.' , 'i THE DAILY COMMONWEALTH, SCOTLAND KECK, N. C, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1921. a a a a S3 U m a si P S. A I a a Our Cigars ) CLare Fragrant h - and . v J TeligMrul . v.-- . y x - OF STUDENTS IN U N I UERSITIES FRENCH 'eessible foreigners except that of,-doctor of letters, Professor Babcock sail. Professor Paul Van Dyke of Prince ton will be director of the union for 1921-22. J " i u . NORTH END DRUG STORE (By Associated Press) NeAv York, Oct. 25. -American stn- ! dents from 43 states and the District of Columbia, graduate sof 103 Ameri can universities and colleges, are mow studying in French universities, Pro fessor Earle B. Babcock, reports on his return to New York University after serving as director of the Amer ican University Union in Paris. The largest number of American, students, 524 men and women, since the beginning of the war are register ed at the union. Before the war be tween 1,100 and 2,500 students were studying in Paris every year. As the result of the work of the union and the American Council on Education, all the Fiench state degrees are afc- S Money back without question if HUNT'S GUARANTEED SKIN DISEASE REMEDIES (Hunt's Salve and Soap), fail in the treatment of Itch, Eozema, Ringworm.Tetterorotheritch ine siin diseases. Try this treatment at our risk. E. T. WHITEHEAD CO. CK Coastal Plaim Fair TARBORO, N. C. Novo 1 4o 1921 The Largest District Fair in the State. Splendid Agricultural and Stock Exhibits. MONEY TO LEND ON FARM PROPERTY. RE AS ABLE TERMS. ASHBY DUNN We have on display a beautiful line of Bed Room Suites in Ain tigue Ivory, Walnut, Mahogany and Oak, with chairs to match. Our line of other house furnishings is very attractive. See us for anything to make the Home more beautiful and comfort able. Reasonable Terms can be arranged. Big Free Attractions Fine Horse Races. Carnival Open Day and Night. Fireworks Eveary Night. Meet all your friends and have a good time. Reduced rates on Railroads. COME EVERYBODY! WHERE A DOLLAR DOES ITS DUTY tajVii5' mam MM Cotton Picking Sheets, Heavy Duck for Bags. Prices Right. R. C. Josey & Co, ?:i:tttinii!iirttr:nitMit!:i!it::uimmiitiiTititni:it!ii::;itit::tt:itt!iiiTnintitamta WHITEHEAD DRUG STORE l nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnncnnnnnnnnnn a wuwnuuuuuuuuuuuuu a iv ur j.f ah Cj..i. 01 i . a n n Men's Hats! All Styles, Shapes and Prices. T Q a D a a Our FALL SHOWING LQOR COVERINGS Consisting df most all sizes of rugs in Administers, Tapestries, Wool and Fibre, Grass, Matting, Lineolums, Stair Carpets, Straw Mattings. Your inspection is invited. The Scotland Neck Furniture Company Cash or Credit. n Try Our Want Ad Column For Best Results. BURROUGHS-PITTM AN-WHEELER COMPANY Neat Job Work Done Here. a it H g si 2 B 8 - a'H- 2 o a ' f EVERYBODY 'S STORE ' niiDODnnanfioisonnnnnannflanDannnDsaoanonDDa n nnnannBDaaagggaanannanognnngnnnnnnnnnnDD