-: .fN. ' . v,.- : V -A F-na TUT ini VOL. VVI- NUMBER 35. FOUR O'CLOCK EDITION SCOTLAND NECK, N. C, FRIDAY, JULY 2S, 1922. TELEGRAPHIC SERVICE mm fill I WILL 5 CENTS PER COPY 1W MORROW entative Proposals r awn Up For Settlement The Railroad Strike - r 1 EXECUTIVES WILL dared Samuel O. Dunn MEET AGAIN NEXT TUES DAY IN NEW YORK Chicago Editor of the Railway Age. m addressing the Rotary Club here today. He predicted that the HQUAKE HOI FELT AT V thV, vHy A-ted Press) I outcome of the strike would pro- L 'n-;f wi Vreshin-t-.n, July 2S. With ! mote peaceful settlements of rail- 1l1i.pt J. 1 i- the tentative proposals for set- road labor disputes in the future. rhe conveniences 01- . raveling and . . . f line of accessories, tubes, greases adn furnish complete 1 1 i urawn up a iter eonlerences he- lUOtOr; Trppn fi TVIlvi-f o,,l 1 l.i. mis station wm Aaw i .u., expected to remain more or less status quo pending the meet- veiling. oilmg, ve,v Y()rk next Union officials declined fo comment, but there are indica tions of hopeful progress seen. Peoria, 111.. Julv 28. The cleaning cars. was constructed - Estate and will be C. Air. C. J. Shields sunervisioii. u::!iairement of Mr, i located at tne in VERAL POINTS proposals for the immediate end ing of the railroad strike were submitted to the representatives and executives of the Labor Un ions, according to information ob tained from administration advis ers who talked with the Execu tive. One of these, they said, wa for the roads to waive sen-j l fi ii nnnflior iroc ot'ii oltt kers back, and another to doval"' men seniority and rate adjustment of the sen- (By Associated Press) Guatemala City, July, Julv 28.- An eah shock of consid erable intensity wasfelt here last night, ibut no ? damage was reported. i ' . ;; " Madrid, Spain, July 28. A brief earth shoe I? was felt last night i at Grenada's; causing. -.a consider able alarm, iut no damage. -annual M of The of The cotliandi Neck Bank eetmg Stockholders SD.H.R. GALLS SHOPMEN A CONFERENCE THE USUAL 10 .DIVIDEND WAS DECLARED. WHILE SHOWING AN EARNING OP 20' tii- fundamental issue beiiisr fought j give ' out in the railrof d shonmen's r ipr? w . In till w a vs : t h e - . . f.N.m Halifax to theiQ A t T T C C ouuty courthouse, i rres. Accepts Use or bummer r ne i rum cuunai-y dispute. i'jU Square. Home From Wealthy Friend TheCoalStrike A, Little Nearer Settlement -,'ciated Press) By WALLACE BASSFORD (Special Xesw Correspondent) Washington, D. C.; July 28. The President seems to have a most unforunate manner of ex press! Qg himself, both in his words and his acts. It is given out that i "Ned" McLean, whose father tied up his estate in a 1 spendthrift trust7' so that 'X Ned' . 111.. July 2S. The atoi's continued today Lv.y knowledge of any scheduled peace meeting such as mnntv tiled by John L .Lewis, the iliiurs' President, and the strike seems little nearer settlement. Meanwhile Secretary Hoover re ceive.! assurances from the gov-j emiient that the 'Federal Gov- j (rmuent would receive ' "every - aid in prssiiiL' profiteering m coil hiriii':- the strike emersencv. Tn (K'llV would not be able to burn it up too rapidly, has tendered to the President the free use of "Friendship," the McLean estate in the suburbs of Washington, as a summer White House, and that the President has accepted. He '"with will dwell i nthe home of the rich Ned McLean, renegade Democrat and owner of larsre amounts of rail road- harixb roads shall labor an entire yea in order to obtain $563.04, for that is what the schedule fo' section men in the southern and western parts of the country fig ures out. The statisticians of th flnnflvi ninmmi r mimi uiiiiuiull H BDWiPLETES RECORD TRIP i ! ! t j At the meeting of the officers j and stock-holders of the Scotland Iieek Bank yesterday aftermvm the usual 10 dividend was de clared. The Cashier's report for the year, as of the close of business June 1st. 1922. was aa-fnIW. (By Associated Press iqoo Salisbury, X. C, July 28. J. -Deposits tonfiwann M. Ellis, one of the six shop! Quick Assets 6S.51342 crails ctiairmen ot the Southern Bills Rec. and Stock iaiiroaa roaay received a tele gram from Henry Miller, (Tene? al Manager of the Southern call ing him to Washington fora con ference. He said that a similar message was sent to the other general chairman on the oad. five and Bonds 42,132.00 Bills Pay 145,000.00 Net Earnings 5.117.17 While conditions liavt ben very trying for the past twelve months, as you all know, yet your bank has been able to show ;;r. earning nf n Uttlo nv.n. OfiCf. (By Associated Press) Washington,;' July 2S. The Army Dirigible C-2 arrive dat Aboiden Maryland Proving Ground at six o'clock this morn- Department of Labor print their in? including a return trifS of figures on the cost of living in a T?PV? N,eT r5.011 unicii uie uiritjiDie lert . xsoiimr Field here at five o.'clock yester day afternoon? V the newspapers and show that it takes about one dollar and seven ty cents to purchase the commod ities which could be bousrht for a dollar m 1914. Under such a scale of living costs, can a man support his family in Jsnoh com fort as the President 'descrihfts. provision for education. recretation and a margin for savings?" The section man with a tamily might work every day WEATHER REPOKT Fur North Caroli-na : Partly HMtuiv - ii iriii ana smiiua. Modera!" west and north west vind. Ill CITIZENS COMPENSATED FOB '" THE WAR LOSSES ;By Associated Press) ' -iruL-iulpa. Honduras, July government ot Hon- allotted to certain iiieivhants resident ia :!;..- Tiic sum of 120,00 play oodles golf course and absorb from this j post card favorable atmosphere great quantities of sympathy for the section men who are told by the Labor Board that one hundred thousand of them must toil eight hours per dav without losing an hour in order to draw $563.04 per year for the support of themsel ves, their wives and children and other possible dependents. Tb atmosphere in which the Presi dent finds himself fairly reeks with moral aid and sympathy for SAILOR'S STRANGE WILL ADMITTED TO PROBATE COMMUNITY GLUBWIETIGT THE ROSEiEflTH SCHOOL ROUSE of golf on the private! could not even save the nrTee of London, July 2. Strf jociated Press) the plain workers of the land, while the wine vaults burst with the spirit of liberty. i 11 H JiKt wliflt flip President mfvant when he said the railroads would be run even if he had to "draft the men to run them" is not ex- i&ctJv clear. Hie unite iouse, after attention was called to the statement, denied that it meant what it said. Most men seem to think hat this is still1 a land ot iree- ivsult of the 'black !be optimistic enough to ii-r measures take?i w;ir. ' in which Hon- -ik'd with the Allies. ("iiHi.f-it of some portions p;vs is ironical, 't n aked. ; should the 'iap.-1-isato German cit "' 1 "'s jis it result of the ih iKluras has manv ur- '"'V-il 1'tM lls f.1. oil .It,-...- "Whv :m;s -r.'!!T ! The Labor Board was created by the Transportation Act., of which Senator Cummins was the principal author. The Senator, in a statement before the Senate mere, said: "I suppose those who framed the Transportation Act never dreamed that when the Government undertook to fix the wages of any man who was required to work the pay would be less than would be necessary to support him and his family in reasonable comfort." Those who have been about the halls of Congress for many years could tell many tales of the insidious influence of the big evaporations and their interlock ing interests. It was presumed that this Labor Board was consti tuted in the interests of the workers, but when it gets to functioning it functions for the corporations! Of course the the story of any document told ! in fiction is that of a will which has just been admitted to pro bate and is now filed in Somerset House. A very enthusiastic and profit able meeting was held in the au ditorium of the Koseneath School by the Rosneatli Community Club rane as 1 aiicniwui. ine mum subject brought up before the club was the community fair for Roseneath Township, and the ini tial organization work was ac complished. The following offi- j cers and committees were elect last will and testa-1 ed: "i nT 1 1 - ' i - 1 . Presidet, Mrs. A. F. Leighton. See. and Treasi, Mrs. J. S Lewis. Committee on Forage and Field Crops: G. W. Phillips. A. J. Whitehead, Jr., T. P. White head, S. O. Purvis, Joe Hack ney, A. V. Price, Paul Cherry. F. . C. W o m m a c k . Committee on Livestock : Ru fus Cherry, J. O. Whitehead. H C. Bass. Noah Whitehead, John R. L- -u a. or VOllP llJStltllt I An nnH ehnuri! Vi-r tiie public lias confidence m the manner in which it is being con ducted. it is the pleasure of your offi-" cers to advke that the financial requirements of the community have been met with ease. al though we have been passing through a most trying period. Your officers do not know of a single instance where learitimato credit has been refused any per son in this community, and we fel that your bank has ben the means of preserving thr ovedft oE Scotland Neck r-1 'einitv to h very large extent. We mention liis that you may appreciate the x dic-ies of the institution for th-3 past several years. In the per iod of inflation those in author ity saw that your institution wiis n-it used for the pVomotiOn It is the 41 nient" of a sailor. William Skin ner, who lost his life when his ship, the Indefatigable, was sunk in the battle of Jutland. It is vi the form of the ordinary identi fication disc. On one side, in the usual deeply-punched letters, appears the name, number, rat ing ind religion of the man to whom it had been issued. On the other side the disc ap- riPiiw sit -Fivt ifrVi trk na inct j circular piece of smooth, polished "ar(f Nl; i: ?VV(;n J braesr But when viewed at a ;5lle h- Whitehead certain angle, there can be seen about 75 minutely engraved words. With a miscrope they can be plainly read. They con stitute Skinner's will by which he bequeaths everything to his wife. The disc had been recov ered from the sea with Skinner's The following committees will and still wonder if it is possible, under that ancient document known as the Constitution, to compe line nto labor against their will, except in penal servitud- the Cti. ;pare. Press) K FRESHENS UP IPIFOII'SLAST DOME I -uciited 1 - I H II. . I I """.i ' T--. I! tl:.: (-nr, 1 lei. r II. Xl' to! A AVhen storms have buffeted the mariner about at sea until he is beildered as to the position ' of his ship, he stops and takes a ! reckoning to determine just ! where he is. It might be well vealcd its secret. iTnm tlinnffli n Vnt ha7V na to 1 resident 1'iakps nil its? lnprniio...! i,SntT-ha faA f.nmA in sliin nurl tiiAra lo 1, fjbody and on being cleaned re JtlSL llVTi.C Lilt XA-V X-AWXAi V- ' UiVU i.., - v.i.vi iiVO V.1 IIA ! tne Avhole th mg. This calls to mind the fact thaat a robber schedule of rates on cotton goods was presented in the Senate the other dav bv the Republican ; .i 1 .- y-s. 1 tnairman (ft the Committee in;inr fll flTTUUP APR MPT sistance in makintr this fair charge of the tariff bill. Senator UHr rill II HI H lHI 1.1 llllb. I b W I I IIIW IIWIIIIIW FRENCH STATE GERMANS Pat Harrison jumped to his feetj and forced from Senator Smooti the admission that the head o one ot the larsrest cotton muls in tiie country had actually die- AR MTHE LIFE OF POIHC (By Associated Press) monthly meeting of the club: committees on canning, pantry supplies, and needle work. The meeting was attended by a large number of interested men and women from the township. The Home Demonstration Agent. Miss Bernice Allen; the agricul tural agent, Mr. C. E. Littlejohn: and Mr. Xorfleet S. Smith, secre tary of the Scotland Neck Cham ber of Commerce were in atten dance also md offened their as- an j unqualified success. j i The initiative that the citizens i 1 i L I f Roseneath Township Jiaye L ! shown in this matter is indeed commendable. They have taken the lead in this matter "and asked for the cooperation and assistance of doubtful projects and time hps shown that this polic3r was fully justified. We feel that conditions are steadily improving, but your community has, within the next IS months, a new enemy to meet and overcome. -That enemy is the boll weevil. To do this will take every ounce of brains and ingenuity at our command, but it is possible and we must see that it is done. Plans have been made to this end and it behooves us to see that they are carried out in detail. Should this com munity allow conditions to exist when the boll weevil arrives m force, that exists in soiie jarts of the South today, we would not be worthy of the position that we occupy. This is brought to your attention that you may redouble your efforts to meet the situation, even before it comes. Your Officers ad Executive Committee wish to express to those of you who so loyally sirp port this institution, their appre ciation of your effort in its be half. Xo corporation can reach the hoiirht of its usefulness with out the active support of its stockholders. :ust at this time to pause and tated the rates, letter for letter, j -I j - 1 1 J. , r- i ' 1 l- i- It , 4- .-, 4- , . J I, I I . r-, 1 -r -i -v s . ----- I , T -. " . . trv to determine tne loeauuu xnus tut- mieiesis vl me miujomi i'aris, Julv The rfenchi of the iioi-ue and airrieuiturai 1 1 ; the President on the great labor ' question. A little over a year 1 ago, May 24. 1921. speaking in ;NVw York, the President said: ! " In our effort at establishing m- dustrial justice we must see that j the wageearner is placed in an economically sound position. His lowest wasre' must be enough T uie rrencj.1 avinj: been per- ,. 1,' i',-,-, nr.r.tni.t rn n r-V f TY1 ft Ir f bis loon's last home. .m '.house a home, enough to insure Helena, is to ; that the struggle for existence of paint. ItishaH. not crowd out the thin?-5; ast coat wn!!ni1v wru'th' livinc for. There ears ago. Ot users Ot r-Otton ClOthS, ffinir-.' wvpmmPTit marlo it tnnwn tr.dai hams, prints, etc., are not con-! that it has received what is con sidered at all, but the manufac- sidered absolutely trAithworthy turer is permitted to frame a' information that an attempt schedule of tariff rates on the against the life of Premier Poin imported goods that gives liim j care is being plotted in Germany an entire monopoly of the Amer- monarchists circles, lean market, thus permitting hini to charge as much as the traffic ' must be provision for education, at Longwood, isifor enereation. and a margin tor i the Frencii ! savings. There must b such He it was 'freedom of action as will insure government ioifnll nln- tn tbp individual V financial allotmpnt. i .nhilitip' UVlTi'Z Will OP r-V9Pfvi Aft hpmitifnl AVOrdS II hi Pftn a T'.T . . f -i ,i -r- -I j - x: ur the, i i "ne, liuni greyi we imd the resident supporLis iittf--, ,l3eili W1th true : tne Labor l5oard in its position e -in - domain. -o the nv(i';;c Ujrmees ad doors in eea and dark brown. that one hundred thousand f the section workers on the rail- will bear. Senator Harrison cit-l ed to many instances of divi-i dends having been declared by! cotton mills of from fifty to one hundred per cent in a single1 year, and yet there is a big tex-j tile strike going on in Xew Eng-l land because the mill owners; will not consent to pay the opera--tives a living wage. But it was; for such that the big moneyed; interests dug up their millions toj finance the campaign of false- j hood that drove the Democrats from power and put Harding in the White House. !OTTON MARKET TODAY'S MARKET October - ,21.47 December 21.41 January 21.28 March - 21.27 May r- 2110 agent whereas in the other com munities there has been very lit tle local work done. '"Watch the Rosoieath Fair be a banner Fair. SouveWir Hunters Upset Village Finances YESTERDAY'S MARKET October 21.26 December 21.22 Janu-arv 21.08 March" - 21.0S May 20.85 (By Associated Puess) Hanover, Germany. July 2b Tourists have so ree.lily collect ed specimens of German provin cial and municipal paper money f.hat embarrassment has thereby .resulted for certain communal authorities. The little village of Toste.it, being fhort of funds, issued 10r GOO pieces of paper money rang ing from 130-pfenning notes up .ward. Recently, when an effort was made to call in the no;cs, .only "ne was presented 'Tor re jdemption. Moreover, the 15 -; members of the village council 1 were hailed into court for having Washington, Julv 28. Three violated the banking laws. m coal carrying railroads, the No;- that notes were regarded as folk and Western. Chesapeake shares but paid no interest and, and Nashville, have declared an beside, the issue had not oeen embargo over their lines against . officially authorized, tne coun aecentin any frieght except cillors were released upon plead food stuff, live stock and fueL , in ignorance of the reqwrements. Coal Carrying Roads Declare An Embargo (By Associated Press)

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