. On i! to H V.' if TJME XVI. NUMBER 23. FOUR O'CLOCK EDITION DEPUTY SHERIFF Ana SERIOUSLY HURT P SCOTLAND NECK, N. C FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1922. TELEGRAPHIC SERVICE rcMst Fired On residential Party B!5 TRIKERS I5v Associated Press) , July 14. A Dep as today seriously one of a crowd of ( '.'liit'iJgo. HI utv Sheriff v men attempting to prevent woik crs from entering the Burnside Shops of the Illinois Central railway. (By Associated Press) j i a ris, July 14. Considerable excitement was caused during vav return 01 ine Presidential cortege from a military review at Long- Champs today when an un identified man fired twice at th carriage of Armand Naudin, the Police Prefect of Paris,' which preceded, the carriage of Presi dent Millerand. The man, who appeared demented, was arrest ed, after being beaten bv the crowds. News From State Capitol Hy Maxwell Gorman) Jnlv Paris, July 14. The prisoner later was identified as Gustave Bouvet, an anarchist, well known to the police, It is stated that he fired on wtiuuu in me oenet mat it was President Millerand at whom he was firing. None of the shots look effect. The assailant fired i from behind a woman as the Ras- i 1 7 I 1 A J. I, . I . I "V l uaicma, fjuiv -ivs iue; tut' uay paraae . was nassmc: Greensboro Aews correspondent along the Champs Elysees. at Raleigh, the Rev. Tom Best, Marshall's baton's; were pre- has dazed tins writer by chasing! sented by President Millerand 5 CENTS PER COPY SENATE TODAY CONSIDER!!! DYE EMBAR G (By Associated Press) ' Washington, July -14. The Senate turned to the dye embar go provision of the tariff bill to day, putting aside the cotton schedule, with prospects of' u vigorous fight before the embar go section is finally settled. Under announced plans it will be held before the Senate con tinuously until it is disposed of, A - COTTON MARKET IftUSE FLOOD GETO DAI LIFE AND PROPERTY Another Strike of R. R. Employees Called For eventeenth July Th e STRIKE CALLED IN COM PLIANCE WITH A RECENT VOTE . - -. . i .... ,M t (By Associated Press) Richmond, Va., July 14. Sev eral persons were injured and property loss estimated at a half million dollars as a result of heavy rains which, last night, sent Shoekoe Creek here over it? banks, inundating- East Main Street. liiniM'lf up a blind alley, I take this much pleasure in helping him to scale the wall. The next issue nf the Raleigh Union Her ald I am well informed, will car ry the following editorial, as an! easement to Mr. Bost's political j perplexity, which seems to have 1 A been brought about by earsful of the spoken word which he has undertaken to digest (whether he relishes it or not) uttered by! jaw-jaws who are impotent to do J what Bost assumes they may try. The editorial (the Herald being only a one-horse weekly) which that paper will carry this week as follows : ''The Raleigh correspondent of the Greensboro News is inform ed that the editor of The Union !lfr;ili is .nntiin nf mrnl soul by the trrace of God. As a man and as a writer he genera 11 v been able to follow his conscience with safety, and hi sense of penetration often has enabled him to serve any good cause he has stood for by guard ing it from pitfalls digged by false or time-serving "friends" who v.-ore properly left in the round-up to fill their own holes. "As Mr. Bailey recently char-( acieri -ed a distinguished brother lawyer who essayed to put over! ' his candidate by insulting and in- vitin- the opposition of labor, j so w'. -ay to Mr. Bost, whosnj uislik" of Mr. Bailey is surpass-j ed by no other newspaper writer I in North Carolina you are thei V'01"St ion ennl !tir -TrrfT in i North Carolina. . a(t that the editor of Tin- Vnion Herald, after 40 years of hard work, has been unable to procure enough sheckels to even own the humble home his family lives m fwhen he might have owned sever to Generals Foyolle and diet D'Esperey. Fran- A FORMER RESIDENT OF SCOTLAND NECK TO BE E HERE TOMORROW M iss Pattie Cotten, a former resident of Scotland Neck, and relative of a number nf Sftotlanrl Neck people, died last night at her home in Suffolk, Va. The ix.-dy' will be brought here to morrow afternoon, arriving on the four-thirty train from Wel don. The train will stop at the ag-rttiuLery, where thecasket Will ' : be taken off, and interment will immediately follow. The followinggentlemen have been named as pall-bearers: Messrs. L. M. Pittman, C. F. Burroughs, W. H, McDowell. C J. Shields, C. H. Smith and C. S. Alexander. MN TODAY'S MARKET July j" 22.50 October . ... 22.47 December 22.31 January 22.03 March ' 21.91 YESTERDAY'S MARKET July 22.68 October 22.72 December 22.67 January 22.27 March . 22.18 Great Revival Of Dwelling Construction E UNION OFFICIALS TO ADVISE REJECTION OF THE GOVERNMENT'S PLAN OF ARBITRATION (By Assoociatecl Press) Omeago-Jll., July 14. A strike call to eight thousand sationary firemen, engineers and oilers employed on railroads, has been issued by Timothy Healy, j International President, it was Tlie strike will become effec tive at eight o'clock on the morn ing oi July 17th, the call having been made in eomnliaTipp with a recent referendum, which fav ored a walkout, Healy said . Members of the organizations on several roads have already joined in a sympathetic walk out with the shopmen, Healy said Chicago, 111 July 14. Rail way Lnion leaders said that thev expected to hold the mainten ance of way laborers in chock una prevent a genera J v Mikoff in which four hundred thousand mop and track laborers thr en to join with the strik; .vt -men. Disturbances ec to bo. r')orted. Attorney Genera! Daugherty has been asked t Chinese Fire Upon The U- S. Flag (By Associated Press) Canton, July 14.--Two Stand ard Oil barges, flying the Amer ican flags, were fired upon in the river two miles from here by troops oi Yip Kue, an opponent of Sun Yat Sen. ' About a hun dred shots were fired, but t-hi arges were not damaged. Washington, July 14. It be came definitely know today that John L. Lewis, and other offi cials of the United Mine Work ers, are preparing to recommend totheir associates in Union con trol, that the government's plan of arbitration to settle the coal strike be rejected. THE CHAMBER OF AMERCE LLiiilb AT furnish fourteen hundred deputy marshal Is for i thern Ohio. strike dutv in Nor- SXTDDAY WEATHER REPORT , For North Carolina : Partly I cloudy tonight and Saturday. GERMAN PR Tl monopoiiz IVATE CAPITAL THE. There will be a full meeting of the members of the Chamber of Commerce at 6:00 o'clock today for ihe purpose of taking up a number of ininortant mnasnros Moderate to fresh rand reporting on nroarress mado coast 'robably showers on the tonight. Cooler on the south coast tonight. north and northeast winds. E Gov. Morri&op GoWe Fishing 12. Governor some deep- 1 bv this time") is presenn-d to gritics as evidenco of wlmt it sometimes costs a man hrsve principles and foresight l'"gh at hurdles. Or should, v.ummuij Jt aid. that much have hi() th.e E?und; The? iip.ueueinries appreciated him?" j Ihiv'inu' done the editor of The; nion Herald .this little favor, itl to say that "Llew- is m xtm heen ed we jrro (i was , P.uth (let llaleigh, July Morrioon is doing water iishmg this week and he is doing it not altogether for pleasure. The Governor has a hunch that it is possible to do great things in propagating anew the fishing industry of North Carol ma in our ' eastern waters, Dispatches from Elizabeth City tell of the program marked out for him his week-as follows : The Governor and other guests leave thiscity aboard three yachts of the North Carolina Fisheries Commission for a touri will be en tertained at Manteo, at the Duck Island Club, 20 miles further south, and at Morehead City, the farthest south destination of the London, July 13. Commod ious, well-built dwelling houses are going up at Feltham, a sub urb of London, at the rate of one a day. -Such speed in building has never been witnessed here before. It is all the more strik ing because it occurs at a time when complaints are heard on every si$e that the Brish work man js not what he usedto be,, and that nothing will induce him to get through any job at Hie or dinary speed of an American workman. mi i n -i ine explanation is louna m the fact that the man who is getting the work done learned -1 .1 ii -lit -a now to nustie ana now to nanale ha us men on the other side of the At lantic. He is J. H. Taylor, head of an engineering firm here. Bv birth he is a Canadian. Ear lv in his career he was a railwav conductor. He helped to build the Great Northern Railway, the Canadian Pacific and .the Grand Trunk Railways. Now he is in England applying wliat he learn ed 4ri Canada. - Speaking of the British Avork- AN NLAND WATERS check bS mm (Hiring the "past tew months, it is hoped that a large attend ance will be in evidence, as the Chamber has a considerable pro gram ahead and solicits " the v-l hearty, .support.. o, every member 5 in its efforts. : Petrogvrad July 14. German private capital and the Soviet, government have launched a cor-j poration which bids fair virtual-1 jy to monopolize tne inland wat er transportation of "Russia, Simultaneously with the sign ing of the Russo-German treaty STRATEGIC SURRENDER at Rapallo, last April, an agree ment was signed by M. Karak- Moscow, July 11. Working men who were induced to fight for four years in the. Red Army against the representatives of the bourgeois class and who now return to, Moscow to find white han, assistant Commissar for for-! collared speculators dining m eign affairs, and M. Leshava, ass-! luxurious restaurant while they istant Commissar for foreign j themselves have difficulty in se trade, acting on behalf of the i curing black bread, frequently Soviet P-ovprrmiont with the ! feel like throwing bricks through German firm of Robert of Hamburg, g ranting Wenk- the Germans a concession for the transportation of home and for eign goods through the Baltic the windows of these restaurants, on Communist recently said to the Associated Press correspon dent. Only the party discipline and the promise that this tem porary strategic surrender to ARE YOU INTERESTED IN L BEACH? n T 2i i n i MIL BATHING Governor ' Ralpbri, T.ota-e . li uii tne way, s-vhu i,, Morrison will be given plenty ot Kly since 1900, when ne-j lpominities to ivy his luck at !i :it!(,ll m flOof-nriTi " a I it 11(2 . 1 vj. j..-...-, Vlji Sea, the Caspian Sea, and the f . , . . .... Iji ;xi:j. !ii i l i. n 1 Maneensky (Janal system, wnicli m eapuuijts win not last ior- Connects tne Dasm Ot tne VOlgl I t-vcr licivt uem mese uis.appuiu:- with the Neva. e workmen in check, the speak- Aecordiiiff to this agreement a I er explained syndicate v.'ill be formed with a If we would permit it the - r m t "1 i 1 . , - A . man iui rayior saia recently: j German capitalists. The tirm ot MThey are fine when treated j Robert Wenkhaus undertakes to and handled properly. I have ' provide the tonnage needed and: never seen better nor more rapid) t;) arrange a loan for the Soviet capital or zvUMuJ,JiJU goiu marKSj uniimixjisi pdJ L, uisimu ui nuui tn ho talv'PTi 1171 in pnnal shares'! bering 500,000 persons would by the Soviet government and j soon increase bath other Many many ested vided v'Oiisr.i-1 ir;ii--:- 510 .; 1 aild s;. v ; I ie-, (., dt;it , i'ver Inn! nizi'vv ' a and ! !!:.v;i:. :n !-iv illing was - ! .,4- ,1 4-t 4- -- wurt ntlrtQ I I T7 and the Marion; i'1- U'!UUI1' iWi yj of the Populists' every fisherman- memoer of the d to the scrap heap. I 1(K'aL f )tarf m, W1U acco"!; . vnKwi L, m ipany the party. The ropresenta- 't!nvvn ''h'lnent work done in any part of world than British workmen dome: here." the I government through German to this r cnnrol TTiillinnc 1 '"CC at 111- milllilll as many men want to get into the government," the informant of the correspondent - declared. "But the party is being weeded out and onlv those who can main- AMERICAN TRAVELLERS banks to the amount of 000,001),-; tarn themselves as . spartan com 000 marks. Part of this money i munists regardless of what is will be" used for the organization going on aoout them will he pei IN EUROPE CHARGED of the proposed Asiatic Bank fori mitted to stay 1 7 i 'Oinoeratic ticket and m North Carolina has a. dd to stand up today , ''1 am a Democrat!" v messed myself up so1 1 1 1 -r-v - trno-hiue iJemocrats ny difficulty in reciff- as one of the tribe! tl0n all nearby lives-elect of counties have been- invited to this city for Monday, in order that they may become personally acquainted with Governor Mor rison. It is indicated that most of thorn will accept the invita- As That f''ti;-- !"V ,ttemxted to jump; racer hat I knew. 'oid to win without my !d claim that my spurs. 1,1 cau; of his victorv j ;jd that this correspond ;'M S'd carry at this time in ' 1,1 the part I took as aj ;ind a writer in the con-; the solicitorship and ''Hieials and members of -: fi t are in the county ic fact that I am hold-1 f!f k in the State- Denart-- of To SimmoilS, Friendship i trade with Persia. The tonnage-; ! left over, after carrying out the! ' Soviet government's program of .transportation, may be used by i4 the 'syndicate for trading pur ! poses. " j (Bv laswell Goimian) Raleigh, Re 'enue. to the ed not be newspaper readers of North Carolina beyond saying. that I am as much entit led to it as any man in the em idov of the state government and I do my work there faith fully ad satisfactorily and earn every cent I receive the first and only 4 'job" I ever askedfor or received at the hands of my Democratic friends. I am " free, white, and 21," Mr. Bost, and I am not asking advice from men who politically are neither fish, flesh, fowl nor even good red SOVIET RUSSIANS ASKED TO SUBMIT NEW PLANS Tnlv 14. No with herring ! July 12. To Mr. J. i W. Bailey, who furnished the ; press oi" Monday, a "broadside"; in which he refers to me and mv . correspondence, I tell him plain-': ly that Col. Watts has never tlie - j tated-to me with reference to my!. . T,o T -i"qc? nnf o ."nifrlr itl'J XiaLTUt', 'J vvrofc -fMN" on T iiifff.v- ther .ioint meetings .;i. vr to.Iott in Tm Russians will be heid by the iinnio r' til 11 PWSnflllPTS wT"; P71 Vl ft TerCCS Cll i 1 1 J 1 1 1 0 V 1. t . . . ti i.wpviu ' ' - ' troc Qccnnltino- thp incftmfi tax UllieSS n-..,nfint i.ti npniiinff for-; tives make known raification. ! submit As tn Senator Simmons, I dare it was you to ask him whether he is myi friend or not, or whether I have been his "unfailing" friind for. the last 22 years. , l ! DESCENDANT OF THE ASP WHICH BIT CLEOPATRA HEAVY FEES A number of citizens, headed by -Mr. D. E. Henderson, have interested themselves in provid iitg an attractwe bathing placo at Smith's Mill pond, and have gone to considerable expense to put the place in shape. They l ave spent considerable money and funds are needed to com plete the work, especially the placing of a top on the men's house and providing an compartment to that, have contributed, bul have not. Any one inter in using the facilities pro are asked to contribute work. Everything is the pond, however, and the public is invited to use it. DID Russian the Soviet Mexico City, July 11. A des rendant of the asp which hit Cleo- I patra has just been found near fur- j Jalaps T Vera Cruz, by a party of the1 exploring naturalists. To con-con-' firm their statements they ' have affairs herebrought the reptile to Mexico representa- ) City where it is on display at the 4i1Q,s- loiVo i p.,.jrt,,.pnt of Agriculture. The I Ill.lL Oil. V vr -veJ-..v. r-; Belgrade, Jugoslavia, July 13. Collecting ten dollars gold from American travellers every time a passport is vised continues 'to be one of the popular occupa tions of officials of the states, of Central Europe. - Any American who wishes to visit one of these countries must pass the frontiers 'of several of the others, and at each frontier the charge is ten dollars a head, and ten dollars every time he passes. One American business man within the past three months has pgjd nizu. "But don't blame us ''blam to submit new proposals, i make in question is distinguished your Stat( decided this afternoon. I by having two horns and aceorrr- renrecn xr-r, !T?,-,eo?oTt vArrPSPTitativAs in? to, local autiioruies ines. plan to have a plenary session protuberances'' brand it beyond A 0fKmi,.n thfl p.oTif erence rhuestion as some distant relative Cl 1 Hi i. V-.! J v.-v" I probably next Wednesday. oi tne asn of the Nile. State Department. saui tati'-e of. the Jugoswi'- T-i f ff r i f -i -i o tti i t h'An.llfMl I ITT CM II. J.. C tcr o' reciprocity with us f har-r-.? m3-r:1 es we too I