- - -,. s. to TP TUT " .1 ini. VOL. XII. NUMBER 51. POUE O'CLOCK EDITION SCOTLAND NECK, N. C, TUESDAY,- APRIL 12th, 1921. TELEGRAPHIC SERVICE 5c PER COPY T DECLARES FOR PEACE BY RESOLUTION HOBGDDD At a regular adjourned meeting held list night at the Mayor 's of f ice the Town Commissioners passed the most constructive piece of town legislation which such a body has ever passed in the history of "Scotland Neck. A bond issue of $250,000.00 6 per cent bonds was authorized, final or- J Chapel, Hill, N. C. April 12. Near- dinanees passed, sale authorized, and ly 500 high school debaters and ath-1-onds are being printed. The sale of letes, their superintendents, princi the bonds will be held April 28th, and pals, teachers, ehaperones, and well-i-ontraet let for construction on May wishers will pour into Chapel Hill ,1th. HIGH SCHOOL DEBATERS EN GLIfH ADMIRAL JAPAN TO SEND SPECIAL AT CHAPEL HILL SCORES BATTLESHIPS ENVOY TO CONFER WITH THIS WEEK AS WAR ASSET THIS GOVERNMENT I Thus ends au intensive fight which J lias been carried on for the past thir ty, days; in fact, which was really begun in 1919, when petitions were signed for the portions of the town which are now proposed to be paved. The work was held up then owing to the high cost of construction, but the J 9 Li (By Associated Press) London, April 12, Admiral Sir Percy Scott, commander of the aerial defense ofLondon in the world war, ;has no' use for battleships. He be- ! April 13, 14, and 15 for High School lieves the British navy would be bet- Week at the University of North jter off if it spent the 40,000,000 in- Carolina when championship contests .; tended for battleship construction in will be settled in debating, in tennis, j research, and providing weapons of and in track. It will be the largest 'warfare. number of high school students that; ti,o ictn o.T),, -"-"v. jciiv r ai j kj. J. jl tit Y OiX-Lvx "showed that the only safe policy as has ever been in Chapel Hill at any 'ono time. Fiftv-two scho- (By. Associated Press) Tokio, Japan, April 12 Plans for sending to Washington a distinguished Japanese statesman who would take up the entire range of so-called Pa cific problems and mandates. Cali-. fornia, China, Siberia, immigration and armaments questions are under stood, to be in process of formulation by Japanese government.; Secretary of State Hughes note declaring that America did not abandon her rights PLANS TO LIVE AT HOME AND BOARD AT THE SAME PLACE" TURNS BACK ON LEAGUE NATIONS OP I in the peace settlements not only regards battleships was to stow them? , ., .. . ) created a profound impression in Ja- the state-wide work can do done so much cheaper now that it was deci at this tme the identical pi od on when the proposition was first .luestl011 proposed. "iie survivors of away as far as possible from the jst in which more i enemy. If we go to war now with' pan, but' has served in addition to crystalize conviction that the time (By Associated Press) Washington, April 12. President Harding in message to sixty ' seventh congress declared for peace by con gressional resolution and turns back irrevocably on League of Nations. Mr. Df W. Downs has installed a s The President did not present plan for modern Mill at his Ginnery for the new association of nations, but said purpose of grinding all kinds of grain, he had matter under consideration. It is Mr. Downs intention to do com- "No he1 '1 society of nations can mercial grinding of home raised corn, be fou on justice and committed as sun cured home raised corn is far i to -until covenants reestablish- sweeter and more nourishing than the i " . ace are sealed by nations which western kiln dried product. He ' at war," he said. The President vites all concerned in cutting y encouraged erood business. declaring for less government in business, as the cost of living, to inspect " f ill, and bring their corn to him to liave it ground into meal, hominy, cracked corn or . chicken feed. well as more business in government. grits, jHe condemned profiteering saying it His (maintained a retail cost in perishable mill will also grind wheat and Mr. Downs expects to start making a food which cannot be justified in view of the reduced cost of production. idod to cairv out !tIian 200 schools "all tie way from the France I do not think our battleships k . , A , . , , idea ro cany on- ; . . , i , lfls arrive( to-bring about a solution ticil plans decid- mountains tr . ; sea fought out the; will be safe unless we construct a har-! . , . T tl j i nn i Th tli. list fmr rlfivs n npw "not.5t.iOn ' for extension of the original plans jmeans 104 teams or Las boon signed which will add addi tional blocks to the present pla.s. lec ive bargaining ; bor to contain them in Iceland. - ill send their" "Personally,-" continued Sir Percy, vnapel Hill for the' in a newspaper interview, "I am ful- eliminating rounds. This lv in accord witli Rear Admiral Adair ! of all problems involving Japan and America before relations reach a cri tical stage. 208 debaters, .when he said that , we oucrht not to I nearly one .half of whom will be girls, spend one penny on battleships, but Added to these will be the largest i whatever money we may have to! , ( - ! - . ; The blee prints prepared call for entry list that lias ever been re-j spare should be laid out on research ! smooth paving of the three blocks on ?eived for the tennis tournament and .work. Rear-Admiral' Adair told the ! : - - - i Main Street extending from Ninth to the track meet, approximately 25 ten- s House of Commons that if we built 1 -th Streets, on 10th and 11 Streets nis players ryid 75 track men. to tin- rr 51 road, on 10th Street from t The. debating r-obort will arrive Main to Church, on 9th Street East Wednesday night and Thursday morn to town limits, Eoanoke and Green- ing. A preliminary meeting will be ICA URGED TO LEAVE lOPS OH THE RH E brand of flour a little later and put- i , . . , -, - 1 War debts must be cared for in or- ting this on the market, as the mill 1 , - , , , . , .. to ' jderly funding and gradual liquidation; is guaranteed to grind the wheat soft i t 1A -. " & readjustment m internal taxes, and and Graham flour is alto-gether heal- . . , . fe instant emergency tariff enactment; thier than other flours, for the reason i . ,. t-ii- ' i creation or national budget system it contains some of the brand, aU(!asice(i N the doctors now tell us that bran is . - excellent for the body. Tiio mill installed by Mr. Downs is of the latest type and most modern, Meal can be bolted if desired, also, any one can get Flat Meal, Medium Meal or round meal. HIGH SCHOOL DEBATING TEAMS WILL LEAVE wood Streets from 9th to 11th inclu- held in Peabody Auditorium at hoou .sire. The new petition just signed . Thursday where lots will be drawn for takes in Main from 9th to 7th Street. :the sections in which the debaters will This p.tit'um will be submitted to fight. There will be 13 different Board at its next regular meeting. I sections with 4 complete debates In each section. The first elimination round, Thurs day night, April 14, wTill be in these 13 sections. From each section one team on each side of the question will be chosen. The second elimina tion round will bring together all the 13 surviving affirmative and the 13 surviving negative teams Friday morning. From these two groups one affirmative and one negative team will bo selected. Friday night these two teams will jmeet for the final contest, the state championship, and the Aycock Mem- 0 I VE T WEDNESDAY TRIAL DEBATE TO BE HELD SCHOOL AUDITORIUM TUES DAY NIGHT IN Department Of Justice Packing Companies Oi Stock Yard Holdings (By Associated Press ; (By Associated Press) new battleships we should also have j Paris, April 12. The Duchess c x.kj j.;iwvuc- Hoy uaoi.B u gictio tuoL itonau., urges American women ana jtx ! ri m "TV" iiaiiia.i, ii.iiuuua ami uouum-a, uu my UHllUU DUIIUS gO VerilllieilL, XO let the West Coast of Canada, . in New the American soldiers remain on the Guinea, and at Singapore. I say this Rhine. The Duchess, with other nation, with the Jicome tax at six members of the Comite France-Amer-shillings' in the pound, cannot afford ique, were guests of General Henry this huge expenditure, when nobody T. Allen at Coblenz February 15, can tell me what we are going to do ,-when the troops celebrated the anni-I with - these battleships w-hen we get jversary of the day American soldiers them. took their place on the Allied front "In the first few hours of the next as an American army. She tells of war Plymouth, Dover and even Lon-'iier trip in the March number- of don, may be reduced to ashes unless Franco-Etats-dJnis, the - committee's we are prepared with an adequate magazine. counter to the fleets of airplanes that "My joy is profound," she says in would attack us. It seems to me, her diary of the trip, "to see the therefore, nothing but plain common American flag on Ehrenbreitstein and sense that we should spend, what i d0 hope it will remain there a very only we can spare, not on battleships iong time for the security, not only that are 'no d d good' as the of my own country but of Europe and PiESIDEHT DELIVERS MESSAGE TO JOINT ! SESSION OF CONGRESS i j (By Associated Press) i Washington, April 12. President's j Harding 's message to special joint j session of congress was delivered in j person at one P. M., to-duy. The j joint session convened in the House Chamber and was the signal for con Igress to begin work. The galleries were packed, and special card admis- Washington, April 12. A new plan sions were at a premium, under which Armour and Swift Pack- At ten thirty President Harding ing Companies are to divest them was reading proofs of his address selves of their interests in stock yards when he called in Senators Johnson and stock yard terminal railroads, J of California, McCormick of Illinois, was agreed upon today by the De- jboth irreeoncilables on the Peace partment of Justice and immediately treaty, and Senators Kellog, of Mm- midshipman said, but it providing the an the lovers of liberty and humanity very best we can buy ot the newer; "Yes, it is a fact which I feel! ! weapons that will count in the war of even more keenly than I did before, orial Cup, awarded by former inter- 'the future collegiate debaters at the university. (President Chase will rreside E. R. Rankin will be secretary, and Profes- The Teams who are to represent the Local High School in the Cham pionship, series of Debates at Chapel Hill will leave Wednesday by auto. There will be a practice debate in the -.auditorium Tuesday Evening at 8:00 o'clock, and altogether this question that the Germans respect only force Speaking of the latest development? an( power and that the United States in death dealing instruments, Sir is the only people they fear, knowing Perceys explained the principles of the perfectly that, if it were needful, approved by the District of Columbia Supreme Court. The companies must deliver their stock in yards and ter mnals to the Illinois Saving Bank of Chicago within thirty days for admin istration by two trustees, Henry W. Anderson, of Richmond, Va., and George Sutherland, Salt Lake City, Utah, until sold, which must be with in; one year. The trustees will re ceive a salary of ten thousand dollars a year. sors II. M. Wagstaff, L. P. McGehee, 'new Davis gun, which fires from both they would come again as numerous W. S Bernard, L. R. Wilson, said all aS possible. But I do hope that the will be discussed during the coming ' afternoon, April 15 and the tennis and . ends and with which he George Howe w-ill be judges. Prof es- American airplanes were to be armeci. J government of the United States and It would be possible for an airplane our cear sisters, the American women, to carry a 12-inch gun and fire at understand the necessity of leav- battleships from 10,0000 . feet up. jng the troops on the Rhine to pre- Battleships could have no protection vent mischief. It is easier to keep i against such weapons. ' them here and much less expensive, Speaking of the progress that had than " sending them back and having sor Horace Williams will present the Aycock cup. The interscholastic track meet will be held on Emerson Field Friday nesota, and McCumber of North Da kota, both classed as mild reserva tionists. It was understood that the President desired to present to the senators his statement in his message regarding foreign relations. WEATHER REPORT For North Carolina: Fair warmer tonight and Wednesday. derate northwest, shifting to south west winds. and Mo- Citizens Continue To Endorse Pavement Commencement in contest for ;he best tournament w-ill continue through Debaters Medal are there who would I Thursday and Friday4 University t been made in planning aerial attacks the trouble of sending later mdny, like to hear our debaters are cordially ! athletics officials and members of the on warships, Sir Percy Scott said, m many more to Europe." invited to be present Tuesday even ing at the above mentioned hour. The American troops," she says, "It is no secret now every man in are magnificent. The men are tall IN OWNERS AND E MINERS RECEIVED DY LLOYD GEORGE -i i t 1 Ml "I . ,11 - . . . , . rt.TTinur i l) 1 li n lv.vomilff Sit O VI l ' V I 1 ! tracK ana tennis leams win uauuio j ;ui xunrxvicw -""'a these contests. Professor M. C. S, Noble will be present the medals and j the service knows it that had the ' ail(p handsome. They walk majesti- prizeS. Uvar lasted another fortnight, we would caUy and with great regularity never Entertainments of various k&ds j probably, by means of an aerial attack 'one behind the other. It is wonder- ' ... i have been arranged for the high have sunk all the German ships in tlie fuj to see them parading." ENDORSEMENT OF THREE LEAD ING MINISTERS GIVEN school . visitors. The Carolina-Trinity baseball game Thursday afternoon H , 1 11 "I 1.1 i. . .1 iwiu oe a sxeiiar amieiic tjvciiv cum 1 i jthe county clubs of university stu- j I dents will, look after visitors from 1 ! their own counties. Kiel Canal." During the review, she says, ''The Marquise de Rochambeau and I were COTTON MARKET AMBASSADOR GIVES FRENCH VIEWS . 12.16 ;so enthusiastic that we asked permis ! sion to have the honor of kissing the American flag." And in closing, the ' Duchess ex j claims: "America in this war has j been the wall separating domination ! and Justice, ambition and Humanity. layed too long, let it be done as early as possible. Rev. N. E. Coletrane. Nothing will add more to the ap pearance and health of the town and comfort . of the people than paved The paving of the streets of Scot- 1 I streets. Do it now. It has been de- land Neck at this time is not only a layeu uoo iong. Dr. Charles Anderson. Junior Order Endorses Commissioners Action fine business proposition, but a move that wilt be more conducive to the health, happiness and comfort of the entire community than any one thing that can be done for the town. Some thing must be done to arouse The Jr. Order United American Me chanics Endorses Paving Movement j The Jr. Order United American Me- last. pride-and stimulate the efforts ot tno -mgnt unanimously passea a resoiuuim (By Associated Press) Paris, April 12,5 Ambassador Jes- She has been our Providence." to have " .. people to build up our town, and it seems to me that nothing will give (By Associated Press) ' j London, April 12. Both sides in the j controversy between mine owners and j miners were received by Premier ; Mav Lloyd George today. The mine own- j July . ers conferred first, and miners after- October . . " ards. The miners will report to the' December- ---- 13.6? in Washington,, French viewpoint on reply probably wiUnot.be given for Scotland Neck than to 1 i to endorse the action of the Town Commissioners in their decision td 12.76 I serand is understood here 13.31 given to Secretary of State Hughes cretary in his recent not.e Written health, comfort and prosperity Aid V V us the needed inspiration as paving commence work at this time to pave the streets. Let's make the move. the Streets of Scotland Neck, be Rev. Reuben Meredith i lieving that it will be conducive to Nothing would add more to the the health, happiness, ana prosperu. of the communilv. - triple alliance after the conference. 'January-... . 13.77 the mandates question raised by Se- the present. streets paved. our The work has been de- Recording Secretary, W. D. Harden

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