' ""imitinii nntttt&tt 5 - - . PERSONAL ITEMS. LOCAL AND SOCIETY NEWS You Ever Heard 8 ..-. ...... ......... Have mm REWA this ;.is IU-be Shields Icfc ,,,(' ruin f,' 1'o r Chm-hie, X. C. t T T Mr. Jack Sherrod, of Enfield, MISS MAUDE LEGGETT ENTERTAINED Miss Maude Leggett entertain- jc-d at a charming party Saturdav t t t fJ fi frrOOn fit bvr I'm mo in Plavl-e I - w- Jiuiuv m 4. fx A. ivu Cnpt. 1. 1- Byrd, of Weldon, jville in compliment to Mrs. H. J. i a visitor here today, to see his Rawl of Lexington, S. C. and births Mr. R. P. Byrd. -Mrs. J. E. Bowers of Washing- t ton, N. C. Beautiful red roses -v. Epp L. Brown,, left this 'v'ere uscd for decoration. ..nincr for Greenville on Imsi-! Auction bridere was nlf..vefl it JUUlJi"l7- :. . . x I lijve tables. After tbo wamp th- i Hostess assisted by Miss. Virginia t : I)r. ,1. M. Baker, of Tarboro, I ljfcett anl Miss JLizzie Leggett wa-3 here vesterday on profession- served a delicious salad, sand il business. jwiehes, hot rolls, wafers, pickle. 1 t t land tea. Upon leaving eacia Mr. and Mrs. Bud Andrews , lfuest Presented with a dam oi ' Palmyra, were visitors here j1" spray of Wy-of-the-v alley. estcrday. j Those present included : Mrs. T )H. "J. Rawl, Mrs ,T. E. Bowers, Dr. Howard Smith, an eye iss Maude Leggett, Miss Yir speciaht of Monroe, is here to- jginia. Leggett, Miss Lizzie Leg- day at Whitehead s Drug Store. gett, Mrs. A. M. Leggett, ,Mrs. 1 g " I.Muart Smith, Mrs. J. L. Dunn, Mr. H. Thos. Hancock, of j'- G. S. White, Mrs. S. A. Sm-m.r h . was a visitor here tannic rionmari tins morning. Ada Jones Sing:? On The Ponographs, Yes? Well, She Wai Be at The Dixie Theatre, In Persoin (HERSELF) She will bring her ;wn company of artists. , May 2nd, 8:30 p.m. Under Auspices Roanoke Post American Legion. If you miss this, don't blame it on anyone but vour- Prices: Children 50c. Adults $1.00 Tuesday r ---rt - -t-T-t -t-t-TT tttttt tt 1 1 1 iinHininiiii 3 t ? t Miss Onie Bryant, rs. S. II. Fowler of New Bern, S Mrs. Lienry Gray, Mrs. W. C. who hA lUJCKmson, Mrs. ll. l. Ulark, Mrs. been here on a visit to relatives, i .V-1"1 ;"cmv irs- - r- I H 1c ft vesterdav for Rocky Mount, l1111- ?Irs' Haywood . Hyinan, 'tit jMrs.. T. W. Russell, Mrs. E. II. 1 ! .eegett, Mrs. Herbert Johnson. U Mrs. R. F. Coleman, Mrs. J. D. ; l We Are Going to The Drug Store." YouVe heard this expression, haven't 3011? You knew exactly where they had Started,' too, didn't tins lIr. J. C. Riddiek left iiiornnm- tor Wake horest to at-n. n 1 ,r o . t,.,, 1 i w i i 1 'llall, and Miss Susie Hill tend the Wake r orest-Larolma 1 i 1,11 ' " " -. ., M. . baseball game. ! ! I hereby announce that I will Mr. Lee Brown left this morn-! be a candidate for Clerk Super- inir for Greenville where he will 'or Court of Halifax County, sub- 1 g 1 ! tt g s a YOU Years and years of constant DRUG SERVICE caused our establishment to be called has 6 take a position as telegraph op- j.?et to the Democratic Primary orator. 1 u e held on June 3. 1922. tit J I also take this opportunity Mrs. Gerald A'. Luce, formerlv Impress my sincere thanks to the 31 iss Annie Knight, of Concord. 'V0?1 of Halifax County for Mass.. is here visiting friends their loval support m the past uvA relatives. land assure them that if nominal - t x t 1' and elected I will endeavor to THE DRUG STORE." 3 it ii Whit eheaid's n J! T: a 4 . . 4 4 1 8 ft 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3Iiss Sadie Pope, who has been iV, I, ,i T J 1 ' UUQGiDaODDEiDDDDQQQEEQaQSZaDDQBDDQBQaDQDQDH' bookkeeper for Bowers & Co.v for f' some time, has accepted a posi- j turn with N. A. Riddiek Motor j Car Co. t X t The Annual Whit-? Sale bv the hulies of Trinity Church will be held toniorrovv afternoon at the Mayor'; office beginning at j j 1 'IT " ! ifiree 0 ciock. t t t Mr. Chas. L. Smith, formerly Revenue Collector, but now with Cosby Shoe Company, of Lynch burg, Ya., is in town on business t'xlav. Respectfully, STERLING M. GARY. MONDAY TOWN TAA'ES are being paid right along. Have you paid YOURS. All property on which taxes la re not paid by MAY 1922 will S positively be advertised for sale, id By order of Commissioners. jjsj trvin Clark, Clerk. q 'IT costs no more to The many friends here of Mrs. have your batteries re- Rugs from old carpets and sup ply orders. Write J. II. Feeban, h. . Anders(m. at one time wife jscotland Neck Hold. Will' call me nejovea rector 01 Trinity ( Inn-eh will regret to learn of the f.rious illness with pneumonia of T , , , , her brother, Bishop Trov Beattv. I 1 hf$ apec 'if t0 h hi Nashville Temi. i!!,Ca th, ofhce. ot ..'iieriii or tiuumx country m th coming Democratic Primary and Avill appreciate the support of all Democrats. ' J. A. HOUSE. Thelraa. N. C C0BB-L0WE WAGNER RUG AGENT IN jg O Q C3 a 4-24-2 r-pd )g Cf C2 paired or re-charged by an Mrs. E. M. Lowe announces the marriage of her daughter Thclma Elizabeth to !g .Jesse Thomas Cobb &f on Wednesday, April 26th, 1922 jg At Home. expert. Why take chances?" a a a o p S3 o a a a a D D a u a a o a 3 nnnDnonnnoonnoonnnnnnooDnDonnnooonnnona ADVERTISE IN THESE' COLUMNS! MISS ANNIE MOORE DEAD 1' riends here will resrei to h'iii-n or the death today of Miss Ann;..' Moore at the home of her nephew. Frank Cherrv in the v -.ariisviiie section. g Inicnnent will take place to--!fi ' ni'.v.T.yr morniuy:. tin f?ia4tatnnta54n:tK FREE! STUP! FREE! LOOK! FREE ! LISTEN! For the next five days, we are going to give, with each inirchas of a FIRESTONE TIRE a TUBE ABSOLUTELY- FREEM good after MAY 1st. pl'OCSSlOJl ' .. . r . ''"""rH tlThis is- STRICTLY a CASH proposition and is NOT g 'V Ma lone. W. L, Ilarrcll, A. L. f H Purrington, T. F. House, J. L. S Holiday. W. C. Dickerou, If. IL fg i!: and J. P. Hall. g ; ATT " 1 30x3 o NICE ROOMS FOR RENT i. r. Bell. 4-25-4t H 44 4 4 44 n .85. 30x3 1-2 $11.65. 32x4 1-2, cord-$44.00 1 4) 44 4 EGGS FOR SALE FKOM PURERKED KIIODE 13- REDS SINGLE WIXNERS. COMB 4 4 Now is the time to re-tire and bank the difference. J?1,000.00 reward will be paid for the arrest of CHAR LIE LAWRENCE, for murder, as follows: Citizens of . Rich Square.. Northampton County, - - . State of Xorth Carolina. . , $350.00; - 250.00: 400.00. DESCRIPTION: About five feet and ten inches tall.' black, and weighs-about 165 to 175 lbs. Sears on face from, smallpox. Wanted for murder at Rich Square, N. C, on February 28, 1922. Arrest and notifv H. L. JOYNER, Sheriff of Northampton County. Jackson. N.C. SUSS! IT'5 M0CH CHEAPER TO PAY THE PLUfABERfe FEE THAN 1TISTOSEND FOR THE OLOM.D. itCftlT -t-.. vMV n-n.:.1. rise'.. JSffumher THERE Vvay y ITLRE'S one mhrhtv jyood you can ?et out of the doctor habit and that is to make your home so sanitary that your health will get a chance to sleep nijrhts and enjoy itself dur ing the day time. Our sanitary plumbing will put your residence in proper shape P ..RESCENT MLUMBING I .OMPANY WThat you earn is not th sign of your success; what, you have left at the end of the yr. IS 'What you spentl is gone without further influence on vnur life. Yhat you save remains and incrca-es ro make your iture happier, better, more useful. A Bank account adds iromeasurably to one's standing and success. PLANTERS AND COMMERCIAL BANK 'THE HOME FOR SAYINGS." $3.00 PER, SITTING OF 15. AUSTIN'S POULTRY YARD f C W. Austin, Proprietor, K Tarboro, N; X ttts Sl H H Si it HIS 5 ! nscotia N O. W. HAWLEY, Mgr. ,.s:uu:mtt4tm44?m:: W. O LAWRENCE, Salesman fif tor FREE BALLOONS ! ! Children, Get vour H,VlR-CUTS at YANDLE'S and (Jet a Balloon Free. r!be cost is no More and the Work is JUST AS GOOD. A C YANDLE aa4ilii ui444444iitilt 4 .v 44 . n IT t u . . 4 ' 4 1 tt H 4 tt n