0 Pi f3 mi TUT 11 piE XVII. NUMBER 35. FOUR O'CLOCK EDITION SCOTLAND NECK, N. X, TUESDAY, NOV. 28th, 1922. TELEGRAPHIC SERVICE 5 CENTS PER COPY f ILL DEMiD ' Trial Of Negro Assailants Of PolicemanBishopProbably Be Reached Tomorrow T R I ft L (Bv Associated Press) -v- T "V, OS vine, i. Stevens Hall. ED. CLARK AGAIN CONFESS ES TO SHOOTING OF EU GENE BISHOP, NIGHT POLICEMAN. Soaier Tvi Francis NEGRO ORCHESTRA. LEADER JACKSON AND ALLAN WILKINS, COLORED. ALSO CHARGED BY NEGRO DE FENDANTS AS BEING IM PLICATED IN BURGLARIZ ING OF LSV7IS -a CO'Si, STORE ON NIGHT OF SHOOTING. ...;,i,iu- le,h,u- 14th with his choir lead 1 nneared at the County Court! House where the Grand Jury is m n ia-riii the double murder. ( The trial of the negroes charg C"reeial Deputv Attornev Gen-jed with the shooting of night po rli Mott has stated that he; liceman Eugene Bishop and the f nermit lier to aopeiu umiaiiiiuj, ox vj. I JLewis & uo., on tne nignt oi AUfi ! ust 30th. will nrobablv be reached 7 wnllLU HO if ju-ssible to prevent it. AFi.s Sallie Peters, Mrs confidant, said that the widow uhl demand a Hearing. Hair, BRAZIL AWAKENING TO HJE OF PUBLIC HEHLTH AQDtCT AIITIV HllliB .11 Mil I 11 IIUESE-U I IIU I U THIEVES iTiEllCftSE , ST1LII BEFORE I Pi LIG i '4 t By Associated Press) South" eBnd, Ind., Nov. 28. "Whether John Tiernan will car iv out his announced intention of dismissing: the divorce petition against his first wife and have appeal of the paternity case against Harry Poulin dismissed, or whether he will take action to have his marriage to Blanche I Brimmer pronounced legal, re main to be determined by future J developments -despite the profes ! sor's announcement that the re- real Britain Threatening To Break Relations With Greece St.Mary,sDrive GpensFriday - t i-f) (By Associated Press) London, Nov. 28. There is the strongest possibility that Great Britain will break off relations with' Greece if the death' sen tences inr .Ted o nthe former Greek . tomorrow, with Judge J. Lloyd Horton presiding. Attorneys A. Paul Kitchin and Ashby Dunn are representing the town of Scotland Neck and assisting Solicitor Midyette in prosecuting the case. 1 A Commonwelath reporter in terviewed the defendants, Pete , Friddle hailed the car and took T l-i - o n "Pnrl ' v PiPiarKvaiTio anil i j. i o ai c uuniiwii, "tvt iniigu LWO xevoivers irom tne iour oe- ld Cisriv m the liaiitax jail ye cupants and the patrolmen went to summon a patrol while Frid (By Associated Press) Columbus, Ohio., Nov. 28.- Po liceman Grannson Koehler and an unidentified automobile ban dit are dead as a result of the at tempt of two policemen to arrest four men. said to be driving an automobile stolen in Cleveland. Koehler and Corporal Roscoe conciliation with Augusta was moving along satisfactorily. A dispatch from Marshall Town, Iowa,' quoted the bride of a day as saving that she was Tiernan's wife and was going to live with him. ST. MARY'S ALUMNAE IN 37' .1 omct officers are car-. STATES WILL DINE SIMUL at xt 18 stated in official TANEOUSLY ON THAT iC" f n xr ii DA Athens, Greece, Nov. 28. All . -" ' D.ut two of tlle former cabinet of- at "rnvTra" A"sC iAn I ilcers and army officials accused AT ClInd f hi?,h treaSOn iu connection AI SCOILAJSD j Wlth the Greek's recent defeat by i the Turks have been sentenced death HALIFAX LUNCH NECK. ' court to death by a military i hough scattered over thirty- martial seven states, more than 1500. St. Life imprisonment and degra Mary's students and alumnae willj dation was imposed upon Admiral sit down to dinner at the same! Goudas and General Straticos time on Friday, December 1st. terdav. Thev said that the ne- (By Associated Press j Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Nov. s One of the most notable fea- oro orchestra leader Jackson anl tures of Brazils Centennial Cele- Allan Wilkins, employee of Pen liation is the prominence assum j dieton's market, who disappear ed by the question of public.; e(j a few days, leaving no ad health. Means of promoting and fress, were also implicated in preserving the health of the naj the burglarizing of Lewis & Co's. lion are receiving an amount of' store on tne niht of August 30th public attention Jar beyond, tnat which prevailed before the open ins of the celebration in Septem ber. The National Connvention oE PrHfitinsr Phvsieiansi and Sur- dle guarded the prisoners. One of the bandits opened fire with a revolver which was ap parently hidden in the car four bullets hitting Koehler and one striKing iTiaaie m tne jaw MIRACLE HEALER OF NEW ZEALAND-WILL ENTEB POLITICS London, Nov. 28. The Greek former ministers were executed in Athens, says the Exchange Telegraph. It was stated in official cir cles that the immediate with drawal of the British minister to Greece will result. USSIANS AE FROM STARVATION on which Eugene Bishop was shot, and that Sam Webb, who escaped on the day after the shooting, was also implicated. Ed Clark confessed to the in terviewer that he did the shoot- geons, and the International Gon-j ing. Kress for the Study -at- iiepro.sy, . - : t -: . a - - ." both of which were held here v month ago, gave a strong im- 1 yl UUU U pulse to the movement which has; ITjUUUjU been gathering headway tor in a last few years. As part of the official program of the celebration, corner stones j wer laid for two enormous gov ernment hospitals in this city, work on which is now under way. A federal department of public health is now in operation pend ing the establishment of a feder al' Ministry of Public Health, which probably Avill be created in the near future. Work is about to begin on the construction of a lepers' isolation colonv m the state of Rio de Janeiro which will accomodate about 7,000 patients. The Inter rational Congress for the Study of Leprosy gave close attention to the figures of the last last of ficial census showing that there are more than 15,000 lepers in Brazil, and as a result it is expected that legislation . will 1 be enacted to promote a rigorous campaign to stamp out this! piague. After about five years work :n Brazil, it i,s reported that the Rockefeller Foundation head- (Bv Associated Press) Wellington, N. Z., Nov. 25. Wiremu Ratana, the Maori mir- The corporal emptied his revolver ! acle man of New Zealand, is re thp ban.' norted to be about to enter dits as the car sped away. Later, a car answering tne description was found in West Jefferson with the body of a man on the rear seat. GRASS ROPPE SUCCESSFUL IN CAMPAIGN CANADA (By Associated Press) Berlin, Nov. 28. Fourteen million Russians were saved from apparently inevitable starvation through the steps taken to cone Avith the recent famine, declares the All-Russian Central Execu tive Committee in a publication issued here. The dissolution - of domestic hunger relief organiza tions also is announced. The American Relief Adminis tration, which is cited as having led in the amount of assistance uiven by foreign, organizations, is credited with distributions amounting to 1,080,000,000 pounds in foods, clothing, and medicaments. The committee ex presses special thanks for this help, and for that also of the American Friends Service Mis sion, the Nansen Relief, the In-j ternational Workers, etcetera. Saskatoon, Sask., Nov. 28. It is estimated that 1,096,000 acres of grain in this province were saved this year by the grass hopper campaign, according to the tenth annual report of the field crops branch of the De partment of Agriculture. The cost o.f the ingredients used was less than than in previous years, a considerable saving having been effected by modifications made j m the poison bait recipes. Damage to the rop by grass hoppers is estimated at 67,200 1 ities which replied to the ques-l tionnaire sent out. This is over! 72 percent of the crop in affected areas, and gives a calculated loss! of 93,000 acres for the whole of the province. politics. Ratana cjame under wrorld no tice about two years ago as a worker of miracles in healing. Unlike the usual healer, however , he shunned publicity and contin ued tL woik on his farm, teach-! ing his people industry and tem perance. He denounced the an cient Maori wizardly, ad ascrib ed his powers solely to faith in the Divine Power The Anglican Church went so far as to approve the work he was doing amon the Maori. M rtl M IN- Jl )W UC11CVCU LW backing the movement of four of his followers to contest the Maori seats at the next general election in December. He is being criti cized for the alleged use of his spiritual powers in the material field of politics. the opening day of the Campaign to raise $100,000 for their Alma Mater. The hour is one o'clock. The purpose of the luncheon giv en simultaneously throughout the country is that there might be a united expression of the interest and co-operation that every alum na of this institution feels in the campaig that is now on to raise $100,000 for the school's endow ment fund and other imperative! needs. Nearly fifty county Jalumnae organizations in North and South Carolina and ten or more state organizations will show their in terest and willingness to co operate in the campaign by ob-i servin;g this unique .feature of i t a 1 -n, the opening dav. Speeches and! x?ted0?rC8SL. talks by prominent alumnae and pAA ? ' -"William friPrfs inWatPd in th Sm,ks ?hi McAdoo is cited to appear r? .1 " -n u w oeiore wulge Clark to answer " "- e- - " Charirp nt siipp ikt nt tl,Q ypfinnnpuiiDPrn iviuuuunHnuLU WITH SPEEDING the luncheons, College songs will of fitvone be sung and everything done to a rate s an hour make the occasion remmiseent of former days spent at St. Mary's. There will be no solicitation of funds at the luncheons. A luncheon of Halifax County Alumnae will be held here . . on that date, Miss Laura Clark being chairman of the local committee. GOVERNMENT TO FARMERS ASKED VRGNA GOVERNOR WIL L un a nn n mill iiu nuu DDir II II I 8 111 131 AT THI ni 1111 ITI01L CISLATION HOT CALL SPECIAL SESSION OF LEGISLATURE (By Associated Press) Washington, Nov. 28. The es tablishment of machinery for government Joans to farmers without the use of banks as inter mediates was asked by Herbert Baker, President of the Farmers National Council befose the Sen ate Agricultural Committee at its first hearing on rural credit legislation. S SESSION WEATHER REPORT (uarters in this city are about' to close the work of prophylaxlal For North Carolina: Fair to- agamst the hookworm and other' orb t and Wednesday. Cooler LEs0F G0S1GBESS in extreme East portion tonight. Rising temperature Wednesday. Strong north and northeast wind ; ! 'jU intestinal ailments being handled from now on by the federal and state health departments. Another sign of the imes is the intense campaign now being wag ed h- li country in favor of the develop 1 nnTIPU Pflllll PCC Q 1111(1 aem of outdoor sports, especial-j Dnl 1 IdM U U V blVLU UjUUU h" Tfifithnll v(iwi'ti fpTiniu nnifi box in jr. The South American) Olympic Games, ad the Inter- J National Football (Soccer) Cham-i pinsliip, which were held here I" during the first part of the tVmonnialj Ceifb ration, have,; nt tted public taste for athletics to an extraordinary degree, Fir Pfj s victory over Tracey, in Ar ?entina, has set Brazilia nerves tingling with the idea that South America ma v nrndnp.ft n chain- IHUiV i F HtllVI I llklllllll 1 I 11 New Bern, Nov . 26. Cr,aven county is beginning to see mater- (By Associated Press) Richmond, Va., Nov. 28. Gov ernor Trinkle announced that he j had decided not to call a special session of the legislature as he had not received pledges enough j from either house to insure the passage of the Road Bond Bill. He stated that he was still willing to . call the session if by December 15th he received suffi cient pledges to show a substan tial working majority in both branches favorable. mm ALWAYS READY A JAUNT FO (By Associated Press) - j Washington, Nov. 28. Chair- j man Cummms ot the interstate j Comission said that 1ALL0NS OF ILK ial ad verv encouraging returns from its agricultural campaign inaugurated last spring. A com pilation of reports made by the county agent, e). C L-awton, on shows that evei- ten thousand! tion act until next Congress. dollars worth of pure bred hogs'; and over a thousad dollars worth i he had abandoned plans for rail- road legislation this winter and would not introduce his , pro-t vosed bill for the amusement ot j iAILING SHIP INDOSTRY T ROWS IMOVEMEN (Bv Associated Press) London, Nov. 25. The annual r!the Esch-Cummins transporta- report 0f' the British Sailing j Ship Owners Association, whicu 1 has 916 ships of 113,046 net tons on its books, says that the de-(, 1 4-1 rivmiln r o 1 r r r til f- London, JNov. i.J urn isn onm-n Tn ftthr words here Friesian cow named 'Brookside p . ... , nvnvpT1; Colantha, ' over eight years old, . thousand dollars is not only producing d,uuu ga - b then it gix , ths Ions of milk a year, but is work- ing overtime to beat this record. a0 The cow is milked four times From Mr. Lawton's figures. a day and has frequently given f made up from reports of seventy 1 ' . . MM 1 . niniiTnrrnri i n i ii i i mi t ii . . i : r.f nonltrv have been rjroducedi Lli U I Ul LUli N K h K I W , pression oi uie snipping muu.n v x - 1(1111 .11 I ll.l I II Ill-Ill I II I UIUII I UL.L.IIU 111 lj ; ENTERTAINED IN Pion in the fistic sport, with thd more than 11 gallons m-one aaj. result that thp vniiTir horkfifnls r.F She has had five calves, and has ..n . " o f n t. - "... u Brazilian tamilies are now Rearing the "smoked lamp" bfie of that pastime. fho main object of this-ntiw tlmsiasm for. athletics is a stronger Brazilian raca Official figures published on kail's one hundredth anniver Jry of political independence iovul that there are 145 per So living inRio de Janeiro who yielded more than 50 times her own weight in milk. There are said to be 59 "2000 gallon" cows in this country, of which 55 are British Friesians. were alive when Brazil broke away from Portugal in 1822,that is. a century or "more old The oldest member of this brigade has passed his 148th birthday- five per cent or xne pig ciuu members, there were 119 pnrc AIRPLANES By Associated Press) Berlin. Nov. 28. ''Rubber- for the past year has been worse than at any period" since the war. Despite the "fact that freights are still unremunerative; however, conditions in the sail ing ship industry are improving. At the recent annual meeting of the Association the chairman said the index number of ship- I ping freights was 46 in January, (By Associated Press) Mexico City, Nov. 28.Presi dent Obregon is not a stay-at-home. Contrary to the custom ofhispredecessor, President Car ranza, who scarcely ever left the capital, the present executive travels extensively and during his administration he has "grona visiting" on an average of once a month. He never journeys more than a day's ride from Mexico City, but there is never a day of fiesta in any of th towns within within that radius that is not attended by the presi dent. His private car is stocked for travel at all times and, ac cording to his aides, they are al ways prepared to go on a jaunt. The president will'take a swing through northern Mexico next December, going first to Tampi co and then . throiigh Nuevo Leon, Coahuila and Chihuahua to his native state, Sonora, whera he will spend the Christmas holi days. COTTON MARKET. is its bred pi's impor ed at an initial neck" 'airplanes are now being 1921; 33 in December, 1921, and orea pigs impuj ieu, at au iAV, ! V - -u. nf ;n tlontomlr 1Q99 it was as row 111 JV,Jl"WV j - as 27. Although there had been a smaller decrease in the num ber of sailing ships since pre-war timee, as compared with the pre vious decade, the result was due principally to the increase in the United States, which at present owned 41 per cent of the world's , ao c-i-i . i oi m;iit-; nnprntpH for the sightseers ot COSt OI JpO,iJX aiiu. a luiai vwov " i' 1 - " e 7onn mAa Tndav t.Tio! Berlin. One company has as UJ. 1 pV7lAiXXJ.O. ' J - . T 'I rr brftfdiner numoses signed ten maenmes ior aan CUJX1V J-Vl --'-' v CD X J- '"lit i T wArti, 10 740 and the total flights arouna tne capuai, ywj. h J.J. w 7 w 7 is 35.800 pounds. There have been only small losses to the boys, and practically every one who raised his pig this faa has done so at a net profit of well over fifty per cent. suburbs and neighboring places of interest. Trips around Great er Berli and Potsdam are made in the forenoon, while shorter excursions fill the matinee sche dule. . TODAY'S MARKET DECEMBER; 25.23 JANUARY 1 25.27 MARCH 25.33 MAT 25.25 JULY 24.94. sailing tonnage. YESTERDAY'S MARKET DECEMBER .. 25.06 JANUARY 25.04 MARCH - 25.13 MAY 25.03 JULY 24.78 I