THE COMMONWEALTH Afternoon Daily Established 1882 Clee Vaughan, , Publisher. Norfleet S. Smith, Editor Entered at the Post Office at Scotland Neck, N. C, as second el!ass matter under Act of Con gress, March 3, 1879. ' SUBSCRIPTION BATES (In Advance) Through the Mail Daily Issue One Tear $4.00 Six Montrs $2.00 Three Months $1.00 One Month .40 By Carrier - 15c per week All articles submitted for pub. lication must bear the author's name, not necessarily for pwbli cation, but as a guarantee of good faith. A Members of the Associated .tress The Associated Press Is exclu. sively entitled to the use for re publication of all news dispatch es credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper, also m local news published liereinj NEW CASH STORE FRIDAY, JUNE 10th, 1921. THINK IT OVER (Selected) If You've Anything Good To Say. If you've anything good to say of a - man, Don't wait till he's laid to rest, Per the eulogy spoken when hearts are broken Is an empty thing at best. Ah! the blighted flower now drooping lonely Would perfume the mountain-sice, If the sun's glad ray had but sllone today And the pretty bud espied. Every such viper ..should he stam-J ped upon by the iron Heel of the? tt . v " v:. x ' - - ., I Having purchased the store building government and such a lesson I , . - . - , , . , formerly owned and occupied by Mr. S. made of, him that others would! -, T - , ; . t.'g, ,, . , . - .- iL. Strickland, I km having a stock or not dare to follow in his footseps. ( . . , . . , -. groceries put m it, which, will be sold uiiiess tins is nunc, JiASL as uic-' . w. . . - , , . . , . . I for cash, strictly. This business will ly as day follows night, this , , . , ibe under th management of Tny head country sooner or later will be , salesman, Mr. Robert L. Dickens, face to face with a state ot anar- . chy ad bolshevism rivaling con-1 This business will in no way inter dition in Russia. There are mil- fere with mv regular grocery business, lions .of foreigners' in the United whi I am conducting under my own States today who aresympathe- personal supervision, handling the tic with such movements, andvery best hi edibles and giving service there are thousands of others com-' of the highest standard. Your-credit ing to these shores every month, god as U8ual- in this stora and it will only be a matter of i My priees in the cash store will ue time when this situation will be as low as' can be made, a real problem, but we believe j In mY regular store, I will make that the real spirit of America prices as low as possible, consistent will assert itself, and through ,with quality and service, teaching and example will im- After January 1, 1922, I will com press upon these elements the bine the two businesses, moving out folly of such a course , as- they . o y present store into the S. Li. are persuing and welcTthem into!strickland Store. 1 R. D. HARRELL. Americanism. CANDYMAKING BUSINESS. START at home. Everything furnished. Men-Women. $30 Wkly. Bon-Bon Co. Philadelphia, Pa. 5-13-30d. JRor Sdte &' Wfcxit Ads WJOTCtwkNTEir TO hear from owner of farm or good land for Sale for Fall delivery. L.. Jones, Box 551, Olney, Illinois. It SHELLED SPANISH PEANUTS 6c per pound. R. C. Josey & Co. Notice Sale. By virtue of a certain chattel mortgage executed to me by the Brown Bottling Company, Inc., I will, on Saturday, the 1 8th day of June, 1921, sell in the town of Scotland Neck, N. C, for cash, to the highest bidder, at public auction, one 2 ton Kissell Truck. Terms of sale: CASH. Time of safe: 1 2 o'clock, M. A. E. B0BBIIT, Mortgagee. FOUND AN OLD BREAST PIN, solid gold, with Cameo set. Per haps an heirloom. Owner can ob tain it by going to The Common wealth Office, describing it and pay ing for this advertisement. Found by E. Jj. Braxton', near his home on Seventh Street Professional Cards DR. v. s. JENKINS (Dental Surgeon) Office Third Floor Scotland Neck Bank Building OfficeHours 9 A. M. to 6 P M. r It is getting to be so difficult to procure the remedy that it is hardly worth while any more to get sick. The allies hope Germany, hav ing paid the first million marks, will find that getting started was hardest. Minnesota having put a ban on the campaign cigar, demand .for the new cabbage crop is"expectetf to be -less keen. : The American pugilist who did not kiss King Albert's hand be cause he felt he did not know him well enough certainly felt about like most of the rest of us Avould have. No one has yet invented a de vice that would absorb" the shock a man receives when he discovers his bank balance does not cover the check he is about to issue. Now that " Cousin" Everett has been sentenced to 15 months in prison, he will have plenty of time to figure out the details of that chain of candy stores and hotels. Lord Byng of Vimy has been offered the post of governor gen eral of Canada. What he lacks in knowledge of political steam rollers he makes up in experience with caterpillar tanks, which also flatten the opposition. Watch Us urow Scotland Neck Motor Co. Authorized Ford Dealers. At Jacob Hill's This Week Fresh, Tender Steaks, Roasts and Stews; Fresh Fibh; Pork; Chickens and E or cry oo- In fact, I can help you solve that dinner problem. JACOB HILL Pioneer Market Man. Jenkins Old Store. PLUMBING AND HEATING CRESCENT " PLUMBING CO. Phone 187 NORFLEET S. SMITH Insurance and Eeal Estate Thones Business 5. Residence 179 The Article is one in which the mer chant himself has implicit faith else he will not ad vertise it. You are safe in patronizing the mer chants whose ads appear in this paper because their goods arc up to date and not shop worn. : : CfoarM OnapMini COFONiE THE MENACE OF UNREST From time to time one reads in the press various items of hap penings throughout the country which clearly shows flTe temper of a large part of the population and which should be a warning to all thinking people and urge them and the government to take steps to offset their influence and which should be met with counter propaganda. Just recently a speaker in a nearby city addressing a crowd of marine strikers and sympa thizers, defied the courts of the Federal government and declar ed that he would consider it an honor to go to jail in defiance of an injunction of that court. "When such an utterance is made that man should be summarily thrown in prison and put where his preachings woulcTbe hushed. Charlie Chaplin, that world-famous comedian, will be at Dixie Theatre two nights next week, . Tuesday b Wedliniesday in his M ililoe-Oollair Pictaire 661 T7 TF TT TmJ m- m i ii mild K I B 5 5 Under Auspices of thte Ldcal Post of THE AMERICAN LEGION Music Furnishted by Special Orchestra. 25c & 40c. Walkimg amid Riding GMitivatoFs Planet Jr. Cultivators We have the famous Internat ional and P & O Riding and Walking Cultivators. None bet ter. You kntW that. Our Hardware and Implement Departments are well supplied with seasonable goods, and dur prices are right. oyette-Maields (Co THE QUALITY STORE" 'Phone 2-2-2. Educate For Business The Business Training offers a short, easy and inexpensive route to Surc" Fractical business, stenographic and secretarial courses given. King's graduates with leading Carolina firms. Students assisted free to situations. Kales of tuition and board very reasonable. Enroll any time. Write today for catalog Raleigh, N. C. An Accredited School" . Charlotte, N. C. . ' " ' THAT- - 5- i Weddimg Present IS AT E. T. WHITEHEAD COMPANY'S June is here. It is Wed ding Time --OUR STOCK OF SILVERWARE -A N D- CUT GLASS IS COMPLETE- Reduced T, Whitehead. Gompairiy l .1'.

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