flour. " Package Grits. TJJESF GOODS DO NOT XFLD HI- COM M EXi I c AS Till doxt fok(;i-:t KD DA( OX r,()(. C'EIYE BILLS WITH YOi'R CiOODS THEM CALL I ' SAS WE SEXJ) 1MLL PCPCJIASE.: TUCS THE CCsTOMER AYH AT HE IS CHARGED WITH. ,XD TDK !RICl THAT HE PAYS 'FOR EA H ARTICLE KOCCnr. WE DELIYER (iOoDS LX ALL " AUTH Oir 'I CITY AT A X Y TIME. (ALL CS WII EX IX XEEI ) OF ANY THING LX Til EATABLE LINE. PUBLIC IS WELL ACQ FA iXTJOi) WIT! THAT WE ARE SELfdXG -v I'ui A l ). ir or ; i'i I AX'S) WITH KY El FAX .X' n - J KITCHIN & P. S. VE BUY AND SEL: TAT A 1 COUNTHY PRODUCE TON 3 A 56 n 14 ft Ci 3 K "5 J 3 Ci ft K ft 5 3 e ? it 3 BS 3P 3 s I ,i ' if. I cs cs is ft ?l C3 tl : u8 f r.K -a A "0 ,5 '-5 ci f 4 :' .) i A ' ..-I