i MI Mi In n3 ' ' H VOL XV. NO. 34 ij$ - FOUB O'CLOCK EDITIOM - 0, . . i AEREEMEWT W 81 " -r-r--- - i H&irninmi HMtmbAH SOOTIJOTD UlSQg,, T. :0;UDAY, MARCH 31, 1922 SIC FIG NED FOR THE FIG AT 0 N i . : - . ... .:; : 'A: , : riimrnni nrnninn fiKiTniinT KU SHIU l UIHL.IinL Ul iviiuu i intirifiTPuiw ! IUIVL IVI I UIIIIU j- ; i urinfnnnv I I r IILLU I UUI 1 1 i I TELEGRAPHIC SERVICE 5c PER COPY E REPLIES TD THE BOTE RELA TIVE TO PAYMENT OF THE MILITARY COSTS (By Associated Press V v Paris, Mch. 31st. Frane.re- f i; today to the note from the buried at three o'clock today. ITT rnn tut H flHU Lt MIH I Hh ICQTLAHIl HECK-RICH SQUARE ROAD t-Sl Ot S115.553.10 for ranrlwatr - T 7 . AWWKVVM 4 bridfires-River bridoro bA Twenty-one year-old daughter let later ;o Hon. and Mrs. Claude Kitchen f.i -.'in ry costs of liiu nuivary occupation of ! the , ueland, repeating ithe re-dauater of ,:j . cent declaration of the Minister ! Mrs Glaude Kitchen finance betore the Senate .f.., ,tJU.- ttllCl HI .u, iicu. ilst.: Tne Jbrw ?Sinfe party in Ireland is enor inosly strengthened by the agree in. ill for the pacification of Ire- !of ImihI Jsio'iiprl hvo Inst. nicrVit tTif Iu'. ci.. ': ' xi. .' i ""o""? jiiicit xituiue reuuuizes me ngnis intermen House or das- by A I, Jhe contract was let yester- jat for a gravel road from Scot--ji&id Neck to Rich'Square, a dis 'JUSCiof 12.59 miles, at a cost of ?ll,8'97.G0 for the gravel road- SCHPLETETIEUP LODIIGTOO.S.iOFGOilLIVIIISiri HELP SOLVElTWEWTY STATES PREDICTED HER FIMCIALIS nirriniii titp II I r r iiiii I rn (By Associated Press.). (By Associated Prcss Indianapolis, Ind. Mch. 31st. The last day of work under ommons was told to- of the United Stafpts anrl the rvn- . . . " , , . . . ii successful bidder for the road , mston Spencer Chur iv emotion i whptTiPT t.TiA ; , . . ' - being NelJo L. Teer. of Durham. L . "."rr", v .nasr.or or rnp Kflntiet hmn h nr. - . ' ia ternoon at three o'clock w ,nd 7 655 50 for bridw Belrde, Jugloslavia, March l ag" were t being aF the Baptist LVf . J ? ldgeS; llO-Jugoslavia is looking to the Completed today by the coun- Spe chill, Cecretary of Colonies. 1 ASKED FOR FWE THOUSAND LEPERS GULION 1SL1 cannot iy .'iuuuxi is wneuier me re- pastor of the Baptist .. Church, oM" . " , ' -T ' Z-T 7 'h quest lor mmoursemem snouia .ficiating ,1 . ? , financial and economic problems oe maae to tne Allies or to uer- The pall-bearers were Messrs- million union col many. Pl'iVFPQhtc noil 4- :1n. ; T T -r-. -r-. , " -r. " 1 .r'"'1':i "' - I lUlIUCUlttl'l Speed, Sherrod Harrell, Hubert UjT , . , xl . A, it,,. , i - T . lspfalso understood that the eon sJiddick and Spencer Lewis- L J--, ... , ., i m i? , itrct lor the bridge across the i ivcr win ue ieL souiciime uur- overcome them without rv s half mmg aid in solving her grave minei'S. It is understood-that tkL uinciai suspension was set for i inr. luue oiavstare oeueves it 1 "V X . 4 a W. . 1 . ! i. 1- A. i midnight, but virtually it was to j strart six hours ahead. A com- REPORTED VICEROY OF INDIA HAS RESIGNED j tested the sympathy of the mi- -It is ruu-lmerous inends of the family all inj;- for LONDON, March 30, ored, says the Pall Mall Gazette and j over the country, the Globe, .that Jjord Reading, vice-j M:ss Kitchen is-survived by roy of India has resigned. Austen j her' father, mother and a number Chamberlain, acting head of the In-of brothers and sisters- She was dian government, says the report is reat offerer for many, months without foundation. from an affection of the heart 'and her death came as a relief: jto a burdened body. Ll A IN t. f KIIMCESS TOWED Relatives and friends frarn out l OFFICER OF GUARDS 1 1 I: , ; J. VltVlX UtLVilUHlw 1115 lllllVylUl f i , . . . . - "" . . j X ! were Dr. and Mrs- T. D Kitchen - COPENHAGEN, March 30. It iS;Gf Wake Forest, Mr. (1 II- En-.j t understood that Princess Thyra, sis- gland'' Washington IX C. Mr.L ! MANILA, P. L, March 30. Ask- the cooperation of all the people of the Philippine Islands in th task of extending help to the 5,000 lepers on the Island of Culion, Governor General Leonard Wood has made public the report of Dr. H. W. Wade, Lead of the leper colony, on conditions there. Commenting on the report Governor General Wood said: j ter of King Christian, soon will mar- Mills Kitchen Washington, D. 'From time immemorial the leper! ry an officer of the guards, not of, C., besides large numbers of peo : has been looked upon with peculiar j nobility. pie from nearby towns. - sympathy because of the general be- J - : " ' ? iier tnax cure is impossiDie. we nav i AUTHOR AND ARTIST nates at Culion Thev are literallv i. - i holdina out their hands to us for SAN FRANCISCO, March 30 RFSFflRRH INVFflTlllft help. They kow that modern science Harry Leon m au&1 an(J i ULU L 11111111 111 1 LO HUn offers a chance of cure in a large -4- rp.j nM iTIlin Hill Mill nuMrilT percentage of cases. We must save ! lltrllf a An. c0.Q annAJ I lllU U II L III I L U I III L II I Its obligations amount to near-;Plete tje-up of the Union fields y $1,000,000,000 includng an in- twenty states was predicted ir!(!htp!It,llPSS nf mnro than fen l1inafs ,1 4.1 ' :'& . a i 1 1 i - j t " . riu ytv,- kfT "iimio uiuviai aim HXtJV flS- , . to 7 " : 000,000 to the United States and in? tins letting being only tor the j 4l , . , , . , .twice that sum to Kngland. sjjttall bridges on the roadwav. ! rP, . , - - 1 Ta? dinar, the coutry s unit ot flirrmir-v (Tinrmallv ntinnt j unurea ttiousana men would ft. serted that a hunderd thousand non-union workers would quit. President Lewis said that six iVEY OF CHURCH SHOWS INCREASE 761.727WIE1UIBERS l19 cents has reached the nit.ifiil exchange level of a cent and a!3011'1"? walkout quarter. The amount of out-1 We are ready for a fight for standmg paper money is nearly ed on us b the operators'-',. 5,000,000,000 of dinars. Of this ;he said' sum only 400,000,000 dinars is j : covered by gold reserve or see-; uiities The state s indebtedness CHPI ICU I DPCd Tfl QTIIRV to the National Bank is 4,500,000- j LNuLIM UnbtlJ lU dlUUl 000 dinai-s- IMNEW YORK, March 30. An in- i - crease of 761,727 church members The budget, for the new year has reached the staggering : totai j of 6,000 ,000,000 dinars. This isj nci HISTORY s', ; fbught a duel Saturday, according the little children who are-born free J to the Examiner in a gtory publWl. of leprosy We must give them j ed today They used riding gloves as ! New York, March 30th-A na chariffi T.n live and crnw un strnncr . . 1 . weapons, lruey WOn. itinn-wide Iti vestiVatin nf nnem WEATHER BEPOflT and well. We must establish condi- ' tions to combat the frightful ravage of tuberculosis among the lepers. We must eive those who throusrsrh treat- rr. . ! For North Carolina : "'ciit nine ucvumc iicsaiivci a tuaiive i . n., - -. . - ., . . - 'ers tonight. Cooler in west nor-1 This inquiry is defined as an en- to live iree irom the danger ot iur- j . t'ner infection. In a word, we must ' ip 1321 is reported from 50 denom-' nn times greater than nre-war ! . 0,,don, Mch. rllth. Atir apr Blinmil nr rfinrinRfltn -itions' in. a survey maae by Dr. H. ludgets- More than a third of peal ft deeper and' more syste- .;, IlflrJlll flr T several years ago this is for military and defense matic study in England of Ainer--' compiled the first official census of rF - rcanTOiTr-i revenue is much below the total , i v, n n -r - s religions, for the United States gov- of the budget been made by Dr. George Pea- j eminent. The reports from which j The" government is faced with Gooch' a Prominent politi- the survey was made were obtained tremendous problems of recon- cal author, before the Society of -v- struction which are believed to be Erperinient and Research in Ed- direct from each of the fifty de- x- r . impossible to complete without ucation at the university coliego nominations, and therefore repre- V . , i , a Vipvp . loans irom abroad. neie. sent their own figures. Throughout the southern pari ; One reason for the appalling Four of the chief bodies of the of the kingdom most of the in- neglect on this side of American Baptist group are missing from this struments of industry are either history was, he thought, "the destroyed or are seriously msui- deep and ineradicable conviction ployment in the United States, as 'affected by the business cycle, is being made by the National Bu-Show- irean t Economic Research. ! tion. Saturday generally fair deavor to, reduce econoic waste, j - nrient. Railroads are out ot or- that American history was dull . statistical year is the calendar year , xr,r -r:nnr.Ur i n , , der or function very poorly- j pe0ple here havae a sort ot and no returns for 1921 were avail-; Tlmt the o-overnment does not - i v! iv,4. wi,Q iv " o inert -, Jir vvcj.ii uii, iiitti Yutu do all that is humanly possible for and cooler probably preceded bv t0 .increase production and to for- j able. "If Baptist increases for 1921 despair of the outlook is shown America became independent she these unfortunates. We must do for ! ... Ml 1 U It.. t t U - nritimiotin CTOTOmOTlT fT I III' T- T Ij Possibly strong southwest shift mu,ate a compretionsive- policy lwere included, the total gains for u.v "l'11"""' man t .concern us any more, ai 1001 ' u ! 4. i ' u Aiinister oi rmuuuc tu irtiua-.to tnis day we Know more ato ling to northwest, winds. CONGRESSIONAL COM- them what we would have done for j us if we were jn position, and to this j end I bespeak the cooperation of the ' Philippine people in this great work for humanity." !..,--- nrn nl iri! n Dr Wade in his report on condi-" MITTEE TO HEBOMMEND tions as Gulion says; ; '"Though Culion is not at all the plac- of horrors that so many are apt to picture it, there are many thirty that should be done there for the well-being of the inmates, to i Kive whatever chance of recovery j the new treatments may offer them. I and program for the better con trol ot5 the factors in business and! iindustrv hitherto left larcrelv to ! chance. and ut ment, m which he said: unr the American colonial period state possesses within its frontier thm aK)Ut the peri0(1 0f jn(ie. COMPLETION OF WILSON m MUSCLE s DAM A 1921 would almost certainly reach 850,000," Dr. Carroll states. a OlUl jVfJ.'VJ' - mt 1 . ' - - -m' . u ine increase comparea xo an tjie elements necessary jlui pendence. ; It is expected that, together j that of 1920 which was 814,094 ac- great prosperity and the means j Amerk.an literature, Dr. Goo Iwith the companion inquiry on j cording to corrected returns, Dr. of securing a more rapid .restora-,ch q nas Dcen carefully 'seasonal unemployment which wir tion than any qtner country follow, it will discloses definitely j . . -. . .which may have suffered the r., mvta officially,m the Christian same losses. Our, coal, our iron I 111; (.11 UO;. LI VAI V . l. A Mm. A1IJ I K. . w ' ; of unemployment. . . ana oluei 1U111- a 1 ' institutions. Wolev Clair Mitchell the bu- Dr- Carroll's figures show that our great water powei, eAimiw- S jreau's director of research, is eon-; communicants in 1921 totalled 43,- tless iorests, immense nvei ce gir George Trcvclyan and ductinjr the inquiry under the au-j 523 206 a compared with 42,761,479 fic' 0Ur ClltaCt Lecky he had come to the con- studied here but there extraor dinarily few books by English writers on American history and W hile giving due praise to the works of Lord Bry- ror it must be realized that even j (By Associated Press) Wasshington, Mch. 31st- -Com spices of the standing committee j -n 192Q and 36095.68o .in 1911. The Ayhieh was left in being by the j net gain f or the ten s is reported President's Conference on Unem- ! as 7,427,521, or somewhat more than dustrial centers of Central Euro- ;clusion he sai(1 that VupVish peo pe and the opportionment of pro- American histori- perty among the people all of. s when they were nQt writinj? ii , ... 4.1.-1 j iraencement of the work to com- j plovment and 'of which Secretary!,, ttqo houga every patient on the island 1 . . "12 per cent per year be s"tven this treatment in the most plete the Wilson dam and ' the of Commerce Hoover is chairman, j construction of dam number j On the basis of the information three at Muscle Shoals under a 'obtained, the committee hopes to .of unemployment. Can such data government appropriation and ' recommend a concrete policy and be made a trusstworthy index, .despair of our future conscientious manner by competent physicians and nurses, they will not -cuit-u lunui um lc supervision will be proposed ' in program of control to displace I "Reation of unemployment to; uiven suitable and abundant diet, Si;nate by Chairman Norris, temporary palliatives and emer the business cycle: Present so-! woper clothing and are housed so of the AgricuUliral Committee, jgency measures; in dealing with jcial : ' Present social costs of cy- to avoid the crowding that makes he announced after the inspec- the unemployment in this country chcal unemployment- ; for the easy dissemination of other li(m trip It js .estimated that The whole movement, the burc Proposed palliatives and pre ! souses, particularly tuberculosis, ' ft million five hundred thou-! an savs. has the interest and co-iventives of cyclical unemploy-1 Inch kills most of those who die at.'gand donars wm be necessary for operation of numerous oganiza- ment: Long-range planning of (;ulioa- ithe first year's work- ; tions, including the sage founda-'public works, railroad and other "Furthermore the young leper is i tinn and thft Federated American larse scale consturction- Meth- J: .n given his full opportunity unless - - Engineering Societies. The in- .ods of stabilizing production of j editions are such that, should he i f ant's home properly equipped to : mn'rv will consume six months. textiles, clothing and novelties- I thes' conditions, I am sure, will ; contributed to the rapid restora tion of our kingdom- There is no reason" whv we should MILL STRIKE MAY GOMPELL CLOSING about their own country. I Professor Harold Laski, of Iro don University advocated re forms in the teaching methods at Oxford and Cambridge, contrast ing the American system with the Engilsh much in favor of the former because, he said, it left something to the student's imagination and stimulated hU ; creative genius. LAWRENCE, Mass, March 30. j The strike of textile .operators was . advanced today. It is estimated that LEVEES CAVE IN, CAUSING INCREASE IN FLOOD GRAVITY auirv will consume six months. textiles, clothing and novelties- I ; ; HELENA, Ark., March 30. Con- .- T. i r. - - . -, ! throQ ihnncQTiH are worlriTiS'- cared and released, he would find carry tnem tnrougn me Fnua The scope and importance of th Unemployment insurance and j - tinued caving in of levees on the i-lf trained in some useful occu-! first two years. material to be gathered is sum- cut -of work benefits 'paid by) When the week closed atur ay . river two mies feelow P-tion, and so an asset and not a f "Within a very few years methods marized by the bureau as f ol- ! trade unions. " Employment of- 21,000 were on the payrolls. : ? - renorted ou-e, .o the 'community We been discovered whereby a con-,lows . , ' fiees. Financial devices and No mills wiU ,be operating . Mon-; Old Town, near here, is reported ally, the infants of lepers are j siderahlc percental of cases can bej -Description of unemployment, ; measures for controlling the busi day, strike leaders said today. : increasing the gravity of the flood v Uid,d to a chance for normal life. I cured. Plans are now being perfect-;mat the present statistics shows. tness cycle. Improvement in j Officials of the Pacific MiUs said, Torrential rains added to . .-, . . a v . ' ii -I. p :i- - ' j Vipv hnr3 enough workinsr to onerate ,.,n .u firrVifT-a wh:ch can be owen them bv takintr : ed to give xms new treatment. Tvnes of. the unemployment. ;meinoas ot compiling ami uati- " ; a? onncuui o - v . . - j ' away irom tneir' motners at : t'veiuiiu vx ,u uuw - wupiu j mcuv. iinauunj wj- jumu9 .wm. .-, fi-.r' Viom ? n in- ticnts on the island." inreseilt navroll data as. an index ness conditions." busi- f or some time, but admitted only i cr.e f ourth, production. A sandbag levee is being built ta provide for the emergency. I

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