THE CO M N W E A fc i3 O TUT ouuxijmu JKEUK, N. U., TUESDAY, AUGUST 16, 1921. l. XIII. NUMBER 53. FOUR O'CLOCK EDITION JSmterates ireland's claim fob 1 1 SEPARATION FROM GREAT 0 T AN MACHINE GUNS MOUNTED AROUND JAIL TELEGRAPHIC SERVICE 5c PER COPT (Bv Associated Press.) IViMin. Aug. 10 At the opening -- tin1 first public session of the Irish jjopubtican parliament, Eamon DeVa Icra, rcpuT'lioan leader, reiterated IivVvti's claim for separation from TCftt Britain, declaring that the 0'i i'.UUCIH nil l'- v-L-i zo was the ministry of th Irish Parliament. (By Associated Press.) Centreville, Ala., August 16th.- iViacnine guns are mounted around I the county jail with two militia com panies guarding Clyde Thomas, negro who is going on trial tomorrow charg ed witih criminal assault and murder of a fourteen-year-old white" girl. ciuy TARIFF CONGRESS CALLS FOB TARIFF ON SOUTH- El PRODUCTS (By Associated Press.) Greensboro, X. X., Aug. 16. At the Southern Tariff Congress here Senator Broussard, of Louisana, and William Burgess, of the United States Tnriff Commission, spoke on a resolu tion offered providing for a tariff on Southern products to equalize the cost of production with foreign coun tries. The senator urged the divorce ment of the tariff from politics. STEAM PROPULSION Congress News (By TJ. S. Press) Washington, Aug. 16. A confer ence of Republican members of the Finance and Ways and Means Com mittes of Co'ngress, practically agreed to exclusion of the proposed dye em bargo from the tariff bill and to give the industry high import duties. Sen- ators Smoot and DillingTiam and Rep resentatives Longworth and Frear were designated as a joint committee to study the question of proper rates. The conference also agreed to a mod ification of the American valuation plan as the basis for the assessment of duties, the gneral principles of the system as written iiiTfTie Tordney bill being retained. A favorable report was ordered by the Finance Commit tee on House resolution extending the dye embago i' t'i emergency bill to XovemV-r" 27 . ?xt, with an amend- h ib: extend the entire jet to January 1 Democrats Hold Party Caucus In Capital Today (By Associated Press.) Washington, D. C, Aug. 16., 1921. The Democrats will hold a party cau cus late today to determine the atti tude toward the Administration tax bill CURTAIL OA HONS DELAY WORK ON NAVAL SHIPS (By Associated Press.) Washington, August 16. The cur tailment of naval building due to de creased appropriations will delay work on battleships and cruisers, the Xavy department "says. It requested one hundred and fifteen million and received fifty-three million dollars. Woman and Three Men Disarm Officer NATURE RAPIDLY HEALING SCARS DF WAR SHELL TORN BATTLE FIELDS NOW COVERED WITH THICK VERDURE T RADE ASSOC AT DNS AND PRICE FIXING (By Associated Press.) cnariotte, jN. C, Aug. 16. At the opening of the Hartsell Cotton Mill a woman and three men "disarmed a Railroad Earnings (By TJ. S. Press) Washington, Aug. 16. If the rail roads are the accurate barometer of busines that they have been- regarded, the skies are beginning to clear in. this country, for the showing made by the carriers for the month of June is most encouraging. Net operating .revenues for that month were $51,773 000, which is an increase of $14,697,- special officer. All three were arrest-! ir i 4. i iiucc wcitr aixtsi j 04(, over the net oneratinsr revenues x C3 for May. Of the 202 class I railroads ed. No other disorder occurred before the militarv came oil dutv. FARMERS IL AVO ED BY NATURE AND MAN (By TJ. S. Press) Washington;, Aug. 16. Following the conferences between officials of me JJearcment of Justice and the De- AUGUST FIRST CROP REPORT partment of Commerce, it is announc-j SHOWS POOR ENCOURAGE- i ed that the government 's campaign I MENT against price fixing by trade associa-! tions will be carried forward solely OF AIRSHIPS INVENTED (By Associated Press.) London, Aug. 16. Invention of a system of steam propulsion for air ships is claimed by Captain W. P.. Durtiuiii. who .was :i British .na vol. of ficer during the war and up to a year ago staff captain in the Chief Me chanical and Electrical Engineer's de partment of the Roval Air Force. It PANAMA CANAL TOLLS On motion of Senator Borah, the bill to admit " American coastwise ships to the use of the Panama canal with tie idea of preventing infraction I of the law and with a proper consid eration for legitimate 'business. As- (By Associated Fress"V Soissons, France, Aug. 16. Nature is making such rapid progress in healing the scars of war in France that, outside of towns where ruins are still standing, it will soon be impos sible to discover the famous front) Tne Washington Post thinks that it line of four years of war without j is or great importance that the gov- close examination. It has become evident that the abandoned project"" of maintaining in tact, as it existed at the close of hos tilities, the line from Nieuport, in 16. Alonsr Raleigh, X. C, Aug. with other features of an odd' comes the crop situation.--! &Ttb ducers in our most essentr industry surance is given that nothing will be'have P00r encouragement for their done unreasonably to disturb commer-1 Fear 's efforts. Both .Nature and cial and industrial activity. mau nave seemingly lllfavored the t farmers. The ombined condition of all crops , rr . ii , eminent exercise its influence toward! 1S Ptr teuc utlow tne Tn year aver the breakiing up of illegal price-fixing age for North Carolina; even though combinations, under whatever 'guise tliere was a 7 Per cent improvement they may masquerade, and it states . durin 'ulv- Tlie United States' i . i i t j. ithat the revelation of investigating ; l uluumt u eiuP eonumon is t per cent else- w average, with a decreae of 3.4 per cent during July in the " eoni- reporting, but 72 failed to show a profit in June, as compared to , S2 which showed a lbs"? in May. The railroads have a long distance to travel in order to get back to a state of reaonsable prosperity,' "despite the gains they have made" of late. The net operating income"" shown for June is equivalent to an annual return of 3.1 per .e;Aon the fair valuation of the v- - '- determined bv the In " '"Commerce Commission. In ,5' the ret income was at the rate of 2.4 per cent on the valuation. This shows a very decided improvement, although it is still far short of the 6 per cent return contemplated by the transportation act. The improvement in the railroad situation is not to be disregardel, for it is highly significant. The last showings ertainly furnishes a very sub stantial basis for confidence in the future. carried out expecting at an enormous expense. C X J S X . m I -- I oiaies uu eminent rowaras lurnisnmg shelled repeatedly until the subsoil! preference to American ships" over the covered the surface almost, completely,! Belgium, to Belfort, as a lesson to fu- committees in Xew Yorlc and ture venerations' could not have heen,where revealed the existence of giant j conspiracies to maintain prices 5t ab-imnea rrospecuve conditions, and the normal levels and to restrict the sup-?final acre-yield is 13 per cent lower ply of these materials These com-i s- ,eeL P"oes, V iAr.n4-r. 1 1 . 11. . binations, it says, were of such mag-i,vt"uls a"u g a nitude and strength as to interfere;011' cr0Ps of ' the country having a serkly with the tendency toward j respective production as great as normal prices and conditions, Avere not free of tolls has been made ttf order J Forests that were supposed to havej V of businss. This opens the whole question of the policy of the Unite ? been annihilated have shown remark able recovery. Positions that were shipa( from foreiign countries. Great Britain has heretofore secured equal I T jF 1 l! J.1 is maintained that the new system "S"13 u auu. oi insisting on me I - - J? 1 1 J A. ' will fnnrtio,. nt .nltitndes hitherto Ull- I provisions oi oiu treaties. attainable with the ordinary type of internal combustion engine. Xllt. Ill till 1U1I 1- 3(111.1 I. KJ l-LJ .1 completely with the ordinary boiler, the steam being generated by means of internal combustion power or heat energy. The superheated steam heat energy is supplied tTJ special steam motors which are reversible and can be controlled from a central ool station. 4 Only heavy oil is used as fuel and it is claimed that the driving ma chinery can be safely placed inside tlie frame of the airship instead of in separate gondolas outside, thus bring ing about a great reduction in air resistance and consequently ""reducing the power required for propulsion The en'!ne or "steam motors," as Captain Burtnall calls them, are of the bu!ile -acting type requiring no flywheels. teals Steam Boiler 'i'y Associated Press) Orleans. France, Aug. 16. A few Il!ght;s a-o burglars broke into an iron m Oliver warehouse and tlie next "l0T!l!".U' the only object missing was '' Wge boiler. The police at first Sieved theft to be the work of ri !'iadn,ai;. Later they arrrsW Mr. lioiticr. hr, nt 4 'WIS! a wealthy wholesale wine mer ii 1 owner of a chateau and ex- s!ve grounds at Cerdon-sur-Loire. ""it!er admitted the theft saying 1" had c,,!uliiitti'd in a "'moment of v - Uill lilV ((HO V. such a boiler had he wished. A l!,"""'r n! similar boilers, some of "em weii.lng over a ton, were found tbo collars of liis country home. fntior"s lawyer says he will plead ptouifiuia. SPRING WHEAT GRADES Bepresentative Steenerson of Minne sota, has secured a favoralble report on his bill to modify Federal grades of Sprinig wheat. The measure provides that all foreign material in grading of wheat shall be counted as dockage and that moisture in excess of 14 1-2 per cent shall be designated on the' grade certificate and shall not affect the grain. CUTTING ' DOWN FEDERAL EXPENSES Secretary Mellon, in transmitting revised estimates on government in come and exnenditures in accord with those agreed to at the White House conference, wrote a letter to Chairman Fordney, of the Ways "a"n(T Means Committee, reiterating his "warning to reduce expenditures. The revised es timates included reductions 6F $520, 000,000 in expenditures for this year. FARMERS HIT BY PRICE COLLAPSE Governor Strong of the Xew York Federal Reserve Bank, told the joint congressional commission that farmers have suffered from the-recent price collapse, and that resumption of pros perity for agricultural products de pended upon reduction of their retail osts and lowered wages. DIRECTOR GENERAL IS PESSIMISTIC Director General of Railroads Davis told the Interstate Commerce Commit tee that final liquidation of railroads is possible by December - 31, 1922. When asked what percentage of rail road are solvent, Mr. Davis said that "if the roads do not do better all will lie .insolvent." He strongly urg ed passage "of the administration fund ing bill. TURPENTINE AND ROSIN IN NAVAL STORES The stocks of turpentin and rosin in the storage yards at Savannah consists of 7,317 barrels of turpentine" and 75,552 round barrels of rosin. giving every appearance" of hopeless aridity, nave been slowTy'covered by vegetation. Even the famous height along which runs the Chemin des Dames (the adies' Way), is covered with thick herbage, that remains green in spite of the drought. In order to presrve certain famous war "scenes such as the Bayonet Trench at Ver- dun, it was necessary to erect a shel ter and protect the trench from the slow but sure work of nature in order to preserve it as it was during the great battle. GOVERNMEN IT OF PALES TINE PUSHING last year; while tobacco is forecasted only illegal in themselves but distinct- at 59' cotton at 6L4 and'apples 45.4 ly against the public interest. I Per cnt compared with the" last nat ! 1 y -ml .1 1 s-- - s" - - n "It is the duty of Federal authori-i uui'8' ties." the Post, editorial concludes,! Due to certain new crors short" "to break up such practices where- aSes' and' variable conditions, the ver found, and that is the object ofprices Paid to aers increased 2.5 the Department of Justice in inau-',Ier ceut duril1" Jul-V- This Urease gurating the campaign it has outlined, j makes the farm Prodcts of the nation But it is not the policy to do any-javeraSe about 60 Per cent "below ti thing calculated to frighten legitimate PHces a "ear aS and 36 Per ceat be"! , -k 4.1 4. - .4. low the ten vear average of August business. On the contrary, where it j - fee 1 of -ti a I n i r o ' -- -wi n tc T ttOct" Ai I- --v t 1 n is possii3l2 to secure the corrction of 1 1 questionable practices without prose- PROVIDES CREDIT TD FIANCE CROPS WAR FINANCE CORPORATION WOULD BE AUTHORIZED TO SELL TWO BILLION -IN BONDS es increased substantially but are The North Carolinna corn crop e:c- broken up and that price-fixing con-!J spiracies be done away with. Law- EDUCATION (By Associated Press"; London, Aug. 16. So comprehen sive is the education of the govern ment of Palestine- that, at the present; irate of progress, the whole country will be provided vvith schools within j four years, it is announced here. j Since January, 34 new village schools providing elementary education for 1,360 children, have been opened, while 46 state-aided schooTsprovided in villages by the inhabitants have been taken over by the government. An additional 35 schools will be open-! ed during the current- fiscal year, it is announced. Measures also are being taken for the development of the two training .colleges for teachers. Teachers are a7so being appointed to live among the Bedouin tribes and teach their children. A central education committee has been formed, consisting of four Mos lems, three Jews and three Christians. Under the arrangements now in force the people of the villages provide the buildings and furniture and keep them in repair, while the government pays the salaries of the teachers and other costs of maintenance. c-4-t!1 ii.lin i . i n r. (Mi 4 1 .1 An- 1 . . i I l 11 cution this has been done. There is ; 1 ,. ... 4. i 4. 4.i, 4. 4. Jvear average, 51 below those of two no disposition to beat the tomtoms.- to ' , . , , . ., vears ago, and 3S per cent below last. nnrl TQiao o ordnpri nlfirm nut. it l s - a ' 1 necessarv for the protection of the !ear s Prices public that illegal combinations be jperienced a bad spring tor 'germina tion and growth. The try weather ! . . . . . . . i . .i i - . i 1 1 .i.l . . . i . . .1 Hi - a1 I i. in li ful business has no cause to fear the; 1 1 1 .activities of the government authori-: 1 eg ,, Jin the piedmont or central counties I is a low, weak, and yellowish plant 1 i jthat promises poor yields of grain or j silage. The crop at present shows p ! fairly good condition (85 per cent) which is some below the average. The j i yield is estimated at about 19 bushels i per acre, where-as last year it aver aged 23 bushels. The price for the j nation averages 62 cents per' bushel Manchester, Eng., Aug. 16. The j compared with $1.64 a year ago. An Federation of Master Cotton Spinners j interesting study of the condition by Association "has decided to increase i counties was made in comparison WORKING TO INCREASE HOURS OF COTTON MILLS work in mills using American cotton to 35 hours weekly against the pres ent short-time of 24 hours. The mills using Egyptian cotton will immediate ly resume full time working. IS TRITON OF NATIONAL LANDS with the Weather Bureau's records for June and July and showed that the condition of the crop was in direct relation to the rainfall. There was Jlitte rainfall from Stokes to Northamp ton counties, and here the crop condi tion figures are also low (By Associates Press) Mexico City, Aug. 16. National lands in the territory of Quintana Roo which have stood idle since 1909 are to be divided into small tracts and sold on easy terms of farmers who can give suitable financial references. The ditribution of these lands . was sus pended on ' December 18, 1909, in or der to allow for a complete survey. WEATHER REPORT Forx North Ohrolina: Unsettled weather- tonight and " Wednesday. Probably showers and warmer tonight, AVashingtcn, Aug. 13. The Farmers relief bill which passed the Senate last week, and which it is believed will pass the House this week, confers very extensive powers upon the War Finance Corporation for the relief of agriculture. This corporation already lias actual assets to the amount-of $332,000,000 $400,000,000 of this in actual cash subject to immediate check and the balance in good securities. The bill gives the corporation the power to sell $2,000,000,000 of bonds, thus giv ing it :. 'r ontial en ;! 1 of something over $2,5:iO-,(-uo,ooO. In addition it may resell its securities and use the :::t.;u'y rocived the. el.V"; a ; a revol ving fund for the relief of agriculture. In addition to providing foPl inancing immediate exportation of surplus crops the bill provides that the corporation may loan money to enable farmers to carry over their crops until they can be marketed in an orderly way that is, until the market is ready to take them. The most important provision in the bill is that which authorizes the cor poration to loan to banks, both State and National, etc., the full amount of money advanced either heretofore or hereafter for "agricultural purposes," I not only to farmers, but to anyone making advances to farmers for agri cultural purposs. This, of course, in cludes the fertilizer man, the horse and mule man, the supply man supply ing the farmer, as well as the farm er. These loans are made with the understanding that they may be renew ed from time to time for not longer than two years. Under this provision any bank which has heretofore made or may hereafter make "anlidvance to the farmer or to any intermediate man except on North East coast. Moderate j ?or agricultural purposes may borrow to easterlv winds. COTTON MARKET October. 13.01 December 13.42 -! January , 13.43 . Bank upon its bonds $100,000,000 for March .r . 13.66 the year 1921, and $100,000,000 from the corporation at a resonable rate of interest the full amounnt so advanced. The bill, as it passed the Senate, also provides that the corpor ation may loan to the Federal Land for May '-- 13.77 .the year 1922. I