FH VOL. XV. NUMBER 2. FOUR O'CLOCK EDITION SCOTLAND NECK, N. P., TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 1922, TELEGRAPHIC SERVICE PREPAREDNESS ADVOCATED B! SEC. WE Confederate Reunion Offic EKS Lexington. June 20. Secre'- to the ally Opened (By Associated Preaa) RICHMOND, VA., June 20. m r 1 --v . .-. 1-1 -art irf 1iirv v, h ks. Sun-minded bv traditions of the ,railu:itinr Uass ot the Virginia Qld gouth veterans of the Military Institute, hailed as , cmifederate armies officially opened their annual reunion here today. v The convention was called to order by General William B. Freeman commander of the Vir ginia Division, and General Ju lian S. Carr, commander-in-chief later took the chair. The session was given over to speech making. '..-nod siu'ii" the increasing num her of military schools m the country. The increase, he said, ,;-lllst he ;;a great satisfaction to h i' believing in an adequate military preparedness." STENTS OF THE PEKING 5 CENTS PER COP? Ill li CLOSE CONTESTFORTHE U. S. SENATE St. Paul, Minn., June 20. With the outcome of the Major Republican contests apparently. determined, interest in the Min nesota primary turned today to the race Mrs,. Anna Dickey Ole sen made for the Democratic Senatorial nomination. - Available reports showed her! in a nip anil tuck contest with; Thomas J. Meighan. UNIVERSITY START ANTI IWATER POWER OF FALLS STJAN MOVEMENT CI Amoy. China, June The religious world of the Far East is stirreii by an anti-Christian movevwent which started early in ilay among the students of Pek ing University, and is now rapid ly spreading among the students private and government OF JORDAN TO BE DEVELOPED Jerusalem. June 20. Much of the materialhat is to be used in the work of developing the hy draulic power of the falls of the school inrougnout tne country.; Jordan, near the Sea of Galilee, These young people term Chris-f will be acquired from German t Sanity a superstition and harm- j firms. Their prices are said to Mil t the people, taking awavl he one-half thosp- of British reverence for ancestors and free- houses, and considerably- below il.-.m of thought and action. ' j those of American. bidders. The lieu-movement has fcegunj Tn3 lan includes the COnstruc an energetic propaganda which) tion of a dam on the Jordan Riv. m urn has brought Christian' r at the point where it issliea leader, to the front, many ofj irQm the gea of Galilee a- la 0 wnoni look upon the movement storage reseryoir; irrigation ea-u-itli grave misgivings, not know-) nal and the instaiiation of elec ing what will be the outcome. 4 5 ' , ' trie venerating stations. Amen- Others think it is simply the re , (an..Je, .Mh 0?ganizatUuis ....ra. smt i;1 s.ra to---- rsaieTargely intSreslted in idmotninf? .i rwl that 1-10 hnoti Why Suffer Losses From HogChodera? Amer I si icaia 'BuOdiiiiffs CamtoDio China truck HBy Associated Press) Peking, June 20. Three American buildings in Canton were struck by shells during Sunday's bombardment of the city by the gunboats of Sun Yat Sen, who has been trying futilv to recapture his stronghold. Jacob Schurman, the Ameri can minister, has asked Rear Ad miral Strauss to rush protection to Canton, and American. gun boats are expected to proceed there. By Shells REPUBLICANS ATTACK FORD'S OFFER FOB . MUSCLE SHOALS SWEDEN TO CIVE EDUCA TIONAL ADVANTAGES TO EVERY CHILD .Stockholm, June 19. Sweden's "Washington, June 20. Henry Fords offer for Muscle Shoals was attacked today in a report to the House prepared by Repre sentative Kearns, Republican, and signed byyseveral other Re publican members of the com mittee The report declared dissatis faction with the opinions already presented by other members of the committee, and announced that the signers determined t.-- BABE RU TH AGAIN ON THE CAflPET CHICAGO j !ILL., June 20. Babe Ruth faces suspension or fine as a result of his conduct in the New York-Chicago , game yesterday, when he was banish ed from the game in the eighth! .mning for disputing a decision. President Johnson, -"of the American League, said today that the action he would take de pended upon the report of Um pire Dineen. VERA CROZ CONSIDERS SECEDING FROM MEXICO 9 - 'J Vity, June 19 A In two sections around Scot land Neck hog cholera is raging. It has completely wiped outgone j educate system today faces I herdOf thirty-four head and w reorganization- the nnmL nt i v Jr V V-l. which is to place full educational advantages within close reach of ,.vtv -nat the state of Vera Ornz "tell the people the real ' V-ivOde from, the republic of Mex about Muscle Shoals and i'ico has been made in the Wis, called Ford offer." of defeating it is to ignore mean (.onditions provoking vthe or z;inization of such a movement arc said by Christian leaders to be the rapid progress of Chris tianitr in China, taken together with much talk and advertising of the recent World's Christian Student ( conferene in this country. The students are declared to be unconscious tools in the hands of leaders who are seeking favorable conditions for the breaking up of organiz ed soeietv and the working of tommunistic ideas. The leaders of this anti-Christian movement are Dr. Tsai Yan pe i. Chancellor of the Peking National University; "VYang Chaoming. Secretary to Dr. Sun )at-sen, and Chen Tu-siu, who is a Socialist. Sub-organizations will no doubt spring up. A Free hove Society has already been formed among the students of Amoy University. Considering the possibility of the - project. . The contract has been award ed to Pinhas Rutenberg, a Rus- m another adjoining herd. This second herd was inspected this morning an dall the hogs were found infected. It is only a matter of a few days until they will be dead. Why not make ar rangements to have your herd inoculated immediately.? The. hog cholera serum is a preventi tive and not a cure and if your hogs are attended to before they become sick, you need not have any worry about cholera. Dr. F. D. Owen of the U. S. Department of Agriculture is in Scotland Neck for a few days to assist wjth. the.hag-jnhx4fS5- worJ every child in the land irrespec tive ot the child's social stand ing in the community. - Under the new plan all of Sweden s public schools, frofn the elementary grades to the uni versities, will be co-educational. ;At present only the elementary 'schools and the universities re ceive, both sexes. The Swedish Hehool Commission purposes to lopen the "realskola" and the ft gymnasium" to girls as well as s.- An important chansre will ie thaeliminariv5r tf Se ver a sun R. R. Workers AreQrganizing 1 ivv ana now is tne . time to nave tnis iPt :ls mnnicnvv on,r 1 WOrk done. . j poTltTntl'nr I'n.tnrlnol ov,rlT Hog cholera inoculation is not an experiment but it is an abso- sian engineer, by the British gov- ute preventative and it is the ernment. Mr. Rutenberg is now in the United States seeking fi nancial support for the project. The work will involve an expen diture of -10,000,000 and the em- :ference and other Payment of 8,000 men The es f a like nature held Russian contractor also ;will un- (lcrraKe to araw eiectnc powej. from the Auja River to light the ancient city of Jaffa and the communities of Tel Aviv, Ram leh and detach Tikweh. He is allowed two years in which to raise the capital and start operations. latm-e ot that state by certain radical groups which claim that they are not adequately or justly represented in the national con gress. A resolution demanding seces s"on has been 'presented to the legislature, demanding that in the forthcoming efections a num ber oi; radicals be permitted Lt stand for the national chamber of deputies despite a federal rul ing that they are ineigible be cause of a number of technical reasons. It is not believed that the resolution will pass.4 on a smaller group of subjects,! logically related to the occupa tion or profession which most in terests them. Students wTill be permitted to start specializing heisrht ot tolly to allow your hogs tot go without this treat ment. This treatment is given without cost to the grower for aaviwa vj. agntunuiai ; Ay tne wnoie eaucationat woric agent and any veterinarian that;0f the country, with the excep the government might send downs iion of a few private schools be here and the only cost that will taken over by the state. Tuition accrue will be the cost of the ! f ees w;i? he practically elimina- ;erum and virus that is used in ; ted ancj students will not be en- (By Maxwell Gorman) Raleigh, June 20. If plans ma terialize as hoped for by the pro moters, there will be an organ ization of railroad workers (most of whom are not directh affiliated with the Federation of Labor of which Mr. Gompers is the head) effected . in North Carolina very soon, the begi-' nings of which are on tap as! According to some information GIRLS BEGIN WEEK OF uanura out m iiaieigli today, thel aim is to launch a state eonven-i iion through a meeting of rep- j C '1 1 1 tscuiu uves 01 rail worKers in Raleigh this week, the convention It in now proposed that virtual- ;r.7i r . : . J. Ui. 1JC 1 i j 1 1 t leering, a state organization FACTORY AND OFFICE CAMPUS LIFE AT VASSAR the herd. This cost will be .from SCOTLAND TO DEVELOP ITS WATER POWER cumbered bv the study of non- aout torty cents ior sucKimg nsepntial kitbippts. TTip pstima- pigs to about a dollar and forty! ted cost of the row system will Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Jim0 zrt political purposes.", lories and off. - . . chieflvr for That is to say, not as a separate party, but to act concertedly so as to makers strcVgth felt with in the political party it affiliates with. cents for the largest hogs in the county. Make your arrangements to be about $1,000,000 a year more than a, present. It is proposed 'also to establish have this work done thru tne ag-, a scnool, new to the Swedish ricultural agent at Scotland j system of education, to be known Neck. London, June 19. Scotland is fn anti-foreign movement result-; waking up to the tact that its i lakes and waterfalls may be made nir. the local Consular bodies have taken up the matter with the Commissioner of Foreign Af fairs who, however, pronounces himself unable to give 'any1 prom ime (if protection in case of pro tection in ease of persecution. Already in a few places minor outbreaks of a hostile nature against mission work have been reorted, in spite of tfre claim by C. E. LITTLEJOHN, WEATHER REPORT For North Carolina: Cloudy, with local showers tonight or "Wednesday. No change in tem perature. Gentle variable winds. t - FRENCH PEOPLE READ AMERICAN LITERATURE as lyceum wnicn m seven ' ears will take n puiil dvectlv! Agricultural Agent, the elementary school to matriculation for the universities. Among the languages offered under the new plan will be Latin and Greek and three modern lan guages in addition to Swe.i'sh, namely, English, French and German. to serve other purposes than providing scenic attraction for ') tourists. As proof of this the Grampaian Electricity Bill" has been given a second reading in the House of Commons. The company is empowered to pnllect and use the waters of 15 lochs and 99 small lakes, riv ers and streams, over an area of MAP OF EUROPE CONSTANT PUZZLE MANY FORGERIES OF EGYPTIAN ANTIQUES Paris, June 19. The American library in Paris, with 30,000 American voltimes on its shelves and its tables covered with American magazines and news papers, draws 33 percent of its reading room attendance from French people. It is rapidly be today began a week of campns life as guests of Vassar, the old est women's college. Lantern fetes by the laie, basket ball games, hoop lolling, and a "Pageant of Woman's Opportunity" will give colleg iate color to this first gathering, of representative industrial and academic workers. The occasion for this meeting of working .girls and students is the annual convention of the National League of Girls' Clubs, a federation of societies whose members, number 100,000. Henry; Noble MacCracken, president of Vassar, in his a2 dress of welcome said: "The democracy of the currP culum is the unique achievement of the American college. W2 leaders of the mnvpmptit that the! 4.17 smiare miles. i'uipose is to be nothing more than passive resistance. The waters proposed to be . 4. ! 1 : . ,1 -c?v n rA -!- Vin nana. WORKERS PERFECT SEMI- Belgrade, Jugoslavia, June 19. j London, June 20. "The manti- The map of Europe was so facture of antiquities is carried badly cut up by the peacemakers! forward on such an extensive at Paris that it is still a constant scale,, in Egypt, particularly at puzzle to many people, especial-j Cairo that it now has a place in lv Americans. The geography of reports on" the industries of the ble of generating 56,000 horse-! the new Baltic republics and the; country,' says Protessor Flmd- nnwpr tn sufmlv electricity in! countries m the alkans and Wear; ers- retre, the tamous Egyptian the counties of Perth, Kinross and; East seems to be particularly ob- archaeologist in an interview in 'and professional men. It , Forfar and districts in four oth- scare. European postal authori- the Daily Wiromcie. ceives dozens of requests a week er counties. The capital is plac-jties tmd that Americans oitenj ine iorgenes 01 Egyptian an- for information about America. 1 mva aaa j? C 1. Z A 1 4-1- CJiUtci t-2 i"i ! Iirtiiif i ."ici o t a s r. o r tt r1 1 rx"vn - A t 1-1 1 1 M i 1 cominyr the chief connectins- link between the literary interests of ; recognize no royal rdad to learn France and the United States ' inJ?- T remains for us to break and during the two years of its vth one more barrier of tha existence it has greatly stimula-' academic tradition the barrier ted French interest in things ! that separates those reared in American. I he atmosphere of college from S At the beginning of 1922 the!lllose m tne great industrial library funds amounted to 674,- eart ot America. 000 francs, and it is intended toj y means or just sucn organ- izations the National League or existing facilities. A branch iniirls' Clubs lt; will be possible the Latin quarter is planned, 1 suggest that college lie in Amer and others are contemplated. j ica is not exclusive, but mcln The library is used by French' sive- Vassar 's aim to. share Ministers and many of 'the best-! with ycu in these days a taste of known French literary, scientific -the best that is m college spirit. ana we pia you welcome to youi own feast. It was an ancient re ed at 4,500,000. confuse Serbia with Siberia, Ru- POLITICAL OR TV. omr thp beautiful lakes' mania with Armenia, Jugoslavia 1. 1IUL UUJ v " 1 1 - . nvtr; tai s ot vaieaonia, sicm , vhji vjAccuu-wiuvoma, uuivmu and wild" should be used to get ' with Budapest, Bulgaria K 'wliPftifl of industry spinning, Havana, ana so on with custom that every guest brought tiquities are often so well exeeut-; Rapontlv a French architect ask- his food with him to the castle ed, he states, that even the most j ecj f or ai available information j of tne bost ; so you bring to our experienced collectors are de- about skyscrapers, atid; several j college campus the joyous spirit ceived hy them. Large sums of literary men came' for help in-1-0 living well together that you money have been paid, for alti- f writing biographies of Henry have achieved in your club or- manv in Scotland regard almost j "People in the United States ( cles that were considered gen-Ford and Secretary Hughes. - I ... . , t t t -1 I 1 a 1 : nPrilitrious desecration. And! show that most lamenta Die iacK time Treasures dut nave now umr ' that opinion is shared by not a' of knowledge of this part of the pronounced spurious orof doubt-s i . .,,1 rtPmis-U-r.T-lH " a: prominent American' ful oricin. So strong is the sus-j ft !l I 1 II T I fl Il ! tomed to visit Scotland annually.! diplomat in the Balkans said re- picion -concerning the authenti- j U lu I U I I II 111 But the promoters declare cently to the correspondent. Not city of scarabs and various . lill ILn I I LI 11 i' tbrv reservation of the nat-' two persons in 10 can locate the brenze and gold ornaments and f ural beauties of Scotland is ex-, Balkan countries accurately, other articles alleged to - have . nresslv provided for by the And I am Wry to say our own been found m Egypt that many , ! fprmnf the bill And they add government officials often show, collectors are afraid to risk buy- ives nf ttq c-u -i , i , t, olonf . fiietvoefiiTir ignorance. Not long msr thejn, and m an excess or l7Y ilroad unions met here ri call y-d riven wheels oi industry' ago the American consular chief caution often turn down anti- to perfect a semi-political Pre heard in the land, and divi- in Belgrade received an ottvcial quities that are tt0f Se; tin a state I lenartment. urne. Thus tne iorgenes nae infv, V 11 "men win gainer aenas oegm xo come m, acai r , "format -. ! J . . , e .. L :i i.i 4.i Aio. r.f wViirTi TAad ".Tnfl'n 1'h-o'pIv mined the market for rv.j reiraraino' tne rec- tiv nejeerat.ion win ue sucu- mc bicji - -r- . 0r4sof vnuVu?? rec desecratlon Slovakia." LEsryotian historical treasuries. resen- caudidates for office. COTTON MARKET TODAY'S MAKKET JULY 22.81 OCTOBER -22.81 DECEMBER 22.61 JANUARY 22.49 MARCH 22.35 YESTERDAY'S MARKET JULY . - 22.76 OCTOBER 22.70 DECEMBER 22.49 JANUARY :.. 22.34 MARCH 22.22 ifHTiifltinna ! "That is all there is in college j spirit, and we know that yoi i have' learned its lesson so that il j will be easy for you to" extend i the. same" spirit , to the group ! from all these cities here today. ' Our students and officers who ! will live with you here this week 1 will, I know, learn much from you. Out of subcontracts wc 1 shall build better colleges. ijriris irom luawrtunuin-'; Rhode Island, Connecticut, Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York arQ attending the convention. , i ceu. ' ' v 1 . i - - i . . -