TUT . - r .. v b," it x II W hii kl ( f n Kl H' f 1 P A TT nn TT Tr NUMBER 58. FOUB O'CLOCK EDITION SCOTLAND HECK, N. C,, TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 1922 TELEGRAPHIC SERVICE 5c PER COPY JUDGE ISSUES WARRANTS FOR Robert Gains W. M adry Promiii RUSSIA ASKS CommeimceiiiieBilt n nhinrniTn ZUU HLiutw I a jSTREETS TEXAS niTii iinmrn 25. I I I V 1 1 III 1 1 L U Ull I UnULII ence r As Newspaper Writer THAT ALLl Hv Associated Press) M..lt:atci Ky., Apr. v.M.VilsU of Clay County, who sev-1 .jr.ni opposing ago were ready to dans on sight, j j.-.im-d hands and M'ith the j mtiiorilics, will clean up Creek following the action issuing two . i, ( Johnson m v mints for the arrest of li'iiwlivd residents of the mountain leri'ir ury- ITER 25.- T Mi TGAEF DEBT 0 n LI N HQMES AND F ARM (By Associated Press) Dallas. Tex., Apr. streets of commercial and resi jdential sections are overflowing. jSome of the streets are impass jable as a. result of standing water aid floating debris. Residents ;ci the river lowlands are prepar-j ing to tlee. Kis Name. Appears Prominently At The Head of Article in Cur- j rent Issue of Commerce and j Finance. . j f - j The title of Mr. Madry's story' in the Current Issue of Commerce land Finance is Syle,?' a "simplification which ?s given as f ojjows : " Va riety is the spiee oi life, but itj hus its drawbacks as well as- tciiarms. It is hard on the maim jfaeturer, who never know? wnetner a given style will be a noom or ooomerang. Ana it. is DEBTS BE of" The County Schools At Halifax .Friday CANCELLED ! Also Seventh Grade Graduation Exercises "Followed fcy The Final Debate For The Patter Eon Debating Cup. iO Final Commencement exercises flip fYmnir ftrtkYMo -.tII U that iyrant.prjiimg However, to Indemnify held at Halifax Friday April uwxieis rroviaea war uenis L'Mh, also the graduation exer . Are Scaled Down. ' icises of the seventh grade. ' I Following these exercises will (By Associated Preso j;J0 the fina debate for the Pat- Genoa, Apr. 25. All experts, jterson Debating Cup. There except Russians, planned to meet 1 were eight rural schools to de tb consider the situation as a re- -bate for the Patterson Cup with l,.. .n e jt... t j j... i. i i . . . . hiivrt nn tho nnnai.nmis! Avlin w Mlu UL UieilUW XVUSSIclIl uumailUS 1 W . SC1100IS Winning both SldCS offered more stvles" than thev ii:c'ludins comPlete annulment of of the question. Considerable r forj1 war.aeDts decimation to res- j interest has been shown in Jt& Sji Jot jof waste. :P'nc y"- IF11 (query: "Resolved, th; 'With a curtailed number UA SEC. OF WAR SAYS PROPOSEDAW STRENGTH IS TOD SILL .,'4 Aim 'i..-Jihigioii. D. i. April 25. -j riling ! a preliminary re- ! tliat lias just been issued by j Department of Commerce, j .;;.;!! the Bureau of the Cen- j Tin- total estimate! mortgage j on owiied homes and farms .-.nit "mental United States, in j sl and Profiteering 1 want fliiil liii.vt fn nnr fn iiiuu uivdic juuptii v iieeausi- (query: everything had been nationaliz- farmers 1 . ' r . " .5 rM . on Mvies a, ueaier eouiu carry ;i! . . ! i iiiir u iicin iiitivii.tt.il L.ouii rv r. i necessary varieties, require rr;1, ,lilvfc . flli;o ... 'fewer salesmen and less floor' i.. a i : . !T- j A 1 ' 1 i H ilIJU liIU.IllUJ.cll lit.lJJ J, J.Ultll ijjctee. ami iiiive llV'XiV Associated Press stem Uhe salesmen and less a quicker turn! ! )min Trnt't; H jot cooperative inarU l Iiese debates are similar to the of Washington, April 25. Tho one hundred and fifteen thousand enlisted strength of the army in the bill passed by the House provides a militarv structure be Coa (B U. p. Press) Washington, Apr. 25. Govern over and larger profits ''Nobodv intends to put the! public in maids' uniofrms ?v ; J overalls, but there are fields i ?i i UU l! - - 11M LH1.L1L Ci I J lU.l t L L V t ;JiM , i huous advantages to everybody !MUeei'iied." mm -p.nM ULULIinL uunL : . r EaaiBisr"n nrniinnr . T..i 1Kthv1t,,fi vibif nf these i iuout control or mining and clis- V" : Elfl i llg L LT U L LI 1 1 lifl L . 1 ; ; ,d i Jibuti- f eoi w.s ..a. -vs n-; f N 1L0 ntdUmt ji.i.s rerr-entin' ?47 per ' lvUl? c'llairman or TilCi xeaeidi i! , . ., . fmian n "Fl fl B! A i " Ce , ' 1 vm ue It should ! ade Commission, as the most ? conviction of tms iie. ll UL D ft T I fl M 0 I" 1 ".'Mh 1 e ' Wd ' 'feetive way to prevent profit-jn that unnecessary com,; g F T H H I 1 S I 1 A nu:;:d tnat tht ,n ovviicd i l :pitxlties cause- much of the un, Ul Lllll I I U II II busi- i c triangular debates ;ittgst ,enools throughout- the J:,w the safe minimum requiro- State which terminate in a final iments of the nation, Secretarv jdebate at the University of North Weeks told the Senate appropria-'.f-andma. jiinns committee, urging one hun- Children will be given a treat ;dred and fifty thousand. with I in the afternoon in the person of I Thirteen thousand officers. j-'Hatb," a very unusual Health! 'Clown. Drills, songs .and the : j final competitive races for Coun ity winners will end the final go!-to-gether. i I'or North Carolina: Fair j Group Playdays are being held land somewhat warmer tonight, jthroughotit the week at the Hob- j Wednesday cloudy, with show- good. Halifax, Aurelian Springs 'ers in west, )ortion. Gentle var- WEATHER REPORT I'or North Carolina: run Hard ra wee schools iblo winds. KVlV. ing oerore tne itouse labor com mittee, Mri Gaskill urged . the passage of legislation under a thse homes which are by their owners, and 'owned tMrms is an-, anus operated bv "their !wlich Government would be koines and teu eiug included in :h,d t ( i:M-li"ls not 1 1. totals. The- totjii mortgage debt uw vM homes and farms m the; t iiill-i lllll. ill JtJ.yiJ, tUU lllJi ; 1 1 1 1 - - ' iii-evioiis census m wnicn tins in on itnirii panv to a lorceci agree- iment between coal operators a.nd miners regulating the produc tion of coal. The idea would be lie a 1th fulness- from -which iu ss is suffering. i liBv wav of illustration, there nre automobile tires. Tliere are now. for example, some TO'-dif-J n-F .intnmntillo i i3s J sumption of a number of on the "market. An establis!; j UiUon mines in Fayette and Wesi- ment that carried irom one nai r t lll,uciaiul llilllUB) "1I (I;y Associated Presw Pittsburg, Apr. 25. The '.i: iii.uioji was obtained, was re ..-. rted as 2..a:i.O00,000 and the tm'.;I !! of these mortgaged ..,,, ...i i - , ! iaiei . ssaies are xuusiiv . - ,w . .. ip(.l)slble as .;.).! ,uuv,uov;. tae moL u !us representing 3 i.o per :Federfll Trade Commis o.t tne total . value lhc ; . f numerol debt on owned homes :i ! iV'rriiS increased 4,5.8 per to stop over-production. Such pll ,f these -tires in.-stock would icol31lt the coal strike, are re-: v greement,.. unless the ,ov- iii:Jvt capital tied -up -of- ; 'Oiivie railroads handling. ; erinuent - were a. party, would be r:0 000 f 100 000 with a much : their product. i !a violation of anti-trust laws. ic1lrtaiied number of stvles a( Women crested in connexion 1 Mr. Gaskill said that "bogus 'aa , ' Hii 1;n .v)1n afusted m con" t101 i vv' ivntu disturoances were releases v varietl?s "? a stoek rerwe-from the xini0ntown jail when it: siting not more than $20,000 orvr.ls learned that each was tiu i $0,000. require fewer salesmen jJ1,otlier 0f a iarLre familv and i and less floor space and have a:wore needed at home. : c; inciter turnover and larger; IH'ofits. Reduction in styles of f tires would give mobility to the; ; : --" ! French Th non- m II u&. i4 , W3 TtMCt gB ice and res- for exhorbitant prices of coal to the consumer, lhe mmission, he numerous instan ces where a single carload of coal DEMAND THAT FORTY-EIGHT HOUR ISSUED TO RUSSIA ULTIMATUM BE i- hi- s lncreaseu -t.o.o pei i , r - ,:n,n11f ' . -v ,..( loon and has. becn1ld 12 V ! ltn , industry in all of its Apartments ii, ' , U tntl J,' dnc! doliverv being made to any of mnrmf intm-o- rlnwn , v::!u.; ot these mor gaged !jlje ert," but with all X manufactmei down 10 1 mes ;Uid ua-ms nicreased 4oi.6jof fiem exactinj? a profit. Tho i;;1, V:M- -vs-! "r-Ll" lrttiU :)!-' pr(;ducing companies. Mr in ciosmg he says: "Variety y,t.,10i,t ,n va,lc lus deas ' Gaskill charged, often own the has been eulogized before this. -A:l Ju-1 C,-Qt m 1920 as:e.,,al they produce all the way Life without it probably would mi.iiist :i.. per cent in 1890. - T,..vi, o.-.nc- i,nn,l.- fsli ftnt rl Tvln u m per Ti:e t jtai number of homes not a it: mis in IJV11 IJilUll'-ill UJC tr. fr;i distribution, but cover the United States in ' ,-. CirUoW n-f . . ) lilt: X CI Uli V CI. o o i v.. i J i 1 ' 1 ,600,000 of which 7,-;, , to tVh eonfnses the' 1(1- iV.-l , .. A ft ... : ,viuiiii.v,v.rP " v ij-j.-ij ur -tvj.y per ceiiL were vi;--I !,y the occnp ! - v b-' y-v -v uive e.v.'ueu homes z,oo,uuu or .). per eimt wcrt? mortgaged. 1 n! inn i'i-'':n'cl i-rr ttif vnlllP fall flat and prices nrobablv JL youldn't. It has its charms.77 iP. m m m m mm mm a f m a a pants; and of i"1' i. ttvestStion of the coal ulJ M M-Lllll I AL HAllK industry by' a commission of en 'neer and disinterested ex- P b hoine and the amount ot re debt was secured from ) or 06. o per cent of these PROPr c ill vt-rs-ed homes. The total ;riort:j-e debt on the mortgaged fioni's nut (,u farms in 1920 is inded as $6,000,000 and the t"t1' value of such homes as $14 "W.KLOOO, the ratio of debt to ul s : c- ii-;i!'.r 42. ti per cent. 1 h; total' mortgage debt on (,jh ii li (f sues not on farms in the lates in 1800 was report- RUSSIAN RED M SE PRESENTS TO TURKIS lliMUSTS POSTAL SYSTEM j Stockholm, April 25- A postal ; -heck ing account system whereby j the Swedish post office depart-j ment will be enabled to do a limited commercial banking bus- j nrnmiiiiri ' 'fimffi t I 1SL. ! 2 5 1 1 L W g I W iwnin n h&vf j- 3 J E a S 3 Q fl L D W fl R i 1 i 1 Press) i i mn STER SUGGEST FINES FOfi IT ATTENDING CHUR j ':noii, Apr. 25 A Central ;Xevs Dispatch from (Ivnoa ru. jpotts 1h;H tho Front"!! iloleatt;c jinivfi hoon instruct od to insist I nnon the terms contained in Pra ! litter Poincarc's speech at Bnrle- J'iie Friicli will tress for a 1 r ..v, i: . ' 'M It -L'lti ! ItlMII 1.1 1 I 1 ill :J i ui ix in Russia or else quit the conference. ti-enoa, iipi -'o. roreign Mm- ... 0v As.into.t t . " 1 I V ' " 0.Jy is: er uajTcnerm, ot luissia. tte- ciarea io me associated rss, . London, April 25. The alter ithat tlie Allied resistance to This- native of going to church on Sun jsian principles of nationalization .Jay or paviiv a tine is siuest- was blocking the Economic Con-.! by the Rev. Sobert Form an ferenee- ) Morton, one of England's most Inoted Non-conformist ministers. las a me;ms ot raising sutticient revenue "to run the ' country I'withoiit plunging it 'into bank- IMiirf V. Snrh iKi'iv: hi inn ho oeciares. wouia net 6U.UUU.UUU a ear. BRIDGE CONTRACTS IN ARGENTINA!; Associated Washington, Apr. 25. Ameri- j Washington, United States. with can interests have reeentlv been The i n.-re'ssful in seenrint? some ;it- adequate hractive th VI, 25. j Dr. Ifo rton's .suggestion is said to be based on a. law passed in wh en, from reign of Edward anyone absenting himself . hureh without Jiivful or excuse"' was fined iliie Constantinople, xVjn-il 25. K-.l !'iiiif ?'"!; -si- Tot;!- y pi- - ;,, " ii.i i f-'.'ji' !:1 .047,000,000 ie of these ' iis rennrte.d md the to- 'Kussian red army A ' , i . . i. K.-.J . . i. J. . . ..... ; uriuue conMruciiou con-i iness is nronosed in a. bill recent-. iTnilitarv -nrenavatio?) and. ; under iiraH-t 'fi-mn a ivrMifin,. St;io .onanie ly .submitted' to the Riksdag and ! strong 'leadership could have pre- j i'ailwavs. in kJeV competition bil,in-- The1 w.us. 1flea.ed' tan and Belgian con- hU "?""y cant t'ctot. nf 'r-ftrnmnnidatmno I1 i o i ... 1, ,1 ar.l n mrl Kofnrrt ttifl,... T p, ' ,CeU ill h II OSeO lie Ul I eigllS. The sponsored by Anders Oerne, Mill-h ented the AVorld War, General I ith German has lust sent ister ot Communications. The IVershing declared before tne i-enis. Preference was given to i. mortgaged ; a train-load of presents to mem- out also provides that the-pres- i Senate Military Committee, m ; American bidders at prices which , The 50 or more-churches in the as $2.63-.-:bers of the Turkish Nationalist cut postal savings department be behalf of the War Departments &r0 jally higher, considering that !.Sr,uare mile around tlie Bank of the mortgage debt thus 1 arm v w-ho participated with tne merged with tlie post otnee ser- pica to increase the military es-jjf JV the practice of nearly all !Endand contained full eon'Tca- iting ;W.h per cfnt of the liussians in the revolutionary 4yice. tablishment over the House pro- f domestic companies to provide it ions in those davs, but few pet rlobt cjirnnaigns in the Caucasus wneu j ,T , . -, , iposai. - it or payment in initea i;ie Th. mortgage ie'i. homes increased 473.1 iiise Kf.v-fr!iT?ieTits ot several smau v proposed system, 1 which is meeting some opposi-! 1 -1 l ' 1 ! .t. X. 1, ...... iirAim iiV.-11'TlirHlVTl IV " itltl Tri'- Vil 11 fT tilie'l S'fiH'N 111' IL" 1 l . " ' L 1 " v' ' 1 r , i i n - , .() ') per eent. between 'Kussian Soviets. d 1020. This has rcsult- slig ht increase in the ra- The lu-esents consis e"ai tiyjusands of small Oi , scv-sacks to value from 39.8 per made of -red material ami eon l;s00 to 42.G per cent in :1aining sugar, chocolate and cig- invpitrs: Each nackage bore the . . . . v. ....... - . J t ;u esnmateu rao States in 1020. including valiant friends, the soldiers of mortgage debt on Turkey.'' They were presented My the' UoisheviK j-miisier at gvra to the Turkish Nationalist of the country, small depositors; in the reorganized pos tal savings ' fjanks could draw their own! checks instead of buying postal , monev orders. This svstem Min-; Muv COTTON MARKET jfor payment in I gold. enter them on - jiiow except American TODAY'S MARKET 2:40 CALL "'".aled 'ned farms, was $5,001, fd the total estimated ill; tliese imnijrted farm ''o'Oy .000,000, .the. ratio; of : value beinc 28 .4 ner cent. o.tn. rittuno inscription, presented by the reel . . , - , . .' W1 , . rtgag. 1)1 1 1 1 . 0 . , feet a saving m the salaries of October . li.bll . the soldiers oi red Russia to tneir - . , , , - V -irr- L lilt. -- 1 " . A-t f irtinlc; onrl nifiti(iv t v I o i- oltT!rl 1 .. 17 K i . 11 111 1 O 11 I H l J AJ "v.' t.1 ' ' V. V 1 . . i . . I M. I " i . . . . . and other 'expenses. "lie declares January . 17:56; 11 at less than one-third ofthe i I clerical force now required could "j YESTERDAY'S MATiKET handle the work rimW the new .j.j-av . . 17.99 arrangement. .i,,Ur , 4 17.65 Muscle Shoals Power Projects (By U. 8. Tress) Washiiigton. Apr. 25. Thomas W. Martin, president of Alabama Power Company, v .'';! daj's tourists. 'and the -Sunday eongvegations. Dr. llorton declares, "do noi exceed a baker's dozen. ?? The B's1hi of London h;; eviui gone so far as to suggest that some of them be demolished and the val uable sites sold to provide funds with which churches could be built in other parts of the city. This suggestion broiL'hr a do- the Hno-e of eommamis nr u the lias" - Hishon. but str.inLo to sr.Y tliev War Minister, Klazirn Pasha. tuny 'October rrn., .v.y.;.t-.tfi' llf nn I Minister Oerne states that, the III'. J LT.i Vy UV-IU - - " " " . .A 4.J j. . t l ': i i Qfift r tv.,t. l-krtfit.til nlippTrinw svstnm UecenifJCI i'M eMirtiateu iJioriiigag ovviieti .iwrms uiciraftcu y i. j -a - - iiifiirmed the agriculture laittee of the Senate tin . . . .- 17.68 ;eorp 17.C5 com w ere 'ued farms in 1890 was, eerit, and the value as $1,086,000 and the farms 476.4 per cent, ox such will be of incalculable value to i ,,iiu'-u.v between small depositors and. especially ; 17.61 iU. ,.a i f -..-w-v -i i a.-ia' 4.1, iv. - orlii Tn tmivI pnmm'miihcs I iiiesssrs MOOert U vert Oil -tit- in iuese ianas was r- .iov) ana lsiu, me iauu I't ucin. t - - - ; ----- r"s f3.O55.000X0O. the ratio to value decreasing from 35.6 in where there are no banking fact?- j Jesse aughan motored over iy not from pj.r--ns i.teun- his fied with chure.h &.:rairs. Al- u-ation would be glad and most without -exception they came willing to enter into now nego- 'from tinancjers, wno muiniai'.i ti.ft.ionH with the Government that the sight of thes-j old chur- 1 a vei v gool purp se mon- f or the Purpose of working out sehes serve nliev ?ov the develomnent of - in softening tho hearts of Muscle Shoals power pro- ey-mad crowds" who gazea u'-i per 1690 to 28.4 in 1920. rues. Varboro vesterday afternoon. iects. them stiiey Lurru value being 35.6 i

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