J; iT: H E COMMOM W E A nl TT TT vOL XiH. NUMBER 47. FQUR O'CLOCK EDITION SCOTLAND NECK, N. C, TUESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1921. TELEGRAPHIC SERVICE 5c PER COPY r 3 I FDEITWE BUNKER FIB! E REWARD TEXAN WIRES HE WANTS $15, 000 DEPOSITOR COM MITS SUICIDE. r.IIlCAGO, Aug. 9. Warren C. 1 1 J? xl 1. missincr neaa oi uie wi-bca- Avenue Trust Co., will j llii-'-ujran be suvrendered to the Chicago au-tiH.riti-- $15000 reward, said a n,e?fairo from Chihuahua City, Mex- vo-vived here. This message came Clinton and was address- MOTHER MYSTERY SHIP UFF ATLRKTtG NEW YORK, Aug. 9. Anothery mystery ship, suspected rum carrier, appeared off the Atlantic coast south of Cape Hatteras today. The vessel is believed to be one of a fleet smuggling liquor into this country, authorities said. not ICO, fvniYI E. C ej to State's Attorney Crowe. -I have Spurgin," Clinton wired. ;.fje is hiding where the police can rot oVt him. I will be willing to sur render him if the reward is large nou?h. I understand $15,Cr00 has been ported. The $2,500 reward does not interest me." A similar message was received by V. C. Bams, representing Lloyds of London. Mr. Burns said he would reply to u. Job:1- Me Shane, assistant state's at- TOVneV, Wired iu viiinuii i-uai, uic oniv reward so far offered for Spur jin was S'2,500. He did not believe it would be increased. He said undoubt edly Spurgin would be apprehended without Clinton's aid. Clinton is a resident of Marfa, Texas, but is well know;: and has friends ir Chihuahua City. Depositors and stockholders of the wrecked bank met to plan a receiver snip. The loss will exceed $1, 000,000. William Chambers, who had $2,500 deposited in the bank, committed suicide. Me was despondent over his loss, relatives said. TWISTED KNIFE IN TRXI DRIVER BODY LOVELESS WIFE T! SEPARATE FROM CH HUBBY MRS. AUERBACH ASSERTS SHE WAS ILL-TREATED CHARGE DEATH THREATS. I WHITE PLAINS, N. Y., Aug. 9. Mrs. Doris Auerbach, of Manhattan, youthful bride of less than 2 years, sets forth in affidavits before Su preme Court Justice Tompkins here a detailed story of what she terms S BROKEN KEEPING ARMY RHINE RIVER REPUBLICANS AND DEMOCRAT CONDEMN PRESENCE OF FORCE AT BIG COST. WASHINGTON, Aug. 9. The continued presence of 14,000 Amer ican soldiers in Germany is stirring the senate. Senators Borah of Idaho, and Brandegee of Connecticut, re publicans, and McKellar of Tennes- MEXICAN CENER KILLED BY AM MEXICO CITY, Aug. 9. General Jose Alessio Robles was shot and kill ed today while automobile riding by fire armed men. General Jacinto Trevine has sur rendered to the police. , The killing, it is said, is the result of a newspaper controversy. AL iMRS. USH CARUSO 1 SEEK FORTU IE 0 a bestial and loveless marriage, and I see, democrat, are protesting against COLUMBIA, S. C, Aug. 9. The body (of William Brazell, aged 19, taxicab driver and col lege student, who was killed near Leesville yesterday, was found early today three miles from Leesville. F. J. Kirby, C. O. Fox and Jesse Gappins have been arrest ed. The sheriff said that Kirby made the statement that Fox stabbed Brazell and twisted the kn'fe around in his body while 1.1 begged for mercy. The wOinpanions threw the body into the bushes after robbing him, Kidby is quoted as saying, and drove off in Brazell's automo bile. JAIL ATTENDANT NOT FINED FOR GAMBLING seeking by the narrative a separation from Hyman AueHbach, her wealthy and elderly husband, member of the firm of Katz & Aueibach, dealers in flowers and feathers. She suffered in silence and misery the results of the marriage, she said. Finally determined to bare her des pair and degradation only because, their maintenance of the Rhine. "One of the solemn pledges made in the last campaign was that the army would be brought out of Eu rope as soon as the order could be issued," said Senator Borah. "I think that was a pledge which it was within our power to fulfill." "What possible benefit do we re- TO N TOBACCO TRADE UNDERGO PRO WASHINGTON, Aug. 9. The Federal Trade Commission was di rected today, under a resolution just adopted by the Senate, to investigate tobacco trade conditions, including tne prices to producers ana co i- WIDOW ACTS TO GIVE GLORIA ALL OF ESTATE OF THE FAMOUS SINGER. having been forced from her hus- j ceive f rom having 14,000 soldiers in band's home, she was left on the! Europe? What possible advantage to hands of her parents. i the United States? What property Henry Knight Was Quieting Insane Prisoner When Alleged "Skin" Artists Were Taken. She asserts her husband's income to be not less than $25,000 a year and alleges he is the owner of Man hattan real estate worth at least $300,000. She chaft-ges, however, he has transferred blocks of property to corporate ownership and quotes him as taunting her with a statement that he had made the transfers so that she could make no claim against him. Nevertheless, she asks $200 a week alimony and an allowance of $5,000 counsel fees. Judge Tompkins took her petition under advisement for two weeks announcing that meanwhile he have we there to protect? "My humble opinion is that the thing which has more to do with main taining them there than anything is I the delightful position in which they are located. The total cost of keep ing these troops in Europe has been $275,324,192. It is costing us there fore about $1,000,000 a month to maintain this army in Europe, a much larger amount than would be neces sary to maintain the same number in the United States. "It is no relief to the taxpayer to say that Germany must pay this up keep when Germany does not pay it, LONDON, Aug. 9. According to the Napels correspondent of the Daily Mail, immediately after Caruso's eath his widow appealed to the courts for the enforcements of the Italian statutes which would make his baby daughter Gloria his' only legal heir except for a fraction of her husbands money, which would be assigned to herself. The Judge provisionally granted her petition. He then went to the Hotel Vesuvio, where Caruso died, and sealed all his valuables pend ing further investigations of the matter. Bruno Zirato, the private secretary and confident of the tenor has an nounced that Caruso left practically no property either real or personal in ers. ..-i""' Senator Smith, of Sou' ... olina, who is author of the r n'on, said there was no maxkrsi. obacco and Uv,;0 f v,Q i. y I tuio vvuuii v w livll lie oailCU W C V last spring to his native shores. His bonds and securities had been sold that farmers vf t$y iig tobacco for y fertilizers, b' ' es on cigars and cigarettes a the wartime peak. ie 8? HORSE The Henry Knight fined in Mayor's Court Monday morning for gambling was not the Henry Knight who at tends the county jail here. The negro caught in the "skin" raid was Harry Knight. In fact, Henry Knight claims that 1 at the time the alleged gamblers were taken in a raid, he was very busy at the jail quieting an insane man who had torn up the plumbing in his cell. NEW HAVEN, Conn., Aug. 9. of this, Henry has undisputable fc-d-A-ard Vizhiski, 42, fell down a lad-(proof: a swollen and bruised arm, with two long scars, which the crazy man inflicted when Henry entered his cell, after about $25 worth of toilet fixtures had been demolished. The afflicted man is Robert Per son, ajred 18. who lives iust across father attends the Williams farm of FOR L ANGEVIN INCIDENT j the Elks-Williams Company. Application has been made for the entrance of Person at the State Asy lum, and the authorities are hopeful that same will be accepted. Edgecombe has another patient, a woman, awaiting permission to the state institution, though the county now has her full quota in, and the state has no room for additional en- would have the question of Auer- and Germany cannot pay it at the bach's financial status investigated i Present time. der in landin hor?e, death. The victim of the accident has family m Poland. ALLIES DEMAND APOLOGY bam ivasdwitz s junk yard, on teh heels of the latter's hich then kicked Vizhiski to a by referee. The affidavits of Mrs. Auerbach and of her father, Abraham Schrei ber, were submitted by Hymphrey and Lunch, her attorneys, according to Mr." Lynch the defendant has "caus ed to be transferred his equities in a Manhattan house and other build ings assessed for $780,000. WOMAN GAVE PEDDLER $600 RING IN $1.00 BILL under his orders before his departure. Propedty Shipped To Italy Even his beloved art objects, his ceramics, his pictures, coins and curio of which he had a marvelous collect- j ion, were packed into trunks and Removed Diamond From Her Hand j boxes and most of them were shipped And Wrapped It in Bill, Later to Italy. So were all the personal ef Bought From Peddler. f ects and furnishings with which he . hab beautified the Caruso suit in the MIDDLETOWN, N. Y., Aug. 9. spoken reasons for this course, accord. Miss Mollie Vuolo, of this city, while j ing to his secretary althoug the tenor expressed with an almost jocular non chalance was; "Who knows Bruno, I may never BEE LI X, Aug. 9. The allies have landed a sharp note to Germany de manding an apology from the Ger man government and the dismissal of the police who arrested Capt. Lan ?ev''R, of the French army. Capt. Langevin's arrest aboard a tram has created a new German-allied :ncid "The sooner we withdraw those troops the better. There can be no rehabilitation in Europe .''until the 170,000,000 persons of Russia and the 70,000,000 persons of Germany are erialSledto get on their feet. By keeping these troops there certainly it is not helping these countries. Maintaining them there is unneces sary, and if we make Germany pay the cost of keeping them there, it is unjust to Germany." Senator Brandegee said he was at a loss to understand why the neces- i sity for the maintenance of troops in Germany now exists. "It seems to me," said he, "that three years after the war is over the LOS ANGELES, Aug. 9. Search ! American people are entitled to for the shotgun used in killing John j know without anybody being embar- SEARCH FOR RIFLE at her work, removed a diamond ring from her finger, wrapping it in a $1 bill, which she placed in her pocket. Five minutes later, when a peddler j get back to New York?" appeared at the house, she made a j 1 1 1 .1 - J .Li J.1 purcnase anu nanueu xne man me bill, she says, not stopping to open it and not thinking of the ring, which was valued at $600. Half an hour later she remember ed and notified police headquarters. The peddler was caught bue denied all knowledge of the ring, and as none was found in his possession he jwas dischorged. hi I irn unT in nr sin AWtS NUI lUbtHU TROOPS TO SILESIA I THAT KILLED i mm amm i B. Kennedy continues today. Mrs. Madelyn N. Obenchain and Arthur Burch, who are held in con nection with the shooting, refuse to talk. tni. The Germans allege that the j trances. -Tarboro Southerner. ;ap:am puffed smoke in the faces of "wu.on passengers. Asked to stop his coking, he refused, whereupon a man major knocked the cigar oat K)uth. Captain Langevin pull- emergency cord and stopped the trr MISS STONE TO PLEA GEMS STOLEN BY CHILD 12 YEARS OLD, REPENTS loot eh-y ROCHESTER, N. Y., Aug. 9. Serial for a melodrama was fur nis"ed by a girl. 12 vears nlrf. who , . , . ,K a c-tiaraois bag, containing jew- ' ued at $5,950. from a drpss- r- tried to sell a diamond brooch $4,000, for a song, and then, Ulin conscience stricken, re- an Sene of the robbery lf tned to replace the gems but ff:-hr;ed away. The climax itle!V 'Cn 8irl's mother was C-v. 8'' ;;'y sting her displaying a ia;;r no amond ring, and the chUd e(j "fiiicu now sne o Drain ed U( m than her motner compell tr 1" return all the valuables. TEMPORARY INSANE is ALLIES WERE MIXED INSILESIATRIAIiELE: ! Killed in P HIR U iSITTAT A Hi Persons were killed or dei. " m a government pow- .jjiuaiua iiere. owder Explosion. Japan, Aug. 9. rrb 3s to HJ r vou cierans oureau lpt?IIXf;TTABg. 9.-Charles 01 the Bureau of War Risk V rclmg as director of the ws nominated today by !;era But Si?-,- led ceau created by Sweet's day by the president. NEW YORK, Aug. 9. The case of Miss Olivia Stone, a Cincinnati nurse, charged with the killing of El lis C. Kinkead, a former Cincinnati corporation counsel, was postponed until Thursday. Counsel for Miss Stone intimated a temporary insanity plea. Miss Stone said she did not realize what she was doing that night and wept and moan ed in her cell. She discussed the shooting with newspaper men on the way to jail yesterday and said: am the happiest woman in the world. Ellis Kinkead is now in the place where the dawn comes up like thun der, and I am glad. T waited for days at a time to meet Kinkead. I dared him to face me. When I saw him I said: How do you do, Mr. Ellis Kinkead? You are surprised to see me, ain't you, you dirty rat?" "Then I pulled the trigger. At the police station I first learned that I had killed him They told me be fore that I had hit him in the knee and I was awfully disgusted with my self, because I had aimed at his head. I am a nurse and ought to know what part of his body I had hit " PARIS, Aug. 9 The allied experts who have been attempting to delimit Upper Silesia were in hopeless dead lock here, and it appeared certain that they would not have a working report ready for the Supreme Coun cil, but their decision was finally ren dered today. The French had definitely declined to accept the British and Italian view points on the partitioning of Upper Silesia. The British-Italian view had proposed a majority of the disputed province to Germany, whereas the French wanted to give it to Poland. rassed why an -American array is be ing maintained in Europe." "I want to ask," said Senator Mc Kfllar. "after the passage of the peace resolution, was it not the idea j that the soldiers in Germany should at once be returned and that it also would be illegal or almost, if not quite, an act of war to keep them there after the peace resolution?" Senator Borah said the only way government expenditures could be re duced would be by reducing the army and halting naval construction temporarily. 1 i LEI!! 1SS 11 E.S PLEh i FDR FAMINE RELIEF i PARIS, Aug. 9. The Allied Su preme Council has decided not to send reinforcements for teh allied troops in Up"?r .Silesia. The French and British premiers are reported to have reached agree ment privately on the partition of Upper Silesia. THIS GHOST MADE REAL NUISANCE OF HIMSELF NEW YORK, Aug. 9. Premier Lenine has issued an appeal for fam ine aid. The message was sent out from the "toiling industrial workers zrd agri culturalists of ali countries," says the Russian cable received here today. JEALOUSY CAUSED T AND SUICIDE ALL PITC STOLE LARGE m null iP m m MANCHESTER, Aug. 9. When a spooky, angry, great white ghost stands across the street from you in the wee sma' hours and shakes his i:::-t v-, :ir':v rally you're nervous. This is the way a ghost has been treating three lone, lorn women here 7'T--:c- vtr. Te women are Mrs. -Jabei Iviorriii, Ivlrs. Abe Allen and Miss Frances Stewart. Now the ghost, as Miss Stewart more than a little surmises, is her dead grand- father, George F. Bosher, late weal thy real estate operator. SUES HARVARD MAN BOSTON, Aug. 9. William Nick erson, of Somerville, has filed three libel suits of $100,000 each against the University Press, of Cambridge, Mass.; the Barta Press, of Boston, and Dr. Henry Lyman, of Boston, the last named research fellow in biolog ical chemistry at the Harvard Medi cal school and also in chemistry on the Harvard Cancer commission. Nickerson charges that books pub lished by the two presses named him as deserting from Base Hospital 5 in France on January 21, 1919, and that Henry Lyman, commanding officer of the hospital, caused one of the books to be published. ONEIDA, N. Y., Aug. 9. Frank Sager today shot and killed Miss Pearl Hook, seriously wounded his sister and committed suicide in a rage of jealousy. IE U. S. CAT IS H REVU DETECT E SHERBURNE, Minn., Aug. 9. F. R. Frederick, baseball pitcher, and a former bookkeeper, is returning to day to Kansas City with detectives, charged with the embezzlement of $156,000 from Armour & Co. POLICE CHIEF'S SLAYER AT BAY, KILLS HIMSELF SHARK-LEATHER SHOES OUTWEAR ALL OTHERS Bureau of Standards Makes Interest " ing Statement Regarding Qual ity of Shark Hides. SYRACUSE, Aug. 9. There's no longer any need to send samples of brew suspected of hitting more than one-half of one per cent alcoholic content to New York for analysis by federal chemists at the federal pro hibition director's headquarters there according to agents attached to the local enforcement bureau WASHINGTON, Aug. 9. The sharp has a grouch against the gov ernment. First, the Bureau of Fisher ies attempted to popularize shark steaks as both edible and delectable. Now comes the leather shark in the Bureau of Standards, who declares that shark leather is superior to calf leather for shoes. In proof he offers laboratory tests on tensile strength, water penetration, etc., bufc stronger than that, points to its actual wear. At the request of the Bureau of Standards scientists, laborers working "Carrie Nation," the ferocious fed- in ditches, postmen tramping their j AURORA, 111., Aug. 9. James T. Witt, 29, who has been hunted for three months in connection with the murdeT of Chief of Police George Rehm, of West Chicago shot and killed himself near here after he had been wounded in a pistol fight with Sheriff Martin Hextall, of Kendall county, in a country road near York ville. 111.. Witt shot himself after an automo bile chase when his capture appear ed certain. His wife and 3-year-old son, who were in another automobile, escaped. Confer on Tax Revision. WASHINGTON, Aug. 9. Repub lican members of the House Ways and Means committee will confer to day with President Harding on tax revision subject. , TURK NATIONALISTS MOVE THEIR CAPITAL TO SIVAS eral feline, on duty as rat catcher at the Syracuse office, is the answer. Agents have discovered that if sam ples of home brew are placed before the cat, the animal will lap up the real stuff, but tip over the saucers holding the innocent cereal beverage. routes, and even school boys at play have been wearing one shoe of shark skin and the other qf salf. The sea product wore better than the land leather, and in addition does not abrade as easily when the toe is stubbed. ATHENS, Aug. 9. The Turkish Nationalists, broken by the latest Greek attacks, are precipitously tran ferring their capital from Angora to Sivas, according to reports here. The Greeks are declared to have dispersed the enemy ar Nicaia.